I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 123

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 123

In the following days, the situation developed just as Wei Changtian and the others had predicted. Not only did it spread rapidly throughout the city of Shu, but it also shocked the imperial palace.

It was said that Ning Yongnian was furious when he heard the news and vowed to capture the culprit who had attempted to harm his fourth brother and make them pay dearly. He immediately dispatched a joint investigation team consisting of the Grand Justice Temple, the Ministry of Justice, and the Hanging Mirror Agency to investigate the case of the assassination attempt on the prince.

These people would arrive in Shu in a few days, but it was estimated that they wouldn’t be able to find anything.

That day, all the yellow-robed assassins either died in battle or took their own lives, and the last five were killed by Wei Changtian with a single stroke of his sword. There wasn’t a single survivor left.

In this situation, it would be difficult to investigate. They could only start by looking into people who had a grudge against Ning Qingyu and their powers.

But a prince who only wrote poetry, where would he have any enemies? At least, there were none on the surface.

Wei Changtian wasn’t a detective, so he couldn’t think of anywhere else to investigate.

In his opinion, the person closest to the truth was Ning Qingyu himself, and there was probably some unspeakable secret behind it.

He had thought that Ning Qingyu would reveal something to him, his “savior,” but several days had passed, and there was no news from the palace.

Were they still wary of him?

It was just as well; he didn’t want to get involved in this mess anyway…


In the backyard, Wei Changtian was lost in thought, chopping at the lock-breaking stone in front of him with his sword.

The sword had already penetrated three and a half inches into the stone, exceeding the three-inch record left by some previous emperor.

Of course, this was due to his having practiced the Returning Dust Sword to perfection.


He muttered to himself, shaking his head, and then sheathed his sword.

Wei Changtian had always thought that the “life-or-death breakthrough” plot twists in novels were just nonsense, but he never expected it to actually happen to himself.

At the time, he didn’t know why he could suddenly unleash such a powerful blow, he could only say… it was mystical!

However, the reason behind it wasn’t important, what mattered was that at least the previous fight wasn’t in vain.


Wei Changtian curled his lip, feeling resentful in his heart.

This Ning Qingyu was also an ungrateful person, he had saved their entire family’s lives, yet he didn’t even show a hint of gratitude!

Although he didn’t lack money, he could have sent something as a gesture!

That set of armor would have been a good gift, and if not, sending his daughter would have been acceptable too…


Suddenly, Yi’er rushed over: “Princess Ru’an has arrived, saying she’s here on the order of the Crown Prince to see you!”

“Ning Yuqiao?”

Wei Changtian was taken aback.

Was he really sending his daughter over?


After a while.

A luxurious carriage drove through the main street, with Wei Changtian and Ning Yuqiao sitting opposite each other inside.

From noble mtl dot come

It turned out that Ning Yuqiao wasn’t there to “throw herself into the wolf’s den” voluntarily, but to invite Wei Changtian to the palace, saying that Ning Qingyu had a matter to discuss with him.

“Master Wei, my father has been bedridden for several days and is not convenient to receive guests, please bear with us.”

Ning Yuqiao seemed to feel guilty about “ignoring the person who saved their lives for several days” and hurriedly apologized as soon as she got on the carriage.

She didn’t understand why her father was healthy but still didn’t rush to see Wei Changtian, only sending her to invite him today.

Ning Qingyu didn’t give any explanation, so Ning Yuqiao could only come up with her own reason.

Wei Changtian naturally saw through this lame excuse, but he didn’t say much, only changing the subject by asking:

“Has your hand injury healed?”

“It’s getting better.”

Ning Yuqiao nodded slightly, hesitating for a moment before softly asking back: “Master, how’s your injury?”

“It’s almost healed.”

Wei Changtian looked at the veil on Ning Yuqiao’s face, suddenly remembering that Yang Liu also wore this thing when going out… it was his own suggestion.

But the two of them wore it for different reasons – one to conceal their beauty, and the other to conceal their ugliness.

“M-master, what are you looking at…”

Seemingly uncomfortable with Wei Changtian’s gaze, Ning Yuqiao lowered her head, softly reminding him.


Wei Changtian didn’t feel embarrassed, moving his gaze away for a few seconds before refocusing on Ning Yuqiao.

“Princess, there’s something I’ve been curious about.”

“You can ask me anything, Master.”


Wei Changtian asked directly: “Your palm injury was so severe, why didn’t you show any pain when we were applying medicine and bandaging it that day?”


Ning Yuqiao was slightly taken aback, pondering for a moment before softly saying: “If I tell you, Master, you won’t tell anyone else?”


“Okay… it’s just that I’m not afraid of pain.”

Ning Yukuo explained in a low voice, “It’s just that I’ve never known what pain is since I was a child.”

Wei Changtian was slightly surprised: “You mean… you have no sense of pain?”

“That’s right…”

“That’s actually a good thing.”

Wei Changtian said it subconsciously, but when he saw Ning Yukuo’s slightly trembling shoulders, he shut up.

The carriage suddenly fell silent, until Ning Yukuo calmed down and spoke again:

“I’m sorry to have amused you, sir…”

“It’s my fault for being too abrupt.”

Wei Changtian shook his head, roughly guessing why Ning Yukuo would react this way.

Having no sense of pain might seem like a good thing at first, but in reality, it had many drawbacks.

Pain was the body’s self-protection and warning mechanism.

If you couldn’t feel pain, not only would you not know when you were sick, but you might even get “scalded to death” by hot water, and that wasn’t impossible.

Fortunately, Ning Yukuo was born into a wealthy family; if she were an ordinary child, she would have likely died from various accidents.

Seeing that Wei Changtian seemed to understand, Ning Yukuo didn’t explain further, only laughing self-deprecatingly:

“Don’t laugh, sir; I actually want to know what pain feels like…”


If someone with certain “tastes” heard this, they might think it was unthinkable, but Wei Changtian didn’t have that kind of special preference, so he just nodded.

Ning Yukuo lightly lowered her eyelids and didn’t speak again, but she actually had one more sentence she didn’t say out loud.

She wanted to tell Wei Changtian that when she saw him covered in blood, it seemed like her heart hurt a little.



A quarter of an hour later, the carriage slowly entered the Wang Manor.

A servant had been waiting at the door and approached Ning Yukuo as soon as they got off the carriage, saying a few words before leading Wei Changtian along the small path into the manor.

It was clear that Ning Qingyu wanted to discuss some extremely confidential matters, even things that Ning Yukuo didn’t know about.

Wei Changtian wasn’t surprised and quickly followed the servant through the winding path into a dark room.

The dark room wasn’t big, and seven or eight people were already waiting inside.

Apart from Ning Qingyu, Wei Changtian knew the others, or at least had seen them before.

They were all big shots from Shu Province that Liang Zhen had taken him to visit.

For example, there was Governor Shao Ying’an……

Everyone had teacups in their hands, but Wei Changtian wouldn’t believe they were there to drink tea and chat.

So many “big shots” gathered in one place, and at such a “sensitive” time……

It seemed like he had gotten himself involved in some major event……

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