Became the Blind Male Lead in a Reversed World chapter 27

Became the Blind Male Lead in a Reversed World 27



Four days later, we arrived at the end of the continent.

The cool wind brushed my cheeks. As I was being carried by Yeonha, I asked what was in front of us.

“I see the sea. It’s so beautiful to see it after a long time.”

“There is a port city. Follow me.”

“Yeonha, please put me down now. I can walk.”

“If it’s too difficult, I can keep carrying you…”

“Sigh. I don’t want you to carry me, Yeonha.”

Looking embarrassed, Yeonha shrugged her shoulders.

I got off and walked while feeling the sea breeze.

As we continued to walk, I began to hear the voices of people. After only hearing each other’s voices for the past few days, the unfamiliar voices of strangers somehow sounded fresh.

But as we entered the port city, I wanted to turn back a little.

– Welcome!!!

– What the hell is wrong with the fish today?!

– Come on. Let’s buy this. Try it.

– Unbelievable..! The end of the world is coming!

– That lunatic is here again?

– Catch that bastard! He stole my money!

– Spare some change… just a little change…

It’s too… too loud.

As my complexion worsened, Pangya blocked my ears. Still, it was noisy. But it was better than before.

“How did you know?”

“… Somehow. I just had a feeling.”


I heard Yeonha making a similar noise, whether she had a similar thought or felt like she had been taken advantage of.

In my past life, I wouldn’t have felt anything even with this much noise, but now, relying heavily on my sense of hearing as a blind man, it was different.

In fact, the time at the Mulin Holy Society was much noisier.

However, I could tell after thinking about it for a moment that the current noise was much more unpleasant.

Even with the same noise, the cities managed by the Wulin Sacred Land Society or the Wulin Alliance hardly had annoying noises in their ears or nerves.

But this port city was full of unpleasant noises.

Especially… foul language.

Han Arin apologized to me.

“I’m sorry. I bumped into you. I’ll quickly squeeze through the crowd.”

“It’s… alright.”

I’m already embarrassed when someone bumps into my back, especially in a crowded place like this. It’s embarrassing to be jostled.

“I may not be the best person to talk about it since I was born here, but people living in the port are generally rough and ill-mannered. Especially here, where public safety is not good, so be careful with your belongings.”

As expected in the world of martial arts novels. It seemed inevitable that public safety would be worse than the modern world. I heard that the western area near Magyo was so bad that it couldn’t be found in the modern world even during times of war… It might as well be considered a demon realm.

“Ha. Look at that guy. He makes me want to strangle him and eat him.”

“Where? Hey, Yangban. Don’t speak so casually just because he’s a well-dressed gentleman. His skin is fair.”

“What can you do if he looks unappealing?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Yeah? Look at that man. Doesn’t he look strange?”

“Hmm… He even has three women with him. They seem like ragged girls. Not my type.”

Hmm, I could tell from the voices. There were some women who were speaking while looking in our direction.

It’s a bit hard to judge based on their voices alone… but the voices didn’t remind me of innocent girls. It was even to the point that they needed a girl filter to constantly imagine the other person’s face, like a blind person.

I tried to ignore it, but I heard a chilling sound.


“What…?! Wha… what’s happening?”


Yeonha rarely clicked her tongue.

“You… you b*tch…! My arm…! My arm…!!!”



The surroundings turned chaotic. Yeonha reluctantly answered my question.

“Peng-yahwa attacked someone. She cut off one arm and leg, so the woman who mocked Eunho collapsed.”


Someone had fallen.


“What happened?!”

“Miss Yahwa. Can’t you just stop here?”

“……..Shut up. I have to kill to calm down.”

“If it were me, I would have done it where Confucius couldn’t see. It’s a bad choice.”

“……..I understand.”

– Squeak. The sound of continuous crossing was heard.

I suppressed my strengthened blood and stopped Paeng Yahwa.

“Stop…! Please stop! I’ve heard everything, why is Yahwa…”

“…Are you not affected at all?”


“Even after hearing such things… you’re not affected?”

“…I tried to ignore it. Because it consumes emotions. But still, Yahwa committing unnecessary killings…”


“Well… I can only imagine confronting her directly, but when someone important around me does it instead, it doesn’t feel good.”



“You only… called me by my name for the first time.”

Being happy about that in this situation…? Eunho was slightly taken aback, but he thought he had stopped Paeng Yahwa for now.

No… Did I already miss it since I cut her?


Oh no… it’s heartbreaking to see a grown woman crying out like that. She might have been wrong, but even if she deserved some punishment, just one arm should have been enough.

With this smell of blood…

But it was Hanarin who prevented me from giving emergency treatment.

“I’ll take care of this place, so please follow this prescription.”

“What about the injured people?”

“Even if Confucius treats them here, it’ll only have the opposite effect. I will administer first aid.”


Hanarin was relieved that Eunho didn’t have to witness the carnage.

The harbor was filled with severed arms and legs in a flash. The salty sea breeze mixed with the scent of blood.

“Ple… Please save me… I made a mistake…”

After confirming that Eunho was going with Namgung Yeonha. Hanarin thought.

What do I do.

Pang-ya looked at the girls with a blank expression and asked.

“What are you going to do?”

She said simply.

“……..I have to kill.”

“Eun-ho is going to be sad.”

In fact, there were too many commoners who died after disturbing the minds of the high-ranking people. If you go to places with many back organizations such as Haomoon, you will see such scenes countless times.

“……..But still. Even if you think of robbing Eun-ho in your imagination… it’s okay to kill him.”

“Aren’t you still just his girlfriend?”

“It will be soon. And even if he says no… Eun-ho is precious now.”

Han-arin said with a sigh.

“Then I recommend even more strongly not to kill..”

“……I hate it.”

In the end, they died for mocking their words once.

“…This is…”

“It feels strange.”

Eun-ho involuntarily wrinkled his face. The overpowering hostility.

A small house located on a small mountain overlooking the beach.

There. The clear feeling of death was felt.

Eun-ho felt goosebumps on his arms. Yeonha had never felt death so clearly.

It was as intense as when he hit Namgung Saya with the Sa-hwangyongchun lightning.

“You should ask if blood power is contagious.”

“Get in.”

At Eun-ho’s words, Namgung Yeon-ha held on tightly.

“No, you can’t. I’ll stop you by force until I hear the answer. Do it yourself.”


Eunho looked at Yeonhan with a chubby expression, as if he had made up his mind. “There’s nothing we can do now. Even if Eunho… even if you hate me, I can’t let you go.” Only then did Eunho relax his chubby expression and stroke Yeonha’s head. “…Didn’t I say that I’m not a child?” “I’ve never seen you as a child.” “Then why are you stroking my head?” “Because you’re pretty.” “…Eunho, you really…” Yeonhan sighed and eventually accepted the gesture. “Eunho, you can’t see my face, can you?” “It’s regrettable, but still, your actions are beautiful. Like worrying about me right away.” It’s a shame that you can’t see my face. Yeonhan felt a tingling sensation. How cute to act all sweet in the face of such a deadly aura. Unbeknownst to herself, Yeonhan laughed and said, “Wait a bit, Hana is coming.” As soon as Paengyahwa arrived, she bared her teeth like a cat, puffing up her fur. “What’s this?” “It’s the scent of blood.” “Is this a disease? Isn’t it closer to a curse?” “This doesn’t spread, right? If it does, even if Eunho doesn’t want to, I’ll have to take you to Jungwon.” “It won’t spread. My sister was born with this disease, and I’ve been taking care of her all along. But I’m perfectly fine.” “…You might have talent to reach the realm of transcendence…” Hana answered Paengyahwa’s question. “Not only me, but acquaintances who haven’t learned martial arts also took care of me when I wasn’t around.” “…”

Paengyahwa and Namgoongyeon looked skeptical, but Eunho entered without hesitation. “Excuse me.” *Squelch* A nauseating smell and venomous energy were felt. Eunho suppressed his sense of smell and checked the situation. Then he groaned. “Hmm… the condition is definitely… serious.”

“Eunho cautiously asked, ‘May I touch the wound?’

‘Yes. However, please be extremely careful… I mean really, really cautious. The limbs are almost rotten, so if you mishandle it, they may break.’

Upon hearing those words, Eunho gulped nervously. Though Namgoongyeon lacked medical knowledge, he still found it strange.

‘Normally, when there is a rotten wound, it is usually amputated. Leaving it to rot will only worsen the condition. But why wasn’t it amputated?’

‘My master and another divine being had different opinions. They said that amputation could worsen the condition and cause poisoning.’

Eunho sat down slowly, observing the patient’s condition.

‘What color is your brother’s infected skin?’


‘Does he have consciousness?’

‘He hasn’t had any for five years.’

‘Has he complained of any specific symptoms?’

‘As I mentioned earlier, severe headaches and fever are the main symptoms… His body is decaying, and his eyes are particularly congested.’

Eunho brought his index finger to the patient’s nose, observing his breathing.

Faintly, ever so faintly, he was breathing.

‘…I will begin the examination.’

Eunho anticipated that it would be a difficult battle.

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