A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 109

A Veteran of the Hero Academy 109


Deok-cheol woke up to the sound of the clock.

He shook his head to distract his still hazy mind.

I saw people lying around.

A princess with her mouth wide open and clinging to the sofa.

Kiana is sleeping with her sword in an upright position.

Even Vicky, who spreads openly and sleeps scratching his stomach.


When he turned his head to the sound of the paper flipping, his daughter Hyejin was still writing the data.

“Did you even get some sleep?”

“It’s fine. I can sleep after the trial is over.”

Hyejin answered without taking her eyes off the paper.

For several days, I couldn’t go out of the office to find the good deeds of a child named Aiden.

What kind of person is it that it is so difficult to find good deeds?

Even finding light good deeds was difficult.

I wondered why such girls had gathered to help such a human being.

Deok-cheol got up and put water on the magic heat treatment machine.

As the fragrant smell spread, the clouded mind cleared.


Deok-cheol, who was returning with coffee, accidentally hit the chair where Kate was sitting.

“Aww! Aiden is in the sea of fire of the wicked Virgin Church! To save me! Like a scene in the myth of the birth of a hero, he sacrificed his life! He drew his sword shining like dawn before the sun came up! You have saved me! aah- If this isn’t the achievement of a hero or a hero, what do you mean?! Everyone!!”

Kate got up like a seizure, rolled her eyes, and memorized lines one after another.

Almost at the end, it was howling.

Isn’t that too far gone?

Obviously it wasn’t like that just yesterday, but why did the lines suddenly change like that?

Embarrassed, Deok-cheol stepped back, but this time hit the sofa where Kiana was sitting.

“…Aiden has always been fighting the great evil within him. Because of his existence, malicious rumors circulated about him in the academy, but the hardened Aiden did not care at all about it and went his own path silently. Even on a rough and hard road, he takes a moment to take care of the people around him…”

Kiana, who was holding the sword, opened her eyes and spit out words without stopping.

“Huh? What, it’s already morning.”

After finishing the line, Kate yawned and stretched.

“Oh, can I have a cup of coffee too?”

Kiana, who had regained her composure, asked Deok-cheol.

Deokcheol nodded and pointed to the glass.

“I’ve been stuck here for three days, and I’m so tired.”

Kate got up and relaxed.

“Still, today is the trial day. I think this should be enough.”

Hyejin gathered the papers and arranged them on the table.

The paper was full of inflated content after collecting Aiden’s few good deeds.

Deok-cheol was also questioning whether that would work in the courtroom, but that person is more important than what he or she proves.

If the princess Kate read it, the weight would be different.

“Of course! I made it after barely sleeping for three days! If this doesn’t work… you know?”

Kate opened her eyes and glared at Deok-cheol.

“I put the greatest effort of my life into this trial.”

“What’s the point of hard work? Results matter- right?”

One corner of Kate’s lips rose ominously.

Deokcheol couldn’t help but nod his head.

I just wanted the judge in this trial to be someone I knew.

“Hey! You ignorant, big-breasted bitch!! Wake up!! You have to go to trial!!”

Kate woke up by kicking Vicky’s sofa, who was still sleeping.

Deok-cheol constantly reiterated the arguments and objections in his mind.

If there is even a slight chance of winning, you can win.

“Then let’s go!”

Kate exclaimed, kicking the office door vigorously.

It just opens by pushing it with your hand.

Deok-cheol went out last and erased Kate’s footprints on the door with a handkerchief.


“Then let’s go.”

‘ said Cardinal Robert, touching the robe he had been wearing for a long time.

It is to put pressure on the imperial side in the courtroom, so it would be better to be as glamorous as possible.

He also held a large gold wand in his hand.


Andrea, who had now decided to walk the path of a saint, took off her formal black nunnery and put on a white dress.

A brown line was drawn over the dress to show that she was a saint of the Earth Gods.

Seeing this, Cardinal Robert was moved again.

A saint of the Earth Gods.

Although I haven’t made five wings yet, I’ll be able to one day.

Even by concentrating all the power of the Great Bridge, I will make it happen.

The appearance of a saint of the Earth Gods will cause quite a bit of wind.


Scarlett felt like her intestines were being twisted as she saw Andrea in her robe.

Obviously he was as confident as Andrea did, so why did he already have wings?

There is no way that he lacks anything more than Andrea.

Suddenly, I remembered Naked Andrea kneeling down and licking Aiden’s semen like a dog.

Could it be that there is no sincerity in their actions that makes the difference?

No matter how hard you try, you can’t really win?

Scarlett took control of her twisted stomach and slowly retraced her actions.

Agatha looked at Scarlett’s face with a funny look and gently put her hand on her hip.

Now that the butt part of Sister Scarlett’s robe was torn and buttoned, she could touch her bare skin immediately.

As Agatha said, Scarlett was not wearing any underwear.

sleazy year-

Agatha smiled contentedly and put her fingers in.


Scarlett could no longer focus on jealousy.

Andrea exhaled a small breath and tied a gold necklace with the design of the Earth God around her neck.

The gold necklace gave off a warm light for a moment.

Preparations are complete.

Aiden-sama will be able to be protected if the Holy Mother of Earth God and the cardinal testify.

I got up from my seat, trying to ignore the disturbing thoughts that kept coming to me.

“Is that Cardinal Robert?”

Suddenly Andrea wondered if this dress she was wearing would look pretty in Aiden-sama’s eyes.

“Yes, Saint Andrea.”

Cardinal Robert answered with a benevolent smile on his face.

“Does this dress look good on you?”

Wouldn’t it be better if the chest part was a little more indented?

“…Yes, it is very beautiful. It is as if the goddess of beauty came down to the world. It is as neat as a flower blooming at dawn.”

After pondering for a moment, Cardinal Robert answered firmly.


Yeah, he wouldn’t be able to beat that red girl with his chest anyway.

In that case, it would be more advantageous to show a different charm.

“Then let’s go. For the sake of God-“

Andrea lifted her hard face and smiled gracefully as usual.


The imperial capital of the open courts came alive from early hours.

Although public trials are usually open to civilians, their participation rate was low.

Many people gathered at the place of public execution, but people were not interested in the boring trial.

Even if it was the ordinary people attending the trial, there were only people who came out because they noticed that they were at home, although there was nothing to do except those who were related to the case.

However, today, unlike usual, quite a number of people appeared in the public courtroom.

O’Hellion, the new judge who made the first decision shortly after taking office, was perplexed.

Obviously, the seniors pretended to listen and said that there would be no problem even if the imperial court made a decision?

O’Hellion hurriedly checked the records of today’s trial.

Seeing the defense attorney for the defendant, O’Hellion coughed in vain.

Deok-cheol Jang.

No, why is this person here?

I heard that he had recently reached his retirement age, but he resented why he was acting as an attorney for the trial he was assigned to.

It was vivid to see him still yelling at him with his beaky eyes like a tiger.

O’Hellion hurriedly read the document again.

Witness 1. Claire Ariane Behen de Eponine

Witness 2. Kiana Elias Ralph Yee de Charpe.

The name of the princess and the name of the duke were clearly written in the witness.

I think my head would explode even if the duke’s name was written on it, but the princess’s name was also written on it.

O’Hellion’s head felt dizzy and about to explode.

‘ruler! Just go to the courtroom! For once, just nod your head with a solemn expression on your face. Then, when both claims and proofs are complete, there will be a heavy hammer in front of you. After pounding with it, roughly match what the imperial family suggested, and you’re done. how easy? So, decide what to eat for lunch and come.’

I remembered the senior judge smiling coolly and pushing his back.

If the witness has the name of the princess on it, where is the opinion of the imperial family?

O’Hellion wanted to go back and ask the senior judge, but he had already sat down.

All he could do was turn over the documents with a solemn expression on his face.

Another group of people appeared in the public courtroom.

This time, it was the priests who wore clothes with the pattern of the Great Bridge.

“Seo… Saint! A Saint has appeared on the Daeji Bridge!!”

One of the guards, who was watching them attentively, made a loud noise.

In the eyes of O’Hellion, who hastily turned her gaze, she saw a beautiful woman wearing a necklace, the symbol of a saint.

She smiled benevolently and slowly made her way to the front seat.

The cardinals, the nuns and the clergy followed.

For the past few decades, the position of a saint in the Great Bridge has been vacant.

Why did the saint of the Daeji Bridge, which was so empty, appear here?

O’Hellion wanted to throw off the judge’s suit and run away at any moment, regardless of the dignity of the judge.

However, O’Hellion’s efforts to get to this point caught the ankle.

‘My son has become a judge! Neighbors!!’

I remembered my father, who was throwing pork in the village, smiling as if the world was dying.

It was certain that if he beat the judge and went back to his hometown, he would be beaten to death with a pig’s club.

O’Hellion bowed her head, pretended to check the documents, and made up her mind.

Wouldn’t both of them be satisfied if the verdict was somewhere between the imperial family and the defendant?

Or, wouldn’t it be better to first make a judgment according to the defendant’s argument and then get scolded by a senior?

Then the door opened and the defendants with their hands tied appeared.

“Eunin! See you later!”

An exotic beauty with attractive brown skin was seen smiling and waving her hand.

In front of him, there was a handsome man and an ordinary-looking but not good-looking man.

“Is this a little tense? Is there any magic to calm people other than that p*ssy magic? I’m about to suffocate and die-“

The man with a bad impression grumbled and sat down on the defendant’s side.

“…Please do I have to call my magic in such vulgar words?”

“It’s p*ssy magic. p*ssy magic.”

“No… Yeah, I don’t.”

The handsome man let out a long sigh and sat down.

O’Hellion suddenly became curious about the p*ssy magic that men were talking about.

What the hell kind of magic is the name…

“Your trial is ready to begin.”

Hearing the words from the side, O’Hellion kept a solemn expression and nodded her head.

“Then the trial will begin.”

O’Hellion declared with a low voice, just as he had practiced last night.

But he couldn’t hide his trembling voice.

Deok-cheol looked at O’Hellion and smiled with a smile of conversion.

A face he knew as a judge appeared.

Even a new judge who has been scolded by him several times.

Victory leaned more this way.

Deok-cheol looked at O’Hellion with a face that scolded his successors.

turn it off-

O’Hellion, who made eye contact with such Deok-cheol, felt his liver shrink.

He took a quick breath and maintained his expression.

“… Let’s begin the trial on the charges against the accused Aiden and Skal joining the virgin school. First, let’s hear the prosecution’s argument.”

O’Hellion started the trial according to the order in which he memorized the moon.

“Kumkeum- I’m Jeqian of the Imperial Prosecutor’s Office.”

The prosecutor, who had been designated by O’Hellion, got up from his seat and bowed his head lightly.

fine please.


O’Hellion prayed earnestly inwardly and focused on the swordsman with a solemn expression.

“The defendants have been charged with joining the Virgin Church. The Virgin Church is a new religious group that has recently emerged in the Empire, a very dangerous religious group that kidnaps virgins and beats all non-virgin women to death.”

The inspector who was speaking paused for a moment.

This is a group that has a huge negative impact on society.

He made a face and nodded.

“The charge of joining such a religious group is a serious crime punishable by the death penalty under the Special Act on the Virgin Church…”

“I have an objection.”

Deokcheol raised his hand lightly.

Deok-cheol, a former judge, could not have known that he had to raise an objection after the argument was finished.

However, because of the princess who was constantly biting her from the side, she had no choice but to raise her hand.

He could hardly stand the pain and almost screamed.

“…After hearing all the arguments of the prosecution, I will listen to the arguments of the defendant.”

O’Hellion tried to avoid Deokcheol’s eyes.

“I’ll tell you later. The charge of entering a virgin school is a heinous crime that can be treated with the death penalty, but our prosecutor’s office further deepened the investigation and found that the two defendants were not charged. I’ll do it.”

The prosecutor smiled satisfactorily and sat down again.

As soon as the swordsman finished speaking, O’helion raised his hammer.

Did I say tap twice?

O’Hellion, whose memory is ambiguous, first hit it three times with a hammer.

Because it’s better to have an abundance than to lack something.

“I will make a verdict. Since the prosecution has given up the prosecution on the basis of no charges, the defendant is acquitted.”

O’Hellion made hasty judgment. O’Hellion was able to breathe comfortably only after the verdict was passed.

I hope this time ends soon. O’Hellion wanted to kiss the prosecutor who had given up on proving the charges.

“Hey hey hey! I’m innocent! I’m innocent! Innocent! Innocent! Justice triumphs!!”

The man with a bad impression got up, raised his hands up, shook his hips, and danced excitedly.

A handsome man was standing next to him, with his face in his hands and shaking his head.

“What?! What’s so easy!! What are you?!”

“Princess! We have won! Calm down!”

“What do you win to win!! We stayed up all night, how did it end so refreshingly!!! We don’t have to fight while pointing fingers at each other!!!”

“The verdict came out not guilty! Calm down, Princess! We have won!!”

“Look at that bastard dancing!! It’s stupid! Why am I for that bastard!!!”


Let go-!

The trial ended in vain with the last cry of the torn princess.

“The… Saint?”

Cardinal Robert called Andrea in an anxious voice.

The trial was so futile that he did not even have a chance to appear.

Cardinal Robert was worried that Andrea might have changed his mind.

Ah- As expected, Aiden-sama…

Andrea shed tears of joy as she watched Aiden dance.


“The trial is over, so why do I have to be here?”

said to be innocent I think it’s over when you look at the handcuffs on your hands.

“They say that you can only go out until the trial of Xaviert-sama is over. It seems that the trial is tied up.”

Scald scratched his head and replied.

“I don’t know anything about her trial. I want to go out quickly and wash up and rest – why can’t you go?”

I didn’t think he would let me go even if I complained anyway, so I sat down again.

“I will begin the trial against Xavier Fote. The charge is obstruction of the empire’s territorial expansion.”

The boring-looking judge mumbled in a sleepy voice.

After eating well for a few days, the bastard, whose skin had become supple, stood up and went to trial.

A light silence descended on the judge’s court with his dignified and unmistakable appearance that looked like a hero to anyone.

The allegations are obstruction of imperial territorial expansion.

No matter who you look at, the Empire is not garbage.

What should I do if a strong man is like that?

So will you be sentenced to life imprisonment or death sentence?

The bastard’s lawyer was yawning as if he wasn’t interested.

Even the lawyers took that attitude, and there was no bastard side in the judge’s office.

The word show trial the bastard was talking about was correct.

Looking at it like that, I felt weak.

I think the bastard is pitiful.

Most of all, the bastard’s strong and big breasts broke my heart.

“Let’s start with the prosecutor’s argument.”

“Despite the legality of the empire’s territorial expansion project, Xavier Fote took advantage of his position as a warlord of the desert tribes to unite a small number of tribes and continue to engage in violent and illegal interference. The damage has gone beyond the calculable range – I ask the accused Xavier Fote to life in prison.”

The prosecutor’s side read what was written on the paper without sincerity.

There have probably been several trials like this before.

And, as always, the bastard would have been humiliated.

I was obviously getting angry, but the bastard just stood there indifferently.

That look was very frustrating for me.

No, it looked like a scoundrel.

If it were me, I would have been angry and the road would have turned all over.

Well, it’s not my job anyway.

I slowly ruffled my scruffy hair with my hands.

The problem was that there were other frustrating people in the courtroom besides me.

“These scumbags of the Empire!! How dare you say such rubbish to Xavier-sama when you are an aggressor!!! Atone for that sin with death!!! For the sake of Oasis!!!!”

Suddenly, one of the people who was sitting got up from his seat, shouted with evil, and threw something in front of him.

“For Oasis!!!”

As if the man’s words were a signal, people stood up and threw something.

They probably threw it at the judge or the soldiers around him.

hey but f*ck you

…I don’t think you have enough throwing power.

Why the f*ck are you throwing it at me you crazy bastards?

It was obvious that these crazy bastards didn’t even practice throwing and went straight into action.

No matter how strong the type of battle, basic practice is necessary, but the guys overlooked it.

And I don’t know why, but I have come to accept the sins they overlooked.

An ugly-looking square object fell right in front of me.

It looked ugly as if something had been added to it, but a cute picture was drawn on it, probably because the person who made it was strange.

And the mana packed inside the square object shook my heart as if kale squeezed the rice bowl tightly.

A loud beep sounded in my head.

But it was always too late to hear the beep.

It’s the same this time.


A deafening roar resounded –

An explosion filled with scorching heat approached me.


’cause I’m innocent

After all, this world was a difficult environment for an innocent person like me to live in.


I hurriedly grabbed Scar’s collar and dragged him away.

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