I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 135

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 135

It turned out that, although Yang Liu Shi was a fox demon, she was quite skilled in human relationships.

Ah Chun, Yuan Er, and even Liang Jin had received gifts, which were also “local products” from the Ten Thousand Great Mountains.

Of course, apart from Wei Changtian, no one else knew Yang Liu Shi was a demon. As for how she explained it, he didn’t care.

Anyway, during lunch, Liang Jin apologized to Yang Liu Shi for the previous quarrel, her face flushed.

Yang Liu Shi was very magnanimous, and after the two girls exchanged some polite words, they “let bygones be bygones” and seemed to be heading in the direction of becoming “good sisters.”

With this development, the two women in his harem should get along in the future.

Wei Changtian snorted, briefly envisioning his “happy” future, before boarding the horse carriage and heading straight to the royal palace to fulfill his promise.


The matter of removing Ning Yukuo’s scar had been told to Ning Qingyu by Wei Changtian two days prior.

It was impossible to keep it a secret anyway.

Ning Qingyu’s reaction was one of surprise and delight.

He was surprised that Wei Changtian had such skills, and delighted that Wei Changtian had a connection with Ning Yukuo.

It was not unreasonable for Ning Qingyu to think this way, after all, he didn’t know what “price” his daughter would have to pay for this.

“Lord Wei, how confident are you about this?”

Ning Qingyu asked in a low voice in Ning Yukuo’s embroidery room.

“Not even 50%.”

Wei Changtian shook his head regretfully: “I learned this method from an ancient book, and I’ve tried it a few times, with varying success.”

“If it doesn’t work this time, I hope Your Majesty and the Princess won’t blame me.”

“What are you talking about?”

Ning Qingyu said seriously: “Lord Wei is already doing us a great favor by helping us, even if it doesn’t work out, there’s no need to blame anyone!”

“I feel better now that Your Majesty has said that.”

Wei Changtian nodded and said lightly: “In that case, I’ll start treating the Princess right away. Please, Your Majesty and the two ladies, take a short leave and come back later.”


Ning Qingyu was taken aback when he heard that he had to leave, but he quickly understood.

He thought Wei Changtian didn’t want to reveal this “secret technique” to others, so he didn’t linger, and left the room with Ning Yuzhu and Ning Yuling.

“Bring a basin of clean water, and then you can all leave.”

Wei Changtian watched the three of them leave, then turned to the maid beside him and gave a command, finally turning his attention to Ning Yukuo, who had been silently watching him from the beginning.

“Princess, you can remove your veil now.”


Perhaps because her true face had been seen by Wei Changtian too many times, Ning Yukuo was no longer shy and hesitant, and quickly removed her veil.

“Lord Wei……”

She looked at Wei Changtian, who was examining the scar on her face, and suddenly lowered her head, asking softly: “That day when I got drunk…… did I say anything foolish to you?”

“Does the Princess not remember?” Wei Changtian asked calmly.

“I don’t remember very clearly……”

Ning Yukuo embarrassedly fiddled with her clothes, recalling: “I only remember asking you to drink with me, and you agreed.”

“After that, you said I was drunk and wouldn’t let me drink anymore, and then I don’t remember what happened……”

Good grief, you didn’t remember the key part at all.

But it’s better this way, it saves me the trouble of figuring out how to respond to you.

Wei Changtian laughed and shook his head: “Actually, nothing much happened after that. You fell asleep quickly, and then I sent you back to the palace.”

“Is that so……”

Ning Yukuo looked up, slightly puzzled: “But I still remember a poem when I woke up.”

“‘Drunk, I don’t know where the sky is, the clear dreams weigh upon the star river……’ Did you write this poem, Lord Wei?”

“Cough, yes.”

Wei Changtian coughed dryly: “I wrote it on the spot, didn’t expect the Princess to remember it.”


Ning Yukuo opened her mouth, hesitated, and then swallowed the rest of her sentence, only murmuring: “This poem is very beautiful……”

“Thank you for your praise, Princess.”

Wei Changtian casually uttered a sentence, and the maid had already brought in a basin of clear water and several clean towels.

“Put it here.”

Wei Changtian pointed to the table, and after the maid put down the copper basin and exited the room, he took out a jade box from his bosom and slowly opened it in front of Ning Yuke.

“This is a hundred-year-old Blood-Draining Fruit. If nothing unexpected happens, it should be able to heal your scars.”

After saying that, he didn’t care about Ning Yuke’s reaction and took the Blood-Draining Fruit, immediately crushing it with his internal energy. The juice was entirely absorbed into his palm, and Wei Changtian softly commanded:

“Princess, close your eyes.”


Ning Yuke obediently closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling slightly, and her breathing became unconsciously rapid.

Seeing her like this, Wei Changtian suddenly thought of those girls who had undergone plastic surgery in his past life.

He estimated that they must be thinking similarly, all expecting to see a more perfect self when they opened their eyes again.


Wei Changtian lightly took a breath, slowly applying the crushed Blood-Draining Fruit to the long scar on her face.

From noble mtl dot come

Just as his fingers touched Ning Yuke’s skin, her body visibly shook, and her small, sweaty hand instinctively grasped the side, coincidentally catching Wei Changtian’s idle hand.

Ning Yuke didn’t feel pain, so this reaction was likely due to tension.

Wei Changtian’s movements slightly paused, but he didn’t think much of it, allowing his left hand to be tightly gripped by Ning Yuke, while his right hand continued to apply the medicine.

The hundred-year-old Blood-Draining Fruit could heal all external wounds in an instant, and with Wei Changtian’s slow application speed, wherever he applied it, the scar would quickly disappear, revealing smooth, white skin.

Like this, after about five or six breaths, the terrifying long scar from her forehead to her chin had completely disappeared.

There was still half of the medicinal paste left, and Wei Changtian naturally couldn’t waste it, so he turned his head and put it back into the jade box.

He then used a towel to gently wipe Ning Yuke’s face with some clear water before speaking:

“Princess, it’s done.”

“I, I…”

Ning Yuke’s body stiffened, her voice trembling: “Can I open my eyes now?”

Wei Changtian smiled: “Yes, you can.”

The thin eyelids seemed to have a thousand-pound weight, and Ning Yuke took three breaths to simply open her eyes.

And when she saw herself in the copper mirror…


Ning Yuke opened her mouth, then tightly bit her lip, her facial expression complex, unable to determine if she was smiling or crying.

But her continuously trembling body at least proved her excitement.

Wei Changtian might have difficulty understanding Ning Yuke’s emotions and didn’t prepare to understand, only feeling somewhat curious about this Gentle Princess’s “true face value”.

To be honest, although she was indeed very beautiful, in all fairness, she wasn’t as beautiful as Ning Yuzhu, let alone Yang Liu Shi.

Of course, if compared to all the women in the world, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say she was one in ten thousand.

“Wei, Lord Wei…”

Suddenly, Ning Yuke spoke up.

“My scar… is really gone…”

“Yes, I know. Congratulations, Princess.”

Wei Changtian calmly nodded.

“However, Princess, can you please let go of my hand?”

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