The Extra Saved the Terminally Ill Princess and Run Away chapter 35

35 - Triang Village (6)

35 – Triang Village (6)

* * * *

It’s quiet, and the stillness isn’t uncomfortable.

Even so, all I hear is the sound of my feet stomping on the ground and the sound of heavy breathing.

It happened because no one dared to break this awkward silence.

Glancing, I moved my eyes and glared at the only person who could explain the situation to me. It was easy to guess that she was the cause of the silence.

That’s what she, Grace, said before I went to sleep.

-About that, I’ll talk about it slowly, so Berry-sama, please go in and rest.

‘What the hell did he do to make him look so depressed?’

Unlike Grace, who doesn’t feel much different from last night, despite the strange current flowing between them, Grace and Lily,

Lily had been walking silently since morning, not making eye contact with any of the party members.

The undesirable role of cupid towards me and Grace stopped, but I couldn’t help but look at Grace because I didn’t want this situation.

I continued to stare straight at Grace, and she turned her head to me.

For a moment, I felt relieved at the thought that I could finally hear the answer to why Lily’s condition had come to be like that, even vaguely.

The moment I caught Grace’s expression in my eyes, I wondered if I should spit out the nutty words again.

The moment her eyes turned to me, when I confirmed that my eyes were pointing at Lily, she suddenly felt very sorry for me… Isn’t it like looking at an orphan who has lost his or her parents?

I didn’t know what the hell the conversation was going on between them last night, but the situation given as a result was beyond fucking.

Lily let out a sigh as if the ground was going to collapse, Grace looked at me pitifully, and Anna, the alchemist, was gasping for breath as if her stamina had already run out.

“Let’s rest for a while.”

In the end, it was me who broke the uncomfortable silence. Lily and Grace’s curious eyes turned to me.

It was because he suggested taking a break even though he could reach his destination, Triang Village, soon.

When he nodded at Anna to look behind him, the two of them nodded their heads shyly when they finally checked Anna’s condition.

It was hard for Lily to guess, but it was easy for Grace to see that she had been blaming herself for not knowing Anna’s condition beforehand.

“I’m sorry, Anna, I’ll give you a refresher. Come on, this way.”

Grace hurriedly seated Anna on a rock near the corner of the road and began betting on rejuvenation.

“I’m sorry…I’m not strong enough…Mr. Berry is carrying my luggage…”

“Don’t say things like that, Miss Anna. Each person has a field they are good at, and there is a role that suits them.”

Grace began to comfort Anna by patting herself as she began to cry and blame herself.

Considering the fact that she hired Anna, who was mentally weak, as a colleague, Grace really couldn’t be the best person.

‘Nevertheless, everything has merits.’

Yes, what to do with what happened now?

At least, that far-sighted Grace must have crossed the line by saying this or that.

She had done her part only by accomplishing her original purpose of putting an end to Lily’s cupidic behavior.

Leaving behind Grace, who was rejuvenating herself by talking with Anna, she moved to Lily.

It was because I thought it was my role to make Lily feel better.

* * * *


Lilithiana’s gaze, which had been staring at the ground at the sound of footsteps approaching her, slowly turned upward and eventually faced Berry.

“…What’s your business?”

“I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.”

It wasn’t that I didn’t know. Even so, the girl had no choice but to give a blunt answer to the boy.

“I’ll take care of it, so can you leave me alone for now?”

Because the bitter taste, once deeply recalled, left its traces for a long time.

It was because he realized that his affection for the deceased attendant could never be reached.

To myself who was hurt by thinking about him once again, to the boy who was no different from the traces of an attendant looking at him with the friendly smile he had seen before.

The girl had no choice but to distance herself from the boy.

It was because I felt guilty.

The attendant who lost his life while dedicating love towards himself died without receiving a single moment of reciprocation in the end.

… No, the girl herself killed it. It wasn’t really like that, but it wasn’t that different from that.

But what is the current situation?

The boy, who must have been left behind by an attendant, is showing affection towards himself. It is also the love that goes hand in hand with the ark.

It wasn’t a matter of like or dislike. It was just scary.

She was afraid that the boy would be reciprocated for her affection. I was afraid that I would be kind to the boy even once without knowing it.

The return that he could not give to the attendant who saved his life, gave him grace that he could not repay even if he spent his entire life, and eventually even gave up his life… .

I always paid attention to my own actions, not wanting to give it to the boy who was the trace of the attendant.

A boy who already has a goodwill towards him shouldn’t misunderstand the meaning of his actions.

So the joy I felt when I saw the boy face to face with a girl named Grace was indescribable.

It would have been easy if it was simply to throw it away, but it was because it was a very difficult task for the girl of today to establish a proper level of relationship.

Act in a way that will not misunderstand the meaning of the person you are interested in, and keep your distance. Even so, he did not blindly treat the boy coldly.

It was a very difficult challenge for a girl with little life experience.

That’s why the girl was happy that her plan worked out unexpectedly, and was blatantly disappointed when she realized that the plan didn’t work out.

That’s right, Grace is pretty and attractive enough for a girl to think… Also, it had an outline that men couldn’t like.

The feelings of a boy who did not exchange favors with such a girl even for a moment… Because I didn’t think it would be solved as easily as I expected.

And again, fear came upon the girl. Holding tenderness and affection together, fear was about to knock on the door of the girl’s heart.

In response, the girl raised a thorn to protect herself, and the boy’s heart was pierced by the girl’s thorny words and actions.

“I’m worried, I’m worried…”

“Worrying? Who are you to worry about me by even going so far as to worry about this?”

“Isn’t it a party together?”

“Are you serious about that?”


“I was worried because it was just the same party, so I started talking… Are you serious?”

Even though the boy’s voice passed the prayer, it lingered in his mouth and did not leak out. It was because I couldn’t think of a way to deal with this situation.

Although the girl realized that she had been treated too coldly, she could not retrace her steps.

It was because he was wary of the fact that if he withdrew his remarks and apologized, the distance with the boy could become too close.

There was, of course, a way to amicably resolve this situation.

However, the boy, Kim Bin, had never had a proper relationship with people in his life because of his miserable life.

It was the same with the girl.

It was a near-miraculous probability that such a boy and a girl would find the right line and end the conversation, and of course, no miracle came to them.

It was only because the girl moved her lips again and raised her voice in the direction of the boy who kept his mouth shut and pursed his parched lips.

“I want you to take care of me. I know that I have grace to repay you, and it’s not that I don’t have feelings of gratitude for you. That’s why I entered your party without saying anything, and unlike the others, I will maintain some level of friendship with you. I have enough thoughts.”

“Is that so.”

The boy was happy to hear that the girl intended to keep his friendship, but he was also sad.

It was because the nuance of her words foreshadowed the outcome of what the girl would say next.

The girl glared at the boy with a determined expression.

It wasn’t poisonous. It wasn’t even cold. Still, it was bitter enough for the boy.

“But that’s it. Keep the line. The best line you can cross is ‘friend’. If I see you cross the line again… I’ll repay the favor in any other way and cut ties with you. “

Cut the kite.

The girl’s words became an awl and pierced the boy’s heart. It felt like the tears I couldn’t hold back were about to spill out.

“…I didn’t even do anything. But why…”

Why are you reacting that way? It was quite predictable that the boy would say that, so the girl interrupted the boy.

“Because I know your eyes. And those eyes… I don’t want to receive those eyes from someone who doesn’t have my heart.

The moment he heard the girl’s words, the boy recalled the bitter memories he had experienced in the past.

Because he was looking at the girl with affectionate eyes, he was glared at and beaten with magic.

Pain and sorrow rush in like a tidal wave, and squeeze out my heart like it’s bursting.

Even so, the boy had doubts because he couldn’t bear to understand.

Who the hell is it, Ian Cedric the boy knows… No, more than that, did he monopolize the girl’s affection?

It was a question I had because the girl’s behavior was more resolute and merciless than the original.

“Can I ask you one thing…?”

So the boy put the question into his mouth. Because it was so hard to understand.


“When did you fall in love with your fiancé…?”

The girl tilted her head.

It was because he couldn’t guess the intention of the boy’s words.

If you ask me about my identity, it was worth it. Other personal information, such as age or origin, may also be asked.

However, what the boy asked himself was not about the fiancé, but when the girl herself fell in love with him.

That was all the boy asked, so the girl couldn’t help but tilt her head.

“A few months before entering the academy.”

The boy shook his shoulders.

It was because he realized that the girl’s partner had really done what is called ‘vacant house robbing’.

He became convinced that he had feelings for an unexpected extra.

But the boy couldn’t help but agonize.

And every time I took another step towards my destination, I had no choice but to expand my thoughts.

The more he intervened, the more he learned that various environments and situations differed from the original work.

Then, Liliciana, the girl she has been involved with since the beginning… Because I’ve never had a crush on Ian Cedric.

In other words, the act of stealing the heart of a girl who has already fallen in love rather draws the girl into the NTR route. to think.

The boy loved the girl. I also wanted to protect.

I didn’t want to lose the girl. I wanted to protect my first love.

He didn’t want the girl to get hurt.

Showing one’s goodwill might be poisonous to the girl.

Even so, they could not give up on the girl, and there was also anxiety that the girl might be in danger anytime and anywhere.

In the first place, it was questionable whether these thoughts and assumptions were really valid. Because there is no hard evidence for this.

Because it was difficult to draw a definite conclusion from such complex emotions and thoughts.

The boy continued to suffer even after arriving at his destination, Triang Village. to find the answer.

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  1. Jecker 17 Jecker 17 says:

    This is seriously annoying. Was MC’S original plan to make her hate Fin and then approach her with another persona? And could he not even bother to learn more about her so called fiance. I feel like it will solve all their problems.

  2. Kinda Sad says:

    This novel is a fucking seesaw of suffering, I swear. At least one of them must be fucking miserable at one time…

    1. Masterplay says:

      The only ones truly suffering are us readers. This is just painful, but I’m really hoping the payoff is worth it.

  3. Whatever says:

    Even MLs in regretful novels don’t suffer like her😭😂

  4. SAad says:

    Jesus Christ this is getting annoying now

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