Avoid the Yandere Constellation chapter 123

Avoid the Yandere Constellation 123

Now Kane is in an unusual crisis.

Probably because the group of women took off his rash guard and looked at him with eyes full of enthusiasm.

“Wow. crazy.”

With a pure voice, Skaya blushes in admiration.

“It’s a well-trained muscle. Kane Whoo…”

Illin speaks as if she is holding on to something.


The other three people swallowed dry saliva and looked at them with devouring eyes.

I don’t think we are facing the greatest crisis of all time without adding a single exaggeration.

In fact, it wouldn’t be strange to be hit by an outdoor robbery right now.

‘F * UCK. The models were really great.’

Usually models will get the attention of countless cameras and people.

I can’t help but have a bit of respect for it when I think about posing confidently without any fuss.

Isn’t it burdensome just looking at a few people?

Of course, it could be that they just looked at them with strange eyes.

“Hey, how long are you going to stare at me?”

“young master. Can I take a video for a moment?”

····Yeah? I beg your pardon?

Richie answers Kane’s question.

When I checked to see if the volume adjustment was turned down as much as possible, it was fine, contrary to what I expected.

Kane sighs for a moment, then Lisana wipes the saliva from her lips and says:

“senior. Can I touch your muscles?”


It is clear what will happen if we do not escape from here right now.

Jenny was the one who arranged it for a time like this.

For a moment our eyes met her.

The moment I look at you with eyes begging for life.

– Swish!

Isn’t he looking at the distant mountain and avoiding his gaze?

‘F * UCK.’

It’s too early to give up.

There is still hope.

Did you not arrange the Hidden Card Rien here?

Kane looked into Lien’s eyes, ignoring the gaze with desire-filled eyes. With the face of the world desperately.

Lien, who has been favored by Kane, is usually on his side.

But, is it because his daughter is involved in this case?

Lien covered her mouth with her hand and smiled mischievously.

“Jenny. The atmosphere here isn’t bad, so we’ve been apart for a while.”

Kane’s expectations were betrayed.

uh? excuse me?

Kane puts a bewildered expression on her face at the sudden betrayal.



Kane was surrounded by countless women and was shamed for being touched and filmed.

As an aside, that day Kane only thought to himself.

That one day I’ll get my petty revenge.


Kane was so out of touch with the women.

He sighed as he put the completely mop rashguard into the Agonban ring.


Something feels odd.

Obviously, it’s not a bad feeling to be entrusted to women, but it’s kind of disappointing.

It was as if I ate delicious food and found out that a small amount of poison was in it.

‘Well, that and this are different.’

With that in mind, Kane looked at the group playing in the sea for a moment.

Illin wraps her arms around the Auror and divides the sea.

Jenny, who strengthens her body and beats saltwater fish.

Skaya and Riche catch fish floating in the sea without hesitation.

‘what? Isn’t that what I think it is?’

The play he was thinking of was drawing a picture of sprinkling water in the sea, laughing hahaho.

Because it’s normal to play like that in the sea.

However, now, contrary to expectations.

-thud! Kwajik! shoot ah!

Aren’t you playing with the waves?

····Is this right?

Am I not the only one who thinks this way?

From the side, Lisana raises one corner of her mouth. like it’s not funny.

“hey. Are we normal?”

“Yes, senior.”

Fortunately, Lisana nodded her head with a sympathetic face, whether she was the only one who thought so.

Still, there are people who are playing normally, unlike those who cause natural disasters.

that’s no different.

“Oh oh oh oh!!!”

Just like how he looked, he was a little beast, Cage.

She put her body on the tube and enjoyed the waves.

Willy grabbed her tube and moved it.

‘okay. That’s normal.’

In an instant, common sense almost collapsed.

Actually, some women are playing differently than Kane knows.

“By the way, why are you here? I thought you would play like that the most.”

“Originally, there are times when people just want to take a break.”


At that, Kane narrowed her eyes and looked at her.

I feel something uncomfortable.

It was because Lisanara expected the person who would be the most active to play.

However, unexpectedly, she was squatting next to him.

It’s like looking around.

While Kane is suspicious of her. Meanwhile, Lisana.

‘Ummm, what should I do?’

got into serious trouble.

The reason I’m doing this now is to reach out to none other than Kane.

‘I need to get closer too. I mean.’

In fact, he knows it himself.

that he is the most lagging behind among the years.

However, it is not outwardly showing tea.

‘···· No matter how much the country is hurt a little.’

Kane is quite generous with other women.

Different from what I usually do to her.

But it can’t be helped.

Haven’t you already made a bad impression on him at the first meeting and the test site?

So even if he thinks it’s bad, it’s understandable.

‘Well, it seems like it’s because I’ve been forcing myself to go away from it.’

Thinking about that, Lisana let out a deep sigh.


How did you come to like him?

At first, it was just curiosity.

I just got curious because a goddess who likes to fight took an interest in me.

It was nothing more and nothing less.

however. The ability and power he showed was more than I expected, so I had a very small crush on him without realizing it.

It’s a bonus that the face and body are the ideal type.

But even so, it was a crushing crush.

The original feelings of affection will disappear quickly.

So I didn’t really care, but after the fight with him, something unexpected happened.

‘At that time, a church spy or something came to kill me.’

To be honest, the odds of defeating him at the time were not very high.

It was because I was so exhausted that it was not enough that my body had run out of divinity.

To be honest, I was just bluffing.

Inside, I was a little afraid that I might die.

I’ve never been in danger of dying before.

At the moment when I am so bluffed and frightened.

An unexpected miracle happened.

Didn’t Kane, who he thought would have died because of a hole in his stomach, survived unharmed?

What a coincidence at the time, I remembered a novel written by a person from another world who is quite popular these days.

The main character who saved the heroine from crisis.

The kind of directing that I had been longing for a little bit only in my heart, happened right in front of my eyes.

Eventually, after a while, I realized it.

That I fell in love with Kane.

There is a saying that love begins with curiosity.

‘Maybe I didn’t know it was real.’

When you are drenched in thoughts for a moment while smiling inwardly.

“What, what do you think?”

Kane tilts his head to the side and looks at him blankly.

The eyes are a bit ferocious, but they are quite handsome.

sharp nose.

Sculpture-like distinct features.

I’ve seen it quite often, but seeing it right in front of me.

‘It sure looks good.’

Lisana responded with such sentiments without showing her pounding heart.

“just. I was thinking of meeting you for the first time.”

“Oh, that s*x? At that time, I thought there were really crazy people out there.”


I have nothing to say.

At the time, I was just talking about leaving a big impression, but when I hear it in front of the person in charge, I feel embarrassed for nothing.

Lisana blushed a little in her earlobe and scratched the side of her head.

“by the way. Why are you doing this here?”

“Can I call you like that before then?”


Lisana pretends to be cute and tilts her head in response to Kane’s question.

Kane looked at Anje for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“Didn’t you almost die by Anje-nim when you said ‘baby’ last time?”

“Ah… well, that’s right. He’s not even strengthening his body right now, and seeing him play like that, he probably doesn’t seem to care?”

“Well, it doesn’t look like it.”

Kane nodded with empathy.

Lisana looked at Lien for a moment and asked with curious eyes.

“by the way. who is that person Something resembles a saint.”

“Ah… well, it doesn’t matter. It’s Anje-nim’s mother.”


Did you hear something unexpected?

Lisana has a surprised face she has never shown before.

The next moment, he made a persuasive expression on his face and then nodded his head.

“exactly. That self-assertive jerk. A slender waist that holds up well. And finally, the atmosphere and features that are somewhat similar. I’m sure it’s the mother of the saint.”

no. even if he speaks

Well, although Lisana’s words were vulgar, they weren’t so wrong.

Isn’t the body and atmosphere almost the same?

‘If there is a difference, what about the face?’

But they are both so pretty that it’s hard to compare them to be honest.

As Kane thinks so. Meanwhile, Lisana.

‘Now let’s start slowly.’

Right now, all the enemies around him are playing and are in a state of negligence.

If not now, there would be no such great opportunity.

‘Because it’s obvious how intense it will be after that.’

Lisana naturally opened her mouth to carry out her strategy.

“Baby, but. I have a question.”

“Uh, what is it?”

“why. You aren’t playing, are you doing this here?”

At her question, Kane narrows her eyes for a moment.

He takes a sip of his drink and replies.

“It’s embarrassing.”


“It’s just that the sea water itself is disgusting.”


Obviously, when you come out of the sea while playing, your body feels uncomfortable.

Unlike the water in the valley.

“But when are you going to do the quest?”

Kane briefly recalled the story he had with the client and the message of the constellation.

“I plan to do it in the afternoon.”

“why. Afternoon?”

“Well, I was just going to do it right at first, but I don’t think I could play properly for a while, and I thought it would be bad to take a break first.”

“Huh, so you have quite a bit of free time right now?”

“Uh, um, right?”

what? why ominous?

Just as Kane was about to run away. Lisana hugged his forearm.

“Don’t run away, baby♥”

“ha. Okay, what are you going to do?”

Anyway, the rush guard was forcibly removed and a video was taken.

There’s nothing to lose except for this boss.

Because I have already suffered more shame than I expected.

When Kane was thinking about such a complacency, Lisana took out the sunscreen she had prepared for this occasion.

And then he smirks.

“Hehehe. Then, take turns with me and apply this all over your body. Be honest with each other♥ If we do something wrong, we can hurt each other’s skin.”


f*ck off. Why are you doing this to me.

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