Became the Only Healer in the Academy chapter 215

Became the Only Healer in the Academy 215


Seonghyeon treated each one with great care.

They have no memory of when and how they were injured, but they were just people who tried to live the reality very hard.

I wanted to use Jeonghwa at the same time if I felt like it, but Seonghyeon thought that I should use Jeonghwa later at Sammi’s gaze.

“thank you. Pilgrims.”

“It’s a miracle for us too…”

As I treated them one by one, even though it was the same treatment, I had a feeling that they were treated more like a human being and treated with sincerity.

I didn’t have any intention of doing this, but it seems that faith is slowly filling up in their eyes, so Seong-hyeon decided to do the things he was going to do in the backcountry here.

“Are you okay now?”

“Yes Yes! This is healing…”

“You’re more amazing than Kim Seong-hyun!”

Hearing that he is more amazing than Seonghyeon made me feel strange, but Seonghyeon calmly shook his head and said.

“He has his job. I hope you don’t compare me to him.”

Seong-hyeon’s answer was also contributing to the rise of his reputation as a pilgrim.

The character Kim Seong-hyun was not a hunter in his own way, but a person who acted similarly to the mindset of a doctor.

The people who just said that they were more wonderful than Seong-hyeon were only a small part of this environment where no one was touched, or even not touched.

“Hunter Kim Seong-hyun is not a simple healer like me. You also have the power of a top-level hunter recognized by the Korea Association. He will be doing everything he can.”

“Well, but why are you here…!”

“I don’t know about its existence. do you have a place like this Because this is what they call Russia’s Chibu.”

The region where he first worked as a pilgrim was a backward place that could not be properly called a government or association, but Russia was different.

Russia was ranked 3rd in the world, and that meant that it had that much power and pride.

“Even if you are aware of the existence of this place, it is a different story to talk about and heal you first.”

There were many expressions on their faces wondering what those words meant, but Sunghyun did not explain in detail.

Because I was in this position as the top hunter in Russia right now.

“Let me stop talking about it. I will even heal you.”

one by one again.

Seong-hyeon, who treated them with such care that it took a little while, treated the last injured person by wiping the sweat that did not come out.

As always, the pain that the other person felt came rushing through his body.


And they were giving them the same pain as the subjects treated in Sammy’s laboratory.

It was the kind of pain I felt for the first time.

And that kind of pain.

After treating the last injured person, I looked around and saw more than 100 people watching Seong-hyeon.

With faith in your eyes without missing a single thing.

“Are there any more wounded?”

Anatoly, who stared blankly at Seong-hyeon’s healing, answered the question with a smirk.

“Oh, no. It’s all over. You worked really hard.”

As for who she was greeting on behalf of, Anatoly bowed deeply and bowed.

The feeling I felt was quite similar to one of the best hunters, Kim Seong-hyun, and the pilgrim, but I dismissed my suspicions, thinking that it was because they used the same abilities.

“Have you been in contact with Kabulsky?”

“Oh, yes. He told me to come back as soon as the schedule is over.”

“Then we’ve treated all the wounded here, so we’ll move on right away.”

“Yes. I will prepare.”

While Anatoly was preparing, Seong-hyeon looked back at the people who were still looking at her.

Sad people who don’t even know why they got hurt.

Seonghyeon has always sympathized with the ignorant.

Of course, only those who are not voluntarily but intentionally.

“The wounds are gone, but you always have to be careful. I can’t live just looking at this place.”

Seong-hyeon left those words and went on the way to Kabulsky with Anatoly.

Until the moment Sunghyun gets into the car.

In addition, even at the moment when it was completely out of sight, people could not take their eyes off of Seonghyeon, who was moving away.

Although it was the people of the slums, they knew about Seong-hyeon’s existence.

And I knew what Sunghyun had been doing.

The only recorded scene of Seong-hyeon’s healing occurred immediately after the terrorist attack in the United States.

The light that appeared in the sky and the sight that began to spread.

All of them had gathered in front of a TV that existed in the village and watched the scene.

The scene, where the miracle itself seemed to become a reality, was so enchanting that it caused the illusion that it was happening right in front of your eyes.

But that was all.

It was far from them, because it was a scene that only existed in a movie or a drama.

The pilgrims who appeared in front of them today were a little far from the image of Seonghyeon imprinted in their memories.

Rather than being flashy, there was warmth that could not be felt on TV, and it felt more like embracing light rather than emitting light.

It wasn’t flashy, but it was soft, it wasn’t glamorous, but it was gracious.

Even if the same thing happened today, I would not be able to erase the character Kim Seong-hyun from my mind.

However, in their hearts, Kim Seong-hyeon, a person who gave the miracle of being a pilgrim, was deeply seated.

What we achieved was more and more great than the pilgrims, and the things we could do in the future were more than the pilgrimage, but that is a later story.

No one has brought them greater miracles and rest than the pilgrims.

I had no such experience.

As if knowing the hearts of these people, Sung-hyun got into the car and left the slum, reaching out his hand and waving his hand out the window.

“Thank you again. In fact, because I came from this slum… there were a lot of things I couldn’t do on my own despite knowing the situation.”

At first, I thought that it would be quite clerical because it was a dedicated secretary assigned by Russia, but the more we talked, the more I felt human in Anatoly.

“Is that so?”

“yes. It’s not uncommon to die from an epidemic in this day and age, but my parents died from it.”

“An epidemic… it’s not really common.”

“haha. Yes. In fact, one of the people who healed me today was my brother.”

Anatoly’s eyes, who were driving, darkened slightly as if thinking of her younger sister.

“Didn’t you take your brother out of the slums?”

“Actually, I told my brother today. to get out of the slums. Don’t waste any more time here. But, as always, the answer is the same. How can I get out of the place where my parents lived?”

“It’s a great filial piety.”

“Ah, filial piety. Still, he’s a smart kid, but I wonder if he’s living in the past too much…”

“It is not good to be caught in the past. Of course, we must not forget it.”

“That is correct.”

“Don’t forget today. The people in the slums I saw did not have eyes that had adapted to this environment. It was the eyes of people who had the will to change something.”

Sunghyun’s words were simple.

You too, try to change this slum yourself, just as your brother wished.

Of course, Anatoly understood the meaning, and only showed a small smile.

The conversation, which had been interrupted by Seong-hyeon’s last words, did not resume until he reached Kabulsky’s place.

Since it’s where my younger brother lives, Seonghyun had many things he wanted to ask, but looking at Anatoly’s expression, I thought it would be better to give him time to decide on his own without asking any questions now.

“I hope that the next time we meet, the problems we have now will be resolved a little.”

“Oh, thank you.”

Seong-hyeon was hidden behind the hood, but with a smile that seemed to tell her to cheer up, she patted Anatoly on the shoulder and got out of the car.

“This is this…”

where Kabulsky is,

He would have been waiting for Seong-hyeon up there by now.

“This is it.”

Kabulsky’s staff greets Seong-hyeon from the entrance.

But in Seonghyeon’s eyes, they were a little suspicious.

Why the hell did you leave the slums like that?

Also, he could guess who was behind this, but why didn’t he show any action?

When I think of what Kabulsky had shown to Seong-hyeon, he was showing so much patriotism that I thought that patriotism was blind.

But what happened today is an act of denial of that patriotism.

‘It could be said that Kabulsky was under the control of Envy’s mind.’

The conclusion was one.

Kabulsky was mind-controlled by Envy.

beliefs held by a person.

Perhaps he used a strong mind control to deny that belief.

“Well, you will know when we meet. what the situation is.”

We were guided by the Kabulski staff who greeted us at the entrance and moved to the top floor of the building.

A building of great height, living up to the title of being ranked 3rd in the rankings.

After going up for almost 5 minutes, the elevator stopped soon after.

“I am waiting inside.”

“thank you.”

There were several rooms in the hallway, but the one the staff pointed to had a pretty special appearance.

The material was also special.

“Hey, that raises my suspicions…”

The material I saw in Sammy’s lab.

The wall with a level of magical blocking that was so excellent that it interfered with Seong-hyeon’s sense of humor.

Of course, this alone could not be confirmed.

Because of the nature of Russia, which prioritizes strength, they could have traded this objectively superior invention.

But that meant there was unconditional contact, so Seong-hyeon opened the door with Kabulsky with a slightly hardened face.

“Oh, are you here?”


“You said you wanted to meet me…?”

Kabulsky with a casual expression.

Originally, Seong-hyeon was going to use Sammy’s sphere according to the answer after asking a few questions, but the moment I checked the material of the door, my mind changed.

“There are many things I want to ask you.”

“…yes. Please speak.”

Kabulsky nodded his head while sending a puzzled look at the air currents around him that had changed in an instant.

“Of course, you will have to answer every single one of them.”

“…even though you are a pilgrim, this is so rude…”

Kabulsky’s slightly hardened forehead and Seonghyeon used the cleansing first at the same time.

If it’s true that Envy was mind-controlled, this purification should solve it.

“yes? This light… of Hunter Kim Seong-hyun…”

But nothing was purified.

Kabulsky was not subject to Envy’s mind control.

Although it was a slightly unexpected result, it was not enough to upset Seong-hyeon.

“Sue, why is the pilgrim emitting the light that Hunter Kim Seong-hyun emits? no way…”

Seonghyeon didn’t answer the question and took Sammy’s sphere out of her arms.

Soon the sphere began to glow, and Kabulsky closed his eyes tightly at the slight headache.



“Answer all my questions.”

“All right.”

Same request as before.

And a different answer.

With the successfully used mind control, Seong-hyeon solved all the doubts he had.

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