Became the Blind Male Lead in a Reversed World chapter 3

Became the Blind Male Lead in a Reversed World 3

3 – Episode 3: Parasitic Orobic


“You seem like you’re looking at a pig about to be disposed of. hehehe. How cute~”

The moment Nam Gung-yeon heard those words, she thought she misheard. As soon as she realized the situation, a mix of embarrassment and anger surged within her.

“I really want to die from madness…!”

Perhaps she didn’t expect the atmosphere to become so hostile. Nam Gung Sia burst into tears.

“Squeak, squeak.”


“You’re being noisy.”

With a smug smile, he looked down at her.

Even in a world where everything was reversed, the taller man had the advantage. The only significant difference was that women had significantly higher bone density and muscle mass. When it came to handling energy, women excelled more. However, the overwhelming factor due to basic height difference still existed.

The most important thing was his demeanor.

The belief that he couldn’t be killed right now.

“Regarding your earlier question. Yes, it’s me, Nam Gung-yeon.”

“Don’t take advantage of being the favorite of your mother.”

“Isn’t it true? Haven’t you heard such words? A fool who was branded as a heretic and was instantly beheaded in that very spot.”

He was referring to her own father.

“Yeonyaha. Come here. Our baby.”

His words, insulting his father who had always held him and put him to bed in his open arms, were truly shocking.

It was not a secret that not even the female servants, nor the children of the female servants, knew. Only his mother and his younger brother, Sia, knew.

It wasn’t a secret that even a maid or a concubine could know.

“Are you not going to drink it yet?”

Yeonha’s hands shook.

“I heard that trained animals wet themselves from just lifting up a stick. That’s exactly how you look. Didn’t you say you were going to kill him earlier? This is ridiculous.”

He walked towards Yeonha and whispered in his ear. His strange and eerie appearance gave Yeonha goosebumps.

“I could let you off for a night or two since you’re trembling like that. hehehe. After all, you’re not the son of the man known as ‘Jungsil,’ are you?”

Even if someone has a high resilience, there are things that can’t be endured and things that can.

The resourcefulness of that concubine’s son was impressive. But there was no way a completely powerless man could be intimidated.

In a fit of anger, Namgung Yeonha instinctively realized this.

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As he swung his sword, he realized it.

“He’s coming…!”

Kukugwag!!! (sound effect)


His mother appeared, breaking down the wall. She laughed menacingly.

“Did you try to touch my possessions, you trash?”

Yeonha corrected his posture as he fell to the ground and took a deep breath in the beautifully decorated garden with gravel stones after having been driven out of the hallway.


“We’re going to spar, aren’t we?”

The sound of metal resonated as Namgung Yeonha drew his sword, which was about his height.

To think that he would earn the title of Noryong’s sword, which could penetrate the sound barrier, using such a giant sword.

Namgung Saya, who laughed menacingly, said,

“It’s going to be different from last time. Prepare to lose one of your arms this time.”

With trembling hands, Namgung Yeonha gripped his sword.

“What did you think of Father, Mother?”


“Why do you keep those concubine’s sons around you? Do you remember Father, Mother?”

“Keh heh heh

He spoke with vulgar words, resembling a bandit leader.

“But that’s all. There is no man who cannot be replaced.”

“Is that so?”

There was no tremor in Nam Goong-yeon-ha’s voice.

Anger filled his eyes.

“The Divine Harmony Sword.”

“hahahahaha! Do you want to duel with me, Nam Goong-se-ga, your father and your enemy?”

Whoosh! It wasn’t the sound of a sharp sword slicing through the air. It was the sound of a thick pillar being swung, coming from his mother.

But it was fast. Like…

“The White Horse Thunderbolt.”

It would be insane to block that. With each swing, a hundred crows die from this sword technique.

Rolling to the side, the garden behind me collapses along with the wall.

I narrowly avoided it, but my legs trembled as if being electrocuted.

Actually, it wasn’t an electric shock.

It was the pressure of his sword aura.

“Is that all?!”

A giant sword overwhelms me, approaching recklessly.

Mother’s swordsmanship is a modified version of Nam Goong-se-ga’s Supreme Sword Technique, the Dragon-Slaying Sword.

On the other hand, my Chang Gung Lightning Sword is a sword closer to the basics of Nam Goong-se-ga’s style.

It is just before emitting the sword aura. I can contain it, but I cannot release it… It only slightly enhances the durability and sharpness of the sword.




“Fleeing like a coward is your limit!! Not giving birth to you for four years was the correct answer after all!”


I barely managed to deflect the sword. But even so, I couldn’t withstand the impact and crashed into the wall.


Trying to stand up, I had to use the sword as a cane in order to get up properly.

We exchanged only one strike…

“For someone skilled in Chang Gung Wha E Sword Technique, you have too many flaws. There should be no slightest hint of imperfection, just like a flawless sky.”

Mother swung her sword, cold determination in her eyes.

“《Imperial Dragon’s Thunder》,” she muttered.

A downward strike, a pure and honest cutting technique. A stance that one must not overlook when learning not martial arts but genuine swordplay.




The power behind it was tremendous.

If Namyong’s body had moved a little further forward, he would have been split in two. Perhaps it was a final act of mercy.



Namyong said to the physician who dashed towards him in panic.

“Tend to it properly. Make sure the wounds don’t heal.”

Whether things go this way or that, if they really killed him, the young master would interfere.

The reputation of the great Four Seasons faction was synonymous with the reputation of the martial world. It was also the reputation of the Nine Martial School Alliance.

Surprisingly, Namyong didn’t have many mistresses. After taking his second wife, he deliberated between keeping a courtesan or bringing in a naïve noblewoman.

The former was far superior.

Even today, Namyong drank and frolicked with his mistresses. His favorite among them was the courtesan named Laijin.

While enjoying their time together, a servant approached her and spoke.

“Congratulations. It is said that Namyong Suyeon has reached the fourth level of cultivation.”



“You all should withdraw.”

Namyong said to the mistresses with a sneer on his face.

“Summon Namyong Suyeon.”

Not long after, Namyong Suyeon, the son of a mistress, arrived before Namyong with proper respect.

“I heard that Kyung-Gi has reached 4 stars.”

“Yes, Madam.”


Namu Gung Sa-ya looked at the moon for a moment before speaking.

“Can you handle my sword?”

“Excuse me?”

“Can you? Beyond the five-element imperial swordsmanship, the extreme of heavenly thunder. The Brain God’s Swordsmanship.”

“…Of course.”

“Heh heh. Are you teasing me with wishful thinking?”


Lightning struck in front of Namu Gung So-Yeon.

《 Emperor’s Dragon Thunder》

No sound was later than the lightning that struck. After the lightning struck.

The smell of blood was ripe in the air.


A spectator who was watching from the sidelines was shocked and fell over.

Namu Gung Saya looked at it with cold eyes. It was none other than magic coming out from Namu Gung Soyeon, which was split in half from top to bottom.

It was a disappointing end.

Namu Gung So-Yeon, who was a concubine’s child, had reached out to magic to surpass Namu Gung Yeon-Ha, who was slower in growth.

“I have raised all of my children incorrectly.”

Namu Gung Saya, who likes strength and fighting, hated magic as befitting a member of the Four Great families.


“…Is she not coming today?”

I was surprised that Namu Gung Yeon-ha hadn’t arrived yet as I practiced spitting on a pig’s skin.

I’m fine… But if she doesn’t come today, I’ll have to do the blood flow treatment again.

At this rate with the sun setting… It might not be late.

Then, the smell of blood began to seep out a little.



“Namu Gung Yeon-Ha?”

“I… I have come.”

I cautiously approached while stumbling. I wouldn’t make the same mistake as last time and embrace her.

But as I approached, Fang Okha raised her head and looked at me.

Or more precisely, she leaned against me as if about to collapse.


A fever…

I was surprised by her body’s temperature that was hot like a fireball. What surprised me even more was the thick scent of blood emanating from her.

“Haa… Hah…”

“Yeonha, are you okay?”

Seeming to have fainted, I had no choice but to use acupuncture.


I focused my senses to their limits, utilizing all my senses. In my case, I had to analyze the situation through touch.


Even a woman smaller than me struggled with fainting, making it difficult to move her.

Well, it’s true that men in the opposite world are weak.

After laying her on the bed, I mustered up my strength.

“I haven’t cultivated my internal energy much…”

As toxins left her body, I purified her energy, but I didn’t perform any qigong techniques.

Because I would have to use them anyway.

Touching the meridians could be dangerous, so I checked her condition through her energy flow.

Her shoulders to her abdomen were deeply injured. It seemed as if her organs were about to spill out.

Upon inspection, it appeared as though they were tightly bound… as if already infected with bacteria.

There are limitations in conventional acupuncture theory.

“I’m sorry. You might feel some pain when waking up.”

I pricked the points for blood circulation, temporarily numbing Yeonha’s sensory perception.

Originally used in combat, it turned out to be more useful for patients.

Listening to her relaxed breathing, I began the treatment.

I couldn’t apply pressure to the wound… nor could I force her to lie on her stomach.

So, I released the toxins from her body by carefully applying acupuncture points whenever possible.

In the end, the most critical injury was from the chest to the navel.

It’s good to be bound like this, but why hasn’t anyone wrapped the bandage around it?

For a moment, I left her alone and searched for herbs in the warehouse.

After undressing Nam Gung-yeon, I carefully removed the needle and tied a bandage with herbs.

“Ugh… it hurts.”

Since the herbs needed to take effect, I had to chew them to release the juice, so I carefully chewed the herbs and applied them to the bandage one by one.

After securing it to prevent the wound from opening, I began circulating my qi arbitrarily.

The acupuncture I learned is not your typical acupuncture; it can be used to cultivate internal energy. Here, the emphasis is on continuously circulating qi to restore health.

“What on earth happened…”

Looking at her breathing softly, I imagined her face.

How is she sleeping? More importantly, how is she undressed?

I undressed her, but I can’t see her undressed.

Even though it could be considered an emergency situation, it’s not something to enjoy, but I couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

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