I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 117

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 117

Although Yang Liu Shi said so, she still quietly left that night.

Wei Chang Tian didn’t find out until the next morning.

“Young Master, Miss Liu Shi has indeed entered the Ten Thousand Great Mountains. As per your instructions, I stopped following her after she entered the mountains.”

After listening to Zhang San’s report, Wei Chang Tian simply nodded to indicate he knew, then smiled and asked:

“By the way, have you thought about that thing I mentioned to you a few days ago?”


Zhang San stuttered and couldn’t speak, subconsciously glancing at Li Su Yue, who was helping Yuan Er hang clothes in the courtyard.

She was wearing a light yellow hemp cloth dress today, which although a bit coarse, couldn’t conceal her exquisite figure.

As they say in the previous life, this kind of figure could bear sons.

“Enough, don’t look.”

Wei Chang Tian teased: “You’ll be able to see her every day once you marry her.”

“No, no hurry…”

Zhang San smiled awkwardly and withdrew his gaze, scratching his head in a rather silly manner: “Young Master, getting married is a big deal, let me think it over carefully.”


Wei Chang Tian thought to himself that even a lawless bandit like Zhang San could put on such an honest face, it seemed he was quite satisfied with Li Su Yue.

Actually, this wasn’t surprising.

After all, Li Su Yue had a good appearance and figure, and she could handle both the hall and the kitchen, even as a widow with a child, she wasn’t someone the previous Zhang San could “aspire” to.

In this world, a wife had to observe a three-year mourning period after her husband’s death. Li Suyue had just completed her three-year mourning period, and if it weren’t for their clever move, someone else would have already taken advantage of the situation.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, a good field won’t worry about lacking someone to cultivate it.

Waving goodbye to Zhang San, who was eager to “cultivate the field,” Wei Changtian flipped through a book on Shu State geography while pondering his own “marriage matters.”

He had already agreed to go on an outing with Ning Qingyu, and his three daughters would also be joining.

On their way back from the Wang Manor, Liang Zhen told him about the other two daughters.

The second daughter was named Ning Yuzhu, and the youngest was Ning Yuling.

The former was seventeen, and the latter was fourteen.

Although fourteen was already considered an acceptable age for marriage in this world, Wei Changtian, as a transmigrator, still felt uneasy and decided to rule out Ning Yuling first.

In fact, he thought seventeen-year-old Ning Yuzhu was a bit too young, and twenty-one-year-old Ning Yuke was the most acceptable.

If only she didn’t have that scar…

Wei Changtian let out a sigh, shaking his head in regret.

He wasn’t a superficial person, but that scar was indeed quite unsightly.

What’s the point of saying “inner beauty is more important than outer beauty” or “true beauty comes from within”?

Wei Changtian didn’t deny the correctness of these phrases, but he felt that any man would hesitate to choose that gentle princess.

It wasn’t as if there were no other options; why did they have to make things difficult for themselves?

That was probably why Ning Yuke was still unmarried at twenty-one.

Any family with a decent background would be willing to marry her, likely because of her title as a princess and her royal connections.

A bunch of freeloaders, Ning Qingyu naturally looked down on them.

Wait a minute… wasn’t he also trying to marry her daughter because of her royal connections?


Wei Changtian accidentally cursed himself and felt a pang of embarrassment.

Just then, he suddenly saw Liang Qin, who had been absent for a day, entering the courtyard through the window and hurrying towards Yang Liushi’s room.

He saw her standing still in front of the locked door, asking a few questions, and then turning around to rush towards his own room.

“Brother Changtian!”

Wei Changtian hadn’t closed his door, so Liang Qin ran straight up to him, staring at him with wide eyes and asking, “Where’s Yang Liushi?”

“What do you want to do with her?”

Wei Changtian put down the book in his hand and smiled, asking, “Didn’t you lose an argument with her and come back for a rematch today?”


Liang Qin’s face turned red instantly, because that was indeed what she was thinking.

The night before, she had been left speechless by Yang Liushi, and after a day of brooding, she had come to take revenge.

“Brother Changtian, don’t bother, I just can’t let it go!”

“I won’t get involved, but you won’t have another chance to argue with her.”

Wei Changtian laughed inwardly and teased, “She felt guilty after making you angry and moved out yesterday, saying it would be better for you to focus on your sword practice without her influence.”


Liang Qin was taken aback, and her anger vanished instantly: “I didn’t mean to make her move out!”


Wei Changtian feigned puzzlement: “Isn’t it a good thing for you that she moved out?”


Liang Qin suddenly felt guilty and hesitated before biting her lip and asking, “Brother Changtian, where did Yang Liushi move to? I want to go bring her back…”

“What’s the point of bringing her back?”

Wei Changtian waved his hand nonchalantly: “She’s gone, which is perfect for me to clear my mind. You can also focus on practicing your swordplay, and I think it’s great.”

“But, but…”

Liang Qin’s face turned even redder.

She didn’t understand what she was thinking, nor did she know how to explain her thoughts.

Wei Changtian looked at her and couldn’t help but sigh inwardly—

No wonder four girls in a dorm could create eight cliques.

Women’s friendships were indeed complex.



In the following days, things were relatively peaceful.

The people from the Gongji Association hadn’t arrived in Shu State, and Wei Changtian didn’t trust the Xuanjing Bureau, which meant many “tasks” couldn’t be carried out.

Life was naturally regulated during this rare period of leisure.

During the day, he would go out with Liang Zhen to visit influential figures in Shu State. At night, he would exercise with Yuan Er in his room and occasionally guide Ah Chun and Liang Qin in their swordplay.

Everything was going smoothly, except for not visiting the Qinglou brothel in Shu State.

Even the recent news from Xiao Feng’s side had been quiet.

“……Young Master, this is the situation with Xiao Feng over the past three days.”

Wang Daochang furrowed his brow: “This person is indeed very cautious. Our spies can’t gather much information. Please forgive us, Young Master.”

“No need to apologize.”

Wei Changtian replied calmly: “He’s just arrived in Shu State, so it’s natural for him to be vigilant.”

“Yes, Young Master is right.”

Wang Daochang nodded slightly and then lowered his voice: “However, I do have an idea…… perhaps we can send a spy to actively contact Xiao Feng. If we can gain his trust…”

“Stop right there! This is absolutely not an option!”

Wei Changtian immediately rejected this suggestion.

If they were dealing with a normal person, this would be a decent plan.

But Xiao Feng was a main character with overflowing charisma!

Sending someone to infiltrate his circle would be like throwing a meat bun at a dog, and they’d probably end up selling out the Xuanjing Bureau.

“I’ll say it again: maintain the status quo, and don’t make any reckless moves!”

“Yes, Young Master…”

Wang Daochang quickly looked puzzled and left, while Wei Changtian prepared to change his clothes and head out.

Xiao Feng’s matters could wait; he was going to formally select his wife now!

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