How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World chapter 704

704 - Birth (3)

704 – Birth (3)

As I said before, heroes in mythology usually have birth stories.

The heroes who have been extraordinary since birth are far from ordinary even in their growth process.

Hercules killed a snake with his bare hands when he was an infant, and various heroes performed unusual feats.

Grace also belongs here. A child less than 24 hours old flips over?

This is something that should never be taken lightly. So, I went straight to Luminus.

Since Mora was banished from the dimension, there was a high possibility that she would not know the details.


“I know what you’re thinking. Don’t worry too much.”

“The child was born less than 24 hours ago?”

It is usually after 100 days that a child starts flipping. However, Grace tried it as soon as she was born.

It doesn’t make sense to the point where I wonder if I’ll be able to walk after a few days. I wonder if Marie doubted her reincarnation.

“Reincarnation is absolutely not. Just…”



Luminus struggles with his arms crossed as if it is ambiguous to explain. He becomes more anxious at the reaction.

It is fortunate that my daughter is not a reincarnated person like me. But apart from that, it’s too unusual.

I prayed and prayed that it wasn’t a bad result. I don’t even think Luminous made a mistake.

“For now, can you understand us? There are some things that can’t be helped.”


“Your daughter’s soul is the same type of soul as your grandfather, Clark.”

“Souls of the same type…”

“The soul of a hero.”

Look at that. He was unusual from birth, but he was right.

Since Grace is a woman, she should be treated as Atalanta, not Hercules.

“Why did you put the soul of a hero instead of …? I believe there is a reason for that.”

“The only soul that fits in a bowl is a hero. Do you want to start thinking about who you are right now?”

“··· ···”

I have heard of it. The body and soul must be in balance to function as one life.

If the body cannot withstand the soul, it will become weak for life; otherwise, it will be born with a disability.

This is also the reason why the gods are obsessed with the natural law, even if they don’t know anything else. If not, civilization may be destroyed.

“Currently, it is safe to say that you have risen to the rank of a saint, that is, a demigod. Since you have a child in that state, only a hero can handle it.”

“Is there anything wrong with Marie?”

“There’s no need to worry about him or anyone else, as long as he’s safe.”

While Marie was pregnant with Grace, she slept for more than half of the day.

Besides, how well he eats. Marie was worried about gaining weight because she ate more than usual.

It’s because they all have heroes. If it’s like fantasy in many ways, it’s like fantasy.

“Is there anything to be aware of? It seems like hellish parenting is already waiting for you.”

“There’s nothing in particular. You just have to do what you want so that you don’t deviate. Even if you gain divine status later on, that child will be a separate entity and will not have any effect.”

“Didn’t I say that a hero’s soul is the most basic qualification to become an angel?”

Because the father of all is absent, angels are no longer born.

So all the souls of heroes were buried in Valhalla, and Grandpa Clark was also there.

From what I’ve heard, it’s a pretty good place to live or something. Instead, there are many corners that are boring because they do not have a physical body.

If you see him smoking a cigar right after he is resurrected, you will know the feeling.

“That’s right. But, unlike Ariel, he wasn’t born with a divinity. Of course, if he wanted to, he could join the ranks of saints like you and gain eternal life.”

“That’s something to think about later. Ummm…”

I was worried after hearing Luminus’ explanation. Career(?) Aside, childcare and childrearing are the first difficulties.

Can a family handle a child with a heroic soul? At least I, a reincarnated person, grew up calmly.

It doesn’t matter if rumors spread. Since the birth was announced by emitting brilliance anyway, it will spread as soon as it spreads.

“You don’t have to think too hard. Your mind will be just like any other child.”

“So that’s the problem.”

Kate, who directly received the grace of Luminous, as well as me, all had the same baby days.

Even though I am a reincarnated person, I have almost no memory until I was 3 years old. According to her mother, she was no different from other children.

On the other hand, like Grace, she was not extraordinary from birth. Before 24 hours had passed, she turned her body inside out.

From noble mtl dot com

Just as the body and soul must be in harmony, so must the mind and body.

Inadvertently, it can happen that the body is an adult but the mind is a child.

“You don’t have to worry about that either. Body and mind both grow in harmony.”

“You mean the growth rate itself is the same as normal people?”

“Yes. Just being a bit strong or showing extraordinary physical abilities, etc. It will indirectly show the hero’s fragment. Flipping and walking can be said to be muscular strength, right?”

I already feel far away. In the next few weeks, we are going to have a fan signing event.

Will Marie be able to do well during that time? My mother and nanny will help, but I’m still worried.

It seemed like I had to return to the mansion often using teleport. Time will go a little faster.

“The most important thing is love. If you shower your child with love, he will grow up without any problems.”

“That’s right.”

The fortunate thing is that everyone from my family grew up quietly.

I’m a reincarnated person, so even so, Dave and Nicole’s level of parenting was relatively easy.

He sleeps well when he sleeps, eats well when he eats, and there was nothing difficult about it. The only thing I can do is go to bed late.

“Can you catch a glimpse of Grace’s future?”

“I can read it, but the distant future is virtually impossible. It’s the closest relationship to you.”

“In the end, I have no choice but to try.”

“All I can say is cheer up. Parenting will be more difficult than fighting for 24 hours.”

I am even more afraid when the god of war, not another god, says such a thing.

Because Na-Na-Na-Grace is my daughter, she intends to pour unreserved love on her.

The parenting process will be a bit rough, but it’s okay. You just need to caress it with love.

And that decision.

“Grace! Where are you going! Don’t run! Come here!”

“Ooh! Ooh!”

Seeing Grace running around her mansion in a week shook me a little.

How do you get that speed with those short legs? It’s nonsense.

I hurriedly followed Grace as she ran all over the mansion.

Marie is doing postpartum care, so she’s taking a break for the time being.

Therefore, there were only a few people in charge of Grace, and it was embarrassing to see her standing on her own two feet and running around.

“Look at that. Grace is already running around.”

“It must be because he is Zenon-sama’s child, right?”

“The world will be filled with light.”

While Grace and I were on the chase, everyone in the mansion admired each other.

A baby who couldn’t walk in a week and ran around. Anyone can see that it feels like they are witnessing a ‘myth’.

I really want to die. He was worried that Grace might accidentally step on him and injure him.

I can’t ask anyone else for that, because it’s obvious that I’ll be hesitant.

If you get hurt then, you’ll be a high treason. It’s much better for me to suffer.

‘Should I really change the name to Atalante at this point?’

Your running skills are extraordinary. I didn’t know how to run yet, so I waved my arms, but the speed was terrifying.

What will happen when you grow more than you do now? According to my mother, when I was 3 years old, it was the hardest.

As a three-year-old, Grace was afraid of how fast she would be.


As I was chasing after a while, a familiar skeleton appeared around the corner… No, a person appeared. Grandpa Clark.

He has nothing to hide anymore, so he takes off his helmet and walks around. Grandpa Clark spotted Grace running towards him.

Grace passed Grandpa Clark and tried to turn the corner, but…

[Oh. Our great-granddaughter Then I get hurt.]

Grandpa Clark very gently caught Grace’s body. He is the speed and smoothness that you don’t know when you caught it.

I was relieved when Grace was caught. It seems that there will be no more chases.

Yes. I firmly believed that it would.



Until Grace hit Clarke hard on the head with her tiny hand.

Can a baby less than a week old make such a sound?

Of course, Grandpa Clark was in a skeleton state, so no damage was done…

[Keep it off!]

······It’s normal not to wear it, so why are you holding your head and screaming?

As Grandpa Clark fell, grabbing his head (skull), Grace started running again.

I looked at Grace, who was running away in a very absurd situation.

How can he give ‘pain’ to Grandpa Clark? You can’t feel pain because you’re undead.

“······Grandpa? Are you okay?”

[Ugh… It’s okay…]

Clark himself didn’t seem to know why he felt the pain. Is it because Grace has the soul of a hero?

There was a possibility of that, but it’s also strange that he hit Grandpa Clark’s head for nothing.

Even though he has a selfish disposition like now, he didn’t flinch at his parents, Mari and I.

It’s not just us, but everyone else is the same. Even though he complained, he didn’t hit him with full intention.

[Something… Sounds familiar.]

“Does it feel familiar?”

[Yes. Resentment… No, should I say stuffiness? I don’t know the back, but there’s no place to live a grudge?]

Grandpa Clark muttered and pondered, as if he had trouble understanding.

I thought of the word grudge and the spirit that Grace possesses. Grace is a child with a heroic soul.

And the hero is waiting in Valhalla to be reborn as an angel. You should all know this by now.


[What is it?]

“Have you ever had an accident while in Valhalla?”

[I hit it so many times that I can’t even remember it. In the first place, it’s a place where you fight whenever you have a chance.]

Emotions that come from the soul? I think I know why he is cold only to Grandpa Clark.

I left Clark, who was busy solving the riddle left by Grace, and set out to pursue it again.

They say they are fast, but they couldn’t go that far with those short legs. As far as going outside, the mansion’s servants would block it.

But fortunately, it didn’t take long to find Grace.

“Yes, Mr. Grace. What made you feel uncomfortable?”


“Looks like you’re hungry. I haven’t received grace yet, so my milk doesn’t come out. Let’s go back to Marie.”

She was walking back to her bedroom with Kate holding Grace. I looked at it and questioned it again.

Clarke listens to Kate while being aloof to her grandfather.

Even though she obviously couldn’t understand a word, she even asked me to hold her if she was in front of her.

He followed Kate exceptionally well, to the point where Marie felt sorry for her.

‘······Is it the spirit of someone related to Grandpa Clark and Kate?’

For now, I have no choice but to think so.

To borrow Mora’s explanation, the pull of the soul is stronger when you’re just born.

He explained that as he grows up, the traces of his soul will fade, and that tendency will naturally disappear.

“Ah. Here you are. Grace is here.”

“I’m really sorry for bothering you every time.”

“No. If you need anything, just let me know.”

This is how the eventful period of Grace’s birth and parenting began.

[The final version of The Knight Walking Towards Destruction. Scheduled to be released in three days.]

The preparations for the adventure are slowly approaching.

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