Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again chapter 19

Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again 19

One Flower (3)

“…a jousting?”

Asena followed the instructions of the student council president, Lucille Hover.

The student council president drinks tea and nods.

“Okay, Asena. There’s going to be a jousting match on the coming holiday. The weather will continue to be sunny… don’t you think it will be fun?”


“So, after today’s class, let’s all get together. I have to set a budget.”

Asena didn’t like it.

It’s not a gathering, it’s a jousting.

“…is it the people of the Knights Department?”

“Of course.”

“…is everyone participating?”

“If you’re not hurt…everyone will participate. I have a lot of questions today, right?”

Everyone, of course, also included Kayden.

I felt uncomfortable.

His interest in Cayden had barely waned…

Things are starting to get complicated again.

Kayden will step out in front of others again.

I came to know about it when I came to the academy, but noble girls had fantasies about knights.

Is it because of the fairy tales I heard as a child?

Of course, Asena, who had heard many fairy tales from Cayden, secretly had fantasies about knights, but selfishly, she didn’t want others to have fantasies.

‘It would have been fine if my brother wasn’t just a knight…’

She sighed.

Daisy Hexter came over and grabbed Asena’s shoulder.

Asena seemed to know that this was bothering her.

“Don’t think so hard, Asena. Budgeting shouldn’t be that difficult. If you do, you can check how you did last year.”


“Actually, I’ve seen a few tournaments held in our territory. Pretty fun? So, empty your head and prepare with the thought of having fun.”


“Oh, isn’t that something to worry about? Because of my brother in the Knights Department… Ah.”

Daisy closed her mouth at Asena’s cold eyes as she spoke.

The word ‘brother’ was like Asena’s wrath. When touched, the atmosphere changes violently.

Daisy tried not to forget, but she kept making mistakes.

The atmosphere changed in an instant, and the student council became silent as if dead.

Still, Asena thought that the atmosphere would change like this.

Everyone seemed to know what message he was trying to convey.

Not to bring Kayden into the conversation. I knew that this alone could draw more attention to him.

Asena wanted to keep the story about Kaden as quiet as possible.

He already had the perception that he didn’t think of him as a brother or sister. He also informed me that he was not family. The goal is all accomplished.

As Kirsi did… he didn’t even need to curse him.

‘Asena and Kaden have a questionable relationship.’, ‘I don’t know what the relationship is.’ recognition is the best. This awareness will help in the future announcing their marriage to Kaden.

So Asena was speechless.

“…Is it okay if an event like a jousting match is already held?”

I asked around the subject.

In any case, Asena was the opposite of this competition.

“It’s an academy tradition. Having fun watching the knights’ jousting matches, and making friends with still awkward friends. There is nothing easier to make friends with than to be happy watching a passionate game.”

“….All right.”

At the word of tradition, Asena stood up. Lucille Hover calls her.

“Ashena, where are you going?”

“…I want to catch my breath. I will come back later.”

Asena left the student council room.


Asena went to Kayden.

He was still managing his own garden today.

Asena loved this garden.

‘Cause I’m in a secluded place, and Kayden is always there.

The blooming flowers don’t take Kaden away from him, so nothing could be better.

Coming here, Asena also felt more at ease. Maybe it’s because he’s there.

I felt like I was out of the academy where I had to keep the tension.

“…Well? Is Asena here?”

said kayden.

Asena resisted the urge to rest comfortably in his arms. It is necessary to maintain a certain level of dignity above the head of the household.

Kayden raised herself almost like her parents. Because the love he gave was so warm, Asena didn’t even know it was defenseless.

Asena looked at Cayden’s garden before stating her purpose.

The planted seeds were coming up with green stems. It was interesting to see it grow every time I saw it.

Cayden, feeling the gaze on his garden, said with a smile.

“Did you grow up a lot? I think flowers will bloom soon.”

“He did not die and grew up well.”

“It’s because you help. Did you even water them from time to time?”

“It didn’t matter.”

“still. We grew up with our sincerity.”

He didn’t show it, but his words only made the growing flowers look more beautiful. Realize that it is a life that has been bloomed together.

Asena squatted next to him.


I called out that happy name just by spitting it out.


Asena put her head on her lap and looked at him.

“Is there a jousting match going on?”

Cayden nodded.



Asena is silent immediately. This time, Kaden looks at her like that and asks.


“…Is it okay if you don’t go?”

she asked In a moment, silence comes. The wind grew louder, and the swaying grass rubbed against each other and made a sound.

After a long silence he asks.


“…a jousting match.”

The sound of nature comes again. Asena looked into Kaden’s silence for longer than expected.

“…do you want me to look like a dead mouse?”

A very finely sharpened reply came back. Others wouldn’t have known about it, but Asena quickly noticed that Caden wasn’t feeling so well.

Asena instinctively knew that it was the moment when she had to give a good answer. No one else cares that much, but… I became more cautious because my opponent was Kayden.

“……It’s not that, I’m afraid my brother will get hurt.”

To be honest, he is right. I want you to live like a dead mouse.

But I thought I shouldn’t say that, so I turned around.

Fortunately, perhaps the correct answer, Caden smiled and ruffled her hair. Asena instinctively leaned her head toward his hand.

“it’s okay. you might get hurt And if I don’t go to the competition even though my limbs are fine, what will people think? Still, I don’t have a good reputation.”


Asena came all the way here to convince him.

don’t go out I was planning to issue an order if I had a car, but the atmosphere was wrong and it became difficult to speak.

Imagine Cayden going to a jousting contest. I saw him in front of a lot of people.

Courage bloomed in Asena’s chest.

Open your mouth to convince him.

“Brother, don’t do that, this match is-”

“- Asena.”

His firm voice resounds.

“…I’m leaving.”

Asena couldn’t say anything else.


“Please cheer for me that day, okay?”


With a complicated heart, Asena finished her answer.

When that day comes, will I really be able to support him?

It didn’t stop him from going to the tournament, but that didn’t mean he gave up on everything.

In the end, Asena disliked the gazes on him. He didn’t like the attention he got.

So I had to sleep. Just like Kirsi did.

“…Brother, then instead of leaving…”


“Can I prepare the equipment?”


Kayden’s head looks at her. A small look of anticipation appears on his face.

“really? you?”

“yes. I’ll give it to you as a present.”

At those words, Kayden seemed happy and approached Asena and wrapped an arm around Asena’s shoulder.

Asena felt her face turn red immediately. His body odor was close enough to me.

She still had a firm expression on her face, but she couldn’t look into his eyes.

“I only have a brother. Then I’ll ask you, Asena. The armor is already there. Do you know?”


It was brought from the Pryster family, so Asena knew it.

“The only thing missing is Lance. If you tell me to prepare, just prepare it. Do you know the dimensions of the lance?”

“…I’ll ask you while I’m ready.”

She answered, suppressing her pounding heart.

After that, the two broke up while talking about their daily life.


Asena found the armory.

There were also many other knights department students.

They each seemed to be preparing their own equipment ahead of time.

When Asena appeared, a worker from the armory rushed out and stood in front of her.

clasping his hands, he asked.

“What did you come here for?”

“I have come to prepare the equipment for the upcoming jousting. No armor needed, only the lance.”

“Oh, I see. Did you know that there are also lances offered in jousting matches?”

The worker said that there was no need to make it here. Asena nodded her head.

“I know.”

“Well. And if you’re going to make it to order, you’ll need to prepare three or four. Competition lances break easily.”

“I see.”

Looking at the nodding worker, Asena lowered her voice and asked carefully.

“…I heard that there is a standard for Lance.”

Without knowing English, the worker also lowered his voice.

“…yes. There is.”

Even after speaking out, Asena ponders for a moment. It reminded me of Kaden who was happy. But soon after, he shook his head.

Still, Asena didn’t want him to shine in front of others. His charm could not be communicated to others. only you need to know

It is said that serious injuries are rare in jousting matches. It’s not uncommon, but it’s rare.

If so, Asena hoped that Cayden would be eliminated quickly. Then it will be

Then he won’t shine, and there’s no reason for others to covet him.

She said.

“…make a lance shorter than a span… no… two spans.”

The worker digested her words for a moment, then asked in embarrassment.

“….Yes? Then you will be at a disadvantage in the match?”

“I know.”

The worker blinked as if he did not understand, but his head nodded at her words.

“…that…then I will do that.”

There was no one in this academy who recklessly disobeyed the nobles.


Asena opened her mouth at the question that came to mind. In fact, that’s what I’m most worried about.

“…that…whoever uses this…will not notice that the lance is shortened?”

Asena imagined Cayden noticing her filthy behavior. Probably nothing more terrifying. He should never have known.

The worker rubbed his chin.

“…if you don’t put the two together and compare them, it will be difficult. The lance is so long that it’s only a span or two, so it’s barely noticeable. You have to play to see it.”

“…and that’s it.”

Asena nodded her head.


On the day of the jousting match.

“Are you ready, Judy?”

Judy took a deep breath, as if nervous, and nodded her head.


“I’m ready too.”

I clenched my fist.

Judy responded with a slight slap on my fist.

After that, we dispersed and went into our respective waiting rooms. Even if it was a waiting room, it was a small tent that was built temporarily. My horse rush, and my armor was ready. Lance hasn’t come yet. Asena said they would bring it soon.

Outside, looking at the tent entrance, there were a lot of people.

Everyone was chatting with excitement and eating snacks.

Everyone was dressed neatly and came out. Since it was the day to take off the academy uniforms, handsome men and women who did not know were revealed one after another.

It seemed that the whole academy had gathered. It was the perfect place to change my reputation.


I shook my body and released the tension. I didn’t tell Judy, but I was pretty nervous too. For my plan to succeed, I had to start off well here.


Rush also snorted and rolled his feet. He seemed to be excited by the noise he heard.

“Good luck, Rush.”

I approached Rush, stroked him, and opened the pocket on the saddle. Fortunately, the items prepared were placed inside without any problems.

After that, I started putting on the heavy armor step by step. Shiny black armor.

It was a nice piece of armor that seemed to show the power of the family. It was a gift from Liana’s grandmother. My heart was warmed and I felt stronger.


Kirsi comes in with the tent tilted back. She stiffened as she looked at me in armor. It was my first time wearing this armor. Judging by her reaction, it seemed okay. Well, maybe it’s acting.

“…it’s okay?”

“Yeah, that’s cool.”

“Asena? My lance hasn’t arrived yet.”

“I’m here.”

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the tent. Soon, men with Asena and three or four lances entered.

I smiled.

Thank you for the sincerity you prepared for me. The gossip is still bitter, but I am grateful for what I am grateful for.

The men carefully set their lances down on the floor. A small print of the Fryster family was hung on the handle.

To be honest, my heart was excited that it was only for me.

“Hey…thank you Asena.”

I smile and pick up a lance on the floor and snuggle it under my armpit. The handle is soft.

Another impression immediately after.


“…how are you, brother?”

Asena asked.

I thought to myself.

What, why is this a little short?

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  1. LuxX says:

    No, damn, what kind of thinking is that? Why do they think everything will end well?? I want to kick them, there should be no forgiveness for them.

  2. SenatorArmstrong says:

    Im getting an aneurysm. They lack critical common sense, Jack.

  3. Avitas says:

    Sociopaths in love

  4. Gustavo says:

    Esas dos estan cabando sus propias tumbas…

  5. D F D F says:

    This will be the firsr time I won’t cheering for obsessed girl. This just plain stupidity.

  6. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    I wonder if Asena just want to be hated. Because that certainly looks like what’s going on in her head. She does know her brother is skilled with weapons right? Did she really think an expert wouldn’t notice it if the balance is off. Even if, IF he doesn’t notice immediately the moment he uses the spear in a fight he would notice when he can’t use it as easily as he used to… and who gave him the spear and told him not to enter the match recently? Oh yeah, his own sister. I supposed just because Asena likes to read book doesn’t mean she’s wise, at all. Because she’s an absolute idiot is what she is.

  7. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    What the fuck are they doing…

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