Became a Strategist With an Intelligence of 100 and an Accuracy Rate of 100% chapter 29

29 - Episode 29. Entrusting myself to Brans Army (4)

29 – Episode 29. Entrusting myself to Brans Army (4)


As far as I know, giving away gold for no reason in this game was betrayal 99 times out of 100.

If a joint attack is proposed in the near future, you can assume that it will almost 100% result in betrayal.

It was a strategy that could be used if a character with an intelligence level of 95 or higher and the specialty [Betrayal] Was among the ally’s secretaries.

Giving money was only carried out because the action was necessarily included in this in-game plan for ‘betrayal’.

In order to notice this in advance, you must have an intelligence level of 99 or higher and the specialty [Mind’s Eye]…… Farfalle was a good tactician, but his intelligence was only in the early 90s and not even 95, so there was no way he could understand it.

Besides, it was meaningless because a player who had been hit a few times would inevitably notice even if it wasn’t told.

Now that we’re in the real world, it’s certainly possible that money was given purely for the sake of ‘promoting friendship’ –

Seeing that everything my brain with 100% intelligence predicted was correct, I could never ignore the situations that were commonly used in the game.


In order to completely explain all these hypotheses, there was an essential piece.

That is – ‘In a weak country like Charam County, there exists a treasonous talent with a score of 95 or higher and even a special trait for betrayal.’

‘In such a weak country? ‘For what?’

Of course, it was not an impossible proposition – but the possibility was very low.


No matter how unlikely it is, isn’t my ability 100 intelligence?

Wouldn’t it be possible to answer this question if I type it in?

“I… Irene. I have a favor to ask.”

“A favor?”

Irene, who had been waiting for me while I was silently lost in thought, tilted her head and asked.

Compared to her tone of voice, her demeanor was a very cute girl.


‘There’s no reason to suddenly ask a question here.’

She spoke to me first, as I was worried and could not easily open my mouth.


“Ah… Yes.”

“Is something wrong? I suddenly became blank and speechless…”

Iren looked at me with a worried expression and said.

I was worried, but soon gave up my mind.

“…It’s nothing.”

Instead of questioning my words further, she nodded her head and began to explain.

It seemed like they just overlooked it.

In a strange way, I felt grateful to her.

“…Anyway, I’ll move on to the south. There are no countries here that pose that much of a threat, except for the four countries.”

The southern part was the layout I vaguely knew.

Roland County, Hesna County, Karelia County, Ohana County.

If you leave it to the CPU, there is a high probability that the Karelian army will survive and conquer the south due to the difference in talent pool, but there is also a picture of the Ohana army or Hesna army conquering the south at a fairly high frequency.

Roland’s army’s victories were as frequent as peas in a drought, and the remaining weak countries were countries that would inevitably perish unless the player captured them.

“This is it. And finally-“

She pointed with her hand toward the top of the continent.

Northern part of the continent.

At this time, the only province to be unified by one country.

“The entire northern continent belongs to Serpina County. You know this much, right?”

“Of course.”

The weak nation attached to Serpina’s army was instantly destroyed as soon as one year had passed in the game.

In this world where there were no restrictions on entry, they would have perished sooner.

Thanks to Iren’s help, I was able to clearly check the current power structure.

There was a small harvest gained by checking the composition.

“Thank you.”

After giving a proper greeting, I took out a new piece of paper and picked up the pen again.

From Noble mtl dot com

“Hmm? What are you doing?”

“I thought I’d like to draw a map of the surrounding area.”

Almost all major battlefields in this game.

Because I did it for 10,000 hours, it remained vivid in my mind even after several months had passed since I came to this world.

I thought it would be convenient to organize it.

There was nothing to do anyway.

Irene nodded her head, then she put her hand on my shoulder and said,

“Leave the lantern on. Just turn it off before you go to sleep.”

“It will be bright, will you be okay?”

“Originally, I was sleeping in front of a campfire.”

After Iren said that, she smiled slightly and left my side and sat with her back against the wall.

Are you going to give up your bed again today?

As always, it is best to gratefully accept favors when you can.

“Good night.”

First of all, is it the battlefield around the eastern Aethus County border? ….

I slowly lifted the pen and drew a line.


The next evening.

Iren left the house for a while, and I was drawing a map of the surrounding battlefield by myself.

‘There are a lot more mountains around here than I thought.’

It wasn’t a mountainous area with such steep cliffs, but there were quite a few hills anyway.

Anel Castle and its surroundings were a wide plain, but strangely enough, it felt like there was a lot of terrain around the border that was difficult to traverse.

I planned to check the battlefield from time to time even after the cleanup was over.

Because you never know when and when you will have to speak out based on this information.

At that time.

The door opened, and Irene came back from outside, wearing her armor.

“Are you here?”


She filled her hands with something and placed it on her desk.

I confirmed it.

“Isn’t this… Meat?”

A few pieces of raw meat, especially beef.

There were all kinds of food ingredients there.

Iren looked at me and said with a smile.

“Now that I think about it, Swen, you’ve become a new member of the family. Wouldn’t it be right to treat you properly at least once?”

So you bought meat?

I said, taken aback by the unexpected favor.

“There is no need to go this far.”

“It’s okay. I feel comfortable doing this. Besides, looking at you, you look quite weak. Is that right?”


Honestly, I had nothing to say.

If I followed Irene’s routine, I would lie down from exhaustion in less than two hours.

The reason she did not refuse to give up her bed was because lying down and sleeping in her bed was actually helpful for me, who has a weak body, in recovering her physical strength.

“Don’t be upset. No one is born with physical strength from the start. In times like that, you eat meat after all. Eating meat gives you strength. Sit down. I’ll prepare it in a moment.”

As Iren said that, she took off the armor that protected her chest.

Her big breasts bounced for a moment.

Soon after, she changed into the comfortable clothes she wore when preparing a meal, picked up a knife and started cooking.

‘… ….’

I felt it while we were together, but she had a much higher quality of life than I thought.

Moreover, no matter how miserable the situation she was given was, she had the mental strength to not give in to it.

Honestly, when I, a man, came – she must have felt ashamed.

What a monarch who sends a new male subject to live in his house as a roommate.

It is said that it is a virtue of a subject to obey the orders of the monarch, but it is obviously a humiliating thing.

Yet he never revealed anything like that to me.

Isn’t it rather a welcome meal, where they buy meat and cook it for you?

‘Why on earth?’

No matter how much it was due to compatibility, I couldn’t understand Rin’s behavior of treating someone like Iren harshly at all.

Perhaps the reason Rin cannot become a unified monarch is because of his unique intolerance and gloom?

Because I’m thinking like that-

“It’s done!”

Irene brought her plate with a slightly proud expression.

She felt that the plate that would normally just hold things like hard rye bread or dried fish was very sophisticated just because it contained a piece of freshly grilled meat.

I picked up a fork and knife and cut the meat.

This feeling. How long has it been?

After cutting the meat, I put it in my mouth and chewed the piece to realize that it was alive.

“It’s delicious.”

The seasoning was just right and the degree of grilling was just right.

She smiled brightly and said at my words.

He seemed honestly happy to hear the compliment.

“I’m confident in grilling meat. Even when camping, I usually take charge of all the cooking.”

“Are you talking about Irene?”

“Hmm, that’s right.”

She said that and patted me on the back.

“Swen. It must be inconvenient to stay in the house of a general of a different gender, and I’ve seen things that I’ve never seen before, so I’m worried… But I’m just sorry that I can’t do something to resolve the issue right now. If an empty house comes up, I’ll let you go immediately. So, please just be patient until then.”

She spoke as if she truly felt sorry for me.

You really have a sincere personality.

When I heard that, I spoke slyly.

“What are you talking about? If it’s okay with you, Irene, I want to live with you forever.”

And you can’t see it.

It was the best scenery, but let’s leave that out there.

“You’re really good at flattery. Like I said before, nothing comes of that.”

“No. I’m serious.”

I answered very seriously.

That was sincere. There was nothing better than spending time together to increase her favorability.

Rin may have sent her day here for the purpose of tormenting her, but on her part, the choice was not a bad one for me – in fact, it was a good choice.

Besides, she was pretty. Looking at her big breasts every day, it was clear that her life expectancy would also increase.

Irene was embarrassed when she heard what I said, and her face suddenly blushed.

She scratched the surface of her meat with the fork in front of her and then said sheepishly:

“…Hmm, hmm. Let’s finish the meal first.”

And without saying a word, she roughly cut the meat into pieces and put it into her mouth.

It was very cute to see her get shy.

“Then I will eat well.”

First of all, I would like to thank Irene for preparing her meat for me-

After that, I said hello to Lin, who prepared Airen for me, and then proceeded to eat.

* * *

It has been three days since I took office in Brans County.

That is, the day to participate in the ‘regular meeting of Brans County’ has dawned.

I’ve been floating because I don’t have any work, but I’ll probably be given some work to do starting this month.

Irene, who woke up early and dressed up in her armor, spoke to me.

“Are you ready to go out?”

“Wait a minute.”

After slowly getting dressed, I wrapped myself in the outerwear that Irene gave me.

The front pocket of the outerwear had a pattern signifying Brans County engraved on it.

Just wearing these clothes made me realize more than ever where I belong.

There was no uniform like this in the Lunarian military, a small nation.

Is it right to work as a servant at a large company?

“I’m ready.”

“…Ah. I have one last thing to say.”

“What is it?”

“It may be better for you if you don’t get involved with me as much as possible. I’ll leave first, so I recommend following after 5 minutes. I’m sure you know the way to the castle.”


I understood the true meaning of her words without difficulty.

Since she is taken by Lin Brans, are you saying that she will understand even if she keeps her distance?

I spoke in a stern tone, purely amazed that she could talk like that to me, who was just one of her housemates.

“What does a rookie know? Instead of already getting involved in politics, wouldn’t it be better to show an innocent side that knows nothing?”

When Irene heard that, she smiled slightly as if it was funny, and then she said.

Over the three days, we became closer than we thought.

“…You really say things like that without hesitation. I want to learn from them.”

“I’ll let you know when I get the chance.”

She smiled slightly, opened the door, and took her steps out.

Of course, I followed her right away without waiting even 5 minutes.


The morning on East Arnell Street was very peaceful.

The noisy sounds of the territory residents, and carriages moving back and forth carrying something.

The biggest feature was that there were a lot of people wearing clothes with the same patterns as me.

Are they all working under Brans?

For reference, this unique emblem seemed to be given not only to generals but also to lower-level organizations such as soldiers.

It is only used by ‘generals’ in the game, but in order to run such a large organization, many ‘James’ from the Brans Army who are not revealed in the system must be working hard.

Thinking like that gave me a strangely bitter feeling, but I didn’t have time to get lost in sentimentality.

Not long after, we arrived at the royal castle of Anel.

I could hear people greeting each other.

At this point, people who recognized Irene would come up to her and say hello, but-

Surprisingly, no one spoke to her.

The people who occasionally greeted me were not generals, but people of low rank, such as the general’s servants or maids.

‘Is this what it means?’

Do you think it is meaningless to have personal interactions with Irene, who is hated by Lyn Brans?

Feeling strangely repulsed, I clung closer to her.

Fortunately or unfortunately, people didn’t pay attention to me following her.

It seemed like he thought he was Irene’s attendant.

Of course, it didn’t matter what they thought.

After walking for a few more minutes.

Iren and I entered the conference room inside the royal castle.

Inside the castle, there were really, really many people lined up on both sides.

At least a few dozen people can be seen right away.

Compared to the total of 5 people, including myself, in the main castle of Zeeland Castle…… It couldn’t have been a completely different world.

It appears that Rin has not arrived yet, so the throne was empty.

“This way.”

I followed Irene’s instructions and positioned myself behind her to the right.

And not long after-

“The lord is coming!”

Along with the soldiers’ loud cries, the sound of footsteps echoed like an echo within the quiet castle.

Long blue hair.

Cruelty hidden behind beautiful appearance.

Brance’s absolute will – Lin Brans, with Farfalle behind him, arrived at the throne at a steady pace and sat down.

Towards her subjects, she opened her mouth in a very solemn tone, considering that she had a somewhat frivolous side.

“Okay. Is everyone here? We’re going to start the Brans County monthly regular meeting. Any complaints?”

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not work with dark mode