How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World chapter 433

How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World 433

As the misunderstanding showed no signs of clearing up, I had no choice but to explain the country I lived in, the Republic of Korea.

Following the Japanese colonial period, the entire country was reset due to the Korean War on the 25th, and further, the tragedy was divided in half.

Fortunately, thanks to aid from the United States, it has been able to achieve some degree of self-reliance, and now, 60 years after the civil war, it has risen to the ranks of a great power.

Although it is controversial, it can be called a great power if it ranks in the top 10 out of over 120 countries.

Thanks to the peculiarity of being a divided country, there was no check on military power even if it was randomly increased.

Although it is flawed that there are great powers like China, Russia, and Japan around it, objectively speaking, Korea can be said to be a powerful power.

“Can’t you believe it?”

“You’re seeing such growth in 60 years? You have to say something that makes sense.”

“Of course, it may be possible because the environment is different… but in the state of being ruled by another country?”

I didn’t believe it. Even if you explain in more detail, they are not very trustworthy.

It was absurd at first, but Korea is a very special case. Will the world’s poorest country rise up as a great power?

It was truly a story that could have come out of a novel, and it was truly a ‘miracle’. It is not called the miracle of the Han River for nothing.

Of course, even after that, North Korea provoked from time to time, and a huge economic crisis called the International Monetary Fund (IMF) came, but the Republic of Korea was strangely steadfast.

Because of that, I felt like I wanted to explain more. But I stopped because I thought it would be too long.

Above all, the conversation between the families had to end here because a distinguished guest visited on the way.

“My dear!”

“I’m here?”

Arwen, the queen of Albenheim and a cute little elf, visited our mansion. As usual, in a silver-gray dress showing off her splendid lower body.

Arwen ran over to me as soon as he saw me, unaware that Keir was behind him. As he runs, his long ears shake violently up and down.

After that, I smiled brightly and opened my arms, and Arwen slipped inside.

Due to its small size, it is almost hanging.

“Didn’t you have a hard time?”

“There was nothing except you were absent. But now that I met you, even that would disappear.”


Arwen, who clearly expresses affection, gave me a mischievous smile and then looked back.

Keir, who had been accompanying him as an aide, smiled with a happy smile, then nodded his head and disappeared.

It seems like it disappears on its own so we can have a good time together, but I have no choice but to admit that one notice is quick.

So, when I and Arwen were hugging each other and spending time together, I secretly pulled her apart.

Silver-gray eyes that twinkle like the Milky Way. Reddened cheeks recalled. Finally, to the piercing ears.

The appearance that felt like a living doll made my heart warm. I gently caressed her cheek.

“Then let’s go to my room first. There are so many things I want to tell you. Especially from my side.”

“Bur, already? Ha, but darling. It’s still morning… um, of course I’m always ready!”

What the hell are you thinking? I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed when Arwen’s face turned red like the sunset in an instant.

Elves are famous for their simple temper, but since she is of mixed race, she seems to have a hot side like a human.

However, contrary to her expectations, it is absolutely not. There’s already one other person in the bedroom, not Arwen.

“I’m sorry, but that’s not the case. It’s a different topic.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Are you disappointed?”

“Oh no! It’s not like that!”

“I don’t think so.”

After teasing Arwen after a long time, I headed to the bedroom with her. Afterwards, she came up with all sorts of excuses, but she listened in one ear and let it out in the other.

Still, understanding her feelings slightly, unlike other women, Arwen was less frequent.

Unlike Cecily, who is relatively free, she is the queen of Albenheim, so there is nothing she can do about it. Luckily, I’m an elf.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

Moreover, although he is of mixed race, he has a relatively low s*xual desire, so there is no case of clinging to it. Just like Adelia, an emotional exchange is enough.

‘It’s hard to do it anywhere else.’

As we all know, elves think of s*x as a ritual. So it’s pretty conservative.

He told me not to do it unless it was the official residence of Albenheim, the political institution Elodia. How crazy was it to hear that?

Anyway, I went to the front of the bedroom holding Arwen’s hand.

Another strange thought, but Arwen’s pure white face has already turned red.


I knocked lightly on my bedroom door, waited a few moments, then opened the door right away.

It’s my room, and why you knocked is simple.

“Oh, are you here?”


“The Queen is here too.”

Because Cecily was already waiting in my bedroom. Unlike Cecily, who greeted you with a light smile, Arwen had a bewildered expression on her face.

I kept saying it wasn’t like that, but I guess I was expecting it in my heart. I led her, who was still puzzled, to a chair.

Tasty refreshments were placed on the already prepared table, and hot coffee was also prepared.

“In my mind, I want to talk to the two of us privately, but I think the story will be quite long. Is it okay?”

“He… I’m fine, but why is there even Princess Cecily?”

“That’s what I was wondering too, Queen. Then Isaac. Can you explain now?”

I just told Cecily to wait in the bedroom, but didn’t explain the situation in detail. That’s why I asked such a question.

I listened to her question and sat down on the chair as well. As soon as I sat down on the chair, two pairs of eyes looked at me.

Why I only called these two is very simple. Unlike the others, Cecily and Arwen had a similar misunderstanding.

I’m guessing it’s from another world, but it’s not a completely different world.

From now on, we will go through it in detail.

“Um… First of all, there’s something I want to ask you two.”

As I clasped my hands and spoke in a serious voice, the two women put on a puzzled expression on their faces.

I looked closely at their expressions and opened my mouth quietly.

“What do you two think of who I am?”


“You mean your true form?”

“Yeah. So, where did I come from and what I was doing there. Even if you have a rough estimate, you don’t know the details, right?”

As if they had finally understood my words, they exclaimed, “Ah,” at the same time.

Then they looked at each other and turned their gaze back to me.

“Are you going to talk about it?”


Arwen and Cecily’s reaction, respectively. I nodded heavily at their question.

“Yeah. Zeno’s biography has been completed, and the book I’ll be writing in the future is closely related to it. So, I think it’s better to reveal it before making a strange misunderstanding.



Perhaps they were shocked by my confession, the two did not say anything. Just keep your mouth shut and stare at me.

Cecily thinks of me as a blessing from God, and Arwen thinks of herself as a character in Zeno’s biography.

I can’t imagine how much of a shock they would be if all the facts were revealed here.

In particular, I expect Cecily to be the biggest. The blessings the demons received from Zeno’s life cannot be counted.

But, how startled would it be to reveal that Zeno’s biography is just an ordinary, mediocre, outdated novel in my world.

To be honest, it’s a little scary. Marie and her family believe in who they are, so they can easily get over it, but Cecily and Arwen are completely different.

“As I said earlier, I was a very ordinary person in my world. I was the same as a writer, but I wasn’t as famous as I am now.



“If I’m disappointed, I’m really sorry. I can only apologize. But if I procrastinate any longer, I feel like I’m cheating, so I’m confessing.”

I’m even more nervous than when I told Marie and her family. In fact, it is natural to say that ‘Xenon’ has a greater meaning to them than ‘Isaac’.

I waited patiently for them to open their mouths first. They will also need time to organize their thoughts.

Around the time when her heart started beating loudly due to the tension, Cecily was the first to speak.

“··········Then are you saying that the story of Xenon’s life is really a fictional story?”

There was something complicated and subtle, but a voice with a hint of disbelief. As soon as I heard that, I lifted my head.

When he looked up, he met red eyes filled with confusion. Eyes mixed with all kinds of complex emotions.

I met those eyes and nodded without a word. Then Cecily was even more embarrassed.

“Now, wait a minute. So, even if Zeno’s biography is a fictional story, is it true that it came from another world?”


“How? How did you come over? I don’t understand that. Zenon’s biography is really a fictional story, but Isaac you came from a different world. It doesn’t feel right?”

“I, too, think so. Is it really not from the same world as Zeno’s biography?”

From the looks of it, it seems that Arwen was having an illusion that was almost identical to that of Cecily. I nodded my head to their question and then asked back.

“Like I said before, what kind of existence did you two think of me? That’s what I’m most curious about.”

“I thought I was coming from a world where the Second Demon War broke out.”

“I’m similar, but I thought that Zeno’s life was really a thing of the future. If a person from the future moved into the past and changed the future, that future would eventually disappear.”

The reason they had such an illusion was none other than Arwen. You asked me if I came from another world after the elven communist remarks before.

Because it was a question that pierced my heart, I couldn’t even give an answer at the time, and Cecily was right next to me at that time.

Even if it wasn’t from the future, it was an undeniable truth that it came from another world.

But when he heard Arwen’s words, she seemed to have mistakenly thought that she came from a kind of ‘parallel world’.

And now is the time to dispel all those misconceptions one by one.

“That’s right. But I’m not from a world like Zeno’s biography. Somehow…”



“How did you get over it? For me, no, this is the most important thing for us.”

As I was about to speak, Cecily interrupted in an urgent voice. I felt an unusual urgency.

Looking at Arwen after Cecily, she seems to have a similar mind. For them, it was more important to them how they got over than what kind of world they came from.

I was a little confused by this, but I don’t think it would be bad to explain this first.

“You’ve probably heard the news. An underground temple presumed to be a demon worshiper’s summoning ceremony. You know?”

“You know that.”

“I know the news.”

“Then the summoning ceremony was only half a failure?”

They both nodded at my question. It is known that the Minerva Empire tightly controlled the press to prevent chaos in the world.

However, he explained to the leaders of each country that it would be difficult to hold the press all over the world alone. I heard this from Lina.

I was relieved in my premonition that explanations would be easier, and then continued with a quiet voice as before.

“Then it will be easier to explain. Half-failure means half-successful. And the result of that success is me.”


“Is that you?”

“Yeah. A spirit summoned from another dimension by a demon worshiper’s summoning ritual. That’s me.”

Since then, he has been slowly telling me about my birth, including Clark. Cecily knew Clark, but Arwen didn’t, so it took a while.

He lost his parents in his previous life and lived a normal life, but eventually contracted a heart attack and died. But it turned out that he was involved in the summoning ritual.

The gods took pity on me and reincarnated me here while keeping my memories. The result is me, Isaac Ducker Michel.

“So, I’m going to reveal it to the two of you right now. So that there won’t be any more strange misunderstandings. And… so that you don’t suffer a bigger disappointment.”



“You must have been very disappointed though. He’s not as great as I expected…”


It was the moment when I was about to come up with an excuse that wasn’t an excuse. Cecily blew out, as if exasperated.

I couldn’t help but flinched at the reaction. I was afraid that what I was afraid of would happen.

As a result, she couldn’t even raise her head, and when she was still, Cecily made a completely different remark than I expected.

“Isn’t that great? You know that’s nonsense, right?”

“Uh… Sister?”

“Really… what should I say? Do I have to call you an onion-like person? The more you spread it, the less you know it.


Hearing that, I slowly shook my head. As she lifted her head, Cecily, with her characteristic dark expression on her face, caught her eye.

It seems to be a reaction far from disappointment and, on the contrary, more to me. I have no idea why.

“·······My dear.”


“Whoa… I really don’t know. I really don’t know.”

read at

Now to Arwen. Unlike Cecily, she has an absurd expression on her face.

Fortunately, the situation was much better than I expected, but it was unexpected, so I had no idea why.



“I’ll explain it slowly. Whoa…”

After a brief sigh, she stretched out one long index finger, drawing my attention.

Then, with a unique, alluring voice, he calmly explained in a way that I could easily understand.

“There is a soul who came to this place from another dimension because of a demon worshiper. He was blessed by the gods to preserve the memories of his previous life and was reborn here. Do you understand this far?”


“By the way, that person saved the world by writing a prophetic book. But that prophecy is not a real prophetic book, it’s a fictional story. Do you believe this?”


I can’t believe it when I hear it. As I put on a puzzled expression, Cecily also crossed her arms and snorted.

Her voluptuous breasts stood out as she crossed her arms, but she desperately ignored it.

“Honestly, you wouldn’t believe it, would you?”

“It’s really like a novel. There is a saying that reality is more than a novel, but I had no idea that I would experience it myself.”

Like Arwen’s complaint, not a complaint, I also agree with the utmost. First of all, my life itself is like a novel life.

Anyway, listening to Cecily’s explanation, it’s definitely a nonsensical story.

Of course, in order to understand that, I need to explain what my world is like. In fact, this is arguably the most important.

“You can’t believe it, but all of that is true. And the world I lived in is full of works like Zeno’s biography. In some ways, it’s more realistic.”

“Is there such a world?”

“Is this the place where the prophecies of the universe are gathered? Then I can understand.”

Apart from Cecily’s reaction, Arwen’s words were quite witty.

I hid the laughter that was about to escape for a moment. Still, the tension was relieved and I was able to speak more softly than before.

“It’s not like that. What kind of world I used to live in…”

He brought out what he had said to Lina, Marie, and her family. A world where only humans exist, no mana, no magic, and no monsters.

A place where a human creature can fly, sail without wind and waves, and communicate with people from all over the world.

Of course, the nuclear bomb was excluded. This alone would be enough to surprise you, but if you add this together, you will never believe it.

So when all the explanations were finished, Cecily and Arwen looked at me with puzzled expressions.

You are probably imagining all sorts of things in your head right now. I waited for a reaction with anticipation differently than I had just before.

“Then can you teleport to a human creature?”

“Uh… huh?”

“You said that even magic is almost impossible. So, can humans teleport without using magic?”

But Cecily raised a completely different question than expected. As a human creature, I can swim freely in the sky and the sea, and I can’t even teleport.

Confused, I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth in a timid voice.


The concept of teleportation, that is, teleportation, is literally the realm of ‘magic’. It is absolutely impossible with Earth’s scientific power.

At my reaction, Cecily and Arwen put on an expression that did not understand.

“Why not? You have control over the sky and the sea, but why can’t you control space? Is it possible that there is no concept of coordinates?”

“The concept of coordinates was invented about 400 years ago as far as I know.”

“Then why don’t we connect the coordinates with the coordinates? It’s enough to make a flying creature, but I don’t understand why it can’t do that.”

“Me too. Humans can do it enough if they put in effort, right?”

that’s true

“The concept itself is very easy…”

“Concept and Nabal, an area that is almost impossible for us?”

“What the hell does a physicist there do that he doesn’t know the concept of space?”

If Einstein hears it, he will catch his back.

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