Dimensional Wanderer – Login in a world on the verge of an apocalypse chapter 45

45 - World 11. Performance check (2)

45 – World 11. Performance check (2)

“Then I will go to Diophen to report.”

Upon arriving at Fort Fritton, Zepin bowed his head with a completely different attitude from the first time and said that he would leave.

Wasn’t it with you until you took care of the hatchery?

Or maybe I’d just watch it and come back.

“Do you intend to go to the temple too?”

“It should be. I just plan to close the connection after I finish my business at the temple.”

After lunch, they gathered around 2:00 and set off to hunt, and returned after subduing even the gathered vicious tribes.

It was already time for the sky to become dark, so it was time to close the connection.

Zepin nodded after hearing Karina’s answer.

“Well. understand. If you ever intend to go to the hatchery tomorrow, please find me.”

“Yes. Good job Sir Zepin.”

“Don’t talk like that. I just watched.”

Zepin shook his head as if he didn’t mean it, and immediately turned around and headed somewhere.

As I said at the beginning, it seemed to be going to Diophen.

After Zepin left, Karina spoke to me and the others.

“Now, let’s just check in the temple and go back.”

“Miss Karina, don’t you log in at night?”

“Yes. Electricity is a waste, and fatigue builds up.”

At the word electricity, I tilted my head for a moment.

Why does Karina care about electricity?

‘Wasn’t Hayden making electricity?’

Anyway, at Karina’s words, Muel nodded as if he understood.

“Well. that’s right. We need to save electricity.”

I guess I’ll have to ask Hayden later on how to make electricity.

With our thoughts in mind, we moved our steps again and arrived at the temple and went straight inside.

Fortunately, four stone statues were gathered in the center of the temple, each looking in a different direction.

‘I think we can raise the level by standing in front of that stone statue one by one.’

Of course, there were five of us, so one had to wait.

And Soltis took the lead in the waiting role.

“I’ll wait patiently, so do it first.”

With Soltis’ concession, we were able to level up first, and each of us approached the stone statue and prayed.

As I also prayed, a calm voice was heard.

[You succeeded in slowing down time for a while by dealing with the barbarians who were preparing for an invasion. As a result, the people of Fritton Fortress will make more reliable preparations.]

[The soldiers guarding Fort Fritton will be surprised and delighted.]

[That’s your performance.]

[Blessing level increases by 1 due to your achievements.]

[I will list the 1st level blessings that can be engraved into the soul as the protection level rises.]

‘This is also the first step.’

However, when I listened to the explanation, it wasn’t that I didn’t understand.

It didn’t stop the invasion, it just delayed it.

Even so, it was regrettable that it was a 1st level blessing even though I caught 5-600 of them.

For reference, Blessing chose the same mana reduction as before.

[Selection completed.]

[You have selected the Blessing of Magic Reduction.]

[Magic reduction] (☆☆)

= When using a skill, the required mana is reduced by 15%.

= permanent application.

‘15% reduction.’

If this is the end of five stars, is it a total decrease of 30%?

It wasn’t bad.

It didn’t seem like it would take very long.

Subsequently, it was found that the body level also increased.

[Your performance increases your body level by 16.]

[Physical level reaches 21 and all stats increase by 3.]

As expected, the body level rose considerably.

It felt like a small increase compared to catching 5-600 beasts and the 2nd and 3rd stages, but if you think that 5 people shared it, it wasn’t to the point of being disappointed.


I took out the 2nd and 3rd level crystals from the subspace and placed them in front of the statue.

‘I dedicate these crystals.’


As soon as he thought about the crystal, a moment of light appeared, then swallowed the crystal and disappeared.

[Your tribute increases your job level by 11.]


The job level was not much different from what was expected.

‘I mean, since my job level has risen by 11, I can take 11 skills.’

Without thinking, I decided to shoot right away.

‘Technical openness.’

In an instant, a golden light soared upward in front of me, and spread out with numerous skills like stars.

There I filmed ‘Summon of the Warlord’.

[Summon of the Warlord] (LV 15) (☆☆☆☆☆)

└ A skill to summon soldiers under one’s command.

└ When used, summons a soldier with a body level of 15 per 8.5 (-15%) of mana.

└ Increases the awareness of the soldier by 7.5%.

└ The soldier’s weapon evolves by 7.5%.

└ Summons a specific class (Swordsman, Spearman, Archer).

└ Combat experience is accumulated.

After taking all five stars, I saw that the explanation below had increased.

But it didn’t seem to be any better than before.

‘In the end, I have to work hard to level up.’

In a way, I was just starting out, so I wasn’t in a hurry.

Instead, I took a look at the two new skills that opened as soon as I took five ‘Summon of the Warlord’.

[Strengthened Soldiers] (☆)

└ All soldiers’ stats increase by 5.

[Call of the Warlord] (LV 1) (☆)

└ A skill to summon subordinates without any cost.

└ When used, summons 5 soldiers with body level 15.

└ Can be used once a day.


First of all, the number of stars was attached to the reinforcement of soldiers without a level.

It doesn’t seem to be a level-up skill.

Conversely, Warlord’s Call was like a skill that summoned a soldier once a day without consuming mana.

‘I think the calling would be good for someone other than me.’

It is me who can continue summoning with the MP recovery potion, but the others did not.

I didn’t know that such a person would be able to put this skill to good use.

‘Come to think of it, now I can take 7 remaining skills.’

7 of them…

I looked through the other skills and soon took three skills.

[Warlord’s swordsmanship] (LV 1) (☆)

└ A skill that increases physical stats according to the number of enemies.

└ Physical stats increase by 1% per 10 enemies. up to 10%.

[Command of the Warlord] (LV 1) (☆)

└ Skills that command allies and give them specific effects.

└ Applies 1 Physical Ability to all nearby allies recognized as allies.

[Soldier Enhancement] (☆☆☆☆☆)

└ Increases the stats of all soldiers by 25.

└ Increases the height and size of all soldiers.

└ Increases body regeneration speed of all soldiers by 30%.

└ All soldiers clearly understand and carry out orders.

└ Applies weak properties (fire, ice, lightning) to all weapons.

‘It’s going to be a bit more useful now.’

Thinking that it must have changed since I took 5 soldier-related skills, I finally invested all of the remaining 32 stats into magic.

With this, everything is over.

‘View the status window.’

After finishing the work, I checked how much my status window had changed.

【① Name: Seongmin Lee】

【② Job: Warlord (☆☆☆☆☆)】

【③ Job Level (12)】(↑11UP)

└ Warlord’s swordsmanship (LV 1) (☆) (NEW!)

└ Warlord’s Command (LV 1) (☆) (NEW!)

└ Warlord Summon (LV 15) (☆☆☆☆☆) (NEW!)

└ Strengthen soldiers (☆☆☆☆☆) (NEW!)

【④ Protection Level (2)】(↑1UP)

└ Blessing: Mana reduction (☆☆) (NEW!)

【⑤ Body Level (29)】(↑16UP)

└ Strength:6 + 780 = [786]

└ Agility: 6 + 780 = [786]

└ Intelligence: 6 + 780 = [786]

└ Health:6 + 780 = [786]

└ Durability: 6 + 780 = [786]

└ mana: 62 + 780 = [842]

└ Luck: 6 + 780 = [786]

【⑥ Remaining ability: 0】

【⑦ Other Abilities】

└ Technique: Volcanic Explosion (LV 1)

Looking at the status window where a lot of things were added, I felt that it was the beginning of something.

In fact, I hadn’t really felt the power of the Warlord before.

I just fought with my game skills and equipment.

‘I’m going to change a little now.’

When I finished praying with my thoughts and turned around, I could see Karina and Ren leaving their seats at the same time.

The result was good, Karina had a pretty happy expression.

It was Ren, but he took turns looking at me and Karina every once in a while.

“Ah, it looks like Seongmin Lee is also finished.”

“yes. What is your level?”

Karina said briefly.

“Occupation increased by 4, Protection by 1, Body by 12.”

Karina’s level seemed to have risen as expected.


“Why are you like that?”

“No, I think it went up a little after catching 5-600 beasts.”

“It is unavoidable. Dealing with that level of vicious tribes will not improve the situation of mankind.”

“Ah, is that so?”

Now I understand a little bit.

The body level has to do something useful to mankind, but it was said that there was no big change by catching only 5-600 beasts.

To be honest, I wondered if it would be more helpful to donate 1,000 sacks of flour to Fort Fritton.

‘So you said that if you deliver the staff, your body level will rise by 30~40?’

If you deliver the staff, the power of mankind will be strengthened, so it will be more helpful than catching the bad guys.

Karina and Muel might have even thought about that and said that their physical level would rise by 30 to 40.

‘But considering the wand’s performance, I think it might go up even more.’

While thinking, Karina said hello to Muel and Soltis.

Afterwards, I exchanged a brief greeting with them and terminated the connection.

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not work with dark mode