A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 115

A Veteran of the Hero Academy 115

I’ve heard it said that a person must have at least one clear goal in his heart in life to have a meaningful life.

So, has my life come to this point while living without a goal?

Then I had one clear goal.

To brutally and horribly kill this mother, mad, senile old man.

That was the goal that ran through my life.

“You’re thinking differently!”

To the right, a sword without even the energy of the mad old man approached me.

– Calm down boy!

I already had it set up, damn it.

f*cking old man with a mother.

Biting his teeth, he poured energy into the luna sword like crazy, and raised the luna sword vertically.

Suddenly, a clear sword formed on my Luna sword, blocking the old man’s attack.

The moment when I first smoked a sword during these six months of crazy camp training was still good in my eyes.

At the border of death, the will to live like a stalwart gave me the status of swordsmanship.

As soon as I smoked the sword, I rushed to cut the dog-like old man’s neck nicely, but my deadly sword did not defeat the sword that did not contain the energy of the mad old man.

An old man’s sword with no energy and a gray sword that burns brightly with all my energy.

If the two of them collide, if it’s a hundred, my sword will win in the world.

I realized again with terrible scars that the world didn’t make sense.

As if blocking the dragon’s tail, the muscles of both hands exploded, and the sword flew like a candle in front of the wind.

He clenched his teeth and raised his divine power to urgently supply the broken muscles.

Both hands, which had lost their strength as they spewed out blood, held the sword firmly again.

Seeing me like that, I raised the corner of my mouth with an expression that I like the crazy old man.

It’s a broken old man.

Considering the age of the old man with little wrinkles, it was a well-founded argument that the old man’s love had exploded.

This time, he swung the Luna sword from right to left with his recovered arm to prevent the mad old man’s sword from stabbing him.

When he collided with the mad old man’s sword, his muscles exploded again.

What the hell is this crazy old man made of?

After such a hellish time as usual, my body was wallowing on the ground covered in sweat and blood.

Why didn’t I jump right away on the day the water was filthy?

The capital city sucked and the academy got shit together, so why didn’t I run away from the capital city?

The idiot-like judgment of staying in the capital for a week or more after the capital was shattered gave me half a year of hell.

In a hazy state from having shed so much blood, he slowly recalled the now hazy memories.

The first problem was mating with Vicky.

‘I’m a little piled up?’

I could be sure that no one could refuse Vicky, who threw her clothes off while licking her red lips with her tongue.

I spent three days in Vicky’s arms like that.

He forgot to sleep and forgot to eat, only shaking his back.

When Vicky’s hymen was no longer playing, she fell off with Vicky.

‘Hmm- I think it’ll be enough for a while now.’

At that moment, Vicky, who had a satisfied expression on his face, left with a gimmick.

Vicky packed up and went somewhere.

Rumor has it that they are constantly moving north in search of stronger monsters.

The way he behaves as he pleases, along with Vicky, laughed so much that he coughed.

The second problem was dinner with the trio of nuns after Vicky left.

A trio of nuns suggested that we have dinner together before departing on the path of St.

There was no way I could refuse the meals offered by the beauties.

I enjoyed the evening with them and drank the alcohol the beauties gave me.

I was mesmerized by Andrea’s soft hand, Scarlett’s bewitching smile, and Agatha’s cuteness, and drank like crazy.

It was morning when I woke up and I was lying alone on the bed.

I don’t know why, but I was so weak that I couldn’t walk, so I had to lie there all day.

The third problem was Luna who came to me in the dark night.

Luna has been avoiding me for a long time, probably because she felt very sorry for me after that incident.

Then he appeared with a leash in front of me lying in the hotel alone.

I think I came here to express my regret and obedience to myself, but I felt pity for her withered away, so I forgave without knowing.

Well, the only thing I lost in that situation was the money Luna gave me one day, so it was easier for me to forgive.

Somehow, I survived again, and I also gained the convenient power of divine power.

But I just couldn’t let it go.

Because if you leave it like this, you never know what will happen next.

And then I promised that I would love you.

I pulled the leash roughly and loved Luna for a long time.

Luna constantly craved the pain I gave her, as if she was addicted to drugs.

As a mating king, he thoroughly educated Luna from the ground up and carved it out.

Except for magic, Luna, a weak body, was rather easier than Vicky.

After a day like that, on the bed soaked in blood, I was able to receive the promise from Luna.

I said I would never see you again if I broke it, so it seemed to have some effect.

The problem is that Luna is now calling me ‘Master’, and I don’t think there will be any problems with going back to the academy again.

Luna, who gave me a long kiss the next day, disappeared saying that she had something to prepare.

That expression looked happier than any other expression I had seen, and I felt a firm determination, and I felt proud as the king of mating.

The last problem was Kate I ran into on my way out of the capital.

There was no way I could leave Kate crying and holding me.

We enjoyed a brief date while looking for intact buildings in the damn capital city together.

I wondered if it was okay for the royal family to walk around with such a bright smile in a situation where people’s livelihoods were disrupted, but it was not my business, so I didn’t bother to get involved.

After walking around happily for a day like that, I was swept away by the atmosphere and went to the hotel.

Kate, who said that the princess could not go to the hotel, followed her face with a black cloth she bought somewhere.

There were few luxury hotels in the damn capital.

I had already been to the hotel three times, so the ignorant staff saw me and gave me a thumbs up to go up to the room, and then I was beaten by Kate for a long time.

Of course, the fist didn’t hurt.

So the fuss slowly brought about a ripe atmosphere, and we mingled frantically.

Intercourse with a princess in the damn capital brought me a different feeling.

The next day, with only her face removed from the blanket, Kate asked me what number she was.

you are the last

Hearing my answer, Kate made a strange expression, clenched a few fists at me, and stood up.

Kate picked up her clothes and opened her mouth slowly.

‘Kiana has returned to her hometown. The nuns left to walk the path of a saint, and the redhead went up to hunt monsters in the north-‘

Kate in her underwear smiled brightly.

‘So I can’t stand still. I will move too. You will constantly work hard.’

Kate made eye contact with me and slowly pulled the dress up.

‘No matter what the other kids are, I will always be honest. As a princess, I can’t go under other kids, can I?’

Saying that, Kate’s smiling face looked more mature than just a few days ago.

Watching Kate say something wonderful, I also chose a horse.

I also felt like I should have a nice line.

‘good luck! You can do it.’

I smiled as gentle as possible and laid my voice down.

‘Isn’t this really crazy bastard?! What?! good luck?! What do you like about this Horo bastard!!!’

And after that, I was beaten up for a long time.

“How long are you planning to lie down for?”

My thoughts were broken by the voice of the mad old man.

“I can’t afford it any more. Just do it for today. Master.”

That momentary sweetness made me wallow in this hell for half a year and never give up on life.

“Hmm… can’t you really move?”

A crazy old man stabbed me in the arm with a knife.

old man like a ghost

Blood spurted from the puncture site and a burning pain was felt, but I did not avoid it.

It was clear that if he avoided here, he would have to spend hours of torture under the guise of this training.

“Ahhh!!! It hurts! It hurts!!!”

Of course, that didn’t mean you had to put up with it.

The crazy old man who had been thinking about my reaction for a moment put his sword in.

That dog Shifal Horo is a crazy old man with a broken mother.

He slowly healed the remaining wounds by using the remaining divine power.

Of course, scars will remain, but it was enough if there was no blood.

When will this grueling training end?

If only this training could be over, even my soul to the devil-

– no!!! No devil!! huh? Sado, let’s be patient…

“Take this-“

A sheet of paper flew over my fallen body.

“What is this?”

He forced his hand to open the paper.

“This is an invitation to the Continental Academy.”

The mad old man said with a look of disdain.

Continental Academy?

It was the first place I’d heard of such a f*cking name, but if I could get away from this old man, I’d love it anywhere.

“Hahaha! Call of the Continent! This is the inevitable duty of talented people! It can’t be helped! Continental Academy! According to the call, I must go there!”

It was the happiest moment of my life to be able to escape from this hell.

“tt. It’s become useful, but it’s still not enough… I’ll start with graduating first.”

The crazy old man clicked his tongue.

Guess I’ll never come here again

In order to survive, I had to somehow be stronger than that crazy old man before graduating from the academy.

And I will engrave on the belly of a crazy old man what Cheongchuleoram is.

By the way, the Continental Academy is a name with a unique ambition.

I opened the invitation slowly with anticipation.

On the open paper was written a bizarre sentence that far exceeded my expectations.

*♚♚Dae☆Look Academy♚♚Gold $$ upon admission☜☜100% guaranteed warrior upon graduation※ ♜Talents gathered from all over the world♜Meetable¥ §§Provide an opportunity to catch the devil §§★Beyond the advanced warrior★ Opportunity to get the highest level champion @@@XMFWE132DF☜☜Invite code required!*

what the f*ck is this

Feeling ominous, I hurriedly let go of the bell.


“I hope you have a pleasant trip to the Republic-“

The dizziness diminished, and the unfamiliar scenery welcomed me.

Elongated buildings unified in gray throughout.

Even people walking around in clothes that are not as colorful as possible.

The republic had a completely different atmosphere from the empire.

Among them, there were some foreigners like me, and there were people in brightly colored clothes walking around.

I slowly descended the stairs of the warp and mingled among the people.

At first, I was also wearing gray clothes, so I could quickly blend in like a local.

The signs of the buildings were written in an incomprehensible language, with small explanations in the Imperial language next to them.

Feeling the subtle discomfort, I slowly looked around the Republic.

cold side?

what is that

As I was walking around, I saw a strange sign.

And obsessed with it, I contemplated whether or not to go in.

Inside the shop that I glanced at, there were a lot of people from the Republic of dark colors sitting.

But wouldn’t it be delicious to see so many people sitting there?

I counted the money in my pocket.

After a lot of chaos, I didn’t have much money left in my pocket.

How can I spend my little money like this?

What if the food doesn’t taste good?

“aah! Do you guys know who I am!! Dare to me!!”

As I was thinking about it for a while, I heard a familiar scream from the alley next to me.

I looked around, but passersby didn’t seem to care about the screams in the alley.

If it was the Empire, a few people would have already jumped in to report it or stop it.

It’s a really rough country.

Out of curiosity, I slowly moved toward the sound of the scream.

As I went deep into the alley, I saw someone being beaten up next to a pile of garbage, surrounded by five people who looked like Republicans.

“I’m D’Shawn of the Conred! You rude bastards! Do you know who I am!”

I saw a guy who was yelling like he was being beaten up.

Oh, it’s you again, Deshon.

A person I met in a foreign country brought me a strange welcome.

Suddenly a good idea popped into my head.

I slowly picked out the lines.

It’s the first good deed I’ve ever done, but I have to start with a pretty cool line.

Stop there guys!

Is it too cliche?

What a cruel world to be a robber in broad daylight.

it’s too squishy

“Hey there, comrade, come this way-“

When I was choosing lines like that, I first found myself there.

“Eh… Aiden! My best friend Aiden!!”

While the violence stopped for a moment, De’Shawn, who saw me, hurriedly ran to me.

“You came to the rescue! Aiden!”

Deshon said to me, hiding behind my back.

“Bad bastards are putting their faces out there! Are you still human?”

He pointed to Deshon’s face, which was so chewy that his taste buds fell when he looked at it.

“…you shouldn’t rub it – I didn’t hit you in the face.”

Deshon answered with hesitation.

“Oh, you were a jerk. By the way, I saved you, so buy lunch?”

He said while enjoying the anticipation of an exhilarating battle with the underdogs he had not felt in a long time.

“Ugh… it’s about lunchtime. Of course you should buy it. You saved me.”

Deshon’s answer felt a bit awkward, but there was no need to worry about it.

“Comrade- It’s a shame to meddle in other people’s affairs like this.”

“It looks like an imperial nation, but unlike a sissy empire, the Republic is thoroughly gluttonous, so no one helps.”

Five rookies pulled out bloody tools from their arms and grunted at me.

“Ah- weak meat gangsik?”

Then I don’t even have to fight with my bare hands.

Now he grabbed the handle of the Luna sword that was wrapped around his hand and pulled it out.

“That’s right. There’s no problem in the republic even if the people of the Empire die in rude words.”

“It’s nice to hear that.”

Fighting the weak always brings me little toil and great joy.

“I’m still not good at controlling my power, so please understand. Hehehehehehe! I really like this shit!”

To relieve the resentment of half a year, he laughed vigorously and ran.

The faces of the Republic guys were distorted as if they had seen something strange.


“Oh- this is delicious.”

The food was cool and delicious, as it was described as cold noodles.

“Ugh… Eat a lot.”

Deshon put on a shaky expression.

“Cucking Ugly Oranges – Don’t you eat them?”

The sound of smooth noodles filled my satisfaction.

“I just have no appetite.”

Looking at the back of my hand, Deshon put on an uneasy expression.

I followed Deshon’s gaze and looked at my hand, and there was still unwashed blood on it.

I thought it was all cleaned up earlier.

“Anyway, this is what you buy? One more dumpling!”

I didn’t have much money at the time, so meeting Deshon here.

“…Yeah, eat a lot.”

I was so absorbed in the delicious food I ate in a long time that I felt full after emptying two bowls.

“By the way, where have you been?”

As I was pounding on my thick belly, Deshon asked again with a cheeky tone.

“I was just in the f*cking place.”

I was dazed by the memories I didn’t want to recall.

“Since you’ve come here too, it seems like you’re thinking of going to the Continental Academy.”

Deshon pulled out an invitation card from his arms.

“Uh, by some chance. But why are you here? Are you also entering the Continental Academy?”

Rumor has it that only talented people can enter the Continental Academy, but seeing that Deshon was there, it didn’t seem like that.

“…it just happened that I didn’t want to come, but that’s what happened.”

De’Shaun replied with a pitiful expression on his face.

“By the way, do you know what the other kids are doing?”

As I got out of hell and I was full, I started to wonder about other kids.

“Who? Kiana-sama or Vicky-sama? Or Princess?”

“Uh- If anyone knows a story, please tell me.”

“You haven’t heard any rumors? How long have you been stuck in the mountains for half a year?”

“Because there was a good chance, just tell me.”

Surprised by Deshon’s unexpectedly quick glance, he rushed to answer.

“Big big- The most famous one is Kiana-sama.”

“Sister-in-law? Why the brother-in-law?”

“Kiana-sama, who returned to her family’s castle, will marry a man who suddenly beats her! It’s already been half a year since the announcement. Really? Don’t you know? The continent was buzzing?”

“What? Is your brother-in-law announcing your marriage?”

Deshon’s words raised my voice without realizing it.

“I really don’t know. When Kiana-sama, who is famous for being the most beautiful woman in the empire, made such an announcement, all the young masters from the continent flocked to Elias Castle. There were even women.”

Deshon continued, clearing his throat like a storyteller.

Hell, if it’s Kiana’s look, it’s good enough.

It’s because Kiana is exceptionally extraordinary out of all the looks I’ve seen so far.

Vicky, Kate and Andrea were all exceptionally beautiful, but Kiana was subtly prettier than that.


I was thirsty for nothing, so I drank a sip of water.

“Thousands of masters took on the challenge, but they said that Kiana-sama won all of them. Even Kiana-sama grew up during the duel and said that it is difficult to even get her teammates now. It’s called the swordsman who is immediately after the swordsman.”

Big big- Deshon said while looking at my reaction.

At that age, he was already called a swordsman.

I didn’t know that even when fighting the devil, but Kiana was already pulling out her sword.

But if Kiana, who already has such a high level of genius, has declared that she can get married only after defeating herself-

Doesn’t the brother-in-law not get married?

All of a sudden, I imagined Kiana, who was wielding a sword in an awkward way, even though she was old.

And somehow that dream seemed to come true.

“The princess is the spirit… huh! I’m going to be late for the entrance ceremony! Let’s go quickly!”

Deshon, who was checking the clock on the store door, said in an urgent voice and got up from his seat.

It’s the entrance ceremony again at this age.

I was really looking forward to it.

‘Cause now I’m not a d*ck

[Hmm… are you sure?]

Shut up.

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  1. Oh great a strange time skip

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