I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 136

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 136

If it were the previous life of Wei Changtian, being held by a beauty like Ning Yuke wouldn’t have just stirred his heart, but he would have already thought of names for their future children.

However, after crossing over, there were too many beauties around him, which raised his aesthetic standards. As a result, he didn’t have any emotional fluctuations at the moment.

If he really wanted to “appreciate the beauty,” it would be better to go home and read Yangliu’s poetry.

Of course, if that were the case, Wei Changtian wouldn’t be so “cold” towards Ning Yuke.

The main reason he didn’t want to get too close to this gentle princess was Ning Qingyu.

A prince who intended to rebel but lacked the power would ultimately meet a tragic end, along with his entire family.

If he really got close to Ning Yuke, there would only be two paths to choose from in the end.

Either “abandon his wife to save his life” or stand against Ning Yongnian because of her.

Wei Changtian, who dared to kill Liu Yuanshan for Qiuyun, wasn’t a coward.

But that didn’t mean he didn’t understand the situation.

The Liu family, although noble and prestigious as the Prime Minister, was ultimately “subjects” and belonged to the category of “party struggles.”

If he really married Ning Yuke, that would be considered “treason.”

Don’t even mention the excuse “it’s just a simple romantic relationship, unrelated to Ning Qingyu.” Ning Yongnian would have to be brain-damaged to believe that.

Moreover, Qiuyun was already his woman, even if she was just a maid, but she had a certain weight in Wei Changtian’s heart.

As for Ning Yuke…

Sorry, it wasn’t that serious.


“Lord, Lord, I……”

The warm, moist small hand suddenly let go, and only then did Ning Yuke react to her “impolite behavior,” her cheeks flushing instantly.

“I, I was so nervous just now, I hope Lord won’t blame me.”

“No harm done.”

Wei Changtian shook his head, feeling the dampness on his palm, and then picked up a towel nearby to wipe his hand.

This action was purely subconscious, and he didn’t think much of it.

But Ning Yuke overthought it.

She assumed Wei Changtian was disgusted by her, and the remaining excitement on her face instantly disappeared, replaced by unbearable sadness and awkwardness.


Wei Changtian reacted, but he didn’t explain, only stood up and said indifferently:

“Princess, since the scar has been removed, I’ll call the king and others in now.”


Ning Yuke silently lowered her head, seemingly wanting to look at Wei Changtian but not daring to, her small hands clenched tightly, and her short fingernails dug into her white, tender flesh, quickly causing blood to seep out.


Ning Yuke was oblivious to this, but Wei Changtian noticed it clearly.

Sighing inwardly, he turned back, hesitated for a moment, and then gently pried open Ning Yuke’s fingers.


A soft cry, and Ning Yuke finally realized her “self-harming” behavior.

However, her first reaction wasn’t to bandage the wound, but to quickly withdraw her hand, looking at the bloodstains on Wei Changtian’s hand with some fear.

“Lord, Lord, I didn’t mean to……”


Damn it!

You’re acting like I’ve hurt you or something!

What did I even do?!!

Wei Changtian was speechless, handing over a towel.

“Wipe off the blood first.”


Ning Yukuo silently accepted the towel, slowly wiping away the fresh blood on his palm, and when he looked up, he noticed a small, open jade box beside him, containing the remaining half of the Blood-Draining Fruit.

Wei Changtian pushed the box forward and said, “There’s still some left, you can apply it yourself.”

“No, no need.”

Ning Yukuo hastily shook his head, refusing: “It’s just a minor injury, no need to waste such a precious medicine, sir should keep it for himself……”

“Just apply it.”

Wei Changtian glanced at the small wounds still bleeding and slightly furrowed his brow, interrupting: “Where did all these words come from?”

His tone and words were quite impolite, mainly because Ning Yukuo had really annoyed him.

But no matter what, scolding a princess like that wasn’t right.

After all, she hadn’t done anything wrong, and wasn’t someone he could treat that way, with no reason to be so aggrieved.

Wei Changtian regretted his words, but before he could try to ease the atmosphere, Ning Yukuo’s reaction made him shut up again.


Accompanied by a strange, gasping breath, the gentle and peaceful princess not only didn’t get angry but also revealed a hint of enchanting expression, with a large blush spreading from her neck to her ear roots.

She gazed at Wei Changtian with a lingering look, then very obediently used her fingertips to pick up a small piece of Blood-Draining Fruit’s residue, slowly applying it to the wound on her palm……


Wei Changtian watched all this, his expression momentarily very vivid.


What was this enjoyable expression?!!

Was there such a hidden attribute?

Compensating psychologically for physical deficiencies?

Who could explain it to him?!!



Half an hour later, after declining Ning Qingyu’s invitation to stay for dinner at the palace, Wei Changtian returned to his residence.

After helping Ning Yukuo remove the scab, the next step was to find an opportunity to make her fulfill her promise.

However, the mountain cave hadn’t been found yet, so this matter wasn’t urgent.

As for the gentle and peaceful princess’s “special psychological inclination,” it could only be said……to be quite stimulating.

After dinner, Wei Changtian, as usual, went to instruct Ah Chun and Liang Jin, then went to check on the construction of the hidden room and escape tunnel.

On his birthday, he had told Zhang San that he was planning to dig a few hidden rooms and escape tunnels in his home, just in case.

Due to confidentiality concerns, this project had been waiting for the Shared Harmony Society’s people to arrive before starting, and with their help, it was completed in a few days, with only some final touches needed.

After all, they were all cultivators, so doing this kind of work was quite fast.

If these people were to work as construction workers in their previous life, their daily wage would probably be at least several thousand.

Wei Changtian sighed, gazing at the nearly 100-square-meter “underground cave.”

He had dug three such hidden rooms, all roughly the same size, located three zhang deep beneath his bedroom.

As for the use of these three hidden rooms, Wei Changtian had already made plans.

One room was used as a treasure trove, one as a meeting hall, and the remaining one was prepared as a simple prison cell.

Although it wouldn’t be used for now, who knows when it might come in handy in the future?

With a satisfied nod, he climbed out of the underground tunnel, and Wei Changtian was ready to go find Yang Liushi to discuss the Demon King’s affair.

Little did he know, Yang Liushi was already standing at his doorstep, chatting with Liang Qin.

“Liang sister, why don’t you go back to the Liang Manor to practice your swordplay tonight?”

“Why?” Liang Qin asked, puzzled.

“I’m afraid you might hear something…later on.”

Yang Liushi covered her mouth and giggled, “It’ll affect your swordplay again!”

“Are you going to play the zither, sis?”

Liang Qin hastily shook her head, “It’s no big deal!”

“It’s not the zither, it’s some other noise…”


Liang Qin, although inexperienced in romantic matters, wasn’t entirely ignorant.

Her face turned red, but she didn’t want to show weakness in front of Yang Liushi, so she forced a calm tone, “It’s okay, I’ll just go back to my room and wait for a while.”

“A while…”

Yang Liushi thought of the wooden butterfly she had given Wei Changtian and suddenly smiled happily…

“It might take a while, I suppose.”

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