I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 113

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 113

An hour later, the entire Qiao Manor was in chaos.

Xiao Feng stood in the courtyard, holding a black sword, with a demon corpse lying at his feet.

A large, yellow-skinned demon, its eyes already gouged out, was dead beyond recognition.

The Qiao family members surrounding him were all pale-faced, with one middle-aged man, dressed in luxurious attire, suddenly falling to the ground, his fingers trembling as he pointed at the demon corpse.


The new daughter-in-law, who had just entered the household, had transformed into the yellow-skinned demon. Thinking back to the past few nights when he had been intimate with this creature, the man suddenly felt a wave of nausea, his face turning ghastly pale.

“Old Master!”

Several servants rushed forward, shouting, and helped him up from the ground. Someone quickly handed him a calming pill.

After holding the pill in his mouth for a while, the Qiao family patriarch slowly regained his composure, pushed the servants aside, and deeply bowed to Xiao Feng.

“This young master, we are eternally grateful!”

“If you ever need any help from the Qiao family in the future, please don’t hesitate to speak up. No matter what, I, Qiao Rongkun, will not frown even once!”

“You don’t have to be so polite, Old Master Qiao.”

Xiao Feng sheathed his sword, as if he had just done something trivial, and lightly waved his hand.

“I did this not to gain any benefits from the Qiao family. Even if this demon had hidden among ordinary people, I would still have taken action to kill it.”

“Young Master, your moral character is admirable!”

Qiao Rongkun was deeply impressed, while the beautiful Qiao ladies nearby gazed at Xiao Feng with eyes full of admiration, their legs unconsciously tightening and twisting.

“By the way, we still don’t know your name, Young Master? Which part of the manor are you from?”

Qiao Rongkun didn’t notice anyone’s reaction, only seeing Xiao Feng about to leave, and quickly asked from behind.


Xiao Feng casually shook his sleeve, didn’t even turn his head, and randomly reported a pseudonym.

“Xuantian Association, Xiao Yan.”



“What the hell? Xiao Yan?”

The next morning, Wei Changtian looked at Wang Daochang, his expression suddenly uncontrolled, his mouth agape.

“Yes, Young Master, according to our investigation, there is indeed a man named Xiao Yan in the Xuantian Association, whose height is very similar to that of Xiao Feng.”

Wang Daochang didn’t notice his expression, still reporting the situation with his head bowed: “This Xiao Yan only showed up yesterday and left, and we’re still searching for his whereabouts.”

“Okay, I understand.”

Wei Changtian closed his mouth, thinking that the protagonist’s use of a pseudonym was indeed quite casual, not even bothering to change his surname.

Xiao Yan… Was the next line supposed to be “Duel Power, Three Stages”?

This was indeed terrifying.

“Keep an eye on this Xiao… Xiao Yan, but don’t act rashly. If anything unexpected happens, remember to report to me immediately. If nothing happens, come and tell me every three days.”

“Understood, Young Master.”

Wang Daochang solemnly accepted the order and quickly took his leave.

He had actually parked his horse-drawn carriage outside the alley this time and walked in.

Not long after he left, Wei Changtian also got into his carriage with Zhang San, carrying several boxes of gifts, heading towards the Nine Peak Mountain in the north of the city.


The Heavenly Net Sect, with its headquarters located on the Nine Peak Mountain in Shu State, was known as the “Number One Evil Sect in the World”.

This “Number One” referred not to its scale, but to its power.

The entire Tiān Luó Sect had only a few hundred core members, including both inner and outer disciples, but each of them possessed extraordinary talents and impressive strength.

The sect leader, Qin Zhengqiū, had even reached the second-tier cultivation level, a feat that only a handful of people in the entire Da Ning region could achieve.

The Tiān Luó Sect’s strength was mainly due to a supreme internal cultivation method known as the Tiān Luó Skill.

Compared to other internal cultivation methods, the Tiān Luó Skill not only greatly increased the cultivator’s cultivation speed but also granted them immense internal power, giving them a significant advantage in combat.

If this were a typical martial arts novel, such a divine skill would surely come with some sort of side effect.

Either it would require “self-castration,” or it would lead to “easy demonic possession,” or it would involve “drinking human blood and eating human flesh.”

However, in reality, the Tiān Luó Skill was just like any other cultivation method, with no side effects whatsoever.

As a result, other sects naturally became envious and sought to acquire this divine skill for themselves.

But the Tiān Luó Sect was unlikely to be willing to “share their divine skill,” leading to conflicts between the two parties.

Over the centuries, there had been numerous recorded instances of “surrounding and attacking the Nine Peaks Mountain,” with all of them ending in failure for the “righteous” side.

Of course, the Tiān Luó Sect also suffered losses, with many of their disciples dying in each battle, resulting in a stagnant number of disciples and earning them the label of “demonic sect.”

It could be said that they had a bit of a guilty conscience.

However, the Tiān Luó Sect’s high-ranking members still had a lot of fighting spirit.

Aren’t you the ones who call me the “demonic sect”?

Then fine, I’ll just take pride in being the demonic sect!

In the following hundred years, the enraged Tiān Luó Sect began to take the initiative, not just defending themselves but actively eliminating the sects that had previously clashed with them, leaving no one standing.

The bloody battles in the martial arts world continued for decades, until the reign of Níng Yǒng Nián brought some relief.

It was said that Níng Yǒng Nián had reached some sort of agreement with the Tiān Luó Sect, but the details remained unknown.

“…Sir, it’s roughly like that.”

As the horse carriage stopped in front of the Nine Peaks Mountain gate, Zhang San finished explaining the situation of the Tiān Luó Sect.

Wei Changtiān looked up at the towering mountain before him, thinking that it would be great if he could utilize such power for himself.

Unfortunately, this was unlikely to happen.

Qín Cǎi Zhēn, although known as the Holy Maiden of the Tiān Luó Sect, held a relatively ordinary position within the sect.

From noble mtl dot come

Because Qin Zhengqiū, apart from her, had four sons.

In other words, Wei Changtiān had four uncles…

Compared to his already-married daughter and this “outsider” grandson who had barely met a few times, these four men were the ones Qin Zhengqiū truly valued, and they were the future of the Tiān Luó Sect.

Shaking his head, Wei Changtiān walked into the mountain gate, accompanied by the Tiān Luó Sect disciples who had come to greet him, and began to ascend the stone stairs.


An hour later.

“Big brother, do you think our nephew can reach the hundredth step of the Heavenly Road?”

At a pavilion halfway up the Nine Peaks Mountain, two middle-aged men stood shoulder to shoulder, gazing into the distance at the winding mountain road.

At this distance, ordinary people wouldn’t be able to see anything, but cultivators who had reached the fifth-tier level could gain the “keen senses” enhancement, allowing them to see clearly the few people climbing the mountain.

“I heard from Little Sister that he has fully opened all 64 meridians.”

The man in black robes replied nonchalantly, “He should be able to reach the hundredth step.”

“I couldn’t guess.”

The other man in purple robes laughed, “Although this kid has some talent, there are many in our sect who have fully opened all 64 meridians, and only half of them can reach the hundredth step.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

The man in black robes replied calmly, “Whether he can or not, he’s still a member of the Wei family.”

“Big brother, you’re being too ruthless.”

The man in purple robes shook his head helplessly, “Although he bears the Wei surname, he’s also Little Sister’s son, carrying half of the Qin family’s blood in his veins.”


The man in black didn’t speak again, his gaze still fixed on the mountain road.

At this time, the several black shadows the size of ants in his line of sight also stopped temporarily in front of a stone step with a distinctly different painting style, seemingly exchanging something.


“Tian Tian Road?”

On the mountain road, Wei Changtian looked at the approximately two to three hundred pure black stone steps in front of him, his expression puzzled: “What is this thing?”

“This is another treasure of our sect, aside from the Tian Luo technique.”

The Tian Luo sect disciple, dressed in a blue short robe, bowed and introduced: “It’s used to test the innate talent of cultivators.”

“Can this thing measure innate talent?”

Wei Changtian suddenly recalled the countless clichés in fantasy novels, and asked skeptically: “Isn’t it that the farther you walk, the higher your innate talent will be?”

“Your intelligence surpasses that of ordinary people, sir.”

The blue-robed disciple flattered him, affirming this idea.


Wei Changtian was speechless for a moment, then asked after a silence: “I’ve already opened all 64 meridians, and I’m already at the top level of innate talent. Do I still need to walk this road?”

“Sir, innate talent is not equivalent to heaven-bestowed talent.”

The blue-robed disciple lowered his head and said: “You’ll understand when you walk this road…… This is a task entrusted by the sect’s leader, so please don’t make it difficult for me.”

Innate talent is not equivalent to heaven-bestowed talent?

What a great guy, giving me a near-synonym analysis lesson in language class?

Wei Changtian cursed in his heart, but since they’d already brought up Qin Zhengqiu, he couldn’t refuse anymore.

“Alright, I’ll give it a try.”

“Thank you, sir, for your understanding.”

The blue-robed disciple let out a slight sigh of relief, then explained again: “Sir, the Tian Tian Road can only accommodate one person at a time. We’ll wait for you at the front and come to pick you up when you’re exhausted.”


Wei Changtian nodded, while several disciples carried several large boxes of gifts and accompanied Zhang San to take a shortcut and walk ahead.

Looking at the few people standing at the end of the black stone steps, Wei Changtian’s mind began to recall the plot of the web novels he’d read in his past life.

Like how every step felt like carrying a thousand-pound burden, how the protagonist, although already exhausted, still gritted their teeth and climbed up, showcasing their unyielding determination, how they took this opportunity to break through their cultivation bottleneck……

But what’s the point of these stone steps being able to measure a person’s innate talent?

There must be other uses for them, and who knows if there’s a chance to get a few pieces back……

Like that Locking Immortal Stone, according to Liang Zhen, it would soon be possible to forge the first set of inner armor……

Wei Changtian thought randomly as he walked up, quickly covering several dozen steps.

It wasn’t until now that he realized something was off.


Why didn’t he feel any abnormal sensations?

Was it because he hadn’t walked far enough? After all, this road had over three hundred steps.

Wei Changtian pondered for a moment, then continued to walk up, covering almost another hundred steps before slowing down.

It wasn’t because he felt any pressure, but because he finally realized one thing—

It seemed that this Tian Tian Road had no effect on him at all!

He’d already walked halfway, and aside from being a bit dizzy from the pure black stone steps, he didn’t feel any discomfort at all!

Was it because he was a transmigrant, or because he had a system?

But regardless of the reason, he was now facing a problem……

Damn, do I still need to keep going?!

Wei Changtian had originally thought of giving it his all to try and reach the extreme limit.

But now, it seems that as long as he’s willing, he can probably make it all the way to the top without even breaking a sweat.

So the question is, how far do I need to go to match my “normal” level, without arousing suspicion?

If I go too far, it’s hard to explain where I got this kind of talent from.

And if I go too little, it’s easy to be looked down upon by Qin Zhengqiu……

Damn, I should’ve asked someone else how many levels they could reach earlier!

Wei Changtian slowed down as he walked, simultaneously glancing up at the few people waiting ahead.

He couldn’t possibly ask, “What level am I at now?”, so he could only try to make a rough judgment based on the reactions of those Heavenly Law disciples.

It’s just……he couldn’t see clearly!

There were still about a hundred stone steps between them, roughly two hundred meters away.

Wei Changtian could only see that the few people were still standing in place, but he couldn’t make out their expressions.

Calm down! Analyze it!

That disciple had said before – as long as he persisted, he would have a way to help him up.

But now, he was clearly walking very slowly, yet the other person still didn’t move, which probably meant that this distance was still within the “normal” range.

Otherwise, he should’ve been ready to move and help him up by now.

That’s right!

Wei Changtian thought about it more and more, feeling that it made sense, so he didn’t stop, and even slightly quickened his pace, taking a few dozen more steps.

There were three hundred levels in total on the Heavenly Road, and he had already walked over two-thirds, or more than two hundred levels.

As he got closer to the end, the expressions of the people above finally began to become clear.

Apart from Zhang San’s bewildered face, the others……

Their faces were bright red, their eyes were wide open, and their mouths were agape, yet their bodies remained motionless.

But at this moment, Wei Changtian finally understood why they didn’t move.

It wasn’t because he had walked too close, but because he was too far away!


He suddenly stopped in his tracks, thinking to himself, “I’m done for!”

From the reactions of those disciples, it seemed that he had accomplished some kind of incredible “feat”, and his walking distance had probably far exceeded the normal level.

Although this was undoubtedly very showy……but he really didn’t want to show off!

Last time, he had accidentally chopped into the Locking Immortal Stone by two inches and could still use the “Returning Dust Knife” to bluff his way through.

But what excuse could he come up with this time?

Wei Changtian’s heart let out a mournful cry, and he hesitated about whether to pretend to be exhausted and unable to continue.

But before he could do anything, the surrounding tree leaves suddenly began to rustle rapidly, and two middle-aged men who had appeared out of nowhere stood at the end of the Heavenly Road, their faces shocked.

“Two hundred and eighteen levels, two hundred and eighteen……”

The one in black robes was trembling all over, repeating this number nonstop.

The one in purple robes was slightly better, although still shocked, and at least noticed Wei Changtian’s current state.

He stared at Wei Changtian in disbelief, suddenly shouting loudly:

“Can you still go on?!”


Wei Changtian hesitated for a moment after hearing this, then gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Since he had already come this far, he might as well stop pretending to be a pig eating a tiger!

Let’s pretend to be a tiger!

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, taking another step forward amidst the shocked gazes of the crowd, his pace neither fast nor slow.

Two hundred and twenty steps, two hundred and fifty steps, two hundred and eighty steps, two hundred and ninety-nine steps……

Three hundred steps……

Crossing the last stone step, he stopped in front of the purple-robed man, who was left speechless with his mouth agape. Wei Changtian, with a calm expression, uttered five words.

“Three hundred steps, too short.”

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