Surviving as a Saint in Another World chapter 55

Surviving as a Saint in Another World 55

Faith (2)

Robin still had a clear memory of what had happened since the day this whole nightmare started.

The beginning was a terrible and painful memory.

A person turns into a monster that eats people, and it hovers endlessly in the same place, unable to escape from the space dominated by such monsters.

The friend who went through that hell together started to become a monster, and there was still no sign of solving the situation.

Even if he survived today, it was only a temporary delay in his death, and it was obvious that he would die soon.

Ray always said that Lord Orion is merciful even to lowly people like us.

Ray was always smarter than himself, so he never questioned that statement, but does that mercy reach those who have fallen into hell?

But unlike himself, Ray faithfully believed in Orion-sama, so Orion-sama would take care of him too. If he could go outside and ask the priest for help, he might be able to save Ray.

Somewhere in my heart, I knew that it was a futile hope, but if I didn’t think so, it seemed that I wouldn’t be able to gain any more strength.

And even such a life has its limits.

Surrounded by too many orcs to count. Death seemed inevitable.

Maybe Ray was also included among those numerous orcs. After all, even if he died, he wouldn’t fall from him. It would be nice if he miraculously returned to human form and escaped.

The moment Robin gives up on everything.

The enormous white light blew away the orcs.

Even though it was so white that it hurt my eyes, strangely, instead of hurting my eyes, I felt comfortable looking at the light.

Robin and the survivors, including Robin, were dumbfounded until the bloody-looking man took care of all the orcs after that.

It was only natural that the monster, which had to be dealt with only by 2 or 3 men with proper weapons, was prepared to die, and was being dealt with as if catching flies.

Conflicts arose among the survivors when those who introduced themselves as clergymen explained the situation after showing off great majesty. Because the goal was not to rescue, but to deal with the people who caused the situation. They even admitted that they were trapped here.

However, Robin was a little happy that the fact that the priest was not the culprit of this situation and that the priest was busy trying to solve the situation proved that Ray was right.

However, all of that became a meaningless conflict due to the situation that occurred immediately after.

A sudden seizure of the party included in the priest’s party. And a priest standing in front of a human who began to transform into a monster in an instant.

The human who had turned into a monster quickly regained his true form.

A miracle beyond killing monsters. A priest who calmly does something the survivors never thought possible and stares at the survivors with burning white eyes.

Overwhelmed by the sight, everyone simply lowered their heads and averted their gaze.

Deep in their hearts, the survivors finally understood that the being in front of them was a different being from them.

But in the midst of that, the thought of being able to save Ray filled my head.

If he hadn’t been immersed in that thought, he wouldn’t have been able to say what he wanted in front of white burning eyes.

If you think about it again, it was absurd. Fortunately, the priest accepted his words despite the party’s dissuade.

There was little hope that he would finally be able to save Ray, and Ray was not in the last place he remembered. All that was left was the chain that had bound him.

As despair engulfed Robin, one of the party shared a hopeful story.

Saying that maybe Ray could have been captured by the people who caused this situation.

Robin accidentally headed to the place where the culprit of the situation was with the priest.

There, Robin witnessed a sight that could truly be called hell.

Human corpses hung on poles like garbage. Humans running away to live with injuries like beasts being hunted. Even monsters so hideous that they cannot be considered creatures of this land.

It was such a terrible space that the sight of a human being transformed into a monster and being eaten by such a monster felt like a medicine.

In this space where only the word hell comes to mind, Robin witnessed heaven at the same time.

A wall of brilliant light covering the sky as if this terrible space could not be tolerated.

The dark world until just now is filled with light brighter than midday, and the light gives a strange sense of stability without being hot or dazzling.

How is it that the body is naturally energized and people’s minor wounds are healed?

A space filled with brilliant light that heals both physical pain and mental suffering.

The scenery was so far removed from reality that everyone, including Robin, stopped moving and turned their attention to the person who performed the miracle.

Imagine the wrath of the man who performed this miracle. Anticipating that aristocrats would strike the mace of judgment with feelings of contempt and displeasure, as commoners do to commoners, and commoners to commoners.

For a moment, Robin couldn’t understand the emotion on his face.

It’s so different from my thoughts, it’s too human emotions for a great person who shows such absurd miracles even if he doesn’t know anything.

I was holding back my tears. The feeling of sorrow that I couldn’t bear to hold back turned into tears and flowed down my cheeks. My mouth trembled pitifully as I tried to endure it all.

It was a feeling of grief and pity that even the viewer was devoured.

Immediately after that, at the referee, Robin inadvertently knelt down and bowed his head.

Even though he knew that he was not standing on the guillotine of judgment.

Rather than being afraid of the referee, I didn’t want to make him sad. I didn’t want him to look at me with such sad eyes. I didn’t want to disappoint him.

I will not reject your will. I will devote myself entirely to your will.

A natural respect for someone who makes you think that you can give your all instead of bowing down and kneeling in order to survive.

Robin dimly noticed that many other people on their knees shared similar feelings.

Even the devil worshipers who created all this.

He looked upon the end of such a devil worshiper with pity.

While passing judgment on the vicious people for the sake of the poor who died here, they suffer, thinking of all those who died, including the person being judged, as victims of the tragedy.

How much love do you have to have for others to have that kind of attitude? It was an infinite love that Robin couldn’t understand.

That’s why when the person who showed off that look a while ago still called out his name, and when he mentioned Ray without forgetting it, Robin couldn’t hold back his emotions and kissed the back of his hand.

It was at least the best etiquette Robin had learned from Ray.

But even there Robin’s journey did not end. Even there, Ray was nowhere to be found.

Even when he gave up on himself that maybe giving up now might be the right thing to do, he still urged the way to find Ray.

In fact, his role would have ended here, but he moved once again despite everyone’s dissuade to find Ray.

He was happy to reunite with Priest Rhys, whom he hadn’t seen in a really long time, but the fact that Ray, who had always accompanied him at the meeting, was not there made Robin’s heart ache.

I felt ashamed that such a great person was working hard to save his friend, but he had to wait for the result because there was nothing he could do.

Priest Rhys, who heard the circumstances from Robin, quickly noticed Robin’s feelings. Right after that, Rhys fell into a big conflict.

It was dangerous to take Robin to the central church now, but it wasn’t that the child couldn’t understand it.

“Robin, shall we go after you?”

“Yes? But he…”

“These words must have been considerate of you, who lived in that hell for several days. Instead of suffering like that, it’s better to follow. It might be dangerous, so let’s just watch from a distance. We have to meet Ray as soon as possible.”

“Can I really? Oh, no…I’m fine…”

“Unlike Ray, you still can’t lie.”

“Ray is always caught lying to the priest.”

“So you don’t have to deny it. No one will blame you for how you feel.”

Finally, Robin nodded.

The two of them headed for the central church. They did not enter the church, but decided to spend time sitting in a chair near the main road where the church is located.

Rhys also had his own thoughts. If the story close to the revelation was true, it would be certain that there would be a disturbance in the church, no matter how small or large, and he thought of stepping out even if the situation went strangely.

From nob le mt l. com

Let’s spend some time like that.


There was a commotion in the central church, but it was bigger than I imagined.

“What do you mean?”

A tremendous roar that could never be heard outside if the defensive voice was working properly.

It was clear that things had taken an unexpected turn.

“let’s go.”

“Yes? Where…? Priest!”

Reese walked straight into the church without delay.

If something happened to the person who had awakened his delusion, he intended to take over all the problems instead.

The priests inside the church were also heading to the place where the roar came from, so the two jumped on board and headed to the place where the sound came from.

And Robin finally learned the true identity of the person he was following.

A human figure soars far above the steeple of a church.

Subsequently, a grotesque form surrounded by white thorns appears on top of the steeple of the church, and a confrontation ensues between the two.

After a while, the angel plucks out the pure white wings he had hidden on his back, and with one gesture of his hand, makes a white thunderbolt from the sky and strikes it down.

Monsters hit directly by the lightning disappear in an instant.

The sights I saw in the slums were amazing enough, but this one was on a different level.

At that time, if I had the feeling that a great human judged fallen humans, I felt that this was an angel directly judging the devil’s servants.

yes, he was an angel

Robin, who had seen what could only be called a miracle from the slums, had no choice but to come to that conclusion.

Although he had once heard from Rey that great wizards could fly and strike lightning, Robin was still convinced of his conclusion.

It wasn’t just the angel’s overwhelming presence that made Robin so confident.

The interior of the building where the angel disappears back into the building and blends in with the priests.

Perhaps the fallen archbishop the angel had spoken of was dying in the arms of the angel.

It is still difficult for Robin to understand, the affection for others that even feels alien.

It didn’t look like a human being to see that he endured malice so many times and made him pay the corresponding price for the crime he had committed, but still covered up even the perpetrator until the end and suffered because of it.

To Robin, that was the biggest proof that he was an angel.

After praying for the dead, the angel’s gaze turns to the monster lying dead.

Could that monster mean Ray? Is it already too late?

The moment Robin despaired.

A halo of light covers the surroundings. Light emanating from the dead Archbishop flows into the angel’s body.

As if the Archbishop, who had repented of his sins, would pay the price even if he died.

The angel wrapped in the light succeeds in turning the being that has completely become a monster into a human with the archbishop’s last will.

The human who returned was, of course, Ray. The angel eventually kept his promise.

The moment when Robin could not hold back and was about to shed tears again.


“Saint Ronan! Wake up! It’s dangerous to pass out like this!”

The angel lost consciousness and fell down.

It was then that Robin understood that angels were not gods, and that, unlike their infinite love, their power had limits.

And the fact that he risked his life to save his friend, an orphan from the slums he didn’t even know.

Robin was overcome by an indescribable sensation.

Much deeper than longing, much heavier than gratitude, and different from affection.

With Robin’s shallow knowledge, it was difficult to explain the feeling that seemed to devour him.

If Ray had noticed Robin’s heart like this, he might have said something like this.

It’s probably a feeling called faith. A feeling you only feel when you’ve made up your mind to offer sincere worship to God.

Robin couldn’t think of the word, but instinctively felt that he would be devoting the rest of his life to the angel.

Soon after, armed city troops accompanied by the princess stormed the church, and the situation was settled.

However, the situation was settled and more shocking rumors began to spread throughout the empire than the story that the church was threatening the saint.

A devil worshiper hid in the middle of the empire, and the devil worshiper was preparing a terrorist attack. They created a barrier of light that covered them, summoned dozens and hundreds of thunderbolts to pulverize the unclean church, and performed the miracle of turning all those who had turned into monsters back into humans. Rumor has it that he begged for.

It was an absurd rumor that made everyone who heard doubt whether their own ears and the head of the speaker were normal.

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