A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 170

A Veteran of the Hero Academy 170

“Comrade Aiden… So, was the revolution successful?”

Lee Ji-soo asked with a gloomy expression that did not suit him.

“right. In the end, Kim Ik-han turned into a demon and exploded to death. It’s really heartbreaking for him to turn into a demon.”

I trembled slightly at the thought of Luna smashing the demon that radiated a vicious force as if it would destroy the world with one applause.

“The revolution seems more futile than I thought. The saints are the same, and the people are the same… .”

“The future will be different. After all, the revolution was successful.”

I followed Lee Ji-soo’s gaze and looked out the window. Outside, people were busily moving to rectify the situation.

‘But damn, did Deshon really eat the Republic?’

Suddenly, my stomach hurts at the thought. If I had known it would be like this, I’d just f*cking put a beard on.

“Listen right there!”

“eww… Aww!”

“What a sick bastard! Can’t you do that right?!”

A soldier with a fairly tall beard was shouting at the soldier who had fallen while carrying a corpse full of them. It felt strange to me, like the back story of a war that was not covered in the novel.

how many people would have died

After counting for a while, I suddenly got bored and gave up.

I looked out blankly, fiddling with the engagement ring I had picked up.

Chun-oh and Kiana were left with Andrea, and Luna sent to help with the rest.

Because magic is effective in this respect. I was a little afraid of Luna, who was exceptionally docile and listened to me, but fortunately, Luna has not had any major accidents yet.

“ah! Aiden, did you hear that? I heard you’re having a banquet. Incredibly loud!”


It was an unfamiliar word to me as a commoner. Of course, I heard that nobles sometimes gathered and held banquets even during the Hero Academy, but there was no way that I, who was a commoner, could participate.

As a result of gathering the words heard around, the banquet seemed like a gathering of insiders, eating delicious food, hahaha.

“Yes. They say it’s going to be really big!”

Jisoo Lee said in a bright voice, laughingly with her arms wide open. His gaze was taken away for a moment by his large, shaking chest.

Unlike the academy days, now I am a war hero and a swordsman. It was enough to participate.

“I wish there were a lot of delicious things.”

“… Then would you like to go to the banquet with me?”

Lee Ji-soo wiggled his hands in an unsuitable way and spoke out cautiously.

“yes. what will you go with of course.”

He answered with a long yawn in the warm sunlight tickling his face.


Jisoo Lee asked without much expectation because of the other prominent candidates next to Aiden, but while cheering for the positive answer that came back, she suddenly felt that Aiden’s answer was strangely strange.

‘a… Perhaps it is a common rule of the continent to enter a banquet with one’s lover arm in arm, but I don’t know. Then, looking at that time, I want to rub my deadly milk… .’

Jisoo Lee checked her outfit while spying on the side face of Aiden, whose eyes were squinted in the sunlight. Come to think of it, I didn’t have pretty clothes to wear to a banquet.

“that… Then I’ll go out for a while! revolution!”

Jisoo Lee quickly saluted Aiden and ran outside. I didn’t have enough time to find a pretty dress.

‘By the way, if it’s a banquet, do you want to serve imperial food? I get tired of Republic food.’

Seeing the back of the head of Lee Ji-soo full of energy, Aiden yawned again.


“Ah- Aiden-sama.”

Andrea, who was taking care of the patients, greeted with a graceful smile.

“Good morning. ah… Isn’t this a bit Why didn’t everyone die?”

He said hello without thinking, and then changed his words to the moans of the patients lying around. A few patients looked at me, but I lightly ignored them.

“Foot, did you come to see the two of you?”

Andrea covered her mouth at my words, smiled a little, and guided me inside. I could see Andrea’s hips twitching through the white dress.

“Andrea looks really good in a white dress.”

“ah… Thank you. Aiden-sama too… The clothes fit very well.”

At the thoughtless compliment, Andrea smiled a little and tucked her hair behind her ear. And he opened his mouth to praise me, but when he saw me, he swallowed the words.

In response, I checked my clothes. There were large holes all over the place, and clothes were torn on the side of the stomach.

“There was a lot of work.”

I gently applied strength around my stomach to build muscle. Then a pretty nice curve was formed in the boat.

“that… Yes. Because there was a lot of work. If you’re watching from the room, I’ll bring you some new clothes.”

Andrea, who was watching as if possessed, blushed and moved again.

While looking at Andrea’s back, suddenly, a banquet came to mind. It’s a banquet, so if possible, you should attend with as many people as possible so that you don’t get bullied.

When I thought that the insiders were gathering, the Hero Academy PTSD came up.

I am now a swordsman.

The me of the Hero Academy days is no more.

I also go with a lot of people and become an insider.

“ah! right. Andrea- Did you hear about the banquet?”

“A banquet? Yes. I’ve heard of it, but it’s a republic event… .”

“Then will Andrea come with me?”

At my question, Andrea abruptly stopped walking and turned to look at me. Andrea tilted her head, as if she didn’t understand what I was saying, and then her face went red as if she was about to explode again.

“I… Are you and Aiden having a banquet together?”

“Can’t you come because you’re busy?”

“no! Go! Absolutely go! I’ll go! Please come with me!”

I was taken aback when I asked Andrea’s exasperated reaction for the first time. Could it be that Andrea was too shy, so she wanted to go to the banquet, but couldn’t?

Thinking like that, Andrea felt sorry for him. Andrea, who has such an innocent look, is also a pity… . It’s really a long way to go.

“Don’t worry, Andrea has me.”

I spoke with a lot of sympathy that came from my heart. me! Sword Demon! I’ll make sure Andrea can join the crowd!

“… Yes. Because I have Aiden. here.”

After biting her lips for a while, Andrea, who returned to her usual appearance, opened the door with a graceful smile. In the room, there were Chun-oh sleeping with her mouth open and Kiana doing push-ups.

Do you start exercising immediately after treatment? It’s really boring.

“I told you that you should not exercise because you are still a patient.”

“ah! sorry. But, as it turns out, muscle shrinks quickly if you take a day off… . priest!”

Andrea shot at Kiana in a cold voice. Kiana got up from her seat and smiled lightly at Andrea’s pinzan, saw me and waved her hand happily.

“As you can see, I’m fine. Then I will go. I have things to save!”

Andrea glanced at Kiana, smiled at me, and quickly left the room.

“By the way, sister-in-law, are you okay?”

“yes. As a saint, the treatment was really great. On the contrary, I feel like my body is better than before.”

“But, as Andrea said, it’s not good to move right away.”

At my words, Kiana raised the corner of her lips and gently wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve. He was just wiping off his sweat, but because of his deceptive appearance, I also wanted to exercise for nothing.

“Large… . What happened then?”

“at that time? Oh, Wreck-It? It would have been dangerous if you just went there and played a little more while competing. I still don’t have enough.”

Kiana furrowed her fine eyebrows and looked down at her hands. The longing in his eyes as he looked at his callus-strewn hands was too intense for me to comprehend.

There was a sense of playfulness in that heavy atmosphere.

“Then the sister-in-law won in the end. Because he ran away first.”

“… huh? To think I won… Still, you went first for the official Dalian Law… Is it correct to say that I won?”

Kiana thought deeply, deeply impressed by my words.

“Since my brother-in-law won, I should give him a prize.”

“… award? which? Ah!! Wait a minute! no no! I lost! I lost! Because I dropped the sword first!”

After tilting her head for a moment, Kiana’s face suddenly turned red, and then she put her hands in front of her and struggled. It was funny because her appearance didn’t match her usual Kiana.

“Pu ha ha ha! It’s a joke. joke!”

“So, I didn’t win… What?”

Eventually, unbearable laughter erupted, and Kiana’s hard-working excuses stopped.

“Hahaha, I was just joking because my sister-in-law looked so serious.”

“joke… ? no! Under the imperial law, I won. priest.”

“buy… private residence? What’s wrong?”

Kiana’s blushing face exaggeratedly rolled up her sleeves and raised the corners of her lips sullenly. He seemed to have set the precipitation for my prank, but his trembling hands could not support him.

“okay? Then will you take it off and touch me?”

“… no! It’s a joke! It’s a real joke! Don’t take it off, Priest!”

Kiana, who had a hard expression on her face, shook her head and stuttered hurriedly as I touched the buttons on her pants.

“Are you taking me off?!”


As I playfully lowered my pants, Kiana appeared in front of me in an instant and grabbed my hand. I couldn’t even see how fast it was moving.

Right in front of me, Kiana flushed her face and exhaled harshly.

“Are you kidding me?”

Kiana frowned slightly, then gently ran her hand through my bangs. Then it went back to its original place.

“I’m angry?”

“No, I’m not mad. priest.”

“Can’t you touch my pepper?”

“no!! That’s not it! I’m not mad! really!”

“Did you want to touch me?”

“It’s not like that!!”


In the midst of teasing Kiana, a knock was heard and Agatha popped her head.

“What were you two doing? The atmosphere is strange-.”

“no. I didn’t do anything.”

When asked Agatha with a playful expression on her face, Kiana resolutely answered.

“Ugh… I smell it. Wear this! Andrea suddenly ran out and I came to deliver.”

“Oh, thank you. I will dress well.”

“I have a child next to me, so don’t roll around too much.”

“Not that!!”

Kiana hastily apologized to Agatha, who was winking mischievously, but Agatha had already left.

“Oh right. Did you hear about the company’s banquet?”

“banquet? Can the Republic afford to hold a banquet?”

“I guess so. Would you like to go with me?”

At my question, Kiana leaned back and bowed like a startled cat. He held out his hands and looked at me intently as if he was trying to figure out what I was doing.

I’m sorry, are all the kids around me also okay? Why is everyone reacting strangely when they hear that they want to go to a banquet?

“… Why are you doing that?”

“my… Am I having a banquet with the priest?!”

“yes. I think it would be fun to go with my brother-in-law.”

“If you go with me, it wouldn’t be fun… I don’t go to places like that often, and I don’t have a dress as beautiful as others. I don’t even wear it… . Also, I don’t know the relationship between men and women… .”

Kiana muttered over and over again and rubbed her fingers. It was a typical reaction of Asa, who was moved by the fact that anyone could play with him.

I could tell for sure because I was from Asa.

But now it’s black.

“it’s okay. I like being with my sister-in-law.”

“… yes. okay. I’m not good at it, but I’ll work hard to prepare.”

A sigh came out of Kiana’s face, which was harder than before the battle.

How lonely I would be if I was told to go to a banquet together.

Seeing Kiana muttering as if she had been broken with a blushing face, she made a promise in her heart.

I decided to take all the men around me to the banquet this time and make happy memories.

[cow… What is a boy’s banquet? .]

[It’s going to be a lot of fun to keep your mouth shut.]


‘Where are you roaming around like that, you bastard!’

Kate squatted on the floor for a long time, rubbing her cramped leg with her hand, complaining a little. It’s been quite some time since Kate waited in the hallway leading to Aiden’s room.

I felt like I was losing something to go directly to the room and ask to go to the banquet, so I was waiting like this to create a natural meeting situation.

Joshua, who was chirping from the side, clenched his fists and made it quiet. Why do you keep bothering me about being so dignified? As a princess, I am full of dignity no matter what I do.

Kate checked her outfit as she relaxed her numb leg. A light but neat dress that shows the breastbone, and a cardigan, the epitome of innocence, worn over it. It was the perfect weapon.


He took a small breath in to unwind and squatted down again. A small amount of saliva was applied to the nose for the still numb leg. Joshua was terrified, but lightly ignored it.

And finally, the footsteps they had been waiting for were heard.

When I looked out of the hallway and checked, it was Aiden whose hair was still wet after washing. The clothes that looked pretty classy from where they came from went pretty well with Aiden.

Kate got up from her seat, quietly thrusting a fist into her chest to calm her sudden beating heart.

‘after… . I came across it by chance while passing by. Is there a banquet going on? Heung- You, a commoner, may not go, but I, the princess, will show special generosity and go with you. thank you thank you Are you too cheeky? that… still.’

As she pondered inwardly, Kate changed her expression, which was constantly unraveling, into a brazen expression with strength. Then Aiden came closer, and Kate came out of the hallway pretending to be nothing.

“uh?! commons?”

“what? Why are you out there?”

“huh! It was a passing road! What?! Any complaints?”

“Isn’t there only a men’s shower room next to it?”

“Eh?! What?!”

Aiden narrowed her eyes and looked Kate up and down. Kate’s face heated up as it felt as if those eyes were questioning her.

Kate turned her head hastily and saw a real men’s shower room. What I hadn’t noticed until now was surprisingly open,

‘Oh! Joshua has been muttering something since a while ago, and that’s what he meant.’

Kate quickly came up with an excuse as she experienced the words of the monarch who ignored advice.

“ruler… By the way, a monarch looks at everything regardless of gender… .”

“What kind of bullshit? ah! it went well Kate.”

“Yes? So what I was there… .”

Kate was afraid of words coming out of Aiden’s mouth and cut them off, but Aiden ignored him and continued.

“Let’s go to the party with me.”

Aiden said with a playful smile.

‘There’s no way that slug and ignorant guy can’t say something like that in the first place?!’

Kate pinched her cheek for a moment at Aiden’s words, wondering if this was a dream. This was a necessary procedure, as I’ve had him appear in my dreams a few times before and confuse Kate.

“Ah! hurt!”

My heart was beating so hard that I couldn’t control it for a moment, so I pinched it too hard.

“What… What are you doing, you bastard!”

“done! Did a commoner dare tell me, the imperial princess, to go to a banquet with me?!”

‘What the hell is wrong with me!!’

Kate wanted to shut her mouth from her habit of sarcastic remarks. It was a problem to do this every time. This mouth constantly built up self-esteem needlessly and disturbed him every time.

“no? Don’t if you don’t like it.”

“but! Broad generosity and exchanges with commoners are also great virtues of a monarch! I allow you, a commoner, to go to a banquet with me, the princess!”

‘I must be an idiot!’

Kate wanted to lower her raised chin, but it wasn’t a problem that could be solved by her own will.

“that… yes Thank you for letting me.”

Aiden passed Kate with a trembling expression on her face. Even at that moment, Kate did not lower her head.


Then I heard the sound of Aiden’s door closing.

“Hey!! profit!!”

At that moment, Kate lowered her chin and shook her body.

Anyway, Aiden asked her to go to the banquet. Even though he made a cheeky reply, he didn’t get angry as usual!

It must mean that Kate is more important to Aiden than any other bitch-.

Kate’s body twitched as she saw the disappointing faces of the other bitches who couldn’t attend the banquet because they didn’t have a partner.

And seeing those bitches arrogantly looking down at them with Aiden’s arms crossed, my body trembled once again at the thought.

A sense of victory filled Kate’s body.

It was itself.

“The truth is, this is me! You stupid bitches! Heh heh heh! Long live the princess!”

“sulfur… The princess’s smile is so frivolous! What is the posture again? I’m afraid other people will see it, so hurry up!”

“Heh heh heh! Hehehehe! Crap!”


“Kate did. So what’s next for Luna? I don’t think it’s necessary for Luna to ask anything.”

Aiden muttered while organizing the list of people around him in his head.

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