I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 122

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 122

“A bunch of trash.”

The humiliation in these words wasn’t too severe, but it wasn’t light either.

Although Wei Changtian had spoken these words, in his heart, he was clear that the speed of these three groups of people was already quite fast.

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After all, as “dark scouts,” they would naturally sacrifice some reaction time to ensure concealment.

Moreover, from the assassin’s first shot to the end of the battle, it was all over in just a hundred breaths, which was indeed too short.

But the scolding was still necessary.

“Protect me?”

Wei Changtian casually wiped his Dragon’s Roar sword clean on an assassin’s clothes and sheathed it.

“You might as well have come later and just collected my corpse.”

The three big men’s heads hung lower and lower, their hearts bitter and their mouths unable to argue, only able to continuously apologize, “We know we were wrong! We hope the young master will forgive us!”


Wei Changtian glanced at the three of them: “Forget it, this time I’ll let it slide.”

“If your masters ask me about today’s events, I’ll just say you arrived on time… I hope you can repay me for covering for you this once.”

The three men heard these words and were all stunned.

They had thought they would definitely be in big trouble this time, but unexpectedly, Wei Changtian only scolded them a few times and didn’t actually punish them.

He even took the initiative to cover for their “dereliction of duty”!

It was known that the three of them belonged to the Xuanjing Bureau, Qingpao Army, and Tianluo Sect, respectively, but at the time, they had received basically the same task—

To protect Wei Changtian at all costs!

If Wei Changtian were to embellish today’s events and tell Liang Zhen, Chen Bo, and Qin Zhengqiu, the three of them wouldn’t be able to escape with their lives, let alone their skin.

But now, not only were they “not at fault,” but they had even become “meritorious”!

“Please, young master, be at ease!”

The three of them loudly expressed their gratitude and only then slowly stood up from the ground.

Wei Changtian waved his hand, no longer paying attention to them, while Ning Qingyu, who had witnessed everything, was somewhat surprised.

“Using both kindness and severity, ruling with virtue…”


An hour later.

Under the escort of the three groups, several horse-drawn carriages left the foot of Nan Mountain, slowly heading towards the direction of Shu State City.

The officials from the royal court, as well as the nearly hundred corpses of assassins, would be handled by the government, and the “survivors” had already received simple bandaging treatment for their injuries.

Actually, except for Wei Changtian and Ning Yuke, the others weren’t seriously injured.

Ning Qingyu wore a treasured undergarment, and that fierce arrow shot at him didn’t even leave a mark, making Wei Changtian’s eyes gleam with envy.

As for Ning Yuzhu and Ning Yuling, the two of them only got a few scratches in the carriage, and that was it.

Of course, they might not have physical injuries, but the psychological trauma should still be quite severe.

“Wuuu… Lord Wei… I’m so scared…”

In the carriage, Ning Yuzhu had been crying all the way, and eventually, she didn’t care that there were others around, directly throwing herself into Wei Changtian’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

As a noble lady, she had been pampered since childhood and had never experienced such a scene, and it was clear that she was really frightened.


Wei Changtian felt a bit embarrassed, glancing at Ning Qingyu, who didn’t react, before gently patting Ning Yuzhu’s shoulder, softly comforting her.

“It’s all over now.”


Ning Yuzhu didn’t respond, continuing to cry, with tears quickly soaking through Wei Changtian’s clothes.


Logically, having a beauty in one’s arms should be a wonderful thing, but Wei Changtian furrowed his brow at this moment.

He felt that this assassination attempt was full of anomalies, but Ning Yuzhu’s crying made it impossible for him to think, and his heart couldn’t help but rise with a hint of annoyance.

This feeling was like being in an important meeting, and your girlfriend kept calling you, crying about how she had failed her diet because she had one more cup of milk tea today.

If it were someone else, Wei Changtian would have probably pushed them away.

But Ning Yuzhu was, after all, a noble lady, and Ning Qingyu was right beside him, so he had to give her some face…

Wei Changtian was caught in a dilemma, but fortunately, Ning Yuke sat down beside him, stretching out her hand to support Ning Yuzhu’s shoulder, softly advising:

“Yuzhu, Lord Wei is injured, don’t bother him.”


Ning Yuzhu just wanted someone to vent to and didn’t care who it was, immediately turning to throw herself into Ning Yuke’s arms.

Wei Changtian, feeling relieved, nodded his head in gratitude towards Ning Yuke, who was holding her sister, softly apologizing:

“Lord Wei, women are naturally timid, please don’t blame us.”

“No harm done.”

“About today’s incident…”

“No need to mention it.”

Wei Changtian shook his head, interrupting: “I was also trying to save myself.”


Ning Yuke looked up, silent for a moment, still insisting on finishing her sentence: “…thank you, Lord Wei.”


After a brief exchange, the two didn’t speak again, but still gazed at each other for two breaths before shifting their gaze away.

Glancing at the white cloth wrapped around Ning Yuke’s hand, Wei Changtian suddenly realized that this gentle princess seemed to have never cried.

To be precise, that wasn’t entirely accurate.

She seemed to have cried when fighting the assassin, but after the assassin died, she hadn’t cried again.

Not even when treating the wound on her hand did she frown.

Wei Changtian had seen that wound.

Not to mention a weak woman like her, even Xu Qingwan and Liang Jin, who were trained in martial arts, would probably be unable to endure such an injury.

This woman… was quite interesting.

But her reaction still wasn’t the most unexpected one today.

I glanced at Ning Qingyu, whose face remained calm, and then turned to look out the window.

The city of Shu was just ahead, with the golden sunlight of noon shining brightly.

The moat surrounding the city was calm and waveless, and the guards stationed there looked lazy.

In such a peaceful era, as long as one didn’t court death, most people could live relatively comfortably.

However… without power, one’s life was not guaranteed.


By the time Wei Changtian sent Ning Qingyu and the others back to the palace and returned to his own residence, it was almost dusk.

Liang Zhen and Chen Bo arrived quickly, and before he could even finish his cup of tea, they rushed over, relieved to see that he was unharmed. They began to discuss the day’s events.

After discussing for a while, the three of them came to a unanimous conclusion—

No matter who had sent the assassins, the city of Shu would be in a state of turmoil for a while.

Fortunately, they didn’t have much to do with it, and there was no evidence to suggest that Wei Changtian was involved in the incident.

At least it was clear that it wasn’t the work of the Liu family.

Of course, it couldn’t be said that they had no connection at all. At the very least, Wei Changtian’s “riding on the coattails” plan would have to be put on hold for a while.

Sigh, it was a shame that he was about to “ride on the coattails” of a princess…

After sending the two of them off, Wei Changtian let out a long sigh in his room.

“What’s wrong, Young Master?” Yuan’er asked with a concerned expression, looking puzzled.


Wei Changtian shook his head and suddenly asked a strange question.

“Yuan’er, are you afraid of pain?”

“This question is really weird, Young Master.”

Yuan’er laughed and said, “Who isn’t afraid of pain?”

“Is that so…”

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