I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 128

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 128

The next morning.

” Splash splash ~”

The sound of water in the courtyard woke Wei Changtian up from his “dream journey”, the sky was still early, and everything was as usual.

The alcohol from last night had already been absorbed, and after taking a deep breath, his mind was clear, with no discomfort.

However, Ning Yuqiao, who had drunk too much bad wine, would probably have a headache when she woke up.

Oh, wait, he almost forgot that she didn’t feel pain anymore……

Wei Changtian shook his head, got dressed, and pushed open the door to go out.

On the ancient tree in the courtyard, a few yellow leaves had already fallen, and a small figure was carrying a water bucket towards the ear room.

Since entering the entertainment industry, the weight of a bucket of water was no longer a challenge for Ah Chun, except that she was still too short, and had to hold the handle to her chest to lift the bucket off the ground.

The large water bucket blocked most of her body, and if you didn’t look closely, you might think it was the bucket that had come to life and was moving on its own.

It was quite comical.

Wei Changtian didn’t have any intention of helping Ah Chun, but instead, the little girl quickly put down the bucket upon seeing him and respectfully called out in a soft voice:



Wei Changtian responded with a nod, casting his gaze towards Li Suoyue, who had just entered through the main gate with a little boy by her side.

“Good morning, Young Master.”

Li Suoyue hastened two steps forward, lightly bowing her head.

During this time, she had already fully adapted to her “work” at the Wei residence, and after becoming familiar with people like Yuan’er, she had become more natural in her speech and actions.

“Good morning, Madam.”

Wei Changtian nodded, asking in a tone reminiscent of his past life.

In fact, greetings like “good morning” and “good evening” were imported from the West, and didn’t exist in ancient times.

However, Wei Changtian had grown accustomed to saying them, and the people around him had also grown used to it, without feeling anything out of place.

“Ran’er, go pay your respects to the Young Master…”

Li Suoyue gently pressed down on her son’s head, but the latter’s gaze remained fixed on the large water bucket in front of Ah Chun.

He hesitated for a moment, then suddenly took a few quick steps forward, patted his chest with a somewhat heroic air, and seemed to want to help Ah Chun carry the water.

Li Suoyue looked on helplessly, while Wei Changtian watched with interest.

Under the gaze of the two, the little boy struggled to lift the water bucket, but it didn’t budge an inch.

King Ran’s small face turned bright red, but no matter how hard he tried, the water bucket seemed rooted to the ground, not even swaying slightly.

“Let me do it.”

Ah Chun couldn’t bear to see him waste his effort, took the handle, and easily lifted the water bucket high into the air.

“Teacher, Yuan’er Sister is waiting to boil water, I’ll go first.”

“Okay, go ahead.”

Wei Changtian waved his hand, reached out to pat King Ran’s head.

“You’re still too small, you’ll be able to lift it when you’re a bit older.”


The little boy turned his head to look at Ah Chun, who was walking away with the wooden bucket, his expression filled with disappointment.

Wei Changtian didn’t try to comfort him anymore, glanced at the bamboo basket in Li Suoyue’s hand, and asked with a smile:

“Is that steamed buns, Madam?”


Li Suoyue lifted the white cloth covering the basket, revealing the steaming hot buns inside.

“I made them fresh at home this morning.”

“Ha ha, great! I’ll have one first!”

Wei Changtian’s face lit up with joy, reached into the basket himself, and took a bite, filling his mouth with the aroma of sesame.

Li Suoyue’s steamed buns were the most reminiscent of his past life that he had eaten after crossing over, and since trying them once, he had basically been having one or two every day.

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Li Suoyue couldn’t understand why Wei Changtian, a noble young master, would like eating steamed buns, but at the same time, she was happy that her cooking had received recognition, so every few days, she would make some, never letting Wei Changtian “go hungry”.

“Hey? Did you put sugar in this batch, Madam?”

Wei Changtian asked after eating two bites.

“Ah, I added a little.”

Li Suoyue hurriedly replied, “I’m not sure if it suits the Young Master’s taste, I also made some without sugar, would you like…”

“No need, it’s quite good.”

Wei Changtian nodded, just about to ask Li Suoyue to make some with a spicy and salty flavor next time, when Zhang San rushed in from outside.

“Madam Li.”

He first greeted Li Suyue, then leaned in close to Wei Changtian’s ear and whispered:

“The people from the Gongzhong Association have arrived.”


From the time Wei Changtian sent the letter to today, it had been over half a month, and finally, “their own people” had arrived.

Actually, this speed wasn’t slow, considering the round trip alone would take over ten days.

“How many have come?”

Back in the room, Wei Changtian couldn’t wait to ask: “Where are they staying now?”

“Twenty-one people have arrived, Your Excellency,” Zhang San replied. “They said more will come in the next few days, adding up to thirty-two, making a total of fifty-three. They’re currently scattered across various inns in the city.”

“This is a letter from the Captain, sent to you.”


Wei Changtian was taken aback, but quickly realized that Wang Er was the Captain of the Gongzhong Association.

He took the letter and quickly read through it. Most of the content was about the recent developments of the Gongzhong Association and Chunshen Bookstore. It also included the list of personnel who had come to Shu Province.

Overall, there was nothing special, except for the last sentence, which made him furrow his brow.

“There may be great changes in Shu Province soon, and it seems to be related to Prince Shun. Please be cautious, Your Excellency.”


Was it going to escalate so quickly?

Wei Changtian silently memorized this, then looked up and instructed Zhang San:

“I won’t see the brothers from the Gongzhong Association. From now on, you’ll be in charge of contacting them.”

“Make sure to keep their existence a secret and arrange the tasks I previously entrusted to you as soon as possible.”

“Don’t worry, Your Excellency, I’ll take care of it today.”

“Yes, and…”

Wei Changtian thought for a moment, then said: “Send someone to find a cave on Mount Yunyang outside the city.”

“A cave?”

“Yes, it should be halfway up the mountain. There’s a large stone at the entrance shaped like a long sword. If you find it, come back and tell me immediately. Remember, no one is allowed to enter, got it?”

“Got it.”

Zhang San didn’t ask further questions and confirmed a few more things with Wei Changtian before rushing off to “complete his tasks,” without even having time to eat breakfast.

It wasn’t that he didn’t eat at all; Li Suyue still handed him a few steamed buns as he left.

It seemed like these two were getting close.

Wei Changtian clucked his tongue, redirecting his thoughts to his own matters.

Currently, Xiao Feng’s whereabouts were still unknown, and he didn’t know what evil plans he was brewing.

However, with the support of the Tian Luo Sect, as long as he could seize any opportunity, he would have a high chance of completely eliminating Xiao Feng.

Next was the Ning Qingyu side; it seemed that, as Wang Er mentioned in the letter, Ning Yongnian would soon make another move against him.

Wei Changtian didn’t care about the life or death of this prince, but it was a pity about his three beautiful daughters……

Thinking of this, Wei Changtian couldn’t help but recall Ning Yuke’s gentle gesture from last night, when she handed him a hairpin with a missing tooth.

“If I can survive, would you be willing to marry me, Your Excellency?”

It was clear that Ning Yuke meant to help Wei Changtian obtain the item after surviving.

The probability of survival was still quite high, nine out of ten.

But what she didn’t know was that even if she survived this time, when Ning Yongnian’s assassins appeared again, her chances of survival would drop to nine out of ten, or even ten out of zero.


Wei Changtian let out a soft sigh, his expression similar to when he replied to Ning Yuke the day before.

“Let’s talk about it after you’re alive.”

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