I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 11

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 11

The next morning.

After getting out of bed, Wei Changtian stretched his waist and immediately had two servant girls enter the room to help him wash and dress.

It had to be said that living in a wealthy family was indeed enjoyable, with people helping even with getting dressed, and the only thing left was for someone to feed him.

Pah! The evils of a feudal society!

Wei Changtian cursed silently in his heart, simultaneously stretching out his hand to touch the back of the servant girl behind him.


A startled cry came on cue, and the servant girl, called Yue’er, blushed and whispered shyly, “Young Master, please be gentle, I’m all soft and weak…”


Wei Changtian’s spirit was immediately lifted upon hearing this.

Soft and weak? This was a chance to let someone rest for a while!

He turned around and sat Yue’er on his lap, giving a serious order, “If you’re soft and weak, then take a rest!”

“Autumn Cloud Sister, look at Young Master, he’s getting more and more outrageous, and it’s still broad daylight…”

Ying’er blinked her big, watery eyes, gazing pleadingly at another older maid, Autumn Cloud, who was combing Wei Changtian’s hair.

Autumn Cloud, who had clearly experienced “big scenes” before, merely puckered her lips and smiled lightly, continuing to comb his hair while changing the subject: “Young Master, what was all the commotion outside last night?”

Wei Changtian casually replied, “Nothing, just some thieves.”

Autumn Cloud was slightly surprised: “What kind of thief would dare to steal from the Wei Manor?”

“A flower thief.”

Wei Changtian chuckled: “You girls should make sure to lock your doors and windows tightly at night, or you might get taken advantage of.”

“Young Master is joking again.”

Autumn Cloud lowered her head, pouting: “If I and Ying’er were really taken advantage of by another man, Young Master would definitely despise us.”

“Then we might as well find a river to jump into.”


Hearing Autumn Cloud’s words, Wei Changtian was momentarily speechless.

Although it was a joke, it indeed touched on the sorrow of being a maid.

They had served Wei Changtian since they were young, acting as both maids and wives. If their master died early, they would have to be buried with him… If one day Wei Changtian abandoned them, it would be as if he had taken their lives.

As a modern person from a civilized society, he couldn’t let such a thing happen!

Wei Changtian thought for a moment, then looked at the two girls seriously and said, “Autumn Cloud, Ying’er, remember this.”

“Even if that day really comes, I won’t despise you, so don’t have any suicidal thoughts.”

“Young Master…”

The two girls were stunned for a moment, their eyes gazing foolishly.

Although they didn’t know if their master was really thinking that way, even a single comforting sentence was enough to move them deeply.

Little did they know, something even more moving was yet to come.

“Oh, by the way, I’ll talk to Father and Mother about it in a few days and find a good day to formally take you as my concubines.”

“Actually, I wanted to do it earlier, but since Lu Jingyao just entered the manor yesterday, we should wait for a while…”


Two simple sentences exploded like a thunderclap in Autumn Cloud and Ying’er’s ears.

They stood there, stupidly gazing with wide eyes, like two silly geese, before quickly wiping away their tears and laughing with red eyes: “Whatever you say, Young Master.”

Wei Changtian ate breakfast alone.

Autumn Cloud originally wanted to call Lu Jingyao, but was stopped by Wei Changtian’s sentence “She can eat or not eat.”

After breakfast, he entered the study.

Ying’er came in and delivered a pot of sour plum juice to dispel the heat, then quickly ran out with a red face.

Wei Changtian sat on the purple sandalwood chair that was worth enough to buy a house in Beijing, and opened the system interface.

Last night, the system had credited 300 points, which should be a reward for changing the plot related to Lu Jingyao.

However, there were no further prompts, which meant that Xiao Feng was definitely not dead.

No wonder he was the protagonist, able to survive this.

Muttering to himself, Wei Changtian gazed at the dazzling system mall, preparing to strengthen his abilities first.

【Return to Origin Decision: Basic Cultivation Method (Heavenly Level), can be cultivated up to the first rank, 2000 points】

【Thunderclap Sword: Sword Technique (Heavenly Level), extremely fast sword moves, can summon thunder, 500 points】

【Inner Yuan Pill: Increases the user’s cultivation by five years (cannot break through the limit of the basic cultivation method), 300 points】

【Cutting Mist: Knife (Earth-level), Cold Iron Thousand Refinements, Cutting Mist Incompatible, 200 points】


As he flipped through a few pages, Wei Changtian suddenly realized his current situation was a bit awkward.

Good stuff was unaffordable, and ordinary goods were unnecessary.

After all, with the Wei family’s resources, his cultivation resources had already been maxed out.

From noble mtl dot come

Of course, exceptions like the Inner Yuan Dan, which didn’t exist in this world, were excluded.

So… why not just buy an Inner Yuan Dan?

He had enough points anyway.

Five years of cultivation would be enough to directly jump from 7th rank to 6th rank.

This way, he would at least surpass Xiao Feng in terms of realm.

Hmm, feasible… wait a minute!

Just as Wei Changtian was about to make the purchase, a familiar name caught his attention.

【Dream Path: Special Divine Ability, allows the owner to simulate battles in their dreams, simulation level determined by the owner’s real combat experience, 300 points (plot-related item, 30% off)】

Special Divine Ability!

He could fight in his dreams and improve his combat experience!

The more battles he simulated, the better the effect!

And it was 30% off!

Just hearing this description was enticing, and Wei Changtian knew something extra…

Wasn’t this one of Xiao Feng’s current trump cards?

What a great deal!

The same as the protagonist’s?

No wonder it was a “plot-related item” – there was no reason not to grab it immediately!

Although the Inner Yuan Dan’s effect was more direct, he could quickly improve his inner strength later.

But combat experience was something that needed to be accumulated gradually, and the earlier he started, the better.

Thinking this, Wei Changtian didn’t hesitate and clicked “buy” in his mind.

【Ding~ Congratulations!】

【You have obtained “Special Divine Ability – Dream Path”】

A mysterious and profound feeling surged into his mind, and although he didn’t know the principle, he could feel that he had mastered a divine ability with great secrets.

To test the effect of “Dream Path”, he needed to fall asleep, but Wei Changtian wasn’t in a hurry and instead took a deep breath, closed the system interface, and prepared to plan his next moves.

Compared to Xiao Feng, he had a huge advantage – he already knew the plot.

As long as he planned carefully, he could completely snatch away the opportunities that belonged to Xiao Feng.

Hmm… so what was Xiao Feng planning to do in the capital this time?

…He remembered!

“Second Wang!”

Wei Changtian suddenly opened his eyes and shouted towards the closed door.

The burly man with a flattering expression immediately pushed open the door: “Young Master, what are your orders?”

“Go to the Phoenix Pavilion and investigate someone for me.”

“Phoenix Pavilion?”

Wang Er seemed puzzled: “Young Master… you should be more familiar with the Phoenix Pavilion than I am, from the madam to the various ladies…”


Wei Changtian was taken aback, kicking Wang Er’s buttocks: “Let you investigate, then investigate! Why so many words!”

“Yes, yes, yes, I’m a slave who talks too much!”

Wang Er didn’t dodge, and with his sixth-grade strength, he could easily withstand the kick, like scratching an itch.

However, to save face for Wei Changtian, he pretended to be in pain, covering his buttocks and letting out two pitiful “ah”s before asking in a low voice, “Who does the young master want me to investigate?”

Wei Changtian snorted, “Hmph! Yang Wanruo!”

“Miss Wanruo?”

Wang Er suddenly revealed a “I understand” expression.

Regarding this flower-like idol that Wei Changtian had never been able to take down, he had long since heard rumors.

So, was this finally the time to make a move?

Thinking this, he quickly patted his chest, guaranteeing, “Don’t worry, young master! I’ll definitely bring Miss Wanruo to you within three days…”

“Who told you to capture people?”

Wei Changtian scolded with a bad tone, “Can’t you understand what I’m saying? I told you to investigate her!”

“And remember to find some brothers with a bit of face, don’t get discovered.”

“…I got it, young master.”

Wang Er’s eyes had a hint of surprise, but he quickly regained his composure, slightly bowed, and prepared to arrange the matter.

Just as he was about to leave the room, a sentence suddenly floated from behind.

“From now on, I hope you won’t be so self-righteous.”

Wei Changtian’s tone was very calm.

Wang Er shuddered, his face instantly covered in cold sweat.

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