I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 130

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 130

Accompanying a leader for a drink is an art, and it can be divided into several types depending on the person.

Wooden type: Typically a novice in the workplace, often in a technical field, who tends to focus on eating when seated and rarely takes the initiative to toast the leader, only following others during group toasts.

Uncooperative type: Usually company veterans who make excuses like “I’m driving,” “I’m taking medicine,” “I’m allergic,” or “I’m preparing for pregnancy” to avoid drinking, knowing full well that the leader hates hearing “I’ll have tea instead of wine” at the table, but still “knowing there’s a tiger on the mountain, yet still heading towards the tiger’s den.”

Service type: They don’t drink much themselves, but have good vision. They pour drinks for the leader, support them when they’re drunk, and call for a designated driver when the leader can’t drive… usually secretaries or assistants.

Insightful type: Well-versed in human relationships and worldly affairs, never letting the leader feel awkward, and always toasting multiple times during a meal, saying auspicious phrases without repetition, and ending with “I’ll take care of it, you just relax.”

Reverse-role type: They don’t show their hand at first, but after a few drinks, they start “righting the wrongs of heaven,” and some even surpass the leader in hospitality, with a classic catchphrase being “I’ll take a cup.”

Performance at the dinner table doesn’t have good or bad distinctions, but it can reveal a person’s character.

However, Chu Xianping didn’t fit into any of the above categories; if anything, he should be considered the “stable type.”

The sky outside had already darkened, and the lights in the tavern were shining brightly.

Customers came and went, and the atmosphere in the tavern was getting lively, but Wei Changtian’s table remained relatively quiet.

The two had already drunk a considerable amount and chatted a lot, but it was mostly Wei Changtian asking questions and Chu Xianping answering, with a clear sense of hierarchy still present.

This isn’t going to work!

Wei Changtian picked up a dish, preparing to change the angle and break through.

“Brother Chu, I heard the shopkeeper say that a new brothel has opened nearby, and it seems to be quite good.”

“Why don’t we go take a look after dinner?”


Chu Xianping was taken aback, shook his head, and forced a laugh, saying: “Master Wei, I think I’ll pass.”

“Hmm? What’s going on, Brother Chu? Do you have something to attend to later?”

“That’s not it…”

Chu Xianping definitely couldn’t say “I never go to brothels” and offend Master Wei, so he hesitated for a moment before whispering: “I already have someone I care about.”

This was exactly what he was waiting for!

Wei Changtian’s heart was delighted, and his face showed a surprised expression.

“Ha ha, I see! I was too abrupt.”

“When are you getting married, Brother Chu? Be sure to invite me to your wedding, and I’ll come to celebrate with you!”


Upon hearing Wei Changtian’s familiar tone, Chu Xianping was initially startled, but soon felt a pang of despair, and finally let out a soft sigh.

If it were any other day, he would never have displayed his emotions so openly.

But after drinking, his guard was naturally lowered.

“Huh? Brother Chu, why the sigh?” Wei Changtian asked with feigned curiosity.


Chu Xianping was still hesitant.

He really wanted to unburden his heart, but felt that they weren’t close enough to share such things.

However, Wei Changtian wasn’t about to let this opportunity to “connect” slip away and took the initiative to probe further.

“Brother Chu, I suppose you’re sighing because of that woman?”


Chu Xianping remained silent, tacitly acknowledging the guess.

“Ah, heroes have always struggled with beauty!”

Wei Changtian pretended to be nonchalant, taking a sip of wine with an earnest expression: “Brother Chu, what’s troubling you specifically?”

“If you trust me, tell me, and I might be able to help.”


Wei Changtian had already said so much; if Chu Xianping still refused to speak, it would be like “not trusting his leader.”

He took a sip of wine as well, finally speaking in a measured tone:

“Lord Wei, it’s just that my heart’s desire… is going to marry someone else.”


Wei Changtian’s expression instantly turned shocked.

Unlike before, this time it wasn’t an act, but genuine surprise.

According to the original story, Chu Xianping’s heart’s desire would indeed be targeted by a wealthy merchant, who would try to forcibly take her as a concubine.

And it was precisely because of this that it gave Xiao Feng the opportunity to bring Chu Xianping to crash the wedding.

The plot was sound, but… but this plot should have happened after the New Year!

How did it get moved up?

Could it be because Xiao Feng arrived in Shu State earlier than expected?

This was the first time Wei Changtian had encountered a situation where the plot had been accelerated, and he couldn’t help but think about it for a while.

Chu Xianping, seeing his reaction, thought that what he had said was too shocking and hurriedly explained:

“Lord Wei, I didn’t have any engagement with that woman, or rather, it was just a one-sided love; you don’t need to worry about it.”


Good grief, he was indeed the king of boot-licking.

Wei Changtian paused, composed himself, and asked in a soft voice: “Brother Chu, so… is that woman not interested in you?”

“Uh, actually… she does have feelings for me…”

“Why would she marry someone else then?”

“She, she didn’t want to, but it’s not up to her to decide…”

“Hmm? According to Brother Chu’s tone…”

Wei Changtian “deduced”: “She was targeted by those with power and influence?”

Chu Xianping nodded reluctantly: “Yes…”


Wei Changtian thought to himself that it was indeed a plot twist, and the storyline had indeed accelerated.

His face turned stern, and he suddenly spoke in a harsh tone: “Chu brother! I don’t think you’re the kind of person who’s easily intimidated, so why are you willing to give up the one you love?”


Chu Xianping was taken aback by the sudden accusation, and then shook his head with a bitter smile: “Sir, who would willingly do so? But I’m in a lowly position with little power, what can I do?”

“You shouldn’t forget, you’re also a member of the Suspended Mirror Agency!”

Wei Changtian slightly narrowed his eyes: “Who exactly is the other party?”


Chu Xianping had already roughly guessed what Wei Changtian was planning to do, and he felt a mix of hesitation and expectation.

“It’s the Pan family, who deals in fabric business.”

“The Pan family? Never heard of them.”

Wei Changtian smirked and then looked at Chu Xianping with a serious expression: “Chu brother, although we’ve only just met, now that I know about this, I won’t just sit back and do nothing!”

“What’s meant to be yours will eventually be yours, just put your heart at ease!”


Although he had mentally prepared himself, when Chu Xianping really heard Wei Changtian offer to help him, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of emotions.

Excitement and gratitude, doubts and confusion.

“Why are you willing to help me, Sir Wei?”

Why help you?

This question seemed to stump Wei Changtian for a moment.

It was only then that he realized he had been too hasty in trying to get close to Chu Xianping and hadn’t laid enough groundwork.

But it wasn’t a big deal, as long as the reason was convincing enough.

And what reason was most convincing? That was naturally — empathy.

“Ah, Chu brother, since it’s like this, I won’t hide it from you anymore.”

He gently put down his wine cup, and Wei Changtian turned to look out the window, his eyes becoming sorrowful.

It seemed like he had fallen into a sad memory, muttering: “Actually, I saw myself in you…”

“Sir Wei, you’re saying…”

“That’s right, I once had a beloved woman, but she was taken away by someone else.”

Wei Changtian “painfully” recalled: “At that time, I was too cowardly, and I just watched as she became someone else’s bride…”

“Forget it, it’s all in the past, let’s drink!”

Forcing back non-existent tears, Wei Changtian poured himself a cup of wine and downed it in one gulp.

He was putting on a crazy show, and Chu Xianping was indeed deceived, not only had his doubts disappeared, but he even “understood” many things in an instant.

No wonder there were rumors in the Suspended Mirror Agency that Sir Wei was a playboy who only cared about flirting with women…

It turned out that he had been hurt by love, which was why he was so reckless now!

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