I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 1

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 1

“Rustle, rustle~”

In the 70-80 square meter rental room, the simple furnishings were surrounded by a warm atmosphere, with the white steam from the electric kettle rising and then disappearing.

A man, around 26-27 years old, was lying on the bed, his face exhausted, his hands moving swiftly as he scrolled through his phone screen.

In the comment section of “I Just Want to Be a Cow-Headed Person”.

[Get a life? It’s already hard enough living, why bother finding something to get worked up about in a novel?]

In the comment section of “I Opened a Big Car in Tokyo”.

[Give up! The speed isn’t even fast! Trash!]

In the comment section of “I Became the National Banquet Chef in the Four-Cornered Courtyard of Love”.

[Is this a downgrade? Why not continue being a chef instead of going back to that era?]

In the comment section of “Starting with Eight Little Aunties”.

[The author writes really well, I’ll pre-order the whole book and throw in a small reward, hoping they can finish the entire series…]

He finished posting five or six comments in one breath, and Wei Tian flipped over to get out of bed to fetch water, but his eyes remained fixed on the screen.

As a veteran bookworm of nearly ten years, his reading tastes had undergone a transformation from being a “little white” (novice) to an “old white” (experienced reader) and back to a “little white” again, so whenever he was bored, he would always flip through the old books on his shelf.

The formula might be old, but it was still really enjoyable to read.


He casually opened a xianxia novel from a few years ago, and the page automatically jumped to the last chapter he had read.

[Chapter 91 – Defending with My Life]

In the capital city, at the Wei family’s residence.

“I’d rather die than marry you, Wei Changtian!”

Lu Jingyao’s beautiful face was filled with determination, her long sword held horizontally across her white neck, with bright red blood dripping down the sword.

The man standing opposite her changed expression immediately, and the people around them were all shocked.

“Jingyao! What nonsense are you talking about!”

Lu Jingnan suddenly stood up, his hand waving forward.


The long sword flew out instantly, spinning in the air a few times before falling to the ground.


Lu Jingyao turned back, her eyes brimming with tears.

“Don’t force me! I’ll never marry a ruthless and merciless demon like you!”

“He, Shaofeng said he would definitely take me away…”

“Shut up! Are you trying to infuriate me to death?”

Lu Jingnan’s face turned bright red with anger, his voice thundering as he interrupted: “You’re already Changtian’s woman, don’t mention that Shaofeng again!”

“If you dare to say another rebellious word, don’t blame me for not being polite!”

“Father! I’d rather die than betray Shaofeng!”



Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Look, look! The emotional buildup is just right, it’s indeed still the old books that are the most enjoyable to read!

Although Wei Tian had already read “The Martial Arts Peak” five or six times, and could even recall most of the plot from start to finish, he still felt a sense of excitement every time he re-read it.

As he scrolled through the screen, the title of the new chapter appeared at the top of the page.

【Chapter 92 – Snatching the Bride】

If he didn’t remember wrong, the protagonist Xiao Feng was about to abolish the cultivation of the main antagonist Wei Changtian in this chapter, and then leave with Lu Jingyao.

Wei Tian’s blood had boiled with excitement when he first read this part.

His left hand continued to quickly flip through the pages, while his right hand searched for the thermos.

However, in the next second, a strong numbness suddenly spread from his right fingertips, rapidly spreading throughout his body.

“Damn it!”

Wei Tian blurted out a curse with an unknown subject, knowing he must have been electrocuted.

Although his consciousness was clear, his vision was suddenly pitch black.

Shit! Was he going to die like this?

This broken power strip should have been replaced earlier!

Damn it! His life had just begun!

As he mentally cursed, the numbness began to fade.

Just when Wei Tian thought he was about to return to the light, a streak of light suddenly broke through the darkness surrounding him.

After a moment, the distorted scenery in front of him gradually solidified, and the world regained its colors.

He let out a sigh of relief… He hadn’t died!

But… Where was he?

The group of old men dressed like they were from an ancient drama, where did they come from?

The beautiful woman in front of him, with her piercing gaze, what was she so resentful about?

The sword in her hand looked pretty realistic… Was she going to commit suicide?

Wait a minute!

This scene seemed familiar…

He had seen it somewhere before…

Wei Tian’s mouth hung open, staring at everything in front of him in shock.

But before he could react, a resolute and coquettish voice suddenly rang out from beside his ear.

“Wei Changtian! I’d rather die than marry you!”

Wei Tian: “??”

“Ding dong ding!”

“Yao’er, what nonsense are you talking about?”

“Father, don’t force me! I’ll never marry a ruthless and merciless demon like him!”

“Xiao Feng said he would definitely take me away…”

“Shut up! Do you want to infuriate me to death?”


Listening to the two people’s argument, Wei Tian’s face wore a constipated expression.

It was clear that he had transmigrated.

He had transmigrated into the world of “The Martial Arts Peak”.

And then… Became the main antagonist Wei Changtian???

Damn it!

What the hell is this?

Don’t even get me started on the name, it’s already impossible to compete with the protagonist!

One Wei Changtian.

One Xiao Feng.

Anyone with eyes can see that the latter is the one with the aura of a child prodigy who can trigger a series of shocking events with just a casual move!

And what about me?…

I have a powerful family background but only know how to eat, drink, and have fun.

I have a handsome face but only know how to commit crimes and misdeeds.

I have abundant resources for cultivation but only know how to idle and waste them…

A big villain!

Although Wei Changtian has a lot of screen time in the novel, every time he appears, he’s guaranteed to get slapped in the face by Xiao Feng.

The ending is, of course, a tragic death, and he even drags his entire family down with him.

Wei Changtian’s face is pale and uncertain, unsure if he’s lucky or pitiful.

But he doesn’t have the luxury to think about that right now.

Because damn it, he’s going to be ruined by Xiao Feng tomorrow!

“Changtian, my dear nephew…”

Just as Wei Changtian was racking his brains to think of a way to escape this calamity, the quarrel in his ear temporarily subsided.

Lu Jingyao had been acupunctured and was now powerless, sitting in a chair with a sorrowful gaze.

Her father, Lu Jingnan, looked at him with a worried expression, his tone extremely cautious: “Changtian, my dear nephew, Jingyao is just talking nonsense, don’t take it to heart!”

“You can rest assured, I’ll definitely try to persuade her, and your marriage tomorrow won’t be affected at all!”


I believe you, my foot!

Wei Changtian cursed in his heart, but then reacted to a sudden realization.

Xiao Feng’s main target tomorrow is to snatch the bride, and he’s only getting ruined because he’s trying to stop him.

So… why not just let it be?!

Or maybe just call off the wedding!

As for Lu Jingyao, if Xiao Feng wants to take her away, he can just take her away!

Yes! That’s what I’ll do!

Wei Changtian almost wanted to give himself a thumbs-up for his cleverness.

Although this behavior in the novel would undoubtedly be a major plot flaw, he couldn’t care less.

Lu Jingyao is beautiful, so what?

With his conditions, as long as he’s willing, women would be lining up for him!


Having made up his mind, he cleared his throat and spoke slowly:

“Uncle Lu, a forced marriage is not sweet.”

“Since Jingyao doesn’t want to marry me, why bother?”

“I’ll go tell my father, and our engagement will be called off!”


The expected scene of gratitude and respect didn’t unfold.

Instead, it backfired.

After a brief moment of silence, every member of the Lu family present suddenly “thudded” to their knees, cold sweat dripping down their faces.

Especially Lu Jingnan, who was so frightened that he couldn’t even speak coherently.

“Xian, nephew, don’t say such things, don’t say such things…”

“I understand you must have some grievances, but the Lu family has no intention of backing down from the marriage, and Yao’er was just temporarily blinded by that someone, Xiao Feng…”

From noble mtl dot come


Do you understand?

You understand nothing!

Wei Changtian rolled his eyes inwardly, about to explain that he wasn’t threatening them, but a voice suddenly echoed in his mind.


【System loading…】

【Loading complete】

【Detecting changes in the storyline】

【Reward system points: 5】

【System store now open】



The essential golden finger for traversing has finally arrived!

Wei Changtian was taken aback, then overjoyed.

He couldn’t care less about the Lu family at this point, leaving the trembling crowd aside to start exploring the system’s functions.

It was actually quite simple.

By changing the original novel’s plot through his actions, he could earn system points.

Then, he could use those points to buy all sorts of awesome items in the store.

Easy to understand, high degree of freedom.

Not bad, not bad!

So, all he had to do was make the events deviate from their original course!

Yeah, since that’s the case… then this marriage is even more unlikely to happen!

Originally, Xiao Feng was supposed to steal the bride, but if he didn’t get married, how could Xiao Feng steal it?

This would greatly alter the plot, wouldn’t it?

With system points to be earned, Wei Changtian became even more determined to back down from the marriage.

He took a step forward, standing in front of Lu Jingnan, who was still kneeling, and tried to persuade him in his most gentle tone:

“Uncle Lu, please get up.”

“I have no intention of threatening the Lu family.”

“You can take your daughter away right now, and no one will stop you…”

“It’s not possible for the Lu family!”

Lu Jingnan’s reaction was even more intense than expected, and before Wei Changtian could finish speaking, he directly “thudded” his head to the ground.

His whole body trembled, his forehead pressed firmly against the floor, as he begged in a quivering voice: “Nephew, no, Wei, Wei Gongzi… please spare the Lu family!”

“We can’t afford to play such a joke!”

“It’s not, Uncle Lu, you really misunderstood me!”

Wei Changtian said this was too difficult to communicate, and in his anxiety, he wanted to help Lu Jingnan up.

But who would have thought that the latter, a sixth-rank warrior, was now like an old turtle, stubbornly refusing to get up from the ground?

Not only did he not get up, but his mournful wails grew even louder.

“Lord Wei, please take back your words of withdrawal from the marriage!”

“No, I’d rather die kneeling here!”

Lu Jingnan’s voice was heart-wrenchingly sad, enough to move listeners to tears.

At this time, the other members of the Lu family who were kneeling on the ground also seemed to have reacted, and various sobbing and pleading voices filled the entire room.

“Waaa! We’re willing to kneel alongside our lord!”

“Just please take back your words of withdrawal, Lord Wei!”

“Jia’er, don’t make a scene anymore! The lives of all 183 people in the Lu family are tied to you!”

“Don’t treat our lord like a common woman!”


“You, you all!”

Hearing the cacophony of wails and screams, Wei Changtian was stunned, his eyes wide with shock, as if he might faint at any moment.

And just then, Lu Jingyu, who had been sealed and unable to move, suddenly struggled to squeeze out a sentence from her throat.

“Wei, Wei Changtian… as long as you spare the Lu family… I’m willing to marry you!”

Wei Changtian: “……”

Damn it!

Are you all just trying to drive me crazy?!

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  1. Slime says:

    This is fun

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