I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 129

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 129

The next two days were calm and peaceful, accompanied by the arrival of the “Joint Investigation Team” from the capital city, Jing, at Shu State City. The case of the prince’s assassination had officially entered the investigation stage.

People from the Da Li Temple and the Xuan Jing Bureau had come to secretly investigate Wei Changtian, but not to ask about the case, rather to seek his “opinion” on the matter.

It was possible that even Ning Yongnian didn’t expect that Wei Changtian would control two of the three major judicial organs in Da Ning.

According to the two, the palace’s attitude towards the assassination case was – no matter what, it had to be solved before the new year.

It was already November, and there was less than two months until the new year.

In other words, the Joint Investigation Team had to find a scapegoat within two months.

This scapegoat could be anyone with power, so the two had come to seek Wei Changtian’s opinion, clearly wanting him to “borrow a knife to kill”.

What a great deal! An unexpected gain.

Wei Changtian, of course, wouldn’t refuse such a good opportunity and gave his opinion –

“That day, I saw several assassins with black cloth strips embroidered with white dragons on their arms.”

White dragons, Xuan Tian Hui.

The two immediately understood Wei Changtian’s meaning and indicated that the case was likely to be the work of Xuan Tian Hui.

After all, Xuan Tian Hui had never gotten along with the court, and it was reasonable that they would want to harm a prince.

Wei Changtian didn’t expect the court to eliminate Xuan Tian Hui’s Shu State branch while taking care of Xiao Feng, but if they could weaken his power, that would be good.

Apart from this, the two had also brought Wei Xianzhi and Li Kan’s secret letters.

The former mentioned some family matters, while the latter expressed loyalty for half a day, but both letters again mentioned one thing – something big might happen in Shu State, possibly related to Prince Shun.

Counting Wang Er, there were already three people who had warned Wei Changtian about this.

However, from their expressions, it seemed they didn’t know more about the inside story.

Wei Changtian had thought about telling Wei Xianzhi about what happened at the prince’s mansion, but after thinking it over, he didn’t do so.

On one hand, he wasn’t certain if this “big thing” was Ning Yongnian preparing to kill Ning Qingyu again, and on the other hand, he was afraid that the matter of “Ning Qingyu inviting him to rebel” would be exposed.

In short, Wei Changtian’s attitude towards this matter was – to stay out of it and observe from a distance.

Let the two surnamed Ning do whatever they wanted; it had nothing to do with him.



Another day passed.

Wang Daochang came to report on Xiao Feng’s situation as usual, but as usual, there was no useful information.

Yang Liu Shi still hadn’t returned from the Ten Thousand Great Mountains.

However, since the Gong Ji Hui people arrived, several other matters had made progress.

For example, Wei Changtian had been concerned about “the king of boot-lickers”, Chu Xianping.

“Sir, this person lives alone in the west of the city, his parents have passed away, and he has no other siblings.”

“He usually goes to a tavern to drink after finishing his shift at the Xuan Jing Bureau and returns home at around 10 pm. Our people have been following him for three days, and it’s been the same every day.”

“Nothing else has been discovered apart from this.”

Zhang San quickly finished reporting the results of the investigation on Chu Xianping.

Wei Changtian thought for a moment before asking, “What about women? Has it been discovered who he frequently interacts with?”

“The investigator didn’t mention this, probably because they haven’t found anything yet.”

“Alright, I know.”

Wei Changtian nodded, looking at the sky outside the window: “According to what you said, he’s about to go to the tavern to drink now, right?”


“Prepare the carriage and send me over.”


At the end of the ninth hour, in the west of Shu State, at the Drunken Mist Pavilion.

Chu Xianping, dressed in official attire, sat in his usual seat, his eyes somewhat worried.

As long as he didn’t have any tasks, he would almost come here to drink every day, so he had already become familiar with the shop assistants.

“Lord Chu, you’ve been drinking more than usual these past few days, and this is already your third jug.”

The shop assistant, with a towel draped over his shoulder, placed the jug on the table and asked with a smile, “Could it be that you have some troubles and are using wine to drown your sorrows?”

“Mind your own business.”

Chu Xianping gave the shop assistant a glance: “What? Are you afraid I won’t be able to pay for the wine?”

“How could that be? You’re a high-ranking official of the Suspended Mirror Agency. Even if you didn’t pay for the wine, we wouldn’t dare say anything!”

The shop assistant leaned in, lowering his voice, “I’m not just looking at your worried expression, but I’ve come to tell you a secret to dispel your worries!”


Chu Xianping took a sip of wine and smiled, “What secret?”

“Hehe, the solution to a man’s worries is, of course, women.”

The shop assistant smiled obsequiously, “I know of a good place, not far from here, called the Full Spring House.”

“This newly opened brothel only requires one or two silver coins to spend the night with two beauties…”

“Lord Chu, such a wonderful opportunity to be with two beauties, and all your worries will surely disappear!”

“If I weren’t short on money, I would have already gone to taste this indulgent pleasure…”

It’s hard to deny that this shop assistant has a talent for sales, and with an expression that’s drooling all over the place, it makes the Full Spring House seem like a divine place that can dispel all worldly worries.

However, after listening, Chu Xianping remained unmoved, only smiling and asking, “How much silver will you get if I go to that brothel once?”

“I… um…”

The shop assistant immediately became flustered, stuttering, “You spend one or two silver coins, and I’ll get twenty copper coins…”

“There’s twenty copper coins, don’t bother me anymore.”

Chu Xianping casually tossed a string of copper coins onto the table, making a clinking sound.

“Ah! Thank you, Lord, for the reward!”

The shop assistant hurriedly picked up the copper coins and repeatedly thanked him before enthusiastically welcoming new customers at the door.

The sudden surprise made him greet customers with an exceptionally genuine smile.

“This gentleman! Are you here to eat or drink?”

“I’ll drink.”


The shop assistant bowed at a 90-degree angle, leading the customer inside: “Sir, please, this way!”


Wow, is the service at this tavern really that good?

Alien sea bottom scoop?

From noble mtl dot come

Wei Changtian looked at the shop assistant in front of him, who was providing “smile service,” no, even “laugh service,” and felt quite surprised.

However, at this moment, someone was even more surprised.

Was that Lord Wei?

Chu Xianping looked at Wei Changtian, who had suddenly appeared, and hesitated for a moment before not rushing to greet him, instead waiting for the latter to sit down at an empty table before tidying up his clothes and walking over, respectfully bowing and greeting him.

“Little person Chu Xianping, I’ve seen Master Wei.”


Wei Changtian heard this and raised his head, initially looking puzzled, but then suddenly enlightened, saying: “So it’s Brother Chu! What brings you here?”

“I’m just having a drink here, Master Wei. I happened to see you coming in, so I took the liberty of coming over to say hello.”

“That’s quite a coincidence.”

Wei Changtian sighed and casually asked, “Are you here alone?”


“Hmm? Since we’re both alone, why not have a few drinks together?”


Chu Xianping was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in agreement: “Thank you, Master Wei, for your kindness. I’ll follow your lead.”

“Ha ha, sit down, no need to be so polite.”

Wei Changtian laughed and invited Chu Xianping to sit, feeling pleased in his heart.

The main character’s strategist?

Bring it on!

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