I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 133

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 133

One hour later.

Everyone left and returned, reappearing in Yin Xiaoe’s room.

Yin Xiaoe, of course, couldn’t possibly be calm enough to continue sleeping, and was now dressed and sitting at the table, staring blankly, with a worried expression on her face.

She was worried that her past with Chu Xianping might be discovered by Gao Yunjin.

Although Chu Xianping had never obtained her body, the two of them had still shared some intimate moments. If this were to be known by Gao Yunjin, it would likely make her future life in the Gao household difficult.


The door creaked open slowly.

“Old Master!”

Yin Xiaoe hastily raised her tearful eyes, preparing to begin her plea, but the next second, she froze.

Because she suddenly saw Chu Xianping standing in front of her.

“Lord Chu, I’ve been waiting outside the door.”

Gao Yunjin didn’t even glance at Yin Xiaoe, nodding and bowing to Chu Xianping: “If you need anything, just let me know, and I’ll bring people in immediately.”


Chu Xianping nodded, his expression unreadable.

Gao Yunjin wisely led the people out, and in the blink of an eye, the room was once again left with only Yin Xiaoe and Chu Xianping.

But the two of them were now in a completely opposite state of mind.

“You, why…?”

“Why didn’t you die, and why is Gao Yunjin being so polite to me?”

Chu Xianping shook his head, finishing the question in Yin Xiaoe’s mind, but without any intention of answering.

Yin Xiaoe, on the other hand, was leaning against the wall, slowly retreating, her eyes gradually filling with terror.

She wasn’t stupid; it was clear that she had already understood her current situation.

“You, what do you want to do?”

“What do I want to do…?”

Chu Xianping sat lightly on the table, looking up at Yin Xiaoe, who was trembling nonstop, and said slowly, with some pain: “I want to ask you a few questions, and you have to answer me truthfully.”

“Otherwise, I’ll kill you immediately.”


Yin Xiaoe was frightened by the word “kill”, but her instinct for survival still made her throw herself at Chu Xianping’s legs the next moment.

“Xianping! I have feelings for you!”

“Really, previously I was just forced into it… you, you spare me, okay…?”

“I’ll be yours from now on! I’ll serve you well!”

“Please, don’t kill me, don’t kill me…”


The black knife sheath slammed onto the table, and the room fell silent.

Chu Xianping looked at the disheveled woman kneeling at his feet, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, his gaze was icy cold.

He originally had many questions to ask Yin Xiao’e, but now he didn’t want to ask any of them.

It was just…the pain in his heart was still so clear.

“Xiao’e…you can leave, I don’t want to see you again.”

From noble mtl dot come


Yin Xiao’e was taken aback, then nodded frantically.

“Okay, okay! I’ll leave, I’ll leave!”

“I’ll never appear before you again, not tomorrow, not even tonight! I’ll leave Shuzhou City tonight!”

Yin Xiao’e knew she was lucky to be alive, and she was afraid Chu Xianping would change his mind, so she quickly got up, stumbled, and packed a few clothes, not even daring to bring her gold and silver jewelry. She clutched her bundle, ready to make a swift escape.

However, Chu Xianping suddenly called out to her at this moment.


“Xianping…you said you’d let me go…”

“I didn’t go back on my word, but you forgot something.”

“What thing?”

Yin Xiao’e trembled, following Chu Xianping’s gaze, and then her whole body froze on the spot.

It was a silver note.

The silver note that had once carried Chu Xianping’s beautiful hopes for their future together, but was carelessly thrown away by herself.

“You’ll need money no matter where you go…”

Chu Xianping sat at the table, his back to her, speaking slowly: “The Guo family’s things aren’t mine, I can’t let you take them.”

“But this three hundred taels of silver is what I saved up, you take it, it was originally meant for you anyway…”


The bundle fell to the ground, and Yin Xiao’e suddenly felt her vision blur.

She rushed over and hugged Chu Xianping from behind, sobbing uncontrollably:

“Wuuu…Xianping…I was wrong…”

“I really know I was wrong…can you forgive me this one time?”

“Don’t chase me away, let’s live a good life together…”

“You promised me you’d open a small cosmetics shop for me, you promised me…”


It was hard to say whether Yin Xiao’e’s emotions towards Chu Xianping at this moment were genuine or fake, but at least the remorse in her tears seemed real.

In the midst of her sobs, the moonlight outside the window seemed to grow whiter.

“Get out.”

This was the only word Chu Xianping said after remaining silent for a long time.

Yin Xiao’e’s body trembled violently, and then she weakly collapsed to the ground, not getting up for a long time. She finally bit her lip and struggled to her feet, her dispirited appearance mirroring Chu Xianping’s from earlier.

She hung her head and walked over to pick up the silver note, then took a deep look at Chu Xianping.

“Xianping…I’m leaving, take care.”


Chu Xianping didn’t speak, sitting silently like a stone statue.


The door creaked open and then closed softly.

Guo Yunjin and the others outside the room should have heard the conversation inside, so they didn’t stop her.

The footsteps grew fainter and fainter, slow and slow, until they finally disappeared into the vast night, never to be heard again.

Guo Yunjin didn’t disturb Chu Xianping, letting out a sigh before leaving with his servants, leaving behind a red lantern at the door.

Hate the vast sky, envy the flower-like rain, yet it’s biased towards the bright moon.



It’s unknown how much time had passed when Chu Xianping, still silent, walked out of the Guo residence with the lantern.

Then, he saw Wei Changtian leaning against the horse carriage, munching on a pancake.

“Lord Wei……”

Chu Xianping looked at Wei Changtian with a complex expression, yet didn’t know what to say.

Wei Changtian, however, spoke calmly:

“I saw her leave.”


Chu Xianping’s hand trembled as he held the lantern, lowering his head in silence.

“Have you decided not to see her again?” Wei Changtian asked.

Chu Xianping took a deep breath: “Yes, I won’t see her again.”

“Ah…… that’s good.”

Wei Changtian smiled, handing over the oil paper with pancakes: “Want some? I love eating these.”


Chu Xianping was taken aback, then surprisingly nodded, and together with Wei Changtian, they sat on the horse carriage, eating the pancakes one by one.

This scene was quite absurd, yet had an inexplicable carefree atmosphere.

Li Suoyue’s pancakes weren’t large, and the two finished them quickly.

Only then did Chu Xianping straighten up, bowing deeply to Wei Changtian.

“Lord Wei, from now on, I’m willing to serve you devotedly.”

“You’re too kind, Chu brother.”

Wei Changtian smiled, hearing the system prompt sound in his mind, then turned around and entered the horse carriage.

The prompt indicated that Chu Xianping was sincere.

200 points might not be a lot, but Chu Xianping’s effect went far beyond earning system points.

“Giggle giggle~”

The sound of the wheels rolling over the stone road was exceptionally clear.

Wei Changtian looked back at the figure still maintaining a bowing posture, then gently let down the carriage curtain.

“Sir, what about Yin Xiaoru?” Zhang San asked in a low voice.

“Since Chu brother said he won’t see her again……”

Wei Changtian’s eyes narrowed: “Then let them have no chance to meet again.”

“Understood, sir.”

Zhang San nodded: “I’ll send someone to take care of it now.”

An hour later.

Wei Changtian had already returned to his residence, preparing to go to bed, when Zhang San rushed in hastily.

“Sir, Yin Xiaoru is dead, but it wasn’t our people who did it.”

“The brothers from Gongji Association found her already dead.”


Wei Changtian was taken aback, asking instinctively: “Did she commit suicide?”


Zhang San replied truthfully:

“A knife wound, stabbed in the chest, one strike and it was all over.”

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