I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 134

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 134

Who killed Yin Xiaoe?

Wei Changtian didn’t send anyone to investigate, because he had already roughly guessed the answer in his heart.

But he had two points that he couldn’t quite understand.

One was why Chu Xianping would kill Yin Xiaoe.

Personally killing the woman he once loved the most, Wei Changtian acknowledged that he himself couldn’t do it, at least not with his own hands.

Whether it was being a lackey or a saint, wanting to overcome the emotional hurdle in his heart was undoubtedly very difficult.

The original Chu Xianping was like that, even when Yin Xiaoe transferred her affections to Xiao Feng, he only drove her away in the end.

Why this time……

A moment later, Wei Changtian roughly had a vague guess.

Perhaps the harm caused by “transferring affections” and “deceiving from start to finish” to a man wasn’t the same.

I can accept you not loving me, but I can’t accept you deceiving me.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Wei Changtian suddenly thought of his QQ signature from his elementary school days—

You can’t love me, but please don’t hurt me.

It seemed that these unconventional phrases weren’t entirely wrong.

It’s just that people who often say such things are usually pretending to be ill, while those who have truly experienced it would never say it.

Shaking his head, Wei Changtian began to think about the second question—

Why didn’t Chu Xianping make a move at the Guo residence? Instead, he chose to “release first, kill later”?

Judging from the original depiction, Chu Xianping was a fairly upright person, otherwise, he wouldn’t have mixed with the righteous Xiao Feng.

If so, he shouldn’t have gone back on his word after deciding to let Yin Xiaoe go.

Unless something happened during the time after Yin Xiaoe left, causing Chu Xianping to change his mind.

What happened?

Could it be……

At that moment, a thought flashed through Wei Changtian’s mind, one that he himself hardly dared to believe.

Could it be that the question he asked at the Guo residence gate, “Are you deciding not to see her again, Brother Chu?”, made Chu Xianping realize he had to kill Yin Xiaoe?!


Wei Changtian softly inhaled a breath of cold air.

He didn’t know if his guess was correct, but if the facts were indeed so, then it would mean……

Chu Xianping was even more intelligent, complex, and decisive than he had imagined.

But thinking about it, it made sense, after all, this was a man who had overturned the entire strategy of the Great Ning Dynasty.

Being able to accomplish such a feat, these qualities were the most basic requirements.



The next day.

【Blood-Draining Fruit: Spirit Medicine (Earth-grade), crush and apply, can cure all external injuries within one breath, 50 points】

【Do you want to buy it?】

【Ding~ Purchase successful】

Today was the day to remove Ning Yuqiao’s scar, so Wei Changtian placed the walnut-sized brown fruit into the already prepared jade box and checked his remaining system points.

He originally had 80 points, earned 200 yesterday, and spent 50 today… leaving him with a total of 230 points.

Not bad.

Wei Changtian wasn’t in a hurry to consume them, deciding to reserve a few hundred points for unexpected situations in the future.

From noble mtl dot come

Like last time.

When Qi Yun was on the brink of death, if he hadn’t run out of points, he wouldn’t have had to kill Liu Yuanshan, and who knows, he might have even married Xu Qingwan by now.


Thinking of Xu Qingwan, Wei Changtian couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

Half a month ago, he sent four letters back to the capital, and everyone else had replied, with Lu Jingyao even sending two letters, but Xu Qingwan remained silent.

Wei Changtian didn’t arrange for someone to monitor Xu Qingwan, so he didn’t know what she was up to.

However, the poem he sent should have reached her.

“Two hearts, if they are long-lasting, how can they be restricted to morning and night alone……”

Logically, Qin Guan’s poem, “Magpie Bridge Immortal,” should have a huge impact on a woman who has suffered from separation.

If he sent this poem to Lu Jingyao, the latter would probably set off immediately for Shu State.

Why didn’t Xu Qingwan show any reaction?

Speaking of which, when was the last time he saw her?

Oh, it was that rainy night when he killed Liu Yuanshan.

Their last conversation, however, dated back to the day he returned to the capital after killing the mouse demon.

At that time, Xu Qingwan left with a remark, “Then marry me soon,” and who could have predicted that things would develop to this point……

It’s just that fate plays tricks on people!

Wei Changtian shook his head, sighing, and was thinking that if he couldn’t wait, he would secretly return to the capital after the new year. Suddenly, a soft call came from the door.



After more than ten days, Yang Liushi returned from the great mountains.

She looked almost the same as when she left, if not a bit more beautiful.

Luckily it was daytime; otherwise, Wei Changtian would have to exercise some self-control.

“Back already?”

He put the jade box containing the Blood-Draining Fruit aside and casually asked, “You took quite a long time.”

“Are you angry, Master?”

Yang Liushi sat down, smiling as she explained, “I saw many old friends on my way back and stayed a few more days.”

“Don’t be too sentimental.”

Wei Changtian rolled his eyes and asked, “Did you see your Demon King?”


“Didn’t he break your legs or something for not being able to rescue his son?”

“Hehehe, how could that be?”

Yang Liushi covered her mouth, laughing, “This matter was never that simple, and the Demon King understood that.”


Wei Changtian nodded and asked, “Have you mentioned me to him?”

“Of course, I did, but don’t worry, young master. I know what to say and what not to say.”

“Good, that’s good.”

Wei Changtian gazed out the window at the sun, thinking for a while before continuing, “Now that you’re back, take a good rest. Tomorrow, you’ll need to enter the Ten Thousand Great Mountains again.”

“What? Enter again?”

Yang Liu Shi looked puzzled: “What for?”

“To help me bring some thick gifts to your Demon King, and convey a message.”

Wei Changtian said seriously, “Tell him I want to pay him a visit.”

“You want to see the Demon King, young master?”

Yang Liu Shi was taken aback, and a faint blush rose to her cheeks.

“I-I mean, we demons don’t have so many rules… Moreover, the Demon King isn’t my parent…”


Wei Changtian looked confused: “What are you talking about?”

Yang Liu Shi’s voice became slightly shy, her eyes like silk as she gazed up.

“I-I can handle my own marriage, no need for you to see my elders…”

“? ? ?”

Was Yang Liu Shi’s level of idiocy this high?

Wei Changtian’s face darkened, his voice stern: “What nonsense are you thinking about!”

“I have official business to discuss with your Demon King, it has nothing to do with you!”


Yang Liu Shi’s expression froze, and she awkwardly lowered her head, remaining silent for a while before producing a small jade bottle from her sleeve.

“Young master, this contains a wooden butterfly.”

“This creature takes fifty years to grow from grass, fifty years to form a pupa, and a hundred years to transform into a butterfly. It has considerable benefits for human cultivators…”

“This is just something I happened to catch on the road, a gift for you…”

“I’ll just go back to my room…”

Yang Liu Shi finished speaking, placed the jade bottle on the table, and quickly left with her head down.

Wei Changtian looked at her back, then at the jade bottle on the table, before silently opening the system interface…

【Wooden Butterfly: Spirit Medicine (Earth-grade), nourishes the kidneys, strengthens the yang, and replenishes blood. Can increase internal energy circulation speed by 10%, 100 points】

Wei Changtian: “……”

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