A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 158

A Veteran of the Hero Academy 158

“Hey, why are you pouting? I’m sorry.”

“What’s the attitude of being sorry? There’s no sincerity, the truth.”

I glared at Kate, touching her bruised face.

This damn bitch was so filthy that she grabbed me until I was relieved, despite my surrender.

It’s only now that he shows a sign of apologetics, but until before, how bloody it was to squeal and swing his fists and feet. Because that vicious girl is the princess of the Empire, I was really worried about the future of the Empire.

I felt like I was drunk until I got beaten up by Kate.

Although I moved by my own will, it felt like my mood had risen without limit. There were empty parts everywhere.

But it wasn’t a bad feeling. Rather, it felt more like I had loosened the leash that had been holding my neck ever since.

The moment Kate’s fist pierced her chin, her mind returned.

“Are you sorry?”

Kate tilted her head again and clenched her fists.

hey! wicked year. Is that the attitude of apologizing to me?

Reproach came up to the tip of my mouth, but my unrecoverable and immobile body urged me to be merciful.

“I got it. Bitch like a dog.”

I grunted and turned my head back.

“Uh-? That’s an insult to the imperial family. Is that also hanging in the square?”

“What the hell, I’m stuck in my throat. f*cking-… Cancel! Cancel! Canceled!”

When I saw Kate laughing playfully and killing her, I got an unbearable insult, but when I saw Kate trying to run again, I hurriedly continued.

“Yeah. Saying that would make you a bad kid. No matter how low Aiden you are, you’re still an aspiring hero.

Kate raised the corners of her lips with a soft expression now.

“There’s only one place where I was hit by you! Lee! Princess! Ah- Andrea is here too. Hasn’t Andrea been more beautiful after a long time?”

“Thank you. Aiden-sama’s changed eyes suit him well, though it’s a difficult color to match.”

“My eyes? Why are my eyes-… Evil!! And why are you f*cking! You didn’t curse!”

“I don’t know! You’re just beaten! There are saints anyway. Let’s get it right today! You have to be right!”

“Evil! aa innocent civilians!!”

“Just get it right! You’ve got to get it right!”

Kate, who had been holding me for a long time, fell from me only after Andrea ripped it off. Even after being lifted up in the air by Andrea, the sight of him waving his fists to see if his anger would not go away was disgraceful.

“Heh! I really hate to see you!”

Kate snorted and stomped and disappeared outside.

A really rough year.

“it’s okay?”

Andrea asked, hugging me crouched softly.

“No. It hurts.”

My body was weak and I struggled to hold back the tears that were filling up.

“The princess is also worried about Aiden, so don’t feel too sad.”

Andrea gently stroked my body, radiating light from her hand. A feeling of coolness was felt in the part touched by the hand, and the pain gradually subsided.

The problem was that I was still naked and Andrea’s gentle touch gave me a tickling feeling.


Andrea smiled shyly and moved her hand.

“Ah- this is what-“

How excited are you again while receiving treatment for your asshole? Obviously, even though I had poured it on Lee Ji-soo and Seo-yoon until now, my lower body automatically gained strength.

Excessive energy was my fault.

“It’s okay. I’m more happy that Aiden-nim seems to have taken good care of me.”

Andrea, who blushed slightly, smiled softly and put her hand under the blanket.

“Ah… no wait a minute. There are many eyes…”

I didn’t want to stop the gentle touch, but it was embarrassing for Scarlett and Agatha to cover their mouths and smile as they looked at me. Scarlett. It’s a bitch nun, so it could have been fine, but the naive-looking Agatha staring at me made me feel guilty.

“By the way, there were other people too. Could you come and help me?”

“I don’t mean that…”

“Okay! Scarlett sister, I’ll take it downstairs!”

“Yeah. It’s too big to do with one hand, so let’s help.”

The two of us shared mine as if there was a division of labor, and Andrea spoke at once.

I couldn’t stop them from running towards me.

– Are you really out of power?

Shut up, you’re in a good mood


My body was fine once I woke up.

My body felt lighter than before.

Was the semen that heavy?

– Big… No, I’m absorbing blood and your abilities have improved. After all, you are now my master.

know. That’s a joke.

Lee Ji-soo and Seo-yoon, who were lying next to each other, disappeared.

I simply relaxed my tired body and got up from the bed.

The clothes I had taken off were gone, and new, straight, clean clothes were rolled up next to the bed.

My whole body was stinky and smelly, so I moved to wash it first.

Andrea had a good bit of a smell like this.

At the end, it was pretty cute to see him rushing out with the ball inflated.

He washed the blood and body fluids that had accumulated on his body with water and put on new clothes.

The slightly rough texture of the new clothes made me feel better.

bang bang!

Someone knocked on the door harshly as he was holding his sword next to him.

When I opened the door, Kate was staring at me with a wide expression on her face.

“Come down to eat! Do I have to tell you this?!”

His mouth was pointed out, his head was slanted and his arms crossed, claiming his anger.

What the hell is he mad about?

I could never understand this asshole.

[When I meet a lady after a long time, it works well to praise the changes. Hmmm.]

[Push like a mating king. That’s obviously a dissatisfaction with desire.]

The words I heard made my mind dizzy.

is it? Is it dissatisfaction?

If you look closely, it seems that the shape of the chest lifting up is really like that.

His face was red and it looked like he was about to explode.

Anyway, that’s changed. What has changed?

Are you a little taller? I think it looks pretty

I took a closer look at Kate to compliment her.

“What…what? Those unlucky eyes?”

“Then you…”

“Me? What?”

Kate, shivering, narrowed her eyes and looked at me.

A small expectation in those eyes urged me to speak.

[Praise the change!]

[Roughly like a mating king.]

I combined their opinions and came up with a reasonable solution.

“Does it look like the milk has gotten bigger?”

I grabbed Kate’s chest roughly and smiled coolly.

[Crazy guy.]

[As expected, I was born with the temperament of a mating king! haha!]


The memory was lost again.

When I opened my eyes, I was sitting in front of a long table.

Familiar faces were eating happily with nonchalant expressions.

Did you lose your memory again?

“Ah! Aiden, are you awake?”

Andrea, who was sitting next to me, hurriedly moved her hand and smiled.

where was that hand

I shook my head to wake up my hazy mind.

“Yes. By the way, where are you?”

I looked around and saw familiar faces staring at me.

“You said you suddenly passed out. You must have been very tired. It’s meal time now, so everyone gathered like this and waited for Aiden.”

Andrea smiled gracefully and organized my clothes.

Ummm… am I tired?

It looks like my face is aching.

“Try this. It’s delicious.”

Andrea gave me meat and smiled gracefully.

“This..Try this too! It’s the essence of the Republic I made!”

Somehow, the red-faced Lee Ji-soo handed me a spoon full of strange things.

It was obvious that eating a crab with a purplish color would give me a stomach ache.

“Because you’re a patient, you shouldn’t eat anything like that. Put it away.”

Fortunately, Andrea coldly stopped Lee Ji-soo’s assassination attempt.

“That… such a republic-discriminatory thought…”

Unlike usual, Lee Ji-soo did not push any further and blurted out the end of her speech.

“Hey! If you get hurt, feed how much you’ve been injured! Even your hands are fine!”

Kate, who was sitting at the top of the table, raised her voice and pointed.

Seo-ah and Seo-yoon were sitting next to Kate, and when I looked at them, Seo-ah smiled brightly and waved her hand, and Seo-yoon bowed her head.

“By the way, why are your eyes like that?”

Scarlett asked with a curious smile.

“Eyes? Why my eyes?”

Come to think of it, everyone has been talking about snow since before.

“You idiot! He might have changed his eyes! You’re stupid too!”

Kate frowned and held out her hand mirror.

The hand mirror was adorned with jewels, so it seemed expensive even to me who was not familiar with it.

I carefully took the hand mirror and reflected my face.

My face inside was the same, but the color of my eyes was different.

The left eye was red and the right eye was gold.

“f*ck Ami! What is this!”

I tried to look in the mirror and rub my eyes, but the color remained the same.

“f*ck-. idiot.”

Seeing me like that, Kate covered her mouth and smiled.

I closed and opened my eyes several times, but the color of my eyes did not change.

But if you look closely, this…

“Are you cool?”

I looked in admiration, taking turns examining my eyes one by one.

Of course, I liked the previous brown color, but the red and gold color mixed half and half gave me a strange feeling.

“I think so too! It’s like an asshole, but it’s pretty good!”

“It’s a difficult color to match, but it suits you well.”

“…just real idiots.”

With the exception of Kate, the reaction around them wasn’t bad either.

“Death wink!”

I closed my right eye and stared at Lee Ji-soo with red eyes.

“…Eh? Ah! Ahhh!! That Lee Jisoo! He died in the eyes of Comrade Aiden!”

After pondering for a moment, Lee Ji-soo fell down while laughingly grabbing his chest.

The smoke was so real that as it fell to the ground, I could even hear a loud bang.

I nodded my head satisfactorily at the sight, and saw Seo-ah trembling.

A sense of playfulness was activated as he seemed to be practicing inside in case he did it to himself.

“Luxury wink!”

This time, he closed his left eye and stared at Seo-ah with golden eyes.

“Aww…? No! I can’t! I’m sorry! What’s a fancy wink! What the hell! It’s so weird!”

“You can’t accept such a bastard.”

Seo-ah, who was screaming a little, blushed and shook her head violently.

Seo-yoon stopped her like that and looked at me.

“Real nerds.”

Kate frowned and snorted.

“Aiden-sama. Ah-.”

I ignored Kate’s reproach and ate Andrea’s food.


“Is that Huingseong?”

“No, it’s not huing, it’s huara? How many times do I have to explain it? Are you a real idiot?”

“How do you make Hua stick better in her mouth. What is Hua?”

Kate grunted at my question and raised her voice.

I don’t know what was upset about it, but Kate was still grinding her teeth at me, days later.

“So it might be confusing, right?”

“Yes, of course. I’m confused too.”

Andrea smiled gracefully at my question and nodded her head. All the other nuns returned to the ranks, but Andrea remained by my side.

As a saint, she seemed to be able to move freely as she had quite a bit of spare time.

“I.. Me too! I think so! They must have been stupid since they didn’t build with Huingseong!!”

Lee Ji-soo, who was next to him, raised his hand and waved it.

“Stop flirting and get ready!”

Kate, who looked at him with a frown on her face, groaned loudly.

“Did I say I was the first? It’s time to show the fear of the sword spirit.”

I recently found out that my nickname is Sword Demon.

the sword ghost It was a really cool title. Such an overwhelming name that makes you cringe the moment you hear it.

Perhaps the enemies who will face me in the future will not be able to sleep in fear.



He ignored the small smiles around him.

The envy of those who do not have a good title.

Ah, the swordsman-.

I am the sword ghost.

‘Are you… an apostle? I’ve been using some accumulated points for a while, so what’s the status of the kid?! God’s messenger is a demon!’

Don’t be jealous.

“By the way, where does Comrade Cheon-Oh seem to have disappeared?”

Lee Ji-soo, who was rubbing my right foot, asked.

“I don’t know. I’m sure you’ll be fine. I’m worried that I’ll pick up something weird and eat it, but it’s not even a kid.”

At first, I was worried when Chun-oh disappeared, but there were many testimonies that he went out on his own feet, so he was relieved.

She looks like a young girl, but she’s going to enter the Continental Academy, so she won’t go anywhere.

It’s hard to go looking for a kid who went out on his own feet.

It wasn’t Chun-oh who left the house that I was concerned about now.

Contrary to everyone’s expectation that the imperial army would gnaw at the imperial army entering the territory, the Republican party was concentrating its forces on the capital side.

He was probably thinking of doing something there, but I also thought that it might be too easy to pass the castles.

Of course, what do I know?

Complex things like strategies and tactics were not my domain.

There were several castles that we had to pass through on the way to the capital, and the first one we encountered was Huying.

It was difficult for a single castle to stop our momentum, which even joined the Imperial Army and the Revolutionary Corps.

However, it was difficult to welcome after opening the gates, so the idea that came out of Huyingseong was Ichito.

Three representative generals from each camp come out and aim at each other to decide the winner.

In the first place, even in the Republic, top-level warriors are not common, but if a strong man emerged from a castle, how strong would he be?

It was a suggestion that we roughly covered each other’s eyes and moved on.

Of course, it wasn’t a bad offer for us, who don’t know what the Republicans are up to in the capital.

In response, the Imperial Army accepted Ilikto, and I applied for it.

I wasn’t in the Imperial Army, but it didn’t seem to matter.

It’s a world where the original winner is the truth.

And I was the first order of the diary.

“Eh… Aiden-sama! Be strong! You can’t get hurt!”

Seo-ah, who was rubbing her left foot hard, said to me with her eyes shining.

“Of course. I am the swordsman.”

I stood up with a confident smile.


He ignored the laughter around him again.

The appearance of more than tens of thousands of troops confronting each other in the plains was a sight that made the hearts of the viewers jump.

Kate caught me as I walked away with my sword fixed.

“But what?”

Kate asked, tilting her head.

“A horse? What? I can’t ride a horse. When I do, the horse twists its body and is a bitch.”

“You can’t ride a horse, so why did you say you’re leaving for the day! You idiot!!”

Kate shouted as she shoved her fist into my stomach.

But Kate’s fists were too slow for me, already at my best.

Kate’s fist could not reach the sword spirit.

“Of course, I, the Republic’s nightmare swordsman, should go to the Ikito. But what? Do I have to ride a horse?”

“It is common for generals to fight each other on horseback..”

“Okay? So, do I have to ride something?”

“Of course, Aiden-sama will win even if you don’t have a horse, but even if you go out and get off, riding it…”

Seo-ah answered my question with a puzzled expression on her face.

“Even if you don’t ride such a horse, Comrade Aiden is sure to win!!”

I saw Lee Ji-soo waving her arms with enthusiasm. When I looked down, I saw Lee Ji-soo’s firm thighs. It would be enough because it carried me while we were mating, right?

“You mean I can ride anything?”

“Yeah. That’s the minimum requirement. Even if you ride it out and throw it away-“

Kate nodded and pointed to the horse she had brought to her side.

Even if the horse was ready, I couldn’t ride it.

I didn’t really have any talent for everything, but the thing I didn’t particularly have talent for was horseback riding.

“Hey! Lee Ji-soo, come here!”

“Are you talking about me?! You’re a colonel here!!”

At my call, Lee Ji-soo came running to me with a bright smile.

I can’t ride a horse, but I rode other things well.

For the splendid first appearance of the sword demon, he took out the powerful mount of the mating king.


“Hey hey hey hey! It’s green!”

“Let’s go! Revolutionary Red Tomato!!”

“Keeing! Dall-grak! Dall-grak!”

“You can’t put it out with your mouth.”

“I get it! Hehehehehehe!”

“Let’s go!! This is the first appearance of the swordmaster and the mating king! Let’s show them the horror!”

Aiden patted Lee Ji-soo’s coveted buttocks.

Jisoo, who had been trembling for a moment, ran away.

Seeing Aiden riding on Lee Ji-soo’s back and going forward with tens of thousands of people, the rest of the people sighed deeply.

Aiden, who suddenly got on Lee Ji-soo’s back, was to no avail no matter how much he tried to dry it around. Aiden, who had become unnecessarily strong, became even more stubborn and did not even listen to the words around him.

The troops on both sides laughed so loudly that the floor rang as they saw it, and the face of the opposing general’s face under the helmet turned red. The hand holding the long spear was trembling.

“Hey! A real dog nerd! Stupid bastard! Ugh- what a novel asshole! I’m so ashamed that I can’t carry my face around! Why am I such garbage!!”

Kate was startled by the ugly appearance and shook her body.

“…it seems a little harsh this time. But, because it’s Aiden-sama, I think…”

Andrea’s graceful smile, which she had always maintained, was also broken. Andrea squeezed her temples with her fingers.

“Oh my god… my god… our general rode a woman… my god…”

Seo-ah, who was shocked, could not continue to speak, and the end of her words became blurred.


Other people unconsciously nodded to Seoyoon’s swear words.

Even in the eyes of such people, Lee Ji-soo and Aiden steadfastly stepped forward in front of their opponents.

“We’re writing a legend today! Jisoo Lee!”

“Hey hey hey hey hey!!”

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