A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 67

A Veteran of the Hero Academy 67

it’s crazy! it’s crazy! it’s crazy!

How dare you say such a word as a nun!

With the name of the vulgar menu in her mouth, Scarlett was dizzy.

But since I’ve already said it, I couldn’t help it.

The problem is that there are only such vulgar menus in this restaurant.

Scarlett began to resent the filthy restaurant itself.

Never panic-

Scarlett recalled Calia’s advice as if it were a spell.

After thinking about it for a while, the heat that had been scorching slowly went down.


are you okay. It’s just a menu.

I just ordered food.


Looks like Aiden was thinking of ordering

Scarlett pricked up her ears and focused.

Just tell me the back part-!

“Give me a steak with ribs of passion that can do it ten times.”

Aiden fixed his gaze on Scarlett and said confidently.

Aiden’s eyes were hot as if something was burning.

Scarlett turned her head to avoid her gaze.

Aiden’s atmosphere changed a little more manly, as seen in training.

In her confident tone, as if ordering a weapon rather than food, Scarlett felt something explode in her head.

What the hell are you doing ten times?!

What is that?!

Scarlett’s face burned with embarrassment rising from the depths of her chest.

Aiden still had his eyes fixed on Scarlett.

Don’t panic!

Scarlett wanted to cry, but smiled and looked back at Aiden.

Please turn your gaze!

Contrary to Scarlett’s heart, Aiden looked at Scarlet with a slightly hardened face.

“Your order has been received.”

You’re a hot lover to say that out loud…

As the waitress left, I could hear muttering in my ears.

Scarlett’s face grew even redder.

What a hot lover!

We’re not lovers!

Scarlett screamed inwardly.

After placing the order, Aiden was looking at Scarlett without saying a word, looking for something.

Scarlett felt burdened by Aiden’s eyes.

Scarlett took a deep breath and calmed her mind.

Yes, I just ordered food. Let’s calm down-

As I struggled to breathe, my pounding heart slowly improved.

Let’s start with a light conversation.

As experienced –

Calia’s advice came to mind again.

I’m comfortable speaking like an experienced person.

I desperately thought about what I had in common with Aiden.

Yes, Aiden is also an academy student.

“I had fun in the days of the Holy Academy, is the Hero Academy fun too?”

Her voice was a little shaky, but that’s okay.

“Ah. Yes. What is it that you just walk around. Did Scarlett have fun in the days of the Holy Academy?”

Seeing Aiden with a more relaxed expression, Scarlett was relieved.

Yeah, we’re looking for a common theme.

common subject.

As a schoolboy, Scarlett had the most fun doing homework while at the Shinsung Academy.

Maybe Aiden too?

right task.

I’m talking about assignments.

“Yeah. It was fun. In the days of Shinsung Academy – I always worked hard and had fun.”

Sister Bitch continued with a sly smile.


And having fun?

Suddenly, I remembered Sister Bitch’s academy days that Andrea had been talking about.

“…what part was fun?”

I asked, swallowing my saliva.

“Um… There were times when it was difficult because I did too much! The Holy Academy was always too much-“

Sister Bitch continued with a slightly relaxed expression.

What the hell was so much?!

I wanted to ask a question, but Aiden struggled with it.

“Still, most of it was fun, but the hardest part was when I was working with several people at once. Yeah, that was the most difficult.”

Sister Bitch fanned her hands as if it was hot.

With several people at once-?!

Aiden unwittingly imagined Scarlett wallowing with several others.

How can you handle multiple people by yourself? After all, Sister Pro Bitch!

“But when you work hard and get compliments from your teacher, you’re completely on your toes! Do you know what it feels like?”

How the heck did the Shinsung Academy even get compliments from the teacher?!

Was that last name? crazy crazy

I’m not going to the f*cking hero academy, I’m going to the holy academy.

Aiden regrets the choices he made in the past.

Sister Pro Bitch leaned slightly against the table, smiling in hopes.

Because she was wearing a dress with a deep chest, her breastbone was clearly visible to Aiden.

Her breasts weren’t as huge as Vicky or Kate, but her breasts were moderately large and white and soft.

“I’ve never been praised by a teacher.”

Aiden answered, forcing himself to keep his gaze down.

“Huh- Aiden doesn’t seem to be doing well-?”

Scarlett was happy to feel like she was having a conversation with Aiden in search of common ground.

Yes, the academy is different, but I graduated first.

And didn’t he even graduate from Shinsung Academy with a second class?

The academy had a lot to say.

“No! I’m fine! I’ll be fine! I’ve never been tested by a teacher, though.”

Aiden hurriedly waved his hand and answered.

“No, Aiden may not be able to do it at his age. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You’ll get better and better. I’ll tell you how to do it well later.”

Scarlett was happy to think she was in the lead.

“…Yes. Okay! Let me know.”

Aiden answered with enthusiasm, as if he was a hard-working student.

How to do it-

Aiden muttered a little.

You brought up the right topic-!

Scarlett was proud of Aiden’s attitude, which seemed to be interested in the topic she had brought up.

“Yeah. I’ll let you know.”

Scarlett continued to speak confidently about the academy assignments.

“But sometimes, when the weather is nice, I’m really happy when I do it outdoors. Lying in a group under the warm sun-“

Scarlett remembered the days of the Holy Academy.

When I lay down in the garden, which is the pride of Shinsung Academy, and meditated on the word of God under the warm sunlight that is God’s grace, I felt like my body would melt in the peace.


Aiden’s voice rose as if torn apart.

“Yeah. Didn’t Aiden do it outdoors?”

Are there no assignments outdoors at the Hero Academy?

I was so happy when I meditated in the warm sunlight.

Suddenly, Aiden, who did not know such peace, felt pity.

“Yeah, yet… I really want to try it. Me too.”

Aiden looked at Scarlett with hot eyes and answered.

Those hot eyes made Scarlett’s body warm for nothing.

Scarlett was concerned about Aiden’s eyes and atmosphere from a while ago.

Eyes that look like they want something.

“I’ll prepare a meal for you.”

The waiter carefully placed the plate of food on the table.

The seat became more comfortable than before, but when I smelled the fragrant smell, I suddenly felt hungry.

The shrimp dumpling soup consisted of white soup and five pieces of shrimp meat on top.

But did the shrimp originally look like this?

Scarlett tilted her head at the sight of the cylindrical shrimp dish.

Is this just a feature of this restaurant?

“Then enjoy it.”

The waitress said hello and went back quietly.

“Bon appetite.”

Aiden raised a fork and knife and said in a deep voice.

“Yeah, Aiden too.”

Scarlett replied with a small smile.

Scarlett forked the odd-looking shrimp dish.

A small amount of white liquid came out of the part taken with a fork.

Is there any sauce inside?

Aiden was dizzy from the food the employee had brought.

The ribs he ordered were just an ordinary steak, but the shrimp soup that Sister Pro Bitch made was a problem.

The shape of the shrimp on top of the shrimp soup was blatantly the shape of a male genitalia.

Detailed and explicit with a clear expression of where the front is.

Bitching such a shrimp, the nun put her shiny purple hair behind her ear and lightly tapped it with a fork before taking the picture.

The ears of the white little Bitch Sister, which were exposed when she brushed her hair, were attractive.

Sister Bitch noticed my gaze, smiled in hope, and took the fork to her mouth.

Finally, Scarlett’s crimson lips touched the abominable shrimp dish.

Sister Bitch closed her eyes in desperation and ate about half of the shrimp dish.

As if this crazy restaurant paid attention to the smallest detail, Sister Beach had a white liquid coming out of her bite.

Scarlett couldn’t imagine what was inside, so white liquid overflowed and ran down her crimson lips.

It was very provocative for me to see.

I lost my mind a little and hurriedly handed the tissue next to me.

Sister Bitch took the tissue and habitually wiped the liquid from the side of her lips.

The slow and clean wiping was so desirable that Aiden swallowed the meat in his mouth without chewing.

Scarlett couldn’t even imagine putting so much sauce in the food.

It’s a date and you spill the sauce.

You must have looked like a first-time visitor to this place.

f*cked! f*cked!

“This is delicious.”

Scarlett said hurriedly so as not to be caught in her embarrassment.

But his face was already hot.

“it’s delicious?”

I don’t know why, but Aiden’s face was also red.

“Yeah, it’s delicious. I want to keep eating it.”

While speaking calmly, I watched the shrimp dish.

Scarlett has always loved shrimp.

The appearance was a bit strange, but the shrimp dishes at this restaurant were of a very high standard.

We finished our meal while talking about this and that.

Fortunately, the meal ended without any problems.

Meal with Aiden was comfortable.

Aiden was more polite and fun than he looked.

Scarlett wasn’t used to men, but eating with Aiden was comfortable.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand why Andrea liked him.

The problem was this:

‘I’ll start with dinner-‘

He remembered what he said as he entered the restaurant.

No matter how inexperienced Scarlett was, she knew that going up to the room would cause problems.

I wanted to f*ck Andrea and Shin, but I didn’t want to go out on a first date like that.

Wouldn’t it be enough just to have dinner together?

It’s not that Aiden didn’t like it, but going to the room for the first meeting was nonsense for Scarlett.

Just imagining it makes my heart pound and I feel guilty.

Yes, this is enough.

Aiden was looking at the table, touching his chin, thinking what he was thinking.

Aiden’s stiff hands were trampled on by his eyes.

My face turned red again.

It can’t be like this-

“Then I’ll go to the bathroom for a while.”

First of all, I needed to get out of this place and calm down.

Scarlett calmed her pounding heart and headed to the bathroom.

The toilet was in a corner.

But where the hell is the women’s bathroom?

On one side, a figure with both legs spread out, and on the other side, a figure with a protruding protrusion was drawn.

Upon closer inspection, there was a small written on the top of the door that had her legs spread out, saying that she was a woman.

Why is that woman like that?

Scarlett felt suspicious and pushed the door in.

Fortunately, inside was a normal toilet.

I turned the round ball to the side, put it in cold water, washed my hands, and regained my consciousness.

Yep, that’s enough of it.

Calia’s advice really worked.

Aiden has been unable to take his eyes off his chest.

It was embarrassing every time, but I tried to ignore the gaze and didn’t show it.

Do men like this that much?

Scarlett touched her chest for nothing.

It’s soft, but-


Suddenly I heard the door lock.

I don’t know why, but it sounded so ominous.

“You bitch like a prostitute.”

Scarlett was startled by the quiet sound behind her, as if she was about to faint.

Obviously no one was-?

I turned around and saw Andrea standing next to the door, with a hardened face.

Andrea’s eyes were overflowing with a feeling of hatred that he had never felt before, dripping down.

“Does a dirty bitch dare slap Aiden-sama’s tail?”

Andrea mumbled harsh words with a hardened face.

Andrea came closer and closer.

Is it really Andrea’s word for such a bloody word?

Andrea, who was that exemplary and always first at the academy-?

The bloody figure of Andrea made me think that I should run away, but Scarlett hardened at the bloody feelings of others she felt for the first time.

“This is blasphemy. Yes, blasphemy. You can’t let that filthy bitch stick to Aiden-sama. You bitch.”

Andrea’s trembling hands were ominous.

A bright white fire blazed from Andrea’s hand.

“This is a punishment. You dirty prostitute.”

Andrea’s expression was reverent.

Andrea, who had finally come right in front of Scarlett, extended a burning hand to Scarlett.

Run away-!

Scarlett desperately tried to move her body, but her body, already frozen in fear, did not move.

In the end, Scarlett couldn’t do anything but close her eyes tightly.


“Hey!! Stop your crazy incarnation quickly!!! Your crazy incarnation is going to kill my incarnation!!! How do you think that’s a saint candidate!!!”

The sea god cried and shook the earth god’s body.

“Tell me what to do! He cut off my voice a while ago!!!”

The Earth God was at a loss for words as he watched his incarnation grow more and more broken.

No, no matter how broken it is, there has to be some degree. Is a female candidate stalking someone else’s date and trying to strangle another female candidate?

Seeing that, the earth god was absurd.

I’ve been pouring all my points on a kid like that.

I’m crazy I’m crazy

“Why did you choose that crazy bitch as your incarnation!!! You stupid god!!”

The sea god wept and shouted.

Tears were already overflowing in the eyes of the sea god.

Also, some sailors will be eating fish today.

Seeing the tears of the sea god, the earth god murmured.

“It was weird, but it wasn’t like this… until I met that scumbag. And because she had the best stats out of all the nuns…”

look at that You learn to use ‘God’s Flame’ by yourself.

The earth god muttered while turning his gaze away from the sea god.

“Please do something quickly!!!”

The sea god grabbed the earth god by the collar and shook it.

“I don’t know anymore. I-“

The earth god had no choice but to sigh and watch his mad incarnation.

Still, I’m glad that my incarnation doesn’t look like he’s going to die.

Earth God looked down with an uneasy expression.


The mournful cry of the sea god filled the surroundings.

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