Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy chapter 669

669 - One Is Not Affectionate - 3

669 – One Is Not Affectionate – 3

Athelius’ assessment that Behemoth appeared to be a very gentle guy was not wrong. The Behemoth, which actually broke the ground and rose up, just stared down at us with its eyes narrowed even as armed knights and wizards approached.

No, it could be that he is confident that even if humans as small as dust come together, they pose no threat to him.

Either way, it’s a positive situation. When I approached to talk, Behemoth would have gone on a rampage and immediately entered the boss raid. It’s fortunate that no pointless collision occurred.

‘It looks like a real cow.’

Meanwhile, Behemoth’s appearance was simpler than expected.

I thought it would look a little unusual as it is a pillar of the Roygas royal family and the crystal of the Trika Empire’s technological prowess, but perhaps because it has dirt on its body, it feels like seeing a cow rolling around in a barn. If you take a local cow and raise it to hundreds or thousands of times its size, it will be just like a behemoth.

Of course, Leviathan was no different from a regular whale except that it was huge, but wasn’t there even a building built on Leviathan? I was slightly hoping that something like a tree might be growing on the Behemoth’s back.

-Who are you?

While we were waiting alone and being disappointed, Behemoth lowered his huge head towards us and opened his mouth.

– This is the direct territory of the Roygas royal family, and the place where I sleep. If anyone who is not related to me approaches you carelessly, His Majesty will scold you, so if you came in by mistake, please return.

Then he gave us a polite congratulatory message. He did not show caution towards outsiders he saw for the first time, but rather showed consideration by telling them to quietly retreat before being punished by the emperor.

It was a short line, but it was enough to understand Behemoth’s personality and his. Unlike Leviathan, who was definitely full of pride, Behemoth is a gentle and quiet type.

“I came after hearing about you from Leviathan.”

– Hmm?

Therefore, when I opened my mouth directly, Behemoth’s eyes grew even wider.

– Has Leviathan already happened?

“Yes. Now we have moved to the southern sea.”

– …Right. It’s my first time seeing you, but the people in charge may have changed while I was sleeping.

Eventually, I felt solemn when I saw Behemoth nodding his head as if he understood. It’s not that the person in charge has changed, but the empire has changed.

Still, he said to the cow that started wagging its tail, ‘Your master has gone to America.’ I couldn’t bear to say those words. For now, rather than telling the cruel truth, the priority would be to comfort the mentality of the newly awakened Behemoth.

– Then what about jizz? Did you see the jizz too?

Behemoth shook his head in response to his question. It’s the first time I’ve heard this name, but given the circumstances, the bird’s name is probably Ziz.

“I haven’t confirmed it yet.”

– Jiz has a free-spirited personality. He may have woken up before us and is flying in the sky, so draw the royal family emblem of Roygas on the wide plain and wait. Because that’s the signal for jizz.

I received both a possibility that sent chills down my spine and useful advice.

I’m just assuming that Leviathan was discovered first and that Leviathan was the first to wake up. Perhaps it was Ziz who first opened his eyes. We cannot rule out the possibility that he is already enjoying the flight after waking up in a place where no one knows.

Still, as Behemoth said, if there is a signal to summon you, there is no need to worry too much. If they didn’t know that the Trika Empire was destroyed, they would just come to see the signal, and even if they knew it was destroyed, they would come because they were curious about the people who used the signal during the Trika era.

– But it’s strange.

Just as I was trying to think of a plain where a huge bird could land, Behemoth tilted his head.

– I must have fallen asleep near the island. Why is it so desolate?

With questions that cannot be resolved with any excuse.

The imperial knight behind him could be heard swallowing. According to the original plan, after comforting Behemoth’s mood through normal conversation, he would carefully bring out the truth. No matter how gentle the animal is, you never know what will happen to an animal that has lost its owner.

However, Behemoth skipped all conversation and asked about the system. In this case, he automatically has no choice but to talk about the Trika Empire.

-Have you moved the capital? No, there is no city that is easier to govern an empire than Croita?

“That is…”

– Hurry up and tell me. I must go to say hello to the emperor. You must take care of the livestock, which are the property of the imperial family, and protect the empire within the sight of the imperial palace.

Looking at the Behemoth like that, I let out a small sigh.

Your empire, Apels, has burned down. It took more courage than I thought to say the same thing.

The Behemoth went back into the hole it came from.

He realizes that the Trika Empire was destroyed while he was asleep. He seems to have been shocked by the fact that so long has passed that even the country that destroyed the Trika Empire has disappeared.

– I am… The king of the land… The thickest shield that protects the empire and the royal family from foreign enemies… Are you saying I was sleeping while the empire was falling…

And the voice occasionally heard from the hole was enough to make the listener feel sad.

But what can I do? You can’t revive a country that was destroyed more than a thousand years ago. It was best to simply comfort the enemy who destroyed Trika by saying that the current empire destroyed it.

– Bury me again…

“No, I just woke up, so what is that?”

– I have no reason to live anymore… I will die and go to apologize to the emperor…

To be precise, every effort was made to appease the Behemoth, which tried to close its eyes as soon as it opened them.

Even mentioning the Osiden family didn’t make any sense to him. All they could do was shed tears and desperately search for the emperor. There is no separate Chungwoo.

“So, after covering the Behemoth’s body with dirt, we are cooperating with local officials to control access. Fortunately, it is somewhat far from Croita, so it does not seem to affect Croita’s tourism industry.”

“I see.”

After hearing my report, the emperor smiled bitterly and nodded.

“It is a loyal beast. It fell asleep by the will of the Empire, so there is no need for the beast to feel guilty.”

The emperor is right. If Behemoth was wandering around in a strange place and the Empire collapsed, he would have nothing to say even if he died, but it was the Empire that put Behemoth to sleep. Moreover, he did not wake up until the moment of destruction.

If so, this is not Behemoth’s sin. To put it bluntly, it is the Trika Empire’s own profit.

“Anyway, it was impossible to capture him like Leviathan?”

“Yes. Even when I mentioned the Oshiden family, they didn’t show much interest. Unlike Leviathan, they probably had nothing to do with the creation of Behemoth…”

“That may be true. Isn’t it said that Behemoth was a guardian that protected the system and the imperial family? It would be a headache if other noble families could interfere with such a beast.”

I was convinced by the added comment that even if it were him, he would have made it the property of the imperial family.

That’s right. Yellowy, who moves around the entire neighborhood as if it were his own, can be touched by all the villagers, but Baekgu, who protects his home, can also be in trouble if he is touched by others. Someone else could open our door and be welcomed by Baekgu.

“Just leave it alone for now. Sadness also subsides over time. It’s right to give yourself time to compose yourself.”

“I will.”

“And keep cattle and sheep nearby. They say they were responsible for taking care of the livestock, so if they have something to do nearby, they can recover from depression quickly.”

“Oh, yes.”

It was a method I hadn’t even thought of, so I saved it in my head.

Although they are not the property of the Roygas royal family, livestock are livestock. He may regain his motivation when small livestock wander around him.

“…Fortunately, two of them have accepted Trika’s destruction, but I don’t know what will happen to the other one.”

He expressed his agreement in silence to the emperor’s subsequent mutterings.

The Leviathan of the sea and the Behemoth of the land were at least accessible to humans and had a serious or gentle personality.

The jizz on the other hand is heavenly. He travels through spaces that humans have not yet conquered, and has a ‘free-spirited personality’ that makes him a Behemoth. Unlike the previous two, there is a high probability that you will be a difficult conversation partner. In the worst case, they may challenge Kpelopen to a fight, saying that they cannot recognize any other empire besides Trika.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Assuming that the bird called Ziz is about the size of a mountain, it probably has no place to land other than the north, right?”

“That’s right. Most of the existing river areas of the Trika Empire have been developed, so there is no space left.”

The emperor sighed softly at my confirmation.

It was a sigh mixed with relief at being able to prepare a landing site and irritation at having to introduce a huge bird into the empire’s territory.

The North is full of land. In particular, the imperial territory located in the northern part of the north was practically empty land, so all you had to do was draw the emblem of Roygas there and wait.

Of course, it is unknown whether something created during the Trika Empire will be active outside of the Trika Empire. In the first place, I couldn’t even tell if Zizz was awake or sleeping.

Still, isn’t that all you can do is go to empty land and draw sentences? Even if I failed, I moved on with the mindset that I would get my money’s worth—

– Oh my…


I could see a huge eagle lying down on the grassland.

– Oh my…

From noble mtl dot com

Even snoring loudly.

What is that b*stard? Are you still sleeping? No, I’m sleeping in a place that’s too public to be considered sleeping? If something like that has been dormant for 2,000 years, there is no way the nomads would not know about it.

So, that means he recently woke up, flew through the sky, landed here, and is enjoying a nap…

‘Can you sleep after sleeping for 2,000 years?’

It’s amazing. This behavior stands out even more considering that the other two went to the royal family as soon as they woke up.

– Crunch, gag… Crack…

Thanks to this, while she was looking at Jiz in a daze, Jiz, who had been snoring loudly, suddenly fluttered her wings and raised her body.

Then he looked left and right once and made eye contact with me.

-Why are you looking at me like that? Is it your first time seeing a bird?

A difficult cub was found.

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