I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 112

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 112

Wei Changtian returned to his small residence when the sky had already darkened.

Li Suyue had indeed started “working” already, first giving Zhang San a thorough cleaning of his room for the entire afternoon, and then personally cooking a very authentic Sichuan meal.

Her culinary skills were not bad, and everyone enjoyed the food, except for Yu’er, who felt it didn’t quite suit her taste.

After dinner, Li Suyue took her son back home, and Wei Changtian, as usual, guided Ah Chun in her cultivation, teaching her a style of dust-returning sword, and time quickly passed until it was almost midnight.

After washing up and lying down, the scent of Yang Liu’s body seemed to still linger on his pillow.

Wow, this scent had lasted the entire day and hadn’t dissipated yet; was it that persistent?

Speaking of Yang Liu, as a fox demon, shouldn’t her body scent be called “fox stench”?

Wei Changtian suddenly found his own thoughts amusing, flipped over, and began to ponder what he needed to do recently.

The priority of the “marrying the princess” matter wasn’t very high, as he and Liang Zhen both felt that the Liu family wouldn’t make any big moves in the near future.

Of course, to be on the safe side, security measures still needed to be in place.

Liang Zhen had a group of hidden guards, the Suspended Mirror Agency had a group, and when the Shared Prosperity Society arrived, there would be another group.

Under the strict protection of these three groups, unless the Liu family directly invited a top-notch expert, he should be very safe.

Apart from this, he needed to make time to visit the Heavenly Net Sect soon, to see his grandfather, whom he had never met.

Then, he also needed to make plans for Chu Xianping’s side, at least establishing a preliminary “friendship” to avoid being overtaken by Xiao Feng.

Speaking of Xiao Feng, he should be arriving in Sichuan soon.

After all, Lu Jingyao’s letter had arrived three days ago, and if Xiao Feng had set out on the same day, he shouldn’t be much slower than the postal soldier.

It was also unknown whether that Wang Daochang was reliable or not, and whether he could catch Xiao Feng…

Thinking about it, Wei Changtian slowly drifted off to sleep, and his “dream path” automatically started up again.

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Because he hadn’t interacted with people much recently, he usually practiced his dust-returning sword in his “dream path”.

Sleeping for eight hours, he practiced for forty hours in his “dream path”, and could basically wield 150,000 swords.

It didn’t consume any physical energy, and after entering the state, he didn’t feel tired, so he practiced to his heart’s content.

“Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!”

One sword after another, one sword after another…

As Wei Changtian continuously wielded his sword in his sleep, Liang Qin in the backyard was also repeating almost the same action.

She firmly remembered the standard of “practicing 10,000 swords a day”, and never slacked off.

However, compared to Wei Changtian, who could easily wield 150,000 swords in one night, she found it extremely difficult to complete just 10,000 swords, even without the golden finger.

It took her almost two hours to reach 10,000 swords, with occasional breaks in between, which basically took up three hours.

But despite the hardship, Liang Qin never lowered her expectations, and wouldn’t sleep until she completed her task.

However, Ah Chun was accompanying her.

The little girl was currently in the “concentrating energy” stage, so Wei Changtian didn’t have any “hard targets” for her.

However, Ah Chun had strict self-requirements, and every day, apart from tidying up Yang Liu’s room, she spent most of her time sitting under an ancient locust tree in the courtyard, practicing her breathing.

Probably afraid that her cultivation would be too slow and she would be abandoned by her master.

The two figures, one big and one small, one moving and one still, blended into the darkness, while in the small courtyard next door, a little boy was also sitting cross-legged on a bluestone.

Straight back, shoulders relaxed, head upright, and feet in a lotus position.

At this moment, he looked exactly like Ah Chun, as if he was practicing breathing exercises, but there was no flow of true energy in his breath.

In other words, he was just sitting there doing nothing.

However, the little boy didn’t know he was doing useless work, thinking that as long as he imitated Ah Chun’s actions, he was also practicing martial arts.

The night was as dark as ink, the North Star hung in the western sky; the moonlight was as bright as silver, and the fireflies in the small courtyard flowed like a river.

The bright moon hung high, using its eternal, unchanging face to gaze upon the joys and sorrows of the mortal world, yet never intervened in the slightest.


Three days later.

Chengnan, Longmen Inn.

Although the name sounds domineering, the inn is actually quite ordinary, housing various people from the jianghu, mostly those who are struggling to make ends meet.

Xiao Feng, of course, doesn’t belong to this category, but he chose this place as his temporary residence, mainly to keep a low profile.

“Master, what’s our next move?”

In the small room, a man asked in a low voice, “Should we go investigate Wei Changtian’s situation?”

“There’s no rush.”

Xiao Feng sipped his poor-quality tea, shaking his head. “Ren, take my token and visit the Xuantian Sect’s Chengnan branch. By the way, do you still remember the speech I taught you?”

“I remember!”

“Good, then hurry up and come back. We’ll meet up later.”

“What about you, Master?”

“I’ll take a stroll around the streets.”

Xiao Feng smiled. “Since we’re new here, we should get familiar with Chengnan City.”

“I understand.”

The man nodded and said, “Then I’ll get going.”

Xiao Feng watched him leave cautiously, then sat back down to drink two more cups of tea before casually slipping some silver into his pocket and heading out into the bustling streets.

Although he initially just wanted to take a stroll, it’s impossible for the main character to remain calm and quiet.

In just a short afternoon, Xiao Feng had already taken care of two street thugs, slapped a shopkeeper who looked down on him, charmed three good women, and bought a bronze dagger at a low price from a grave robber.

Without a doubt, it must be another extraordinary treasure.

These kinds of things hadn’t happened in a long time in the capital city, but it seemed like his good luck had returned in Chengnan City.

Xiao Feng was very satisfied, and just as he was about to head back to the inn after dinner, the demon-sensing compass in his pocket suddenly moved.


He discreetly took out the small compass and followed the direction of the needle, finally locking onto a small sedan chair.

Judging from the sedan’s decorations and design, it should belong to a wealthy family.

Xiao Feng didn’t act impulsively, instead following the sedan for about an hour until it entered a large mansion.

The mansion was enormous, with a crimson gate and a plaque bearing the characters “Qiao Manor”.

Qiao Manor?

Xiao Feng had briefly researched the influential families in Chengnan before arriving and knew that the largest grain merchant in Chengnan was surnamed Qiao, who also controlled a sizable private army.

He didn’t know if this “Qiao” was related to that “Qiao”.

But regardless, he couldn’t let the demon wreak havoc on humans!

Thinking this, Xiao Feng didn’t hesitate, immediately emerging from the shadows and walking up to knock on the copper door ring.

A servant soon peeked out and asked, “Young master, what brings you here?”

“I’m looking for your master.”

“This…I don’t know your esteemed name?”

“It’s not important…”

Xiao Feng’s gaze pierced through.

“I’m here to save you!”

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