I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 10

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 10

Half an hour later, Wei Changtian had already explained the grudge between Xiao Feng and the Wei family.

Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caijuan exchanged a glance, hesitated for a moment, and finally asked the question that had been on their minds.

“Changtian… how did you find out about all this?”

Wei Changtian had long expected to be asked this question and had prepared his response.

“Father, I actually set up a small-scale intelligence organization behind your back, and all the information was gathered by them.”

“I didn’t mean to hide it from you, but it was all small stuff before, and there wasn’t a suitable opportunity, so…”

Wei Changtian’s face showed a “shameful” expression, while Wei Xianzhi was taken aback before bursting into laughter.

“Haha! Good! Good!”

“I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to take on the responsibilities of the Mirror Guard in the future, but it seems I was overthinking it!”

“You can rest assured that Father has the Xiao Feng situation under control! He can’t escape!”

It was clear that Wei Xianzhi was delighted and relieved to see his son “suddenly become so capable.”

Not only had he learned to handle things with his brain, but he had also established his own power.

Although Wei Xianzhi was curious about the intelligence organization mentioned by Wei Changtian, he didn’t ask further.

As a special agent, he knew one thing – never reveal your bottom line to others, not even to your own family.

However, since I have the power, I can offer some help.

“Long Tian! If you need anything in the future, just ask your dad!”

“I’ve got money, I’ve got people!”

“I’ll tell you this, except for killing the emperor, your dad can help you with anything!”

Wei Xianzhi became more and more excited as he spoke, but Qin Caizhen, who was standing beside him, couldn’t take it anymore and interrupted with a white glance: “That’s enough!”

“Don’t listen to your dad’s boasting, son!”

“I don’t want you to end up like your dad, being hated by thousands.”

“It’s better to be mediocre and live a peaceful life without causing trouble.”

“You’re all talk and no action!”

After hearing this, Wei Xianzhi became displeased: “A real man should achieve something in his life, otherwise, what’s the point of being born?”

Qin Caizhen retorted with a smirk: “You’re a real man? Don’t you know what people call you?”

“Hmph! One day, I’ll make them shut up!”

“People are just telling the truth.”


The two of them quickly fell into their usual “cross-talk” mode, exchanging blows with their words.

Wei Changtian, who couldn’t intervene, could only sit aside, but a faint smile involuntarily appeared on his face.

Although he had only been here for less than two days…

Although Qin Caizhen and Wei Xianzhi’s reputations in the imperial court were not exactly stellar…

However, people could sense the sincerity of others.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a bit grateful towards this pair of foster parents.


Just as the Wei family was enjoying their happy time, Xiao Feng was lying unconscious at the entrance of the ancestral hall in Hou Qiu Village.

Although he still had a faint breath, if things continued like this, he would likely bleed to death soon.

It was already midnight, and it was unlikely that anyone would be out for a stroll at this hour. Even if Xiao Feng could be sent to the hospital in time, his injuries were likely to be fatal.

Having just escaped from the Wei family’s death trap, he had fallen into another one. An ordinary person would have given up and prepared to meet their maker.

But Xiao Feng was a child favored by the heavens, and as long as he had a spark of life, he would never die.

Indeed, just as he was about to pass out, a little girl carrying a bamboo basket happened to pass by.

It was the granddaughter of the old man with white hair who had given Xiao Feng the jade token.

“Hey? What’s going on here?”

The little girl stopped in front of Xiao Feng, muttering to herself: “Is it Uncle Wang again? Ha ha, he’s going to get scolded by Auntie again!”

“Uncle Wang, Uncle Wang, wake up…”

She called out softly while bending down, and when she saw the person lying on the ground, her small mouth suddenly opened wide.

“Big Brother Xiao!”

“What’s wrong with you, Big Brother Xiao?!”

The little girl was frantic, trying to lift Xiao Feng, but soon felt the stickiness on her hands.

“Uh… ah!”

As she leaned in closer under the moonlight, the bright red blood made her let out a sudden cry, her voice trembling with tears.

“Don’t scare me, Big Brother Xiao!”

“What… what do I do… Grandpa!”

The little girl dropped the bamboo basket and ran away crying, likely going to find someone for help.

“Grandpa, come quickly! Grandpa…”

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The cries in the night grew fainter, and the area around the ancestral hall soon returned to its quiet and dark state.

Just then, a strange noise suddenly came from a nearby basket filled with medicinal herbs, and a large centipede, as long as a forearm, emerged from it.

This centipede was not only larger than usual but also had an eerie appearance.

Especially its numerous small legs, which far exceeded the number of “hundred feet” mentioned in folklore.

At this moment, this bizarre creature seemed to be attracted to something, its target clear. After emerging from the basket, it crawled straight towards Xiao Feng.

It quickly crawled over Xiao Feng’s broken arm, chest, and neck, finally burrowing into his mouth and coiling up tightly, motionless.

Xiao Feng, who had already fainted, seemed to sense something, his teeth slowly opening and closing.



When the red-curtained door was pushed open, Lu Jingyao instantly stood up, her eyes red-rimmed as she stared at the person entering.

“Are you waiting for me?”

Wei Changtian poured himself a cup of cold tea, asking casually, “What’s wrong? Did you cry again just now?”

“I thought you’d be thrilled that Xiao Feng isn’t dead.”


Lu Jingyao knew Wei Changtian was teasing her, so she bit her lip and remained silent.

Her expression was indescribable, with a hint of desperation.


Wei Changtian sat down, downing the tea in one gulp: “You don’t have to be too upset; after all, Xiao Feng made a very normal choice.”

“I would’ve chosen the same if I were in his shoes.”

“Is that so…”

Lu Jingyao let out a miserable laugh, her disheveled hair covering half of her eye, which had lost its usual sparkle.

Despite her dispirited state, she still exuded an otherworldly beauty.

Wei Changtian glanced at her, feeling a surge of protectiveness towards her innate beauty, which was hard to abandon.

However, he was currently at a critical point in his plan to win Lu Jingyao over and couldn’t afford to show any weakness.

Thinking this, he continued to speak in a calm, collected tone:

“People always make the most rational choice when faced with life and death.”

“Xiao Feng chose to let you die, which means he thinks his life is more valuable than yours.”

“So don’t think too highly of yourself; the deep emotions you think you have are just self-deception.”

Wei Changtian’s few words had effectively sentenced Xiao Feng to death in Lu Jingyao’s heart.

Seeing her on the verge of collapse, he knew this was the perfect time to “strike while the iron is hot”.

“By the way, I told you earlier that only one of you could survive tonight.”

“Since Xiao Feng chose to live and let you die… and he indeed survived, that means you shouldn’t have lived past tonight.”

“I always keep my promises, so… are you ready?”


Lu Jingyao never thought Wei Changtian would actually kill her, and she was stunned for a moment before her eyes clouded over and she closed them lightly.

She had initially thought that living was meaningless anyway, so dying wouldn’t be a big deal.

However, as time passed, her fear of losing her life resurfaced.

Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and Lu Jingyao tightly closed her eyes, asking in a barely audible voice, “Can… can I not die?”

At this moment, she couldn’t even bear to look at herself.

She had thought that Wei Changtian would definitely take the opportunity to mock her weakness and hypocrisy, but all she heard was a simple two-word response.


Wei Changtian gazed directly into Lu Jingyao’s suddenly opened eyes and said lightly, “I can make an exception for you once.”

“But you have to remember that you owe me a life.”

“When I need you to repay me in the future, you’ll have to repay me.”

This sentence was actually a bit unreasonable, but Lu Jingyao didn’t feel a single bit of resentment in her heart.

She wanted to say something, but was stopped by Wei Changtian’s waving hand.

“Alright, I’m tired.”

“You can sleep here tonight, and I’ll go to another room.”

After saying that, Wei Changtian turned to leave, but quickly turned back under Lu Jingyao’s complex gaze, pulling out a folded paper from his bosom.

“Almost forgot this.”

“I don’t know how to write poetry, and I don’t know about tonal patterns, so just take a look.”

“…… Okay.”

Lu Jingyao was somewhat puzzled, but still obediently took the paper, waiting until Wei Changtian left before slowly unfolding it in her hand.

There were four lines of terrible, tiny writing on the paper, like an unnamed poem.

Although the writing was hard to read, it was arranged neatly, showing that the writer had made an effort to write it well.

Lu Jingyao looked down, and then froze the next second.

She bit her lip tightly, looking again and again at this poem with incorrect tonal patterns and rhythm, as Wei Changtian had said, and a tear the size of a pea quietly rolled down.

I was about to direct my heart towards the bright moon,

But the bright moon shines on the ditch.

The fallen flower has the intention to follow the flowing water,

The flowing water has no heart to love the fallen flower.

There were two more lines…… Was it specially added for me by him?

The fallen flower has intention, the flowing water has no emotions……


【Plot has changed】

【Reward system points: 300】

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