How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World chapter 177

How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World 177

Chapter 177

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The elves have been metallurgically chasing after the president of the publishing company sent the letter. They went on a hunt with no clue what was going on in the current mansion.

When a certain man in the middle went by twisting the line on purpose, he almost missed it, but they were elves. It is the master of ‘magic’.

Magic makes it easy to track where your mana is flowing, including your footprints. If even this did not work, there was no difficulty because high-level magic was used.

“The road leads here.”

An elf man with dull blonde hair up to his shoulders murmured as he looked at the entrance to the mansion. Now, in his eyes, the locked gate stands proudly.

In front of the checkpoint, there were guards standing vigilantly, and they were working without a sign of sleep despite the splendid night of stars.

It was in the dark where nothing could be seen, but it was possible for the elves to see as brightly as in broad daylight. Of course, this is also thanks to magic.

“By the way, isn’t this estate where the exhibition was held?”

“That’s right. It was held a few months ago as an exhibition for Xenon. How ridiculous it is to even open an exhibition for just one artist.”

Another elf man asked the group, and a brown-haired elf woman snorted and answered. It’s the perfect elf stereotype, with an arrogant expression and a sarcastic remark.

‘I’m a little anxious…’

At that, the elf man, Mael, looked at the mansion gate and repeated himself. How did they succeed in tracking and the process of reaching the mansion was easy.

The problem was that it wasn’t so easy that it wasn’t easy. It delayed the time by twisting the wires, but it was meaningless in front of magic. To erase traces neatly, at least equivalent magic is required.

So I was even more anxious. Currently, Zeno is speculated to be a prophet or a future person, so there is no way to be ‘tracked’.

Unlike the rest of the party, Mael had a surprisingly high value for Zeno, so she had no choice but to feel anxious. Of course, apart from being overrated, it’s true that I don’t like her.

“What shall we do now? Will you come in when the sun comes up?”

“No. I can do it for nothing, so let’s go in now. Is the crime prevention magic installed?”

“There is, but it is at a low level.”

The elf woman, Lena, answered the leader’s question. By human standards, a fairly high level of crime prevention magic was installed, but it was difficult to function properly in front of them. These are not just ordinary elves, they are personnel dispatched directly from the Senate.

No matter how much raw meat an elf may be, his power is so strong that he has to put up with a few moves in front of a prestigious family. It’s not as ridiculously strong as the battlefield, but it’s good enough to be included in the battlefield.

The elf leader, Callas, had a fishy smile on his face with a foreboding that things would become easier. Of course, even if there is a crime prevention magic, if it is only magic installed by a human being, it can be easily passed.

“It makes things easier. Everyone, follow me. I’ll check the first floor first.”

“Is Xenon really here?”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t have it. Since the pursuit has stopped here, there must be something.”

Lena smiled confidently and waved her hand. Then her body temporarily became transparent, and then it disappeared completely.

Although it does not hide in the dark like the Dark Elves, a faint afterimage remains. Of course, even this is difficult to detect unless you have a good eye.

Since then, Callas and Mael also hid themselves through magic. He didn’t forget to do his best to avoid being caught by the crime prevention magic.

“But be careful. Kill footsteps as much as possible. In the future, we will communicate through telepathy.”

“all right.”

In this way, the three elves entered the mansion while activating the stealth magic. In case of any unforeseen circumstances, the mana wave did not use a large teleport and jumped over the wall with superior physical ability.

It’s also a thing of the past that elves don’t do dirty things. However, even now, the habit was still there, but for the sake of ‘the cause’, the words were different.

The cause is that Zeno has too much dangerous knowledge. Previously, it was possible to move on by saying that a novel was just a novel, but now there is a clear cause.

God even warned them not to touch them directly, but they only came to confirm and ‘consider’, they did not intend to touch as they warned.

[Looks like employees are staying on the first floor.]

[Nothing stands out.]

[The same goes for this room.]

The elves communicated through telepathy.

The first floor of the mansion served as a lounge for employees and a restaurant. There was an employee walking around with a lamp for patrol in the middle, but the elves could not be detected.

After a short time passed, and looking around the first floor, nothing came out, so the elf chasers went up to the second floor. On the second floor, there is a room where the family, including the permanent resident, stays, not the employee.

Callas also looked at the first floor just in case, but knew in advance that there was a high probability that there was a clue on the second floor. Therefore, we plan to examine the second floor more closely.

[I will check the lord’s office and bedroom first. You check it from other places.]

[all right.]


After giving instructions to the members, Callas moved to the room presumed to be the lord’s bedroom. Usually, rooms related to lords have two doors, not one.

Callas, who soon arrived at the place where the two doors were next to each other, used magic to figure out who was inside. Seeing that nobody is there, it is expected to be an office.

‘But I think I’ve heard the name Michelle somewhere…’

Before entering, Callas thought deeply about the family called Michelle. I’m sure I’ve heard it somewhere, but I can’t remember the details.

Longevity species are characterized by very good memory. If you can remember what you ate on New Year’s Eve 10 years ago, your name would be terrifying.

I never forget a name once I hear it, but I don’t know where I heard Michelle. In most cases, such cases are heard as if they were passing by as rumors.

‘I should take a look first.’

Callas entered the office through a brief teleport and looked around. As expected, this is the office for the lord to work.

The office was generally mediocre. Not only does it smell unique to paper, but also the desk that is placed in the middle.

I don’t know where the confidence came from, but I think there’s a clue here. Callas smiled excitedly and strode towards his desk.

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Eventually, as soon as I saw the drawer tightly closed with a lock, I was convinced. I’m sure there must be some clues related to Xenon here.

He used mana to simply unlock the lock, and then carefully opened the drawer so as not to make a sound. It was very quiet without even making a rattling sound characteristic of drawers.

‘…it’s nonsense.’

There was only a pile of papers in the drawer, nothing related to Xenon. After all, documents are very important, so locking them with a padlock doesn’t make sense.

Callas clicked inwardly and began to rummage through the other drawers. He soon found a piece of paper in another drawer.


It was a photo. You may be wondering what kind of photography it is in an era when even a camera was not invented. This is also possible because there is ‘magic’.

Through magic, images or photos can be saved and pulled out on paper. However, it does not flow to the public and is still used only for military purposes.

Most of the elves in Albenheim can use magic, so it’s not the first time I’ve seen a picture, but what Callas cares about is the people in the picture.

In the picture taken in vivid colors rather than black and white, Hawk and his comrades stand side by side when he was a lord, that is, the knights commander.

Callas, who usually looked down on humans as a lower race, had no choice but to focus on the person in the picture. Because Hawk’s hair, standing proudly in the center, was ‘red’.

In addition, his golden eyes shining like a wild beast made Callas fall into thoughts.

‘Red hair and golden eyes…’

This unique and unique combination is rare, including all races, let alone elves. It has to be regarded as a level that is almost non-existent beyond rarity.

‘Wait a minute. Michelle…’

A chain reaction occurs when one of the originally faint memories comes to mind. In Callas’ head, ‘Michelle’ and ‘red hair’ merged together.

I didn’t belong to the military, so I heard it as if passing by, but I heard that humans with red hair are that strong. I heard that the limbs of the elf patrols that were once sent to the border were often returned with broken limbs.

His life was undisturbed and he recovered quickly, but he was strong enough to ‘subdue’ the elf scouts. Although he is a human, he can never be downplayed, and is one of those things that even Albnheim should be wary of.

A man who raised the security of the empire by killing all the barbarians who were making a riot in the border area.

Red Lion, Hawk Ducker Michel.


Callas hurriedly threw the picture away and raised his bent back. I never dreamed that this place would be the mansion of the red lion.

So far, I’ve only heard of it as a title, but I’ve never heard of it by name, so I couldn’t even guess. However, I have heard the name of the Red Lion.

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Even Callas, who usually ignores humans, was an opponent he couldn’t look down on as much as the Red Lion.

‘I have to leave this place right now…’

That was the moment.



While Callas was awake for a moment, someone grabbed the nape of his neck and shoved it into the desk. It was a surprise that he couldn’t even resist, and the pressure on his neck was terrifying.

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Even if he wanted to escape by using mana somehow, he couldn’t. The mana that had already flowed from her throat completely took control of her body.

Callas struggled, bent his neck as much as he could, and looked back. Golden eyes shining fiercely in the dark were looking down at him.

Literally, his eyes tingle as if he were a ‘beast’. Among the elves, he easily subdued Callas, who was one of the most powerful.

“you you…”

“Shhh. Be quiet.”

Just as Callas was about to open his mouth, Hawk grabbed his neck with a hand the size of a cauldron and put his index finger to his mouth as if to be quiet.

At the same time, Callas felt the amount of mana transmitted through his throat increasing. The mana gradually moved toward the heart, and circled around it, though not fully reaching it.

Callas could understand what this meant. If you make useless resistance, I will burst my heart right away.

Mana control was absolutely impossible for ordinary humans, but the opponent was the famous Red Lion. He is a man who is presumed to have skills equal to that of a warrior.

Meanwhile, Hawk looked down at Callas, who was shaking, and gasped.

“Do you use it by robbing other people’s houses?”


Meanwhile, while Callas was suppressed, Lena and Mael were investigating in a two-person group. This is because it was decided that it would be more efficient to find two people at a time, even if it takes time, rather than one person in charge of one room.

They scrutinized the empty room first. Originally, it was Dave’s room, but as you know, he’s already enlisted. There was no owner of the room.

After that, I looked for Nicole’s room, but she also left the room for the joining test. Naturally, it was impossible to find evidence related to Xenon.

In the end, there was only one room left. Isaac’s bedroom.

[By the way, what is Callas doing, so there is no contact?]

[I don’t know either. we do our own thing You’re probably concentrating.]

The two men quietly sneaked into Isaac’s bedroom. Don’t forget to check that the employee is walking around before opening the door.

Then, as I entered the bed, a peculiar smell stimulated my sense of smell. It had the musty smell of an old book.

As if to indicate the source of the smell, there were many bookshelves in Isaac’s room. It’s a bonus that it’s filled with books.

[Do you think I’ll be here for some reason?]

[Let’s find it quickly.]

The smell of books wafted in, and the two men entered with subtle confidence. She checks the side of the bed just in case, and the ark owner is sleeping without knowing the world.

Investigate quietly like this and it will be over. Mael and Lena were the first to walk towards the desk next to the bed.

And I found a pile of papers and a letter on the desk. The two elves were excited for a moment, but calmly calmed down and checked each one separately.

[This is… Don’t, my God. It’s the first draft of Zeno’s biography!]

[This is a letter. It was also a letter from the president of the publishing company.]

It didn’t take long for me to realize that the pile of paper was the first draft of Xenon’s biography and the letter was sent by the president of the publishing company.

This proved to be true. The owner of this bed is Xenon. Lena glanced through her letters and drafts with her thrilled eyes, then shifted her gaze towards her bed.

As if he had no idea what was going on, the ark’s owner was still sleeping with his eyes closed.

[What do we do? Shall I take you?]

[Of course you should. Because there is nothing I can do to confirm it properly.]

[yes. You can return it by the next morning, huh?]

As soon as they find out that the ark’s owner is Xenon, the two elves start planning their kidnapping. In an instant, greed settled in their eyes.

Just finding Xenon is a huge achievement, but even ‘conciliation’? This will provide an opportunity to strengthen their position within the Senate.

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Even if conciliation fails, it doesn’t matter. It’s okay to threaten Xenon so that he can’t write any more books. As long as it has been proven that he has dangerous knowledge, the reason is sufficient.

Mael and Lena put their drafts and letters down on their desks, respectively, and moved their gaze to the bed. And…

“No way~”


An alluring female voice came from behind their backs. In addition, they carefully covered the mouths of both men and women with their hands.

Not empty words, but really ‘softly’, but as soon as their mouths were closed, the eyes of the elves, who were intelligent, became blurry in an instant. No matter how you look at it, your consciousness is completely blown away.

However, even though they lost consciousness, they did not fall and stood tall. At this, the woman who shut the elves’ mouths, Cecily, spoke quietly with an attractive smile.

“Abduction is bad. You idiots.”

She was even eavesdropping on the elves’ telepathy.

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