How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World chapter 175

How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World 175

Chapter 175

When he saw me back in the mansion, my father responded with a headache. You’re not doing this because you don’t like me or Cecily, so there must be something going on.

When I asked what was going on, my father came out with a confused face and looked at Cecily in turn, beckoning me to follow him. At that gesture, Cecily and I looked at each other and blinked.

I had a lot of questions, but the first thing to do is to follow along. We followed my father, full of doubts in our arms.

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Eventually, we arrived at the same room where we had the last interview with Adelia (?). It is not a space for reception, but a place where you can face-to-face and exchange opinions or continue conversations on various topics.

“Are you here?”

“Yes, mother.”

In that room, my mother was seated first, as I had been informed by my father in advance. By the way, my father came back from a brief absence, so I had already met her mother.

My mother greeted me with a characteristic friendly smile and patted my stomach. Lily is growing up without any problems.

“Sit down. Please sit down next to Isaac.”

“You can talk to me comfortably. You’re your father-in-law now, aren’t you?”

“… …”

When Cecily smiled brightly and put the word father-in-law into her mouth, my father looked at me with a mysterious expression. He only shrugged his shoulders as he had no intention of denying in the yard that had already been confirmed.

My father smirked as I shrugged and put his butt next to my mother. Me and Cecily sat across from them, waiting to hear what they had to say.

I hoped it wasn’t a serious story, but seeing the oracle that Mora gave me, it’s probably not a good thing. Moreover, as soon as he met us, he openly responded that he was in trouble.

Is it something deeply related to me, or is it family related? No matter what happens, the trouble is the same.

“Whoa… didn’t you say that you were staying in Helium all summer vacation?”

The father sighed again and asked in a complicated voice. No matter what you think, it seems unexpected that Cecily and I will return.

As his father said, the original plan was to stay only in Helium, but after hearing Mora’s oracle, he changed his mind. There was a good cause to see faces just in time, so Cecily was happy to join in.

I answered quietly in a feeling of embarrassment.

“It’s kind of like being in Helium… It’s kind of like that. At least you have to see your face.”

“That’s the case… but at least now…”

“…what are you doing?”

I’ve never seen a father in trouble as he hugged his head. There have been times when the workload has skyrocketed, but let’s make an exception to that.

After hearing my question, my father pondered for a while, then shook his head. It looks like you’ve made a decision inside of you.

“When are you planning to return to Helium?”

Still, I didn’t forget to stab it just in case. I kept my calm attitude and opened my mouth.

“I’m planning to stay for two or three days and then go. There’s still about a month left on vacation.”

“Then what if I told you to go back now?”

“If it has anything to do with me, I won’t go back.”

Hearing my answer without even a single hesitation, did you feel that you couldn’t break it? Father grinned as if he couldn’t stop him and nodded his head.

Then he looked at his mother, who was nursing Lily, with a mixture of warmth and concern, and then turned his gaze back to me. Golden eyes lit up fiercely.

“There is nothing to hide in the yard that has already been finished. As you roughly expected, it is a matter deeply related to you. This is the news I heard from the people who delivered the manuscript.”

“Did you even get caught?”

It wasn’t me, it was Cecily’s question. At her teeth, her father met her eyes and nodded her head heavily.

“That’s right… No, that’s right. Fortunately, he wasn’t completely caught up. The assistant noticed the following and came back around the destination. But we’ll get to this place sooner or later.”

He was the father who just let Cecily say it was okay to talk to him. Cecily responded that she didn’t really care.

“I heard your father-in-law’s dance well in Helium. With ‘Red Lion’. You said he was a helper, so is your manpower equal to your father-in-law?”

“It’s a comrade who once lived and worked together in the border area. He’s usually in charge of intelligence and reconnaissance, so he’s good at things like this. Handing over the manuscript is something he’s willing to join because he owed his life to me.”

“By the way, the fact that such a person was followed… I guess?”

“There are only elves. Even that is one skill.”

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Elf again? I suppressed my wrinkled impression as much as possible.

Last time, dark elves broke into our mansion, but this time it’s an elf. I have no idea how all of them are causing accidents.

Although there are normal elves like Arwen and Keir, if you look at their accidents, it must be a racial characteristic.

“Here is a letter from the president of the publishing company. In my case, it was sent from home for confidentiality, but in the end, it was caught as a public person.”


I received a neatly folded letter from my father and slowly unfolded it. I forgot to show it so that Cecily could see it too.

The gist of the letter is as follows: After Arwen’s speech, the elves who came to find my letter came to visit once again. And unlike last time, I even roasted it to find me.

I’ve never heard of an elf coming to a publishing house. From what I heard from Arwen, it was one of the prestigious families belonging to the Senate. I heard that he is a close confidant of a chief named ‘Pyren’,

The Senate is an organization for politics, so it is not strange for a prestigious family to enter it. So, entering the Senate means that there is a very high probability that you are a kkondae drenched in the chosen people ideology.

“I don’t know which elf it belongs to, but it’s definitely an arrogant elf. I can guarantee this.”

“For what reason?”

“If it wasn’t for that, the elf wouldn’t have done this in the first place. They’re the guys who said don’t put out the letter in the first place.”

His credibility is no joke, as his father, who had encountered an elf scout on the border, said. Besides, I also became close with several elves, so I came closer.

However, it is not a fundamental solution. I pondered for a moment, then asked in a calm voice.

“So what now? It won’t be long before they come to this mansion.”

“Two things will happen in the future. First of all. The elves will visit this mansion ‘officially’. will use.”

The father paused for a moment and then explained the following situation.

“And the second is trespassing into the mansion.”

“Is the elf trespassing?”

Not even a dark elf. Elves are a race that rejected even assassination during the Tribal War as a dirty trick.

I don’t understand a little bit that such races are trespassing.

“Of course, they won’t attack. It’s only been used in racial wars that elves don’t do dirty things. They’re likely to invade by hiding themselves using magic. Whether it’s an order or a cause. Self-rationalization is enough. “

“Isn’t the mansion’s crime prevention magic too early?”

“Those elves aren’t fools, and they’ll neutralize crime prevention magic lightly.”

“In the end, both end up in the same situation.”

“If you look at it, it’s like that.”

It doesn’t look like the elves are going to retreat in this way or that. My father had an intuition about it, so he was planning to write the numbers ahead of time. But things seemed a little twisted when Cecily and I returned to the mansion unexpectedly.

I posed a question to my father as I pondered the situation that would become much more complicated in the future.

“What kind of income do these elves have?”

“You’re doing this because you have some income. Have you heard of censorship of your books in Albenheim recently? Moreover, your book has also raised the social problem of mixed race. Of course, the Queen has dealt with it well, but it won’t happen in the future. It could happen more. Right now, the existence of dark elves is also slowly rising to the surface. The same is true of the forbidden magic of union. From Albenheim’s point of view, there are plenty of reasons to find you.”

“… …”

“In Albenheim, you may have heard at first glance that the Queen and the Senate are opposed to each other. The Queen is open-minded enough to pursue a policy of openness, but the Senate is in the opposite direction. I must have received an order from one person. I would like to place the possibility on the side of the Senate.”

It wasn’t surprising, because I already knew it. The point was how to overcome this situation.

The elves sent by the Senate will soon enter our mansion. As you saw with Lane’s example, there’s a very good chance you’ll come into my room to check out the draft.

However, the draft cannot be moved to another location. After the chase, they find out that the source is this mansion, and unless they’re stupid, they’ll notice.

“What would your father have done without us?”

“First of all, I was planning to move all the letters, including the first draft. If there is no evidence, they will go back reluctantly.”

“But father-in-law. Even that is only a temporary measure. There is no certainty that they will never come back, so we have no choice but to get caught one day.”

Cecily heard her father’s plans and pointed it out in a firm voice. As she said, there is a strong possibility that the elves will use magic to scour this mansion anytime, anywhere.

It may be able to survive for now, but it has not been a fundamental solution. You have to deal with them for a complete solution.

“I know that. But I don’t know where they came from, so what I can do is limited. Judging from the letter the boss sent me, I think it’s a nobleman, but an elf noble is different from a human noble. Above all, Isaac’s There is a high risk of being exposed.”

“Isn’t Tanrona okay? Me and Marie are there. And Isaac is currently being treated favorably as a saint in the Luminous Church. If he touches Isaac, he will not stand still in the Savior.”

“Even though… it would be difficult for Isaac to reveal his identity in the current situation. He is a prophet and a future man, and he is being wary of having dangerous knowledge.


As my father and Cecily were arguing, I was alone in my thoughts. If done really well, not only the elves, but also the senators who are nothing more than cancer can be swept away.

There is no big problem in revealing the circumstances behind the incident. As you can see from Arwen’s speech, her speaking ability is extremely good. It’s enough to change her line slightly and change it to ‘Songdong’.

I know that public opinion towards Arwen is very good. It made me aware of my identity as an ‘elf’ without distinguishing between pure-blood and mixed-blood.

And what if we add the status of ‘Xenon’ to this? For the elves, Xenon, who saved the World Tree from pollution, is the hero itself. The World Tree was a gift from the gods.

Here, if the two are properly combined, a lie can be made to be believed as the truth. Of course, it should be properly mixed, not full of lies.

I blinked and pondered when I found my right hand resting on my thigh. At the same time, an interesting plan came to mind, and he smiled lightly.

It was only now that he understood the meaning of a hyena that enters the mouth of a lion by itself.

“Father, I have a good plan, would you like to hear it?”

“Do you have any plans?”

“Yes. Hopefully, I can hide my identity, and I can wipe out the elves and those involved at once. Before that… Noona.”

“Yes. Isaac.”

“Is there any magic that can put hints or manipulate memories?”

Cecily is scheduled to be the next Great Demon King, so she will also have excellent magical knowledge. When it comes to her magic, trusting her is not enough.

To my question, Cecily immediately put on a puzzled expression and then nodded to get a positive answer.

“There is. Instead, elves are basically superior to magic resistance, so it might work. If there were priests, it would be meaningless.”

“Yeah? So, what about putting explosion magic in your ears?”

“…what the hell are you planning to put explosive magic in your ear?”

Cecily asked, looking at her with a puzzled look. Well, it was a bit absurd.

So I waved my hand, saying it wasn’t that far.

“I’m not really using explosion magic, I’m just doing it for intimidation. Is it possible anyway?”

“It’s possible.”

“Okay then. Oh, what about location tracking magic?”

“As long as you don’t go out of range, that’s possible.”

Also magic. It makes possible things that were only possible with science and technology in a previous life.

In the meantime, my father heard our story and opened his mouth with a voice of concern that he might have just noticed.

“Isaac. You seem to have a rough idea of ​​what you’re thinking. But, elves aren’t the type of person to take lightly. Researching the aforementioned magic is enough…”

“Do they really know that Cecily’s sister is here? Even if they’ve heard of your father’s greatness, they’ll know that he can’t use magic.”

“Hmm… Even so, in Albenheim…”

“Ah. You don’t have to worry about that. Because there is a helper.”

“What else do you mean?”

My father looked at me with his eyes wide open in response to the fact that he had a helper. Her mother, who was by her side, also looked a little surprised.

It is somewhat bewildering that there are political supporters in Albenheim. Because I’ve only been to Alvenheim once.

As I pondered whether I could say all of this, I glanced at Cecily with a smirk. She smiled as if she could do whatever she wanted.

He gained confidence and slowly began to speak out about the ‘helper’ in Albenheim. First of all, the super high theft case.

My parents were calm until the first theft, but their expressions changed in real time as soon as they heard about the trespassing incident at Lane’s house during the exhibition. Then, in the part where Arwen even apologized to me using that as an excuse, it turned into a level of astonishment for her.

“…so I actually wrote the speech and sent it to the queen. We’ve been in contact with it since then.”


“Dude, that’s great.”

Finally, when he finished explaining about the speech, his father responded more than bewildered but was absurd, and his mother responded with trembling. To be honest, it is natural to have such a reaction.

The helper I was referring to was none other than the Queen of Albenheim, and she knelt down and apologized to me. She also used that as an excuse to continue her relationship to this day.

If I listened to it without context, I would treat it as nonsense, but I have no choice but to believe it because there was even Lane’s super high theft.

“I heard from the queen that the elves who came to the publishing house were the closest aides to the head of the senate. As my father knows, the senate, unlike the queen, is pureblood and rejects other races. Even during the racial war, they made the worst mistake.”

“It doesn’t matter whether they disappear or not. But Isaac. If the Senate were to disappear, Albnheim would cause great social chaos. It could lead to a coup.”

“Well. Dad. I have a different opinion.”

I grinned at my father’s concerns.

When my father put on a questionable expression on him, I showed my right hand and said proudly.

“If the news that my right hand was smashed, would only Albenheim be the loudest?”


“But Isaac. Why is your hair so long all of a sudden?”

“Ah, this is… there’s something wrong with it.”

“You look really good together. Keep doing that. Okay?”


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