How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World chapter 477

How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World 477

Golden Goblin (5)

Viscount Callas, or Marshall, looked like an unusual figure to pretend to be.

The thick lips were impressive, but the blue eyes that seemed to burn because they were too hot were filled with passion.

Isn’t there a saying that the human eye is also connected with the mind? When I think of Cherry’s dark eyes, I can relate deeply.

But he had no idea where Marshall’s passion was headed. Maybe it’s just that the person has a lively personality.

“Bombardment? Did you just say bombardment?”

not now He seems to know roughly what he wants.

I muttered that it was a cannonball in the way it flowed, and Marshall’s eyes twinkled more than before.

As he had a shaky expression on his face because he did not understand what was going on, Marquis Martius hurried to stop it.

“Viscount Callas. Take care of yourself. Do you know where this is?”

“But Michelle Youngshik said it was artillery!”

“You must have heard it wrong. You’re the only one with that idea.”

Marquis Mathius noticed me while he was in a hurry to restrain me. It’s an unspoken gesture asking you to stay away.

But I don’t think so. Because the ‘bombardment’ that Marshall was talking about continued to haunt me.

Maybe I should listen to it once. I wondered why he knew the word bombardment.

“Marquis Mathius? I’m sorry, but may I speak with Viscount Callas?”


“I’m fine. I think it’s going to be a pretty interesting conversation.”


Marquis Mathius let out a long sigh and closed his eyes tightly.

Then, he gently removed the hand that had restrained Viscount Callas. There is no way to stop him anymore.

‘He seems to be a very caring person.’

The way he brought me to this place, and the way he was embarrassed and restrained by being rude, it seems like we have a pretty special relationship.

Military families are class-sensitive by their nature. But seeing that, Viscount Callas is good enough to make up for it.

I wonder why such a person is obsessed with bombardment. Is it normal for this world to be more interested in magic than in gunpowder?

“Thank you so much for your consideration!”

“Until thanks. By the way, can you explain the bombardment?”

“Yes. Whoa…”

Marshall takes a deep breath as if nervous at the thought of explaining in front of me. In the meantime, Marquis Mathius is making a face that seems to have gone out of his mind.

The others were no different. The Marquis of Gotz was laughing haphazardly, and Kay was grinning bitterly.

I had a strong feeling that they were treating Marshall as a ‘geek’ together.

“Coming back to the beginning, what do you think of the cannon, Michelle Youngsik?”

“It’s a powerful weapon. But it has magic. Cannons require a lot of effort even in the crafting process. It has the advantage that it can be used by people who can’t use mana, but it costs a lot of money.”

Cannons in this world are nothing more than battlefield artillery. Because gunpowder weapons are not developed, high-explosives are not even dreaming of.

There was a thought that it would be better to train wizards to fire magic when they dare to invent a cannon.

But in fact, stopping at the battlefield level is a really great improvement. Let’s look again at the tribal war, which can be said to be a turning point in history.

Until before the tribal war, ‘magic’ for humans is something that can only be used by the chosen people, which can’t even be dreamed of.

For this reason, the development of cannons was actively carried out before the tribal war, but after coming into contact with magic, it is a situation that has distanced itself.

Magic contributed to a greater development, but at the same time produced a peculiar unbalance.

“Yes. Yes. As Michelle Spirit thinks, cannons cost a lot of money just for the production process. The same goes for cannonballs. Most of you will probably think that it is more efficient to train wizards at this cost.”

Marshall did not deny that cannons were expensive. To be honest, considering the existence of a Dwarf, it’s not that expensive.

As Dwarves are known as a race of blacksmiths, the development of ‘metallurgy’ was at the level that entered the industrial revolution.

Therefore, supplying the most necessary iron for cannons is easy if you spend money. However, it will cost a lot of money.

“But if you think about it, it’s not that expensive. Do you know how much it costs to train a single wizard?”

“Well. I’m not sure about that either.”

“It varies from person to person, but it costs 10,000 gold. It’s unclear whether even that is certain.”

10,000 gold is equivalent to 1 billion won in Korean won. The cost of training a fighter pilot is almost the same.

The bigger problem here is that pilots need to receive ‘education’, but wizards have a very wide variation in ‘talent’.

It’s a job to even freely manipulate mana right now, but magic is literally the realm of talent.

Moreover, wizards do not necessarily belong to the army. Not all scholars are wizards, but why is there a saying that all wizards are scholars?

After enlisting in the military and chanting weapons of mass destruction, it is much better to spend time doing research in your spare time.

“However, the cannon is different. The more it develops, the more its power will increase, but it will never decrease. The biggest advantage is that it can be mass-produced.”

“It’s a mass production…”

“Imagine it. Multiple cannons fired at once and devastated the opposing camp! As the wizard chants his magic, all you have to do is reload the cannons. Firepower! Artillery will be the center of firepower. !”

In this world, there are firepower fans, not magic fans. I gasped as I watched Marshall spit out the cannon praises.

Marquis Matius covered his face with his hands, as if he had taken my prey in a different way.

The reaction of others was similar. It was really like looking at a geek.

Even Adelia, who she met for the first time, is making an expression that wonders what kind of bullsh*t that is.

Anyway, Marquis Gotz’s reaction is the best. He nodded, as if he had agreed with Marshall.

‘If there was no magic, this would be natural.’

In fact, Marshall can be said to be a fan of the firepower of the ill-fated fantasy world. On Earth, artillery, or artillery, was responsible for most of the firepower.

It is infantry who occupy the land, but it is artillery that grinds out all the infantry.

In this world, the magic of mass destruction is blown away! Boom! It has the same effect as firing.

“How are you? Aren’t you excited?”

“That… Viscount Callas. When it’s over, let’s go.”

As Marshall’s eyes twinkled and asked me for my opinion, Marquis hurriedly dragged him away.

Marshall was also dragged away by Matius’s hand without giving any strength as to whether he had exhausted his free time.

At this rate, it would end up as a geek’s journey, but not me. I smiled and opened my mouth.

“Viscount Callas? I want to ask you a few questions, is it possible?”



Marshall Marshall, as well as Marquis Mathius, reacted in surprise to my call, perhaps unexpectedly.

It seems that Marshall himself realized that it sounded strange, so he had given up halfway.

I looked at them with my eyes wide open and asked a question.

“Definitely, if the cannons are developed, they can produce power comparable to magic. But why not focus on firepower and other aspects as well?”

“If it’s the other part…?”

“For example, there must be a range. No matter how good the firepower is, if the range is short, the opponent will also prepare for it.”

One of the reasons why battlefield cannons are dead in this world is the crossroads. There’s a cannon right in front of you, is there anyone who can get you right?

Of course, the cannon is equally powerful as it is powerful, but it must be made so that it cannot even be prepared.

“Adjusting the angle according to the terrain is also essential. In addition, the loading speed and the function of the shells. There are many things to think about. As I said before, the biggest advantage of shelling is ‘firepower’, but it will require a lot of development to fully release that firepower. .”


“The most important thing here is the angle. Depending on the angle, the use of the cannon will be different.

Like the Iron Marshal, the artillery is the god of battle.

But I’m not from artillery, I’m an Albo soldier who rolls and rolls on the front line. Of course, there is little to no knowledge that is known.

However, I do know that the usage of the canvas is different depending on the angle. The same goes for history.

“Also, consider loading from the back instead of from the front, you know? I want to say more here, but it’s hard to say because it’s related to my work.”



Not Marshall, who was stunned by my explanation, but Marquis Mathius, who called me with a shaky voice.

He didn’t look like he had just been buried in shame, but he had a look that looked like he was really surprised, with his eyes wide open.

“Do you really think that cannons can replace magic?”

“No. Cannons are no substitute for magic.”

Humans cannot defeat elves and demons with magic even when they wake up from death. From the very beginning, the race itself is terrific.

However, the destructive power of magic can be followed. Science should be further developed here, but I am a person who has seen the future of ‘fire power’.

Like the lion’s idiom called Manryu Gwijong, even if there are various streams of water, in the end, the end goes to the sea.

If you see only firepower, not magical power, it is much better to develop a cannon.

“But it can be said that the destructive power is comparable to magic. What is the cannon used for in the first place? It’s war. It is absurd to expect a magical effect in war.”


“Of course, the process will be difficult. I won’t deny that there are things that only wizards can do. The bombardment Viscount Callas mentioned is literally just an attack for firepower. Please bear in mind.”

As science advanced, the branches of the military became more diverse. Fortunately, the only class that has disappeared is ‘cavalry’.

Even that cavalry disappeared because other classes could replace it, and in most cases it never disappears.

Therefore, artillery will only be added to the class, but wizards will not disappear.

“Now. That’s all I have to say. Do you have any more questions?”

“Hey, can I ask one more question!”

Marshall asked me in an urgent voice. A look of embarrassment was engraved in his eyes, which were always shining brightly.

A face that never imagined that he would respond to a dream other than his own.

I raised my hand and responded as if it was okay. Then Marshall stuttered and opened his mouth.

“Ma, how did Michelle Young-sik come up with such a thought?”

I was the body that was in the fortification department. It was albinism.

These words hit his throat, but he barely suppressed them. I wonder what would have happened if this person had been born in Korea.

Compared to other countries, the Republic of Korea was exceptionally strong in firepower. At the time of the Korean War, it was the weakest country that didn’t have a single tank, so it’s amazing.

Maybe it was because the trauma remained so deep. I replied with a soft smile.

“I just thought of it as I listened to it. It’s just what I thought it would be nice if something like this existed.”


The answer that makes it difficult for anyone to see is that it is a lie. It seems Marshall heard my clever answer and realized that further questions were useless.

Now it’s my turn to ask a question. As I listened quietly, there was something I was curious about.

Why did Marshall become obsessed with firepower? Even though there is an amazing culture called magic.

“This time, I will ask you a question. Why did Viscount Callas fall in love with the cannons? Even though there is such a thing as magic?”

“Ah. That’s…”

Viscount Callas is hesitant to answer, unlike before, who was surprisingly energetic. I looked at it with a puzzled expression.

Then he glanced at me and scratched the back of the head with a mischievous smile.

“My mother told me that my tae dream had something to do with it.”

“Is it Taemong?”


When you hear it, you’ll wonder what kind of bullsh*t it is. However, this is a part that even Taemong cannot easily overlook as the existence of God is clear.

Sometimes even the dreams of heroes are extraordinary. Superstition is superstition, but it is quite important because it is a fantasy world.

“What kind of dream did you have? The bombardment you mentioned earlier?”

“No. It was such a dream that the entire city would be destroyed with a single bullet.”


Wait a minute.

“It was said that a mushroom-shaped cloud appeared because of how strong it was. It was impossible even with magic, so I had to focus on firepower.”


This is very dangerous.


Read at

Just in case, I ran to the temple and asked Luminus.

‘Aren’t there other reincarnations besides me?’


‘Then why did Viscount Callas’ mother have such a dream?’

[It’s a coincidence. this is really I can bet my divinity.]

Thanks to this, I had a really rare experience that made God feel unfair.

Anyway, a few days have passed since the strange meeting took place.

[Blood and Steel Volume 6 Released! Hitler seizes power!]

A story emerged of Hitler’s occupation of the Weimar Republic through the Authorization Act.

[The new president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt? Who is this man?]

The strongest in the worldview also appeared.

[East Empire Japan. Invading Manchuria.]

The existence of a loser (idiot) in East Asia was also mentioned.

Join us on discord to get release notifications.


  1. Well Frog says:

    Another jab to japan from korea

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