A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 150

A Veteran of the Hero Academy 150

I took off the mask in frustration and put it in my arms.

As soon as the strength returned to the lower body, Kiana returned.

When Kiana returned, her hands were drenched in red blood.

Kiana’s eyes looking under the mask trembled as if crying.

I just held Kiana’s hand without saying a word.

Kiana’s hands were trembling.

The view from below seemed to have given Kiana quite a shock.

Now there were no more screams around.

There was only the sound of weeping and crying.

Chun-oh hadn’t woken up yet, and Lee Ji-su was asleep.

I carried Lee Ji-soo and hugged Cheon-oh.

We quietly left the city.

Kim Jong-in said he would go separately.

Looking at his anxious eyes, he seemed afraid of what would happen again.

I feel sorry for the kid who saw the story next to me.

I just waved my hands and walked again.

Seeing that Kiana continued to stumble, it seemed like it would be impossible to walk.

“Didn’t I say that I could hear screams from below?”

“…You are cursed, you are cursed.”

“I don’t know what’s going to happen if I stay here any longer. I need to leave soon.”

Three or five surviving people gathered around the castle gate.

They clicked their tongues as they looked at the sunken ground.

We bowed our heads and passed them.

There were several wagons outside the city gate.

People were begging the coachman to ride him, but the driver snorted and pushed them away with a whip.

I approached the largest of them all.

It seems that mercenaries were also hired, and meanwhile men were gathered around the carriage.

Contrary to their ugly appearance, they were all low-level.

I approached the fat man who was checking the luggage while looking through the documents.

“It’s luck, it’s luck. Um- The amount of iron is just right… um? What is it?”

The fat man looked at me and warned me.

Some of the mercenaries who were nearby approached with their weapons clenched.

It wasn’t just me with my pants soaked in blood or Kiana with blood on my hands.

Of course it’s common in Houn Castle now.

“Where are you going?”

I took some gold from my pocket and rolled it out of my hand.

“Keup- I’m going to Ansuseong Fortress. They say I like that place these days.”

Seeing the gold in my hand, the man swallowed his saliva.

At the same time, the man’s destination was Ansuseong.

“I’d like to get a carriage and ride it. I’ll pay for it.”

He bounced the gold at the man.

“Aigoo! Welcome! As expected, you were lucky today! Hey- These guys, I’ll drive you in my carriage!”

The fat man hurriedly took the gold and smiled.

It was a shame that he wanted to hold on to a few, but he endured and followed the mercenary.

“Huh- you’re traveling with three women… I’m envious..”

The mercenary rubbed his hands and glanced at Lee Ji-soo and Kiana.

The corners of Kiana’s lips that were exposed underneath the mask hardened.

He roughly waved his hand to the mercenary and got on the carriage.

The carriage was quite spacious for a fat man.

Lee Ji-soo and Cheon-oh sat next to each other, and I sat down too.

Kiana sat by the window without saying a word and stared out.

Was it that shocking?

Well, I only saw it from afar.

Moments later, the carriage door opened and a fat man entered.

The man sat on the opposite chair and took a deep breath.

Then the smell of meat permeated the carriage.

I really want to cuddle that bastard.

The man knocked on the carriage door and the carriage began to move slowly.

The man looked at the paper and constantly checked something.

The carriage seemed to have quite a load, so it seemed to be operating a fairly large top.

In silence, the carriage continued to move.

I diverted my energy and divine power and raised my physical condition in case of an emergency.

Anyway, you and I are strangers.

A few hours later, the man who had been burying his face in the paper raised his head.

Kiana still couldn’t take her eyes off the window, and Lee Jisoo, who was lying down, was scratching her stomach.

“Who- that’s right. Ah! Come to think of it, I didn’t introduce myself. My name is Rivet.”

The fat man raised his strong cheeks and held out his hand.

Looking at his name, he didn’t seem to be from the Republic.

“My name is Aiden.”

I was embarrassed, but I grabbed the man’s hand.

“Haha! You’re from the Empire. I’m from the Empire, too. I’ve been looking for opportunities and have come all the way here.”

The man waved his hand as if pleased.


I frowned at him and pulled out my hand.

I wiped off the unpleasant grease from my hands on my pants.

“Aiden-san was also lucky. Whoa-.”

Looking at my blood-soaked pants, the man laughed lowly.

“Are you lucky?”

Is this kid kidding you?

Can’t you see that my f*cking pants are now seven packs of blood?

“Yes. Anyway, didn’t you escape from Houn Castle safely like this?”

is it.

It seems that way.

Contrary to his gloomy appearance, the man seemed to have a rather positive personality.

“Actually, yesterday, those mercenaries kept getting lazy and the schedule was delayed more than I expected. Because of that, I couldn’t enter the castle and had to camp in front of the city. I was swearing at the stupid situation, but when I finally got out to sleep, I took out my sleeping bag. Doesn’t it sound like the world is collapsing? And then that’s what happened.”

The man raised the corners of his mouth full of flesh and said in a pleasant voice.

The man seemed to feel really good that he had escaped the fall of Houn Castle.

“Um… Still, it wasn’t an accident that caused a lot of casualties.”

I saw Kiana staring at the man and hurriedly continued.

“It’s a sad accident, but for humans, it’s the most important law. This is a secret, but I think he was punished because of Seongju.”

“A nemesis?”

“Yeah. Isn’t the cruel castle lord raising taxes by as much as 5%? 5%… It’s enough to be punished. Cancer is not.”

The man shook his head and spoke.

I could see veins running up Kiana’s bloody fists.

I didn’t want to walk to Ansuseong with Lee Ji-soo and Cheon-oh because I had an accident here.

He hurriedly reached out and grabbed Kiana’s hand.

“Still, it doesn’t make sense to say that such a loss of life is caused by taxes…”

Please shut up, you bastard pig.

But the ignorant piglet did not stop talking.

“People… Aren’t humans the cheapest thing in the world right now? Even in the dark market, one person is said to cost less than one gold… It’s a world where humans aren’t worth more than this little gold coin. Probably that wicked lord. It would be more painful for buildings to collapse than for human beings to die. Of course, they would have been buried together. It’s a pity, but isn’t the world like that now?”

The words that came out of the man’s mouth were thick, but they were all true, so there was nothing to refute.

We even went to the dark market and saw it.

I couldn’t help but remain silent and hold Kiana’s hand tighter.

Kiana looked back to the window.

The man grinned and laughed as if he was glad that Seongju, who had raised taxes, had died.

“I heard that a revolutionary group was formed in Ansu-seong. Seeing that the imperial side and the Protestants are also putting pressure on the republic… The revolutionary group seems to have quite a lot of potential, so I’m heading there. Originally called high risk high return. Don’t you? I’m going to put my all on this.”

The man constantly fluttered his mouth as if he was in a really good mood.


Unknowingly, I reacted to the word “revolutionary group” that came out of the man’s mouth.

“Yes. It seems quite possible to inflate the tax. It is said that he has a person in the republic’s succession rank.. It seems that he has a connection with the Empire side, so it doesn’t look bad.”

The man said with sharp eyes that did not suit him.

Did the Revolutionaries have any ties to the Empire?

It’s the first time I hear it.

There were many things I didn’t know as I had just joined the revolutionary troupe.


“That’s right- no! They say that we are from the same Empire, but it’s a big deal to receive this kind of thing at an early stage. Mr. Aiden looks pretty good with his sword. How about joining the Revolutionary Corps with me? The Republicans How frustrated I was because I couldn’t communicate because I was so stupid as if I had something stuck in my head… Huh-“

The man suddenly invited me to join the Revolutionary Corps.

It was a strange situation for me as a revolutionary group to be invited to a revolutionary group by a man who had not yet joined it.

It was then that I felt an uneasy feeling approaching.

It was evident that the spirit of the muddy and bad mood was the devil.

Something sharp flew by the carriage.

I could have stopped it, but I didn’t have to.


The carriage pierced through, and something thick and sharp, like a beast’s tooth, was pierced precisely in the man’s head.

The man flew off, splashing blood, crashing into the wall of the wagon and screaming.

“Ugh- sa…save me…”

The man with half of his head blown away, looking at me with a blurred gaze, hung on me sadly.

It was an inside pocket.

I put my hand in the man’s arms and looked around.

A fairly thick pocket was touched.

“I’m sorry. The carriage seems to cost more than that one. I’m sorry… Isn’t that kind of the world?”

He smiled at the man who was hanging on, and looked around his arms a little more.

A heavier pocket came out from the other side as if the man had a cautious personality.

At my words, the man fell to the floor with a squeaking sound.

I carefully packed my pockets and stood up.

I turned my head to see Kiana looking at me with trembling eyes.

His hands were trembling, as if he was not in a state of being able to fight.

“My brother-in-law, take care of them here. I’ll go out and come back.”

At my words, Kiana nodded her head slightly and sighed.

He opened the door of the carriage while stroking the handle of the Luna sword.

Outside, there was always a terrible scene unfolding.


Naked men with wings on their backs like insects flew around with their crotches open.

His face was already full of fine hairs like an insect, and there was something sharp and ugly like a bee sting protruding from the important spot.

It looked like it had been shot through a wagon.

Damn that looks like a real f*cking devil.


The mercenaries were being devoured helplessly by the demons.

When he turned his head, the coachman had already turned into a cold corpse.

I don’t know how to drive a carriage.


A f*cking devil flew to me.

“A person who can drive a carriage! One first-come-first-served basis!”

He shouted, splitting the devil in half lightly.

“Me! I’ve been driving a wagon since I was little!!! Please help me!! I’ve even secretly put chili peppers on a horse!!”

The boy, who didn’t look like a mercenary at all, raised his hand and shouted.

He had no muscles and the weapon he was holding in his hand was a dagger, so it was probably an errand.

He was running away from the demons because he was quick on his feet.

If you can drive a horse, it doesn’t matter.

But what the f*ck did you put in?

– Well… this demon blood is sweet. my mouth is stuffy

you don’t have a mouth

– ha ha ha! That’s what it means! ‘Cause I’m in a good mood!

A sword that jokes like a joke.

‘Don’t miss a single one! Apostle!! Those are pretty salty! Go! Sadomon!! Head-butting!!’

A god who sees the devil and shines his eyes.

f*ck it really.

The boy who had just been grooming the mercenary’s weapons could not understand why this had happened.

Have you ever heard of a mercenary who cursed God for losing the bet?

To make you annihilated for just swearing…

If it was true, then there was definitely a god who was more modest than the goblin.


The boy, who was running away frantically, fell over without seeing an unusually large stone.

Although his whole body was being swept to the floor, the fear in his head filled the boy with no pain.


A naked man with his open crotch flapped his wings and flew towards the boy who had fallen.


The boy closed his eyes tightly at the terrible sight.

If you’re going to die, if you die at once-

The boy trembled at the thought of the pain that would soon overtake him.

However, contrary to what he had expected, a cool touch, not pain, struck the boy.

The boy slowly opened his eyes and saw a corpse split on either side of him.

The boy’s body was drenched in black blood from the corpse.

The smell of black blood disturbed the boy’s head, and the appearance of a corpse with a visible inside made his heart sink.

The boy couldn’t even scream.

“It’s a f*cking world, isn’t it?”

The man with the corners of his eyes slightly raised was smiling in front of the boy.

The boy nodded involuntarily.

Black blood dripped from the shining sword the man was holding.


To become a ninja, he had to undergo training that was hard to describe in words.

To practice persistence, I had to endure three days barefoot under the waterfall.

I had to spend two days biting bamboo under the water to learn not to make a sound.

To forget the fear, I had to lie down in a place full of poisonous insects and hold my breath for a day.

It was only after going through the arduous process above that I took my first steps as a ninja.

Among such ninjas, Nonoha, who was an elite, had long since forgotten the fear.

Crackle- Crackle-


Watching Luna biting her nails from the side, she peed coolly in her pants.

Luna didn’t care if her hand bled, and she continued to bite.

Nonoha couldn’t even fathom how many days he had spent in Luna’s room now.

The opponent was Luna, who moved her with one finger.

Nonoha didn’t even think to run away.

“Why why why? Why aren’t you coming?”

Luna constantly muttered.

“…Nin-Nin! Nin-Nin!”

Before Luna exploded, Nonoha hurriedly opened her mouth.

I don’t know about anything else, but Nonoha knew that the world would be in danger if she let this woman out now.

It should be the ninja, not this crazy woman, who will end the world.

That was the ninja’s oath.

“Huh? If I go now, Aiden will get tired of me? Is that so? Are you sure?”

The anger at Luna’s unfocused gaze got a little more tired.

“Nin-nin! Nin-nin!”

Nonoha forced her mouth to open.

“I think the reward will be bigger as long as you wait…?”

Luna’s eyes slowly returned to focus.

“Nin-Nin. Nin-Nin.”

Seeing that, I spent an hour in anger.

Nonoha, who had stopped Luna, who was about to explode several times, noticed that Luna had entered the stage of calming down.

“That’s right. I said that if you push it too hard, you won’t be attractive-…”

Luna shook her head and muttered.

The heavy air gradually returned, and the room, which was cold enough to breathe, returned to its original state.


It was then that Nonoha was able to catch her breath.

But today’s Luna was a little different.

“…But what if Aiden forgot me?”

Luna’s cold voice could be heard by Nonoha.


The space around Luna gradually froze.

“What if the trash around you covered Aiden’s eyes?”

Luna’s eyes looked up again, looking at what was in the distance.

Luna’s hand twisted the space, revealing an abyss-like crack between them.

Annoha was perplexed by the new development. No, my heart sank.

But even in the midst of such a crisis, he took a deep breath and rolled his head like a ninja.

The situation right now was not the situation that could be put to an end as it had just been.

Ninjas instinctively know when to risk their lives.

Now was the time for Nonoha to risk her life.

It was time to unleash the secret of the ninja.

“Nin-Nin. Nin-Nin.”

He hardened his trembling voice and hid it.

The frozen space stopped and the abyss-like rift slowly closed.

The focus returned to Luna’s misaligned eyes.

“I…really? Did Aiden do that?”

Luna’s voice got wet.


Believing that Aiden will take care of the rest, Angry used the log swap.

Of course, that opponent was Aiden.

At Nonoha’s words, Luna shed tears of joy.

I can last a few more days with this-.

Nonoha tried to ignore the tiredness that was emanating from her.

This smell was nothing to a ninja.

Because he is a true ninja Nono.

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