I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 137

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 137

It turned out that Yang Liushi was indeed very perceptive.

Wei Changtian had eaten the wooden butterfly during the day, and at the time, he didn’t feel much, only that the circulation of his inner energy had sped up a bit.

From noble mtl dot come

But who would have thought that the main effect of this thing wasn’t even in that aspect!

The duration of an hour was directly doubled, and this effect was truly…amazing.

The flower troops were secretly attacking, and the city gates were open all the way. The snow had melted, leaving only white, and the red flowers had fallen, leaving no red.

The oriole’s gentle voice was heard, and the fox’s mournful howl.

Liang Qin had long since “couldn’t take it” and ran away, leaving only Ah Chun sitting alone in the backyard, practicing her breathing.

Yang Liushi, although trying to control herself, couldn’t help but let out sounds from time to time that left the little girl bewildered.

She quietly ran to the side of the gazing Yue Er, who was staring at the moon, and asked in a low voice:

“Yue Er sister, what are Master and Madame doing in the room?”


Yue Er turned her head, smiling as she tapped the little girl’s head, “Don’t eavesdrop on such things, little one!”

“Ah? Why not…?”

Ah Chun covered her head, blinking her big eyes, looking silly.

“No why, you’ll understand when you grow up.”

Yue Er laughed and took Ah Chun’s small hand, “Come, I’ll take you back to practice your skills…”

“Yue Er~”

Suddenly, Yang Liushi’s call came from the room not far away.

Yue Er thought that things were finished and she needed to go in to clean up, so she hurriedly ran to the window and asked, “Yang Liushi sister, what’s going on?”

“That…can you come in for a bit?”

“Oh, I know!”

Yue Er responded, then turned to instruct Ah Chun to go back to her room before hastily pouring a basin of clear water and pushing open the door to Wei Changtian’s room.

Although Ah Chun was extremely curious, she still obediently prepared to return to her room to continue her training.

After all, she couldn’t understand the conversation coming from her master’s room.

“Eldest Sister Liu, you… them…”

“Ying Er, the young master is too… can you help me out?”

“Oh, oh…”



“Woo woo woo!”

The next morning, Wei Changtian woke up to the distant sound of a rooster crowing, feeling refreshed and comfortable.

Ying Er, who had shared half of the “harm” with Yang Liu Shi, was still fast asleep, while the latter had already disappeared without a trace.

Wei Changtian opened the window and glanced at the tightly closed door across from him, knowing that Yang Liu Shi had probably left.

However, she had only gone to deliver a message to the Demon King and should return soon.

Without waking the tired Ying Er, Wei Changtian got dressed and walked out of the room.

Zhang San was waiting at the door and immediately reported to him as soon as he came out: “Young Master, I found the cave you mentioned!”


Wei Changtian’s spirit was immediately lifted: “Tell me more!”

Zhang San reported truthfully: “It was found yesterday afternoon, just as you said, hidden in the old forest on the mountain waist of Yunyun Mountain, with a sword-shaped white stone about a zhang long at the cave entrance.”

“I learned about it last night, but you were… ah, I didn’t dare disturb you.”

“Hahaha, great!”

Wei Changtian didn’t feel embarrassed at all, instead, his face was filled with excitement.

He didn’t even bother to eat breakfast, immediately ordering Zhang San to prepare the carriage to head to Yunyun Mountain to confirm the discovery.

In less than the time it took to burn an incense stick, the black carriage drove out of the alley under Li Su Yue’s watchful eyes, with Wei Changtian and Zhang San sitting inside, each holding a steaming hot pancake, accompanied by a few crispy fried chili peppers wrapped in oil paper.


Wei Changtian took a deep breath, bit into a large pancake, and his expression was quite satisfied.

He glanced at Zhang San and suddenly asked with a smile:

“How’s that thing going?”


Zhang San immediately understood, put down the pancake in his hand, and scratched his head with some embarrassment.

“Young Master, I…”

“Zhang San, am I not telling you that you’re a grown man and can’t be so indecisive?”

Wei Changtian ate another chili pepper, pouted, and said: “If you’re willing, then be willing; if not, then don’t; it’s not like I’m asking you to marry a man, so why be so hesitant?”

“Ah, Young Master is teaching me.”

Zhang San changed his usual demeanor, nodded and bowed repeatedly before hesitantly saying: “Young Master, maybe I’ll try?”


Wei Changtian couldn’t help but laugh: “It’s not like you can try it out at someone’s house, right?”

“What’s wrong, are you worried that the Li family won’t want to get along with you?”

“It’s not that…”

Zhang San shook his head and said seriously: “I’m just afraid that if I marry her, it’ll affect my work for you, Young Master.”

“You’re thinking quite far ahead.”

Let me know if you need any further assistance!

Wei Changtian smiled and said, “This matter doesn’t concern you, just tell me if you’ve taken a liking to her or not.”

“Taken a liking…to…”

“That’s it, then. After that, you don’t need to worry about anything else. When we get back, I’ll chat with Li Shi, and I’ll try my best to get her for you.”

“Thank you, young master.”



The carriage soon returned to silence.

Wei Changtian secretly sighed, “I’m really a good boss,” and continued eating his spicy pancakes.

But Zhang San remained still, his mind filled with Li Su’s image.


The two of them swallowed their saliva simultaneously.



The Wuyun Mountain was dozens of miles away from Shu State City, neither too high nor too low, but extremely steep and difficult to climb.

This made it one of the few mountains in the surrounding area without a Taoist temple.

As noon approached, Wei Changtian finally saw the cave he had been thinking about at the mountain waist.

“Greetings, Young Master Wei!”

There were a few members of the Gongji Association around him, who seemed to have been guarding the place all night.

“You’ve worked hard. Go to Zhang San’s place to collect your reward, 100 silver coins per person. Tonight, let’s go to the city and have a good time!”

As a meritorious minister, Wei Changtian naturally didn’t stingy with rewards, and the few people who heard this were greatly excited, immediately expressing their loyalty.

Wei Changtian waved his hand indifferently, his attention focused on the cave not far away.

The creek that flowed down from above formed a sparse waterfall in front of the cave, washing over a sword-shaped white stone before continuing down the mountain, shining with a faint blue light in the sunlight.

The half-person-high square cave entrance was surrounded by scattered branches and vines, clearly cut down by the Gongji Association, but there were no footprints near the entrance, indicating that no one had entered yet.

The waterfall, sword-shaped stone, and square cave entrance.

This is it! I’m not mistaken!

This is the location of Xiao Feng’s next great opportunity!

The ancient sword immortal’s cave dwelling!

【Wan Blade Lead: Special Divine Ability, allowing the owner to manipulate multiple blades with extremely low internal energy consumption, with no upper limit (currently up to 36 blades). 1000 points】

【Starlight Scabbard: Spatial Item (unique), able to nurture blades within using spatial power, and can be retrieved or stored at will through the user’s intention. 1000 points】

One is a special divine ability on the same level as “Dream Path” and “Yao Capturing,” and the other is a unique spatial item in this world.

A treasure worth 2000 points is right in front of me!

Originally, these two items would naturally be obtained by Xiao Feng through various opportunities and coincidences.

Although Wei Changtian has taken the lead and arrived here first, he still lacks the final step to “successfully obtain the treasure.”

This “final step” is Ning Yuke.

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