I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 109

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 109

In reality, this little boy named Wang Ran had been sneaking glances at Ah Chun, who was practicing Qigong in the courtyard, with a look of longing on his face.

He seemed to want to learn martial arts.

Wei Changtian thought for a moment before asking Li Su Yue.

“Madam, have you taken him to see a doctor about his pulse?”


Li Su Yue hesitated for a while before softly replying, “No, I don’t want Ran to follow in his father’s footsteps.”


Wei Changtian instantly understood.

Perhaps in Li Su Yue’s view, if her late husband hadn’t practiced martial arts, he wouldn’t have become a bodyguard, and if he hadn’t become a bodyguard, he wouldn’t have encountered bandits and died.

This thought wasn’t entirely wrong, but she might not be able to consider it from another perspective – if her husband hadn’t practiced martial arts, would her life have been better than it is now?

This was similar to how many wives in the previous life would complain that their husbands “only knew how to work and didn’t know how to spend time with them.”

Many things in life were mutually exclusive, and gaining something meant losing something else.

Wei Changtian wasn’t one to give unsolicited advice, so he didn’t say anything to Li Su Yue at this moment, only nodding.

“I understand, and that’s quite all right.”

“Yeah, I don’t expect Ran to achieve great things…”

Li Su Yue let out a soft sigh: “I just hope he can live a peaceful life.”

Soon, Li Su Yue left with her son, thanking them profusely, saying she needed to tidy up and would come “to work” in the afternoon.

Wei Changtian didn’t mind, since he was only doing this to create opportunities for Zhang San and Li Su Yue to interact, and didn’t expect the latter to do much actual work.

But Zhang San didn’t know the reason, so he hurriedly asked as soon as the mother-son duo left:

“Young master, I’m just a rough man, why do I need someone to serve me?”

Wei Changtian didn’t answer directly, instead smiling and asking, “What do you think of Li Su Yue?”

“Young master, which aspect are you referring to?”

“All aspects.”

“I dare not make a judgment, but currently, she seems like a virtuous wife and good mother.”

“And her appearance?”

“Not bad either.”


Wei Changtian nodded, his smile growing: “Zhang San, I heard from Wang Er that you’re not married, right?”


Zhang San was taken aback for a moment: “Lord, you can’t be thinking of…”

“How do you feel about it?”

Wei Changtian replied indifferently: “You’re not young anymore, and you can’t keep living like this. If you think Li Suoyue is suitable, you might as well try getting close to her.”

“Of course, if you want to find a young and beautiful wife, I can help you keep an eye out for one later.”


Zhang San never thought that Wei Changtian would offer to find him a wife, and his mind was filled with complex thoughts.

As a former outlaw, he had spent most of his life on the run and committing crimes, until Wang Er pulled him out of the temple and he joined the communal society, finally living a relatively stable life.

And now, he had the opportunity to start a family?

From noble mtl dot come

Although the girls in the brothel were all young and beautiful, with exceptional skills.

But the idea of “getting married” still held some appeal for Zhang San, especially since it was a spiritual comfort that was hard to resist for someone like him who wore his heart on his sleeve.

As for Li Suoyue being a widow, he could accept it as long as she could still have children; other issues weren’t a big deal.

“Lord, I…”

The usually cold and detached Zhang San was rarely flustered, stumbling over his words for half a day without being able to say anything coherent.


Wei Changtian didn’t rush him, only laughing and saying: “There’s no hurry, take your time to think about it.”

“If you two really can make it work, I’ll personally be your matchmaker!”


Hearing this, Zhang San’s eyes froze.

He opened his mouth but couldn’t say anything, only bowing deeply to Wei Changtian.

In the afternoon.

After sitting in the carriage for half an hour, Wei Changtian and Liang Zhen finally arrived at the Shunwang Fu to meet one of the four princes of Da Ning, “Prince Shun” – Ning Qingyu.

A middle-aged man who looked frail.

It was said that this prince loved poetry and was quite skilled, having written many famous works.

If he had ascended to the throne, he would have been on par with the former Emperor of Southern Tang.

However, this was a good thing for Wei Changtian, since he was also a well-known figure in Da Ning’s poetry circle, and therefore received an extremely warm welcome from Ning Qingyu as soon as he arrived at the palace.

“I’ve long heard of your poetic fame, Lord Wei, and now I finally get to meet you. It’s a great honor indeed!”

In the luxurious hall, Ning Qingyu sat in the main seat, his smile almost overflowing, without the slightest hint of arrogance befitting a prince.

Of course, no matter how Ning Qingyu behaved, Wei Changtian definitely couldn’t be too casual.

“Your Highness is too kind.”

“Hahaha, Lord Wei, you’re too humble!”

Ning Qingyu pointed to a calligraphy on the wall behind him, which happened to be the poem “Clouds think of clothes, flowers think of faces”.

“Just based on this poem, your talent surpasses 99% of the scholars in Da Ning!”

Indeed, if Li Bai himself were here, none of them would be able to compare.

Wei Changtian thought to himself, maintaining a humble attitude on the surface while trying to steer the conversation away from poetry.

But Ning Qingyu was completely uninterested in other topics, chatting for a few sentences before returning to poetry, even asking Wei Changtian for advice on how to write good poetry.

Wei Changtian knew nothing about writing poetry, let alone writing good poetry.

He endured half a day of nonsense, finally unable to resist Ning Qingyu’s continuous questioning, and casually tossed out a sentence with a hint of perfunctoriness.

“The phrase is already perfect, and the wonderful hand has obtained it by chance.”

Wei Changtian originally meant to say that his poetry was entirely copied, without any skill, and that he shouldn’t be asked about it.

But who knew that Ning Qingyu, upon hearing this, would shine with excitement, as if he had obtained a treasure, and immediately asked to take it down.

“Summon someone! Quickly call for Jiao’er to come!”


Upon hearing this name, Wei Changtian’s impatience was swept away, and he suddenly became spirited.

On the way, Liang Zhen had given him a detailed introduction to Ning Qingyu’s family situation. He had no sons, only three unmarried daughters.

The eldest, who was eighteen this year, was called Ning Yuqiao, with the title “Rou’an”.

Although he didn’t know what Rou’an Princess looked like, her identity alone was enough to be attractive…

It was a rare opportunity to try being a “Cavalier Prince” if possible.


Soon, the door opened slowly under Wei Changtian’s expectant gaze, and a slender figure entered the room.

However, at the same time, Wei Changtian’s idea of being a “Cavalier Prince” also dissipated greatly.

The reason was simple: Rou’an Princess didn’t look good.

It wasn’t that she was ugly; it was mainly because she had a long scar on her left cheek, which looked quite ferocious at first glance.

Wei Changtian looked at Liang Zhen with a strange expression, also shocked, and at the same time, Ning Yuqiao, who had just entered the room, trembled.

She hastily turned her back, and when she turned around, her face was already covered with a veil.

“Father, you didn’t say there were guests at home…”

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