Became the Only Healer in the Academy chapter 68

Became the Only Healer in the Academy 68


The commander of the Beast Beast camp and the vanguard of this attack.

Since the names of the beasts did not exist, the beast called the 3rd captain as the third vanguard was staring at the seemingly shabby-looking wall.


However, a different scene unfolded than expected.

There were personnel preparing for battle, and an executive who had a scar on his left eye could be seen.


But it didn’t matter.

Only about 1,000 people survived the last battle.

If you look at each level alone, the camp of the beasts is much stronger, but the number is also doubled.


The charge command from Captain No. 3 fell, and the beasts who were waiting for that command all began to charge at once.

If the wall was not so high, if their opponent was a human, they would have adjusted their strategy in front of the wall or looked at the opponent’s camp.

But the beasts didn’t need that.

The thick smell of blood emanating from the inside of the castle stimulated the beasts to the utmost.

The beasts in the front row, as well as the beasts at the back, started running towards the fortress wall without hesitation.

“It must be prevented somehow from breaking through the gates!”

Along with Aro’s cry, the wizards who had recovered from their injuries started casting magic of various attributes such as fire and ice towards the running beasts.

It had nothing to do with how many demons died.

It was hit by magic and stepped on the body of the beast whose upper body had exploded, and the other beast moved forward.

“Soldiers on the wall, stop the climbing monster!”

Since there was no basic means of defense such as boiling oil that was commonly used, there was no other means than stabbing the spear at the climbing beast.

“Use it against the beast attacking the castle gate!”

Aro’s orders fell nonstop, and everyone on the battlefield was fulfilling Aro’s orders without any mistakes.

Captain No. 3 was watching this with interest.

I don’t know how they got up again, but now there is only one thing left of them.


Even that will soon be broken and disappear.

Although it was said that the beasts all ran out in excitement at the smell of blood, there were not only beasts that attack melee.

“The entertainment is over.”

Captain No. 3 finally moved his feet in place for the first time.

‘This is enough to see a win.’

Seong-hyeon didn’t know much about war.

However, no matter what number the opponent was hiding, it was the same here, and the wall that was expected to break through was strengthened with magic, so it was holding up as it was in its original state.

“your majesty! That bastard, that bastard!”

“Is that guy?”

Where an executive pointed with his hand and said, there were demons that looked a little different from the ones below.

“He is the one who infected us!”

“Those guys…!”

Appearing here means that they will use their abilities.

“It was them.”

Sunghyun’s voice was calm.

It’s a little hard to see that we’re at war.

“What is the way?”

“There is.”

I didn’t have to worry about showing my abilities here.

Because whatever they saw, they would only be remembered in this place.

Seonghyeon stretched out his hand towards the beast who was said to handle poison.

As if to do something.

“What are you going to do…”

The answer came back even if you didn’t have to say it all the way to the end.

with actions, not words.


Suddenly, a beast that handles poison began to fall from the floor with a huge roar.

“It is now. You can put it on your forehead.”

Seonghyeon, who confirmed the weakness of the beast by grasping the vital points, said while looking at the bow on Aro’s back.

Aro nodded, raised his bow and aimed at the beast.

“On this street, it’s ridiculous to miss.”

The bow was shot quickly but carefully, and the arrow was accurately lodged in the forehead of the beast that was scattered about.

The groan of the beast that had been heard also subsided, and Aro looked at Seonghyeon with a light smile to see if this one arrow gave him more hope.

The treatment of the remaining magical beasts was carried out in a similar way.

The beasts below were well protected by the magic of the executive-level personnel, and for the beasts that handle tricky poisons, Seonghyeon uses the stigmata and Aro holds the bow.


“The gates, the gates have been opened!”

“What, what?”

It was a castle gate that had been intact until recently.

Everyone looked at the gate with a hardened expression at the words that the gate had been opened.

“There are humans with strange abilities.”

3 times boss.

While Seong-hyeon and Ar-O were all focused on destroying the poisonous beast, Captain No. 3 broke through the gate.

From the outside, it looked different from the normal beast.

On the contrary, they look very similar to humans.

So I felt stronger.

‘It’s not an ordinary beast.’

Sunghyun could feel it instinctively.

In addition to the fact that the gates were strengthened by magic in the first place, if there had been a battle at the gates, the report would have come first.

without skirmish.

That the castle gate was pierced in just one room.

Seong-hyeon immediately descended from the wall and headed towards the open gate.

“Stop it! Stop it!”


Of the soldiers who were trying to stop them somehow, in that brief moment, nearly 1/3 of the soldiers disappeared.

“Use what you have prepared now!”

When Seong-hyeon’s command fell, the executives waiting on the wall activated the magic circle drawn in advance.

“What kind of craft?”

As the magic circle was activated, rain began to fall from the sky, drop by drop.

Only on the side of the beast’s camp.

It was raining in the dry sky, and even Captain No. 3 was looking at the sky for a while, but one of the raindrops fell into Captain No. 3’s eye.


I thought it was a normal raindrop and hit it without thinking, but the pain that a single drop that got into my eyes was telling me that this rain was no ordinary rain at all.


Captain No. 3 felt this way, but what about the other Witch Beasts?

There was nowhere to hide because it fell from the sky, and the rampaging beasts began to run madly into the wall without rain, losing control.


As soon as Seonghyeon’s words fell, Captain 3 felt a sense of humility and left the spot, and as soon as Captain No. 3 left his seat, another unknown liquid started pouring from above.


Until recently, they were the beasts who were running wild in pain, but the beasts who were hit by those pouring things couldn’t even do that.

It just spreads out on the floor, wriggling as if to let you know that you’re still alive.

“…you man!”

Captain No. 3 was convinced that all this was the work of the man in front of him.

A face you see for the first time, a sign you feel for the first time.

ability to see for the first time.

In addition, he was even treating people who were injured around him.

“Has the last light of man come down now?”

A person with the ability to heal others who do not exist even in the Beast Beast camp.

read at

Moreover, it seemed that the ability wasn’t everything.

But now it didn’t matter.

No matter how great the ability, if there is no one to fight against it, it loses its value.

Captain No. 3 has just pulled out the sword in his arms.

Then he pointed to Sunghyun and said.

“I will return you alive.”

As soon as the power was applied to the sword, a dark energy that looked ominous even though it pretended to be ominous began to wrap around the sword.

“Hey, that guy must be…”

Aro stared at Captain No. 3 with eyes full of anxiety.

“Who is it?”

“A magical beast that breathes black energy into the sword. Among the beasts, that beast is the only one who can handle the sword.”

That beast was the beast that killed the Knights Commander, who was the last stronghold of Pelian.

“Did you share all your wills?”

The energy that wrapped around the sword was captured very sharply, creating the shape of a sword.

“I am the last of the Pelian Empire, number three…”

Captain #3, who was about to continue speaking, stopped talking for a moment when he sensed something strange.


The feelings of Captain No. 3, who had been strong and firm until now, suddenly began to fluctuate.

It’s like what you’re doing right now.

Like doubting whether you’re doing the right thing.

“Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

Aro kept his vigilance and was holding a sword while protecting Seonghyeon with one hand.

Seonghyeon slowly lowered Aro’s hand, which was blocking his way.


Aro looked at Seonghyeon with puzzled eyes, and Seonghyeon slowly headed in front of Captain No.3.


Ar-O and everyone else tried to stop Sung-Hyeon, but Seong-Hyeon raised one arm and said.

“it’s okay.”

Seong-hyeon, who arrived in front of Captain No. 3, did not say or do anything.

just to look

Captain No. 3 continued to fight the confusion within himself.

A little while ago, I had a stronger hostility towards Seong-hyeon than anyone else, but that feeling suddenly disappeared.

“Who are you?”

To Seong-hyeon’s question, Captain No. 3 naturally tried to answer confidently.

However, I couldn’t remember what to answer.

“Who am I…who am I?”

The feeling of being denied all existence.

If I remembered it in the first place, I would recognize it, but I started not remembering things from the past.

From the old memories to the ones that started to disappear one by one, I quickly erased everything that had just happened.

As all the memories disappeared, other memories began to appear.

This man in front of me right now, not anyone else.

It was filled with memories related to Seong-hyeon.

It was strange at first, but as time passed, I began to think that this was the original memory.

And as time passed, that thought began to turn into certainty.

read at

Maybe this memory is the original correct memory, and the memory I had before was a fabricated, distorted memory.

Seonghyeon looked at Captain No. 3, whose confusion had diminished little by little.

As soon as the confusion subsided, Captain No. 3’s expression looking at Seong-hyeon was not that of those looking at the enemy.

It’s like looking at the person you’re serving.

It was a look on his face with blind loyalty.

After confirming that everything was over, Sunghyun asked again.

a little different from just now.

“Who am I?”


3 times boss.

No, the 3rd captain, Masu, was kneeling on one knee and paying tribute to Seong-hyeon, just like the other general soldiers did.

“Hey, what is that…”

“Why is that guy all of a sudden?”

“Do not be fooled! It’s a trap!”

read at

Many people were worried about Seong-hyun.

In that state, even if he only swung the sword in his hand over it, Seonghyeon would have lost his life as it was.

Guess that Captain No. 3 also heard the sound, he slowly got up from his seat and stared at the others.

“Do not doubt my loyalty.”

The 3rd captain turned his body as it was.

Looking in the direction where the beasts are.

And without hesitation, he began to charge towards the beasts.

The demonic beasts who knew nothing were looking at Captain No. 3 blankly, wondering what was going on.

Until he cuts down the beast and his own people.

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