I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 12

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 12

The thick, milky fog rolled and churned, with a roughly football-field-sized empty space in the middle.

There was nothing on the empty space, except for two people standing opposite each other in the center, one with a ferocious face, and the other… with a black line.

Damn it, what’s going on?!

Wei Changtian stared at the familiar face in front of him, his mind going blank.

How could it be that the stupid leader from his previous job, the one he had a fight with, was here?!!

The Mediterranean hairstyle, the beer belly, the unwavering red tie… it was him!

The only guy he had ever fought with!

Back then, there was an issue with the company’s accounts, and this stupid leader had tried to frame him, so Wei Changtian had gotten angry and fought him in the office.

Although he had won in the end, he had also lost a decent job.

Why was the simulated opponent in “Dream Path” him?!!

Hadn’t he already crossed over?!


Wei Changtian supported his chin, thinking for a while, and then slowly understood after combining it with the introduction to “Dream Path” in the system.

The opponent in “Dream Path” was simulated based on the owner’s combat experience, which was the memory.

And apart from the “pecking” with his childhood friends, he had only fought this one battle in his life, so “Dream Path” could only simulate this one opponent…

Looking at the paunchy, teddy-bear-like man in front of him, Wei Changtian felt speechless.

So, was this a stress-relief game for beating up stupid leaders?


It didn’t sound bad…


“Bang bang bang bang!”

“Pfft! Let you hurt me!”


Half an hour later.

When the man transformed into a ball of white light and reappeared in front of him for the tenth time, Wei Changtian finally lost interest in knocking him down again.

As an ordinary person back then, he could beat this idiot to the ground, and now that he’s a seventh-rank warrior with “inner force and vigor,” the gap in their strength was enormous.

No matter how many times they fought, it wouldn’t increase his combat experience by a single bit.

So, he just let it go.

Ignoring the black shadow that loomed again, Wei Changtian shook his head and stepped into the white mist behind him. When he opened his eyes again, he was back in reality.

The sand in the hourglass on the bookshelf was slowly trickling down, and the incense burner on the desk had only burned about a tenth of the incense stick.

It seemed that the time flow in the “Dream Path” was about one-fifth of the real world’s.

In other words, sleeping for one night was equivalent to continuous fighting for forty hours?

Damn, that’s awesome!

No wonder Xiao Feng could take on ten or so bodyguards single-handedly and still have the upper hand!

Sleeping was training, and this couldn’t be stronger!

However, for himself, there was a problem right now.

That was, where could he go to find someone to spar with and improve the level of his “Dream Path” simulated opponents?

Firstly, the opponent’s strength had to be strong, not someone who could be defeated with one blow.

Secondly, their styles had to be diverse, preferably from various schools and factions, each with their unique skills and combat characteristics.

Thirdly, they had to be durable, not someone who would disappear after a few fights.

Lastly, and most crucially, they had to know how to hold back!

They had to give him enough pressure without really going all out!

Finding a place that met all these conditions wasn’t easy.

But for others, that might be the case.

As the only son of the commander of the Suspended Mirror Agency, finding someone to spar with was as easy as a rich second-generation finding someone to sleep with – it wasn’t that hard.

Looking out the window, it was still early.

Wei Changtian didn’t waste any time, immediately getting up to put his plan into action.

He changed into a more convenient short robe, took out the black jade token of the Suspended Mirror Agency’s “General Flag” from the box, and tidied himself up. Just as he was about to leave the courtyard, he felt like someone was watching him from behind.

He turned around to look, and indeed.

Behind a slightly ajar window, Lu Jingyao was staring at him with wide eyes, her face illuminated by the morning sun’s golden light, making her look like she was wearing a golden hairpin.

After noticing Wei Changtian’s gaze, Lu Jingyao felt a bit nervous.

She wanted to hide but didn’t have the courage, and couldn’t wait for Wei Changtian to speak first. In the end, she could only hold onto the windowsill and whisper:

“Are… are you going out?”



Taiping Lane, Yongning Alley.

The Suspended Mirror Agency’s main office.

The sprawling black buildings exuded an imposing aura, with two-story-high walls that almost blocked all visibility, leaving only a glimpse of the towering eaves.

However, very few people would gaze into the Suspended Mirror Agency, and even the pedestrians on Yongning Alley were scarce.

For most ordinary people, they would rather take a detour than pass through this eerie and ominous place.

However, Wei Changtian didn’t care about this. As soon as he arrived, he jumped off the horse carriage and looked at the black grand gate in front of him with great interest.

It was huge and tall, with a couplet carved on it in bold and majestic strokes.

Right: Killing is not my wish, but the grass grows thick

Left: Only because my life is dedicated to the Heavenly Emperor

Horizontal: A bright mirror hangs high

Tsk, directly saying “killing is not my wish” is quite domineering.

But the Mirror Guard Agency indeed had the guts to say this.

From noble mtl dot come

After all, it didn’t answer to any institution, only responsible to the Emperor, and killing people was just following the Emperor’s orders, what’s wrong with that?

Such an unbridled violent organization was indeed a ruling tool, but it was unknown what would happen if it broke free from the ruler’s control…

Wei Changtian was lost in thought, while the two men in front of him, dressed in military attire, approached him with big smiles on their faces.

“Lord Wei, what wind brought you here?”

“Commander is not in the agency right now, he went to the palace early…”

“I’m not looking for my dad.”

Wei Changtian smiled and interrupted, “I’m here to take a shift.”

“A shift…”

The two men in front of him were stunned, as if Wei Changtian was about to do something earth-shattering.

It wasn’t surprising they reacted this way.

After all, the previous master, although being the “Flower Feather Guard General”, usually only cared about his daughters and didn’t have time to come to work.

This was unprecedented!

The two gatekeepers looked at each other, unsure what to say.

Wei Changtian didn’t feel awkward at all, nodded at them, and walked into the side door with Wang Er, amidst the “greeting” of the coming and going servants.

Some servants recognized Wei Changtian, while others didn’t.

But regardless of whether they recognized him or not, just the fact that he came to work with an entourage was enough to shock people.

“Lord, where are we going?”

Ignoring the surrounding gazes, Wang Er followed Wei Changtian and whispered, “Should I inform the Flower Feather Guard ahead of time?”

“No need, we’re not going to the Flower Feather Guard.”

Wei Changtian waved his hand, suddenly stopped in front of a black building, pointed to the single character “Wu” on the signboard.

“From today on, I’ll be fighting here!”

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