I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 103

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 103

I’m all smiles and nods when it comes to Shao Ying’an, but I’m ready to throw a heavy punch at Chen Bo.

It’s just that this “double standard” is unavoidable.

The Wusu Branch of the Suspended Mirror Agency is the best support for Wei Changtian during his startup phase, and it’s also a force he must completely grasp according to his plan.

So, he needs to make Chen Bo understand one thing – now that he’s here, it’s time for the old master of the Wusu Branch to step down!

“Chen, explain yourself.”

Wei Changtian gazes straight at Chen Bo, pressing him for an answer. The latter, however, didn’t expect this daring son of the Wei family to come at him so aggressively, and he’s taken aback for a moment before hurrying to respond:

“Lord, Lord, I was afraid of disturbing you after your tiring journey yesterday…”

“Today, we’re celebrating your new residence, so we thought we’d wait until later to pay our respects to you, Lord…”


Wei Changtian cuts Chen Bo off directly.

Afraid of my tiring journey? Don’t make me laugh!

If it were Wei Xianzhi coming to Wusu, Chen Bo would have definitely come knocking on his door, no matter the time of day or night.

In the end, it’s just that he doesn’t take me seriously.

“Chen, I think you should be very clear… not coming to see me and coming to see me are two completely different things.”

“Is it because Wusu is too far from the capital, so you’ve forgotten what the Suspended Mirror Agency stands for?”

“Lord, Lord…”

Chen Bo’s face suddenly turns pale, and he hurriedly protests: “This humble official is deeply loyal to the Wei family and has no second thoughts!”


Wei Changtian glances at him, not in a hurry to speak, but instead uses a bit of force to knock over the teacup on the table.


The exquisite teacup shatters into pieces on the floor, spilling tea everywhere.

Chen Bo, a top-notch martial artist, is startled by the sudden noise and takes a step back, his body even trembling slightly.

The others in the room have similar reactions, all lowering their heads and hardly daring to breathe.

Wei Changtian surveys the room, feeling that it’s about right.

It’s impossible to completely control the Wusu Branch with just a few words; it requires a more gradual approach.

Today’s intimidation is just about right; any more would be overdoing it.

Thinking this, he slowly gets up, his tone returning to its initial calmness.

“Chen, I’m leaving… oh, and I almost forgot something.”

“I just went to see Shao, and he said the Locking Celestial Stone on the Wusu border is missing half, so he asked me to inform you to send someone to investigate whether it’s the work of demonic creatures.”

“Ah! Yes! I’ll arrange for someone to look into it immediately!”

Chen Bo hastens to respond, but Wei Changtian shakes his head casually and says: “No need to be so serious; this isn’t the work of demonic creatures.”

“Not demonic creatures…”

Chen Bo is taken aback, then quickly realizes that this must be Wei Changtian’s doing, testing him.

“Lord, rest assured; I’ll give the prefecture a reasonable explanation for this matter!”


Wei Changtian is stingy with his words, and after glancing at the “smashed to pieces” ceramic fragments on the floor, he heads out of the room.

“Chen, stay behind.”


Chen Bo initially wants to follow, but after hearing this, he’s suddenly hesitant and stops in his tracks.

The crowd watched as Wei Changtian swaggered out, and it wasn’t until a good while later that a thousand-household officer cautiously asked:

“Chief Chen, this Wei young master has been acting like this since he arrived. Could it be that he’s targeting you?”

Chen Bo let out a sigh and lamented, “He’s not targeting me, but the entire Shu Province branch.”

“What should we do, then? You make a decision, and we’ll all listen to you!”


Chen Bo remained silent for a moment, then gave a rather helpless command: “Summon all brothers with official ranks above a hundred households to return at once.”

“Yes, sir…”

The speaker’s tone suddenly turned tense: “Chief Chen, you’re not thinking of…?”

“What can I think of? What can I do?”

Chen Bo waved his hand weakly.

“Also, bring all the account books from our industries…”


When Wei Changtian returned to the small courtyard, Yang Liu Shi and Liang Jin had already come back and were waiting for him to have dinner.

“Brother Changtian, I told my dad that from now on, I’ll have lunch and dinner here with you.”

At the dinner table, Liang Jin handed Wei Changtian a pair of chopsticks and smiled, saying, “Anyway, I need to learn the Returning Dust Knife from you, and it’s too much trouble to run back and forth.”

A lame excuse… The distance between the two houses was less than 300 meters. What’s the trouble?

Can’t bear to part with me? Just say so.

Wei Changtian saw through it but didn’t say anything, and instead instructed Yang Liu Shi while eating, “You tidy up a room for her. If she doesn’t want to go back, she can stay over.”

“Understood, young master.”

Yang Liu Shi nodded, while Liang Jin looked overjoyed, as if she couldn’t wait to move in that very day.

“Brother Changtian, eat some fish.”

She picked up a piece of fish and placed it in Wei Changtian’s bowl, explaining, “This is golden-tailed carp from the Riyue Lake outside the city. It’s extremely fresh.”


Wei Changtian was about to take a bite when Yang Liu Shi lightly pulled the small bowl away.

“Let me help you remove the fish bones, young master.”


Wei Changtian nodded, while Liang Jin glared at Yang Liu Shi, then competitively picked up a piece of chicken and, with one hand holding the chopsticks, directly fed it to Wei Changtian’s mouth.

“Brother Changtian, try some of this chicken too. It’s not bad!”


Looking at the chicken near his mouth, Wei Changtian was at a loss for words, and just then, another pair of chopsticks appeared.

“Young master, the fish is ready. Eat quickly!”


With two pairs of chopsticks competing with each other, Wei Changtian remained silent for a moment before pointing to the ceramic bowl in front of him.

“Cough, I can eat myself.”


The two girls exchanged a glance, then simultaneously placed the chicken and fish on the bowl, and the atmosphere at the table became somewhat awkward.

Glancing at Yang Liu Shi, who was holding back a smile while holding the rice bowl, Wei Changtian quickly stuffed the “two tokens of goodwill” into his mouth, then changed the subject by asking:

“By the way, did you guys buy the makeup table and other things this afternoon?”

“We did.”

After swallowing the food in her mouth, Yang Liushi smiled and replied, “Thanks to Miss Liang, who took me to a woodworking store with excellent craftsmanship, and we’ve got everything we need.”


Wei Changtian asked again, “Did you guys buy everything and come back directly? Didn’t you take a stroll around Shuzhou City?”

“We went to the flower market.”

Liang Qin jumped in, “And there was a young master who wanted to get acquainted with Miss Yang Liushi!”


pien asked Yang Liushi curiously, “You didn’t wear a face veil today?”

“I did, but I don’t know why that young master picked me out.”

Yang Liushi gazed877at Liang Qin with a smile, “You were there too, Miss Liang.”


Liang Qin was taken aback at first, then quickly understood the implication.

She knew she couldn’t out-talk Yang Liushi, so she finally slammed down her chopsticks, left a sentence “I’m full” and stormed out of the room.


Wei Changtian didn’t chase after her, just gave Yang Liushi a helpless glance, “You should let her win sometimes.”

“Hehehe, are you feeling sorry for her, Young Master?”

Yang Liushi smiled triumphantly, “I’m teaching her a lesson.”

“Miss Liang will be your main wife in the future, and when she’s with many sisters, she needs to have some tricks up her sleeve.”

“How many?”

Wei Changtian rolled his eyes, “Do you know how many wives I’ll take?”

“I don’t know.”

Yang Liushi replied seriously, “But I think it won’t be few.”

“Cut it out.”

Wei Changtian snorted, looking unimpressed, but secretly agreeing.

Really, you understand me!

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