I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 116

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 116

The next day, after spending a night on Jiuding Mountain, Wei Changtian set off back to the city.

This time, his gains were far greater than he had expected before coming.

Qin Zhengqiu completely believed the “encountering an immortal in a dream and obtaining heavenly path’s energy” story, and looked like he couldn’t wait to immediately go down the mountain and clear the obstacles on Wei Changtian’s path to immortality.

As for Xiao Feng’s current whereabouts, they were still unknown, so Wei Changtian didn’t rush, lest he startle the snake.

After all, as the saying goes, “things won’t go beyond three attempts.”

With the help of the Heavenly Dao Sect, Wei Changtian didn’t believe that Xiao Feng’s development in Shu State could surpass his own.

As long as he didn’t let Xiao Feng escape, he would definitely make the true son of the Heavenly Dao regret his actions the next time they clashed!

As for how to deal with Xiao Feng’s death and his own “ascension to immortality”… there was no need to worry about that.

Becoming an immortal wasn’t something that could be achieved overnight, and Qin Zhengqiu was already nearly a hundred years old, so he would definitely “walk” ahead of him.

By the time Qin Zhengqiu passed away, it wouldn’t matter whether he became an immortal or not.



At noon, Wei Changtian returned to his residence, feeling extremely pleased with himself.

Ying’er was already waiting at the door, probably having heard the sound of the horse carriage.

“Master, have you eaten lunch yet?”

“Not yet, have you?”


Ying’er nodded, first instructing the servants to prepare more food, and then quietly reporting: “Master, yesterday, the Prince of Shun sent someone to look for you, but since you weren’t around, they left.”

“What did they want?”

Wei Changtian asked casually as he walked into the inner room.

“They said it’s getting close to winter, and the Prince of Shun wants to take advantage of the warm weather to go out and play, and invited you to join him.”

“Alright, I know.”

Wei Changtian nodded, thinking that he would go to the prince’s mansion later to ask about the situation.

If Ning Qingyu’s three daughters were going, he wouldn’t mind joining in on the fun, but if it was just the prince… then forget it.


Suddenly, a clear and crisp call came from not far away, and it was Ah Chun, who was beaming with excitement.

However, Wei Changtian didn’t show any joy at being called by his disciple, and instead scolded him sternly:

“What’s all the shouting about? Didn’t I tell you to focus your mind during cultivation?”

“I… I know I was wrong…”

Ah Chun’s smile instantly froze, and his small hands were knotted together, unsure of what to do.

“No more mistakes!”

Wei Changtian grunted, preparing to enter the room, but Ah Chun quickly ran over to grab his sleeve, softly pleading:

“Master, wait a moment…”

“What’s wrong?”

“I… I’ve entered the ninth rank…”


Wei Changtian was taken aback, quickly asking: “When did this happen? How did you know you entered the ninth rank?”

“It was… last night…”

Ah Chun truthfully replied: “I was meditating and circulating my breath, and suddenly my true energy began to flow in reverse, and it took a whole cycle to recover.”

“I didn’t know what was going on, so I went to ask Sister Liang, and she told me that I had entered the ninth rank…”


Wei Changtian was stunned upon hearing this.

According to Ah Chun’s description, he had indeed entered the ninth rank.

He hadn’t thought that Ah Chun would advance so quickly, but he had never expected it to be this fast.

From seeking guidance to entering the ninth rank, it usually took people around half a year.

What about Ah Chun? It’s been less than ten days, and she’s already made it!

This little girl is going to walk the Heavenly Path, and I estimate she’ll reach at least 200 levels.

Wei Changtian was speechless, and Ah Chun looked up at him, waiting for a while before asking:

“Master, what are you thinking about……”

“Oh, nothing.”

Wei Changtian snapped out of it and said seriously: “It took her seven or eight days to enter the product, which is relatively fast compared to others, but still a bit slow.”


Ah Chun was taken aback and weakly said: “But Sister Liang said it was already very fast……”

“Is she your master or am I your master?!” Wei Changtian glared at her.

“Uh, of course, Master is Master……”

“Then whose words do you listen to?”


“That’s more like it.”

Wei Changtian stood with his hands behind his back, lecturing solemnly: “Ah Chun, there’s always someone better than you, and there’s always a higher mountain. Cultivators must remember not to be arrogant.”

“For example, your master, me, only took one day to succeed in entering the product, but I’ve never boasted about it.”


Ah Chun looked wronged: “I haven’t boasted about it either……”

“That’s good. I’m just reminding you.”

Wei Changtian waved his hand: “You continue to cultivate.”

Ah Chun nodded seriously: “Yes, Master, I’ll definitely work hard!”

Work hard……

Wei Changtian thought to himself, “You’d better leave some room for others,” and shook his head as he walked back to his own room.

But it was only then that he suddenly realized he hadn’t seen Liang Qin, so he casually asked Yuan’er.

“Where’s Qin’er? Why haven’t I seen her?”

“Miss Qin’er had a dispute with Yang Liu Shi again.”

Yuan’er poured tea while smiling and replied: “Last night, Miss Qin’er was practicing her sword and said Yang Liu Shi’s zither playing was disturbing her, so she went to argue with Yang Liu Shi.”

“And then?” Wei Changtian’s head hurt.

“I don’t know what they said, but in the end, Miss Qin’er was furious and went back to the Liang Manor, and she didn’t come over until this morning.”


Wei Changtian rolled his eyes, just about to let Yuan’er go call Yang Liu Shi, when the latter appeared on her own.

“Young Master, you’re back?”

A figure in red stood at the door, and Wei Changtian glanced at her, sighing: “Didn’t I tell you to let Qin’er have her way? If she doesn’t let you play the zither, then don’t play it for now.”

“Hehehe, Young Master is biased.”

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Yang Liu Shi walked in and sat down, smiling and arguing: “Why can she practice her sword, but I can’t play the zither?”

“Can’t you speak nicely?”

“Do you know I didn’t say anything harsh to Liang Gongzhu?”

Yang Liu Shi’s smile lingered, and she said softly: “She couldn’t argue with me and got angry, that’s her problem, I didn’t say anything harsh.”

“Whatever, you two can do as you please.”

Wei Changtian shook his head, too lazy to bother with these petty disputes, and took a sip of tea before asking: “What did you come to talk to me about?”

“Oh, I have something I’d like to discuss with you, Young Master.”

Yang Liu Shi’s expression suddenly turned serious, and Wei Chang Tian knew she wanted to discuss something important, so he let Yuan Er leave first.

“Go ahead, speak.”

“Um… Young Master, I want to take a few days off.”

Yang Liu Shi asked tentatively, “I don’t know if you’ll permit it?”

“Take a few days off?”

Wei Chang Tian was slightly taken aback: “To the Ten Thousand Great Mountains?”

“How did you guess, Young Master?” Yang Liu Shi was somewhat surprised.

“Do I need to guess? You’re going to the capital to rescue the Demon King’s son, so you must know the Demon King. Now that you’re back in Shu State, it’s only natural to go back and take a look.”

“Then… Young Master, are you allowing me to leave?”

“It’s up to you, I can’t control your movements.”

Wei Chang Tian thought for a moment before asking, “Do you need me to send someone with you?”

“No need, the Ten Thousand Great Mountains are the Demon Clan’s territory, Young Master doesn’t need to worry about my safety.”

Yang Liu Shi’s eyes were filled with tender emotions, and her heart was deeply moved.

But Wei Chang Tian’s next sentence made her emotions surge again.

“Alright, then take the Mother and Child Jade with you. If you encounter danger, burn the jade, and I’ll bring people to find you in the mountains.”

“Young Master…”

Yang Liu Shi’s small mouth opened slightly, and her breathing quickened: “You… you’re too kind to me, I’ll definitely remember this…”

“Enough, no need to say these things.”

Wei Chang Tian waved his hand magnanimously: “Since we have a husband-and-wife relationship, it’s nothing for me to take care of you.”

“Take care of…?”

“Yes, you don’t think I’ll send people to rescue you, do you? It’s too far, and even if I wanted to rescue you, I wouldn’t make it in time.”

“…… Young Master, maybe I shouldn’t go after all…”

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