I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 120

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 120

As he raised his head to look around, the yellow clothes were heavy, the autumn wind was rustling, and the fallen leaves were whispering.

“I’ll be with you!!”

When Wei Changtian shouted this outside the carriage, the three women inside all widened their eyes, and a complex emotion surged up in their hearts.

“Big, big sister, Wei Gongzi is…”

Ning Yuzhu bit her lip tightly, her voice trembling.

Ning Yuke, on the other hand, was relatively calm, protecting the unconscious Ning Qingyu while trying to look out through the carriage door’s slit.

The slit was small, and it seemed that the only thing visible was a red rope fluttering in the wind.

The several guards were from the royal palace, and it was understandable that they would die to protect their master.

But Wei Changtian…

The three women, of course, knew that these assassins were coming for them and their father.

Although they didn’t know how likely Wei Changtian would be to succeed if he escaped alone, they thought it would be easier to survive than staying here…

At that moment, a very similar thought suddenly arose in the minds of the three.

If we don’t die this time, I’ll definitely…

“Clang clang clang!”

The sound of swords clashing and metal hitting metal came from outside the carriage, and it was clear that the battle had already begun.

The three women huddled together, their eyes filled with fear, worry, and deep emotion.

However, they didn’t know that Wei Changtian’s decision to stay was not because of some “hot-blooded heroic impulse,” but rather a rational analysis.

Outside the carriage, the situation had already become chaotic.


Wei Changtian swung his sword to deflect the long sword in front of him, beheaded an assassin’s arm, and then instinctively dodged to the side, barely avoiding a knife attack from another direction.


The cold, gleaming blade hacked at the carriage behind him, causing wood to splinter and revealing the inner layer of locking stone.

The assassin was taken aback by his failure to hack open the carriage, and Wei Changtian seized the opportunity to strike again. The next second, a head flew into the air, its wide eyes still filled with a deep sense of incomprehension.

Fresh blood rained down, staining the faces of several people around him.

However, no one had time to wipe their faces, as Wei Changtian had already turned to face others, while the headless corpse was kicked aside by its companions, who then filled the gap with their swords.

“Ting ting dang dang!”

After killing one person, Wei Changtian’s pressure didn’t decrease at all, but the current situation was already the best he could have hoped for.

When these assassins first appeared, his initial thought was to escape immediately, but he quickly negated that idea.

The reason was simple: staying behind would make it easier to survive.

No matter which power these assassins came from, if they dared to assassinate a prince, the mastermind behind the scenes would never let any eyewitness escape.

So if he were to break through alone, he would inevitably be surrounded and killed, even if he wore internal armor, which would likely be a futile effort.

And if he didn’t leave…

The carriage made by Lock Deity Stone could withstand attacks from three directions, with the exception of the door, which was still being defended by the imperial guards, allowing him to minimize the combat area.

In this way, even if there were many assassins, only three or four could actually attack him, and he still had the strength to fight.

The current situation proved that Wei Changtian’s plan was indeed correct.

Although a group of assassins had already surrounded the carriage, most of them could only hover around the perimeter.

They never expected the carriage to be so sturdy, and any attacks on the inner stone layer had no effect whatsoever.

If they couldn’t take down the carriage, the situation would continue to be at a stalemate, which would be very disadvantageous for them.

However, just then, an assassin suddenly exclaimed, “It’s Lock Deity Stone! Don’t use internal force!!”


Wei Changtian, who was in the midst of battle, felt a chill in his heart when he heard these words.

Who was this clever idiot?

Where was the promised IQ-decreasing halo?

Oh, I almost forgot I’m not the protagonist… never mind.

He cursed inwardly, and the assassins surrounding the carriage immediately changed their attack strategy and achieved success.

Although they still couldn’t break through the Lock Deity Stone immediately, each strike left a mark, and with their numerical advantage, they would likely be able to “break into the carriage” soon.

Wei Changtian didn’t want to see this happen, but he was currently in a precarious situation and had no strength to spare to rescue himself.

“Clang! Clang clang clang!”

In just a few short breaths, countless blades had fallen onto the carriage.

Wei Changtian, who had just kicked an assassin flying, took advantage of the brief moment of respite to glance around.

The imperial guards, although still holding on, were clearly on their last legs and couldn’t do much more.

As for the carriage…

His pupils suddenly constricted as he watched several assassins insert their long knives into the broken seams and then use all their strength to pry it open.


In the earth-shaking explosion, the entire piece of Lock Deity Stone on the back of the carriage was directly pried off!

What kind of crap engineering was this?!

Wei Changtian’s mood plummeted to an all-time low, and in the next second, he felt a sudden impact on his chest, only to realize that someone had taken advantage of his momentary distraction to strike him.


His clothes ripped open with a loud tear, but the long knife was blocked by the internal armor that had saved his life before, so Wei Changtian only felt the impact force sending him flying backward.

“Swish swish swish!”

Several assassins immediately followed, likely preparing to suppress him.

But they were left empty-handed.

The figure that had flown backward in mid-air didn’t fall to the ground as expected, but instead performed an incredible somersault in mid-air, defying gravity, and directly leaped over the surrounding assassins, heading towards the back of the carriage!

Fuyu Stepping – Wind Turning!


Inside the carriage.

When the entire Lock Deity Stone was pried open, Ning Yuke and the three women felt they had no chance of survival.

A masked assassin had already stepped into the carriage, his long knife reflecting a cold, eerie glow.


Ning Yuzhu and Ning Yuling were terrified, crawling backward as fast as they could, but the carriage was too small, and there was nowhere to retreat.

The two of them quickly shrank into a corner, their eyes wide with tears, trembling all over.

They were truly scared to death and didn’t want to die……

Unlike the two girls, Ning Yuke was equally terrified, but she didn’t cower. Instead, she trembled as she opened her arms to shield her two sisters, her eyes fixed on the assassin in front of her.

The person was about to die, and Ning Yuke didn’t care about such trivial matters.

However, the assassin opposite her suddenly froze, then burst out laughing:

“Hahaha, so the esteemed Princess Rong’an is actually such a freak!”

From noble mtl dot come

“You’d be better off as a ghost; don’t worry, I’ll send you to the underworld soon!”


The next second, the sword flashed, and a head fell to the ground.

But the one who died was……

A head rolled to Ning Yuke’s feet, and the headless corpse thudded to the ground.

Ning Yuke was stunned for a second, then slowly looked up to gaze ahead.

In her line of sight, there was a blood-soaked figure, as well as numerous yellow-clad assassins charging towards her.

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