I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 138

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 138

The golden finger arranged for Xiao Feng in the original novel is quite reasonable.

It started with a divine sword, “Xuantian Sword.”

Then there was the divine ability “Yao Capturing” and the accompanying “Yao Capturing Disk” to quickly increase cultivation.

Later, there was the “Dream Path” to enhance combat experience.

Now, it’s the martial skill “Wan Blade Lead” and the spatial item “Starlight Scabbard.”

Everything was carefully planned.

Wei Changtian had actually been thinking about these two treasures since he arrived in Shuzhou, but there were two main reasons why he hadn’t taken action yet.

Firstly, finding this mountain cave required a lot of manpower, and he didn’t quite trust the Suspended Mirror Agency, so he waited until the people from the Communion Society arrived before starting to make plans.

Secondly, even if he found the cave, how to get these two treasures out was also a problem.

As it was an ancient sword repairman’s hideout, with great opportunities came great risks.

According to the novel, the cave was filled with extreme sword intent, and anyone who entered would feel like they were being cut by thousands of knives, suffering extremely.

Wei Changtian was well aware of his own limitations, knowing he didn’t have the “strong quality” of Xiao Feng, and definitely couldn’t endure such pain.

As for how to solve this problem…

He initially thought of finding someone trustworthy like Zhang San to go in and get it for him, but this pain was likely something only the “main character” could bear, and the probability of failure was high.

If all else failed, he could find some anesthetics to give himself a “full anesthesia”?

But that wouldn’t work either… After being anesthetized, he wouldn’t be able to move, and what would be the point of that?!

Besides, he had also thought of methods such as “directly destroying the cave” or “asking Qin Zhengqiu, a high-ranking expert, to do it for him”, but he had ultimately rejected all these ideas.

Wei Changtian had originally thought it wouldn’t be a big deal to just wait for Xiao Feng to obtain these two treasures and then buy a “discounted version” from the system.

However, Ning Yuqiao had appeared at this time.

A painless physique, what a coincidence!

The sword intent in the cave wouldn’t cause harm to people, but rather a kind of “neural” attack.

And since Ning Yuqiao couldn’t feel pain, wasn’t that equivalent to being directly “immune”?!

This was also why Wei Changtian had made that deal with Ning Yuqiao.

A 50-point Blood Exhaustion Fruit in exchange for a “free ride” worth 2000 points.

Worth it!


“I’m ready, Master.”

From noble mtl dot come

A moment later, a Communion Society member was standing at the cave entrance, with a rope tied around his waist and someone holding the rope tightly behind him.

“Okay, you go in and feel it out first. If there’s no problem, then take a few more steps in.”

Wei Changtian instructed seriously: “If he reacts abnormally, pull him out immediately!”

“We understand, Master!”

Everyone responded, and the man at the cave entrance took a deep breath, his expression serious but not overly panicked.

After all, Communion Society members were all “hardened criminals” who had been through thick and thin, and a mysterious mountain cave wasn’t going to scare them.


Under everyone’s gaze, the big man moved his hands and feet, slowly inserting half of his body into the cave.

Then, in the next second.


A painful scream instantly erupted in the forest, and the others quickly pulled the rope, immediately pulling him out.

The whole process took no more than a breath.

“What did you feel?”

Looking at the man who was lying on the ground, panting heavily, Wei Changtian asked with a frown.

“Forgive me, Master……”

The big man seemed to have recovered, but his tone was still trembling: “It was really too painful, like having thousands of small knives cutting my flesh nonstop……”

“And now?”

Wei Changtian asked again.

“There’s no feeling now.”


Wei Changtian nodded, giving up on the idea of personally experiencing it, and after a moment of contemplation, he opened his mouth to command Zhang San:

“Go inform the other brothers, and put all other tasks on hold. Everyone come here to keep watch over the mountain cave.”

“Day and night shifts, kill anyone who appears within a five-mile radius, no exceptions!”

“Yes, young master!”

Zhang San immediately bowed and accepted the order, then heard Wei Changtian continue:

“Go to the Wang Fu!”


About two hours later.

The black carriage stopped at a small alley not far from the Shun Wang Fu, but Wei Changtian didn’t get out of the carriage.

Logically speaking, since they had already found the mountain cave, he should let Ning Yuke fulfill her promise immediately.

Although, according to the novel’s normal progression, it would still be several months before Xiao Feng mistakenly entered the mountain cave and obtained the treasure, it seemed like there was plenty of time.

But what if it happened earlier?

Didn’t Chu Xianping’s plotline also get greatly accelerated?

So, to prevent Xiao Feng from “sticking his nose in,” the most correct approach would be to let Ning Yuke enter the mountain cave today, whether she succeeded or failed, as long as it didn’t get delayed.

In fact, Wei Changtian had originally planned to do so, but on the way, he suddenly thought of a question……

He had only just helped Ning Yuke remove her scar yesterday, and now he was letting her take risks…… wasn’t that a bit too heartless?

She had finally recovered her beauty, and if she really died in the mountain cave, wouldn’t that be like only enjoying a good day for a short while?

It felt like you worked hard your whole life, finally saved up to buy a house, and then the house got demolished by an earthquake on the second day of moving in……

“Young master, what do we do next?” Zhang San, who had been waiting for half a day, finally couldn’t help but ask.


Wei Changtian let out a sigh, helplessly saying: “Let’s go back.”

“Back to the fu?”


“Okay, young master.”

Zhang San didn’t question what Wei Changtian was planning, and was about to instruct the coachman to leave, but then turned back and whispered:

“Young master, there’s a carriage parked at the Wang Fu gate, seemingly belonging to the Princess of Rong An, about to leave.”

“If we drive out now, we’ll probably be discovered. What do you think……”


Wei Changtian was taken aback, pulled open the curtain, and took a look, only to find that it was indeed Ning Yuke.

Her white skirt was draped elegantly, with a pink silk belt tied loosely around her waist, and a white face veil fluttering in the wind.

Why was she still wearing a face veil?

Had she gotten used to it?

Wei Changtian slightly furrowed his brow, commanding Zhang San: “Tell the coachman to let them go first, and we’ll follow from behind.”



Another half hour passed.

The two carriages, one in front of the other, wandered around the city for half a day, and Wei Changtian finally followed Ning Yuke to…… his own home!

Good grief, it seemed she was looking for him!

Sitting in the carriage, Wei Changtian looked at Ning Yuke, who was standing at the gate chatting with Yuan Er, and felt quite speechless.

Although he didn’t know what the two of them had said, Ning Yuqiao’s visit was definitely to thank him for yesterday’s incident.

If he were at home now, it wouldn’t be a problem to see her.

However, since he could avoid it, it was better to minimize contact.

Wei Changtian had made up his mind not to show his face, while on the other side, Ning Yuqiao looked a bit disappointed as she handed something to Yue’er, then bowed her head and got into her carriage with quick steps.

“Rustle, rustle~”

As the sun gradually approached the horizon, the clouds at the edge of the sky were dyed a deep red by the afterglow.

The carriage with the “Shun” flag turned around and passed by the black carriage parked by the alley, their sides almost touching.

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