Dimensional Wanderer – Login in a world on the verge of an apocalypse chapter 53

53 - World 11. To the Hatchery (4)

53 – World 11. To the Hatchery (4)

A light green body that seems to have been colored by the wind.

The two wings spread out to fly were bigger than its own agile body.

Regnis, the dragon that was summoned with the horn, looked down at me loftily from the sky and said,

– Summoner. Say what you want.


Unexpectedly, the presence of Regnis just now made the air itself feel a strange pressure.

But the situation was the situation, so I said I didn’t care.

“Catch the monsters coming over there.”

-Don’t let that happen.

Regnis immediately turned and flew towards the swarming thugs.

Afterwards, without hesitation, Regnis raised various wind-type magics and started attacking the beasts.

Kwaaang!— Kwakwak!—

Watching, I saw dozens of wind spheres created by Regnis falling on the beasts and exploding like bombs.

Karina also asked with a surprised face if she had seen Regnis like that while shooting a series of magical arrows at the avian beast.

“Mr. Lee Seong-min. Could you summon something like that?”

“I did it because I could.”

“Perhaps that dragon will wipe out all the evil tribes.”


Of course, as Karina said, if Regnis wiped it all out, there could be no better result than that.

But on the other side of my head, the 4th stage evolution object that attacked the snow wind caught my heart.

The fortunate thing was that almost all of the avian beasts he was dealing with were dead.

Heh heh heh!


At that moment, when I turned my head at Legnis’ out-of-the-box scream, I could see long tentacles embedded in my body.

Following the tentacles, I turned my eyes to the ground, and as expected, the 4th stage evolutionary object was located.

Like the other beastmen, he fired a long tentacle from his shell, hit Legnis, and was pulling him to the ground.

‘It’s stupid to hit that.’

As soon as he thought about it, Regnis created a sharp wind and severed the tentacle from the middle.

However, at the same time as cutting it off, the 4th stage evolution object shot about 10 tentacles and hit Legnis’ body.


In the end, it was Regnis who poured out his magic towards the 4th stage evolution object, as if he didn’t want to cut off the tentacles.

Kwak Kwa Kwam!—

The guy used his shell to block Regnis’ attack without any problems.

Not only that, but among the bloody beasts on the ground, the big ones even grabbed other bloody beasts and threw them at Regnis.

“Lee Seong-min! I’ve taken care of everything.”

At Karina’s cry, I looked around again.

First of all, there was not a single beast of a bird floating in the air.

The summoned soldier was about half dead, but it didn’t matter.

‘Now I have to go to a real war of attrition.’

It seemed that there would be no time to collect crystals from the avian beasts scattered all over the floor.

It was a pity that he had to take care of the decision to raise his job level.

‘It can’t be helped.’

have no choice but to give up

Even during this time, Regnis’ situation was not good.

It was because the tentacles shot by the 4th stage evolution object and the thrown beasts tried something while clinging to Regnis’ body.

I wondered if he was trying to parasitize Regnis’ body.

‘It’s useless anyway because it’s a summoned beast.’

Having thought that far, I immediately began to act.

Summoner (LV 99).

Final Summoning Skill.

Summon the Dragon of Extinction.

Quad Deuk!—

Using the final skill of the summoner job, I summoned a slayer dragon right in front of me.

Along with him, the previously summoned thunder slip, white light, and blue wind disappeared, but it was natural.

Ultimate Summoning, aside from that, I couldn’t bring out more than four summons.

Anyway, after unsummoning the soldiers, I took an MP recovery potion from the subspace and drank it.

“Slaying dragon, hell breath towards that turtle.”

By the way, the annihilation dragon will be summoned as it is if you use the ultimate skill Hell Breath.

Nevertheless, after ordering the hell breath, I wished that the 4th stage entity would die with the current attack.


Eventually, a thick black and red beam of light shot from the annihilation dragon’s mouth, hitting the 4th stage object.

‘Is he dead?’

The annihilator’s hell breath hit the 4th stage entity and then caused a huge explosion that swept away all the nearby beasts.

Although at first glance it is a powerful explosion.


Stage 4 evolutionary organisms do not die.

He suffered severe blows to the head and legs, and part of his shell was broken, but he did not die.

Also, seeing that he was standing still, he did not appear to have suffered any fatal injuries.

“・・・・・Summon 99 Swordsmen.”


The number of beasts in front of me is about 1000 to 1500.

These were the remaining numbers reduced by the bird beasts, flying dragons, and Regnis, who had already dealt with them.

“Summon Pet. The magic carpet.”


Besides, it seemed that Regnis wouldn’t last long either.

Thinking it was necessary to prepare everything beforehand, I gave instructions as soon as I summoned the magic carpet.

“Muel, Soltis, and Zepin. The three of you get on this rug.”

“The three of you?”

“Because there is no room to ride beyond that.”

When I answered quickly, the three of us got on the magic carpet as I said.


‘Career change. A magician.’

The summoner was unable to demonstrate great power because he used his ultimate skill.

So I changed my job to a talker who uses fire magic and looked at Regnis, who was screaming in pain.

Heh heh heh!

Currently, dark green tentacles cling to Regnis’ body like veins, and he is unable to use his magic, which is his specialty, properly.

Carina, who followed my gaze to Regnis, murmured softly.

“I thought that dragon would wipe it all out when it first appeared.”

“You are careless.”

If it hadn’t been for the first tentacle, Regnis might still be fighting.

Will you be better next time I summon you?

Thinking about it, I relaxed slightly and spoke to Karina.

“Wait here.”

“Yes? What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to give you a blow and come back.”

After saying that, he kicked the ground straight ahead.

My body, which ran at full speed, managed to move quickly, narrowing the distance with the beast.



Of course, the thugs who found me on the run screamed and informed me of the fact.

‘It doesn’t matter.’

Thinking that I had already closed the distance enough, I immediately used the wizard’s ultimate skill.

Magician (LV 99).

Level 5 ultimate fire skill.

flames of doom.


Read from noble mtl dot com

Due to the wizard’s ultimate skill, a small-sized flame was created in the sky, which quickly grew in size.

The flames, which had grown to the size of a house in an instant, hurled themselves at the beastmen so quickly that they did not even dare to dodge.


The flames of destruction spread as if they exploded in all directions as soon as they were pierced, burning the whole area into a sea of fire.

‘How many birds did this kill?’

2 to 300?

To be honest, it was an unsatisfactory power.

‘If there was equipment exclusively for wizards, this power would have multiplied several times.’

It was unavoidable.

Because it was picking out the equipment registered in the collection, no strengthening work was done at all.

Even so, it didn’t mean that the beasts weren’t hit at all.

I poured the rest of the magic as I watched her gaze turn to me almost half way.

Magician (LV 99).

Level 4 fire skill.

fire storm.

I created a whirlwind of flame in front of me, and I confirmed that the beasts were trying to avoid the whirlwind and rush at me.

Level 4 fire skill.

flame waves.

Level 3 fire skill.

flame burst.

As for the jobs that were poured out at once, it seemed that the mage series was the best.

It’s because of the long cooldown.

Even the first ultimate skill I wrote was 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Of course, if you went through the item strengthening work, that time could be reduced.

However, it was usually a skill that could only be seen in raids when the maximum amount of damage had to be applied.


‘That’s enough.’

Having fired all my skills, I turned around and ran without hesitation.

As a result, many of the remaining thugs screamed and chased after them.

“All the swordsmen charge.”

I charged the prepared soldiers.

The soldiers raised their swords and shields immediately at my command and ran towards the beastmen, and I told the rest of the party.

“Run away.”

“Eh, yes.”

Karina had a surprised expression for a moment, but I thought it might be because of the magic I used.

I didn’t have time to think leisurely, so I continued to run in the opposite direction to the beasts.

Karina, Ren, and the three on the magic carpet followed me, but I also had an unexpected problem.

‘Everyone is slower than I thought.’

Karina and Ren didn’t care.

If it’s necessary, I can carry one person on each side and run.

The problem was the magic carpet.

The magic carpet was also flying at a speed of 50 to 60 km, so it wasn’t slow, but it belonged to the slow side to ward off the vicious tribes.

‘The other pet is for 1-2 people.’

Having purchased all the pets in the game, I also had other pets for boarding, but they could only be boarded by 1 or 2 people.

[Summon of the Warlord has risen by 1 level to level 16.]

[The pet’s physical abilities are adjusted to level 16.]

Well, regardless of the situation, the level went up well.

‘I can’t.’

I decided to go a bit extreme.

‘When the soldiers are annihilated, they go by summoning them again.’

I should be able to recover my stamina just by running moderately, and the magic carpet was able to keep flying without any stamina in the first place.

It was an active way to use it.


“Wow, crazy. What the hell is this?”

Something unexpected happened to me too.

“How many? Isn’t that 1,000?”

“Shut up and get ready to run away!”

In the direction I was fleeing, six players were swearing at me.

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not work with dark mode