I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 100

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 100

According to the original plot, Xiao Feng shouldn’t have come to Shu State so early. At this time, he should be colluding with the Liu family to deal with the Wei family, and wouldn’t change locations until next spring.

Of course, now that Liu Yuanshan was dead, Xiao Feng naturally lost the Liu family’s support.

Wei Changtian didn’t know whether Xiao Feng chose to come to Shu State early because of his own letter or due to the butterfly effect of the changed plot.

He didn’t bother to think about this question.

Because it was meaningless.

From successfully marrying Lu Jingyao to killing Liu Yuanshan, he had already changed too many plotlines.

The butterfly’s flapping wings had finally turned into a storm, and everyone’s fate had changed, either more or less, and had even taken a different path… and would develop into a completely different sequel.

In this situation, the original plot’s timeline was no longer of much help to him, and the “prophet’s” golden finger had slowly turned into a “confidant”.

Knowing many secrets of the big shots, this was Wei Changtian’s current greatest reliance besides the system.

And questions like “what Xiao Feng would do in the future” were already difficult for him to predict.


He let out a sigh, stepped onto the wooden stool, and entered the large wooden tub.

The water temperature was just right, and Yuan’er was kneeling beside him, scooping water with a wooden ladle to pour over his body.

As Wei Changtian soaked in the bath, he began to think about the issues that would arise after Xiao Feng arrived in Shu Province.

The fact that he had been banished to Shu Province was public knowledge, and it was impossible to keep it a secret.

Therefore, the “enemy in the dark, I in the light” situation would not change.

In reality, Wei Changtian had long understood that relying on methods like “wanted” and “bounty” to kill Xiao Feng was almost impossible.

After all, as the son of heaven, unless he encountered a 100% fatal situation, he would always be able to escape.

In the capital, he had set two traps, which could be said to have done everything possible, but in the end, Xiao Feng still managed to escape twice.

Now, without the Wei family’s assistance, it would be even more difficult to create such an opportunity.

He might have to resort to a “defensive counterattack” strategy.

First, ensure his own safety, then quickly develop his power and wait for Xiao Feng to make a move, finally completing the counterkill.

To be honest, it was a bit risky, but Wei Changtian didn’t regret bringing Xiao Feng to Shu Province ahead of time.

After all, with the system and the “know-it-all” golden finger, he could still fight Xiao Feng.

And if he let Xiao Feng deal with the Wei family in the capital, he couldn’t guarantee that the entire Wei family wouldn’t be destroyed by the time he returned three years later.

Let’s take it one step at a time.

After having a general plan for the future, Wei Changtian relaxed a bit, but the next moment, his face suddenly changed.

“Cough! Yuan’er, I can wash that part myself…”


Yuan’er looked up at him with a puzzled expression, asking, “What’s wrong, young master? Did I hurt you?”


Wei Changtian was speechless for a moment, turning his head to look at Yuan’er.

She was already wearing very little, and now her thin dress was soaked in several places, revealing a beautiful scenery.

Oh no!

I can tolerate it, but my brother can’t!


Accompanied by Yuan’er’s startled cry, a large splash of water erupted from the wooden bucket.



“Madam’s inspection…”

An hour later, the “water play” activity ended, and Wei Changtian had already dressed and sat down at the table to write a letter to Lu Jingyao.

However, he only wrote the first four characters before stopping his pen.

Lu Jingyao’s status was that of a concubine, and according to etiquette, he couldn’t write “my wife” or “my concubine”, but should use a more general term like “madam”.

But it still felt awkward.

Wei Changtian, who was worried about his ancient Chinese language skills, hesitated for half a day before finally deciding not to dwell on it and continued writing:

“I received your letter, and Yuan’er and I had a smooth journey after leaving home, safely arriving at Shu Province Castle, and you can rest easy…”

“I understand the matters you wrote about in your letter, and you don’t have to worry, that person will not bother you again, just take care of yourself…”

“I hope you can spare some time to instruct my sister, manage the household chores, and let Li Yang handle the bookstore affairs, no need to worry too much…”


After racking his brain and struggling to come up with over a hundred words, Wei Changtian finally felt relieved, tossing his pen aside without even bothering to proofread, and directly sealing the letter in an envelope.

He then began to write the second letter, addressed to Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen.

“Parents, under your knees…”


With the experience of writing the first letter, this time he wrote much faster, finishing two hundred words in half an hour.

The general idea was basically the same, just saying some nonsense like “I’m here, I’m fine, Uncle Liang is treating me well, don’t worry about me, and if you have anything, just write to me”.

What a pain in the neck! One day when I’m in power, I’ll definitely promote Mandarin nationwide!

After finishing two letters in a row, Wei Changtian cursed under his breath, then picked up a third sheet of paper and began giving orders to Wang Er.

But this time, he used vernacular language directly.

The specific content was just two words – “Send someone”.

Although Liang Zhen would definitely send people to secretly protect himself, and the Xuanjing Bureau’s branch in Shu State probably had people arranged by Wei Xianzhi, considering what he would do in the future, these people were obviously not enough.

It just so happened that the people from the Gongji Association were idle and had nothing to do, so it was better to let Wang Er select some reliable ones to come and help.

“…Make sure to handle this matter quickly, and also remind them to keep a low profile when they come!”

“As for the Gongji Association’s affairs, you can take charge or discuss with Li Yang; if you encounter any major issues, you can also send someone to bring a letter to me…”


He finished writing in one breath, and outside the window, the night had already deepened.

After setting the third letter aside, preparing to send it through the military channel with Liang Zhen’s help the next day, Wei Changtian finally took a deep breath and began writing the last letter, which was to Xu Qingwan.


He stopped after writing two words, thought for a moment, then crumpled up the paper and started anew.


Yes, this seemed more intimate.

Wei Changtian nodded in satisfaction, wanting to continue writing, but his pen tip hesitated.

What should he write, exactly?

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me”?

“Are you waiting for me? Waiting for me to come back and marry you in three years”?

“Take care of yourself during the days without me”?

These words seemed like they could be said, but there was no need to say them.

The night was dark, the stars were silent.

Wei Changtian thought for a long time, even the bird perched beside him dozed off, leaning on its chin.

Xu Qingwan might be the first woman to receive such treatment from him after he crossed over.

This might be because, compared to Lu Jingyao and Yang Liu, Wei Changtian always felt that his emotions towards Little Xu were more pure.

On the other hand, Xu Qingwan’s emotions towards him might also be the most pure among the three women…

Suddenly, Wei Changtian threw away the paper with the two words “Wan’er” and opened a new one, slowly writing a poem.

The thin clouds are cleverly arranged, the stars convey hatred, the silver river flows quietly in the dark.

A chance encounter with the golden wind and jade dew is better than countless meetings in the mortal world.

Tender feelings are like water, beautiful times are like dreams, and it’s hard to bear the thought of returning to the magpie bridge.

If our love lasts for a long time, how can it be limited to the morning and evening…

After hesitating for a moment, he also included a few silver notes with the poem in the envelope.

With emotions, with money.


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