I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 105

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 105

The next morning.

The morning sun had just risen, casting a golden glow on the old trees in the courtyard.

Wei Changtian opened his eyes and looked at Yang Liushi lying beside him, feeling a bit dazed in the silence.

Last night was the first time in two months that he didn’t enter the “dream state” when he fell asleep, and it was also the first time he slept with a woman without any guard.

There was no discomfort after a night of heavy drinking, but rather a sense of relaxation.

He just didn’t know when he could sleep so peacefully again.

He propped himself up and shook his head, and Yang Liushi also slowly woke up at this time.

“Prince, are you awake?”

“Yeah, you’re awake too?”


The two exchanged a few casual sentences, and after glancing at each other, they both felt a little amused.

Yang Liushi shifted her body slightly, leaning against Wei Changtian’s chest and pouting:

“Prince, you almost scared me to death last night…”


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Wei Changtian was taken aback: “Wasn’t I drunk?”

“Hehehe, Prince, where did you think you were going?”

Yang Liushi gently patted Wei Changtian’s arm and laughed: “I meant helping you undress and get ready for bed.”


Wei Changtian didn’t feel embarrassed, nodding his head and thinking that “drunken chaos” only existed in TV dramas.

Otherwise, who would have the energy to do those things after getting drunk? It was hard to say if they could even find the right position.

Unless it’s a deliberate scheme.

After lying in bed for a while, he refused Yang Liu’s invitation for a “morning exercise” and got out of bed to dress himself.

As the two of them pushed open the door and walked out, they coincidentally ran into Yuan Er and Ah Chun, who were waiting outside.

“Master, Sister Liu…”

Yuan Er, of course, knew about Yang Liu’s “illicit affair” with Wei Changtian, but since the former didn’t have an official title like Lu Jingyao, and her status was essentially the same as Yuan Er’s, a servant, she had always referred to her as “sister”.

“Are you two up? I’ll go prepare some warm water.”

She hurriedly ran into the side room to fetch the water kettle from the stove, while Ah Chun stood beside her, holding a copper washbasin.

However, the washbasin was quite large, and it was more like she was cradling it than holding it.


Wei Changtian couldn’t help but laugh, and then went to the well to fetch a bucket of cold water to wash his face. When he lifted his head, he saw a small head peeking out from behind the wall.

Judging by the appearance, the boy should be younger than Ah Chun, with two small buns tied on either side of his head. He was a boy.

Was this the son of the widow next door?

Wei Changtian smiled at the boy, who didn’t seem to be afraid, and had a curious look in his big eyes.

It was normal to be curious, as this house had been empty for a long time, and now suddenly there were so many people moving in.

“What’s your name?”

Wei Changtian thought for a moment, then slowly walked to the wall and asked, “How old are you this year?”


The boy tilted his head, looked over, and after a while, stretched out five chubby fingers.

Was he mute?

Wei Changtian paused, and just then, a voice calling out from the neighboring courtyard interrupted him.

“Ran Er!”

It was a middle-aged woman’s voice, probably the pitiful widow.

When the boy heard his mother’s call, he quickly hid behind the wall, and soon there were sounds of “what are you doing here?” and the like.

Wei Changtian wasn’t interested in eavesdropping on someone educating their child, so he shook his head and went back inside to eat breakfast.

He didn’t expect his neighbor to be more miserable than he thought, not only did they lose the man in the house, but the child was also mute.

If it were Xiao Feng, he would probably gain a gentle and virtuous widow.

But he himself had no such plans.

He couldn’t even handle the yellow flower-like girls, let alone take on this burden.


Speaking of which, Zhang San was almost forty, right?

If he was willing, he could help matchmake for him.

Looking at Zhang San, who was eating breakfast with his head down, Wei Changtian couldn’t help but sigh.

I’m really a good boss, even helping with employees’ marriage issues!

Compared to the capital, the city of Shu seemed to have a thicker atmosphere.

As soon as everyone finished breakfast, the sounds of vendors calling out from the alleys outside began, selling all sorts of goods.

From needles and threads to firewood and oil, fresh fruits and snacks, everything was available. If you wanted to buy something, you only needed to call out from inside the house, and you could complete your shopping without leaving the door.

It was like the precursor to “代购” (proxy shopping).

Wei Changtian sat at the entrance of the house, watching the vendors come and go with great interest, and even bought a few skewers of sugar-coated hawthorn.

The hawthorn at this time was a bit old, but very cheap, only five copper coins per skewer.

He bought four strings, but it took him half a day to find the smallest denomination of money on him, which was a five-tael silver ingot. In the end, it was the vendor who ran out to pay twenty copper coins.


The vendor, beaming with joy, received the money and quickly carried his pole away.

“Honey, oh honey! Ice sugar gourd! No sweetness, no payment!”

The vendor’s loud cries echoed through the alleys, his pole swaying rhythmically.

If this were the previous life, such a loud and boisterous sales pitch at the entrance of a residential area would be considered a disturbance of the peace.

But at this moment, although there were no police, the sudden appearance of two black horse-drawn carriages from the alley corner startled the vendor.

He panicked, trying to dodge, but the alley was too narrow, and he ended up falling to the ground.

Before he could check if he was injured, the vendor hastily picked up the pole with the sugar gourds, only to find that it had fallen into the muddy puddle at the wall corner, and over ten sugar gourds were now stuck with the sticky泥.

“This, this…”

The vendor looked up at the two carriages, and the “Mirror” flag on top of the carriage made him instantly give up the idea of going to argue with them.

Just a moment ago, an elderly gentleman had bought four strings of sugar gourds, and the vendor thought he was having a good day. But now, he encountered this…

Sighing, he patted his dusty clothes and slowly disappeared into the distance, his pole bare and his figure slightly hunched.

Just as he was about to leave the alley, the two “offending vehicles” also slowed down and stopped.

Seven or eight men in tiger-patterned robes got out of the carriages and quickly ran to stand in front of Wei Changtian, their faces tense and their heads bowed.

“Master Wei, what are you doing sitting here…”

Chen Bo forced out a smile and bowed his head, saying, “We came to visit today and apologize for any inconvenience.”


The morning breeze blew through the ancient locust trees in front of the gate, rustling everyone’s clothes.

Wei Changtian looked at Chen Bo, but didn’t say a word, and continued to sit on the steps, eating the sugar gourd in his hand.

“Crunch, crunch~”

The sound of the sugar coating cracking was clear in everyone’s ears.

These usually arrogant officials of the Suspended Mirror Agency stood like statues, their heads still bowed, not even daring to breathe.

At this moment, a woman with a kind face, though not particularly beautiful, was peeking through the door crack, her face full of shock.

She was holding a basket of eggs in one hand and a little boy’s hand in the other, originally intending to apologize for her son’s “peeking” behavior earlier.

But she didn’t expect to stumble upon this scene.

Tiger-patterned robes, “Mirror” flag.

These were the emblems of the Suspended Mirror Agency! Why were they being so respectful to that young master?

The woman’s late husband was a famous bodyguard in the city, so she naturally knew a thing or two about the jianghu, and understood the Suspended Mirror Agency’s power.

But precisely because she knew, she couldn’t help but wonder about the identity of this new neighbor.

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