I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 125

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 125

As he walked out of the secret room, the guards outside looked at Wei Changtian with suspicious and cautious eyes.

However, Wei Changtian didn’t care and simply gave a casual order: “Take me out.”


The guards exchanged a glance, and someone stepped forward.

“This way, Lord Wei.”


Wei Changtian followed the person out, not even looking back once from start to finish.


Ha, do I look that stupid?

Wei Changtian was still very clear about his own abilities.

Although he knew Ning Qingyu should still have some hidden cards, he didn’t think this prince could really take over Shu Province from Ning Yongnian’s hands.

Even if Ning Qingyu really succeeded and became the “King of Shu”, the benefits he could gain would far from outweigh the risks he would take.

Money? Power?

Don’t make me laugh.

A daughter?

Forget about it, especially in the current situation. Even if Ning Qingyu gave her away for free, he might not be willing to marry her.

Wei Changtian didn’t know why Shao Ying’an and others had defected to Ning Qingyu, but for himself, the price was still far from enough.

As he thought, he walked quickly with the guard and soon arrived at the palace gate.

Ning Yuke was waiting here, looking like she hadn’t left.

“Lord Wei, are you going back?”


Wei Changtian glanced at the soft and gentle Princess Ruan’an, who probably still didn’t know what her father was planning, and nodded.

“I’ve already seen the King, so I won’t disturb him anymore.”

“Okay, then I’ll have the carriage send you back…”

“Wait a moment, Young Master Wei!”

Suddenly, a voice called out from a short distance away, belonging to an elderly butler-like figure.

He hurried over to the two, holding a wooden box, and handed it to Wei Changtian.

“Young Master Wei, you left in a hurry earlier, and my lord forgot to give you this. I was sent to deliver it to you.”


Wei Changtian took the box, opened it, and glanced inside before closing it again.

It was the armor that Ning Qingyu had worn that day, neatly folded and placed in the box.

The old man was quite perceptive, knowing that business and personal relationships were separate.

“Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift!”

Wei Changtian expressed his gratitude and happily accepted the treasure.

Saving the entire royal family of four, although it was unintentional, he still had the right to receive this reward.

“You’re too kind, Young Master.”

The butler bowed, then turned to Ning Yuqiao.

“The King instructs you to personally escort Young Master Wei back to the mansion and says that there will be a lantern festival in the south of the city tonight. If Young Master Wei is interested, you can accompany him… and if it gets too late, you don’t have to return to the mansion tonight.”


After the butler finished speaking, both Wei Changtian and Ning Yuqiao were taken aback.

The previous words could be considered as “polite formalities,” but the last sentence…

Didn’t it mean the same as “my daughter brought her ID today” in his previous life?!

It was an obvious “offer of a daughter”!

Wei Changtian thought that Ning Qingyu still had ulterior motives towards him, and he was also a bit puzzled as to why it was Ning Yuqiao.

He had previously been closer to Ning Yuzhu.

However, after a moment, he probably understood.

It was likely that his earlier “non-cooperation” had made Ning Qingyu feel that it wasn’t worth sending out his “more valuable” second daughter, and instead, the “defective” eldest daughter was more suitable.

Originally, Ning Yuqiao’s facial scar made her difficult to marry off, so if she could really be paired with him, it would be a “waste utilization.”

And Ning Yuzhu, who was flawless and of a suitable age for marriage, would naturally be used as a valuable pawn to win over others.

What a great guy, using family affection like this?

Love it, love it.

Wei Changtian was speechless, while Ning Yuqiao only lost her composure for a moment before lightly nodding.

“I understand.”

After saying this, she hesitated for a moment, then softly asked Wei Changtian, “Young Master Wei, shall we… go?”


Wei Changtian was originally prepared to directly refuse, but the words changed in his mouth.

“It’s troubling you, Princess.”

“No trouble at all.”

The two of them got into the carriage, one in front of the other, and soon disappeared from the palace gates.


Because they would be going to admire the lanterns together tonight, Wei Changtian naturally had to treat Ning Yuqiao to dinner.

It’s said that the princess will be staying at the mansion for dinner, so Yuer and the others busied themselves for the entire afternoon, finally producing a sumptuous feast. Then, they were all driven out of the dining hall by Wei Changtian.

Yuer and a few servants simply thought it was because of their lowly status, not worthy of serving the princess, and didn’t take it to heart.

However, Liang Qin was quite displeased.

“Hmph, isn’t she just a princess? What’s so extraordinary about her?”

In the side hall, Liang Qin was vigorously stabbing at the rice in her bowl with her chopsticks, facing a table full of dishes without taking a single bite.

“Miss Liang, why aren’t you eating?” Yuer asked softly from the side. “Is it not to your taste? Should I ask the chef to make something else?”

“No need, I just can’t eat!”

Liang Qin slammed down her chopsticks, unconsciously glancing at the tightly closed door of the small courtyard across from her.

“Yuer, what do you think Changtian-ge is doing with that Ruan’an Princess inside?”


Yuer was taken aback: “Naturally, they’re eating, what else could they be doing?”

“Why didn’t they let us in to eat with them, then?”

“Maybe it’s because the princess’s status is too noble…”

“Who believes that?”

Liang Qin was dissatisfied, stomping her foot, wanting to go eavesdrop, but feeling that such behavior was too childish, so she could only sit there, sulking.

Yuer looked at her, suddenly bursting out laughing.

Liang Qin asked, puzzled: “What’s so funny?”

“You, Miss Liang, looked just like someone I know… I couldn’t help it…”

Yuer covered her mouth, her eyes narrowing into crescents.

But Liang Qin was even more perplexed.

“Like someone? Like who?”

From noble mtl dot come

“Like the lady.”

“The lady? You mean… Lu Jingyao?”


Yuer nodded, explaining seriously: “The lady also gets upset whenever she sees the young master with other girls, and she never eats when she’s upset…”

“Just like you, Miss Liang.”

“I… who’s like her?”

Liang Qin’s face turned bright red, as if to prove that her words were not empty, she immediately picked up her chopsticks and started eating.

She muttered to herself as she ate, saying things like “I’ve known Changtian-ge since childhood” and “I’m not petty,” which made everyone present struggle to hold back their laughter, filling the side hall with a lively atmosphere.

In contrast, the atmosphere in the main hall was rather subtle.

Ning Yuke naturally knew that Wei Changtian had driven everyone away to save face for her, but even when facing Wei Changtian alone, she still hesitated when removing her veil.

“Princess, should I also leave first and wait for you to finish eating before calling me?” Wei Changtian asked.


Ning Yuke was taken aback, quickly shaking her head: “No, no need.”

A moment later.

The veil trembled and fell, with one person lowering their head in silence, the other calm and composed.

“Princess, let’s eat.”


Wei Changtian picked up a dish with his chopsticks and handed it to Ning Yuqiao, then took two bites himself before getting to the point, finally revealing his intention.

“Princess, I might have a way to remove the scar on your face.”


The silver chopsticks fell to the ground, and Ning Yuqiao suddenly lifted her head, but before she could speak, Wei Changtian continued:

“However, I’ll need your help with something in return.”

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