I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 139

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 139

“Master, Princess Rongan came by earlier.”

As soon as he entered the door, Yue’er reported to him in a timely manner: “I didn’t know when you would return, so I told her the truth.”

“The princess asked me to give you this, and then she left.”

“Okay, I know.”

Wei Changtian casually took a small wooden box, judging from its weight that the item inside was very light, probably a sachet or a handkerchief.

When he opened the box, it turned out to be a white sachet with golden threads, embroidered with the two characters “Ping An”.

A woman giving a man a sachet implied a certain meaning, but Wei Changtian found it strange that Ning Yuqiao had suddenly become so “open”.

It didn’t fit her usual personality.

Wei Changtian couldn’t understand and didn’t bother to think about it anymore.

He carelessly took out the sachet from the box, only to discover a letter underneath.

A love letter?

He raised an eyebrow, unfolded the letter, and quickly read it.

“Hmm? This…”

After a while, Wei Changtian gently put down the letter, his expression slightly changing.

But it wasn’t because he was moved; rather, he looked thoughtful.

Ning Yuqiao’s letter was short, expressing her emotions and mentioning one thing.

She was leaving.

She would be going with her sisters, Ning Yuzhu and Ning Yuling, to visit their fifth uncle, the King of Liangzhou, one of the four princes of the Ning family.

Liangzhou was the northernmost state of the Ning Kingdom, and it would take at least a month to get there from Shuzhou, plus the time they would spend there, so it was estimated that they wouldn’t return until the spring of next year.

Ning Yuqiao said she didn’t know why her father suddenly wanted her and her sisters to visit this uncle they had never seen before, but Wei Changtian understood the reason.

It seemed that Ning Qingyu had also received some unfavorable news about him.

This wasn’t surprising at all.

After all, even he had obtained some clues from three people that Ning Yongnian was going to make a move again, and Ning Qingyu probably had his собствен channels to gather information.

He knew he couldn’t escape, so he wanted to send his three daughters away.

But in Wei Changtian’s opinion, unless Ning Yongnian went crazy or suddenly became kind-hearted, none of the three sisters would be able to leave.

It had to be said that this King of Shun was even more foolish than he had imagined……

Wei Changtian raised an eyebrow, no longer thinking about Ning Qingyu and Ning Yongnian’s “fraternal strife”, but instead focusing on his own affairs.

Ning Yuqiao had mentioned in her letter that she would leave the city in ten days to head to Liangzhou and asked Wei Changtian when he would let her take that thing.

According to her meaning, if Wei Changtian hadn’t made arrangements yet,! he could only wait for her to return from Liangzhou to fulfill his promise, but……

You silly girl, you might not be able to come back once you leave.

Wei Changtian sighed inwardly, simultaneously deciding on a time.

Five days.

Five days later, Ning Yukuo would enter the cave to retrieve the treasure.

If she succeeded, the two of them would part ways, and whether Ning Yukuo lived or died afterwards would have nothing to do with him.

If she failed… well, he had already warned her about the risks, and Ning Yukuo wasn’t unaware of them.

Moreover, he had saved her family last time, so he didn’t owe her anything.

Thinking about this, Wei Changtian suddenly realized something—

It seemed that no matter what, Ning Yukuo was destined to die.


To be honest, Wei Changtian did feel a bit sorry for Ning Yukuo.

She hadn’t done anything wrong, yet she was ending up in such a predicament.

In the current state of Shuzhou City, there were at most two people who could save her life.

One was himself, and the other was Liang Zhen.

Aside from them, even Xiao Feng wouldn’t be able to do anything, let alone the struggling Shao Ying’an and others.

Liang Zhen wouldn’t bother with such a thing, and as for himself…

Forget it.

It had nothing to do with his “villain” persona; it was simply a matter of weighing the benefits.

He shook his head and gazed out the window.

Ying’er and Li Suoyue were hanging clothes, their movements quick and efficient. They soon finished hanging all the clothes, and the air was filled with the faint scent of soap.

Forget it; he couldn’t keep thinking about depressing things.

Wei Changtian suddenly stood up and walked to the door, calling out, “Lady Li, if you’re not busy, please come in. I have something to discuss with you.”

“Ying’er, brew some tea!”


After a while, Ying’er brought in the tea and poured a cup for each of them before quietly exiting the room.

Looking at the clear, sparkling tea in the cup, Li Suoyue knew that Wei Changtian must have something important to say.

“Master Wei, what instructions do you have for me?”

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“Ha ha, it’s not an instruction.”

Wei Changtian took a sip of tea and laughed, saying, “I was wondering, Lady Li, what do you think of Zhang San?”


Li Suoyue didn’t expect Wei Changtian to ask her that, but she vaguely guessed what he was getting at and couldn’t help but lower her head.

“Zhang Da-ge is a very good person.”



Li Suoyue didn’t know what to say, and Wei Changtian waited for a moment before directly asking:

“Lady Li, let me be blunt.”

“Master Wei, it’s been over three years since Wang Da-ge passed away. You’ve been raising your child alone, which is indeed difficult. Now that the mourning period is over… I’ll ask you straight out, have you ever thought about remarrying?”


Although Li Suoyue had been someone’s wife and even had a child, as a woman living in a feudal society, she naturally felt uneasy about this topic.

“M-master Wei, I haven’t thought about it…”

“How about now?”

Wei Changtian smiled, saying, “Zhang San has been with me for many years and is definitely a good man who values relationships.”

“He hadn’t had the time to get married and have children, but I, as the master, couldn’t bear to see him spend his old age alone, so I thought of arranging a marriage for him.”

“I don’t know what Madam thinks about it?”


Wei Changtian’s words were very direct, and Li Suoyue knew that as long as she nodded, her and her son’s future would be settled.

Li Suoyue wasn’t a heartless woman; sometimes, thinking of her late husband, she would secretly wipe away her tears…

However, she was just an ordinary woman, not a “die-rather-than-remarry” heroine.

After all, it was too difficult for a weak woman with a child to survive in a feudal society.

Moreover, through these few days of interaction, Li Suoyue genuinely felt that Zhang San wasn’t bad.

He didn’t talk much, but he was efficient in his actions, considerate towards himself, and had a good master like Wei Changtian.

The only thing was…

“Lord Wei, can I think about this some more?”

Li Suoyue raised her head, her expression a bit struggling.

“Of course you can.”

Wei Changtian nodded, and after seeing her expression, he suddenly asked another question.

“Madam, are you worried that Zhang San, being a fellow practitioner, might one day follow in Wang Dage’s footsteps?”


Li Suoyue was somewhat startled that Wei Changtian could guess her thoughts, and after a moment of silence, she lightly replied.


“Haha, Madam is worrying too much.”

Wei Changtian laughed and asked, “What do you think of my identity?”


Li Suoyue hesitated for a moment.

She had previously been a widow who rarely went out, unaware of Wei Changtian’s “glorious deeds,” so she didn’t know his true identity.

However, Li Suoyue knew that the people from the Xuanjing Bureau treated Wei Changtian with great respect, and added to that, the general’s daughter, Liang Qin, would often come to their place, calling him “Brother Changtian”…

“I don’t know, but I suppose you’re a noble and esteemed person.”

“Ah, Madam’s guess isn’t wrong.”

Wei Changtian nodded and smiled, “And Zhang San is one of my most trusted subordinates; do you understand my meaning?”

“I understand…”

Li Suoyue slightly hesitated, and her heart had an answer to the question of whether to remarry or not.

However, due to her pride as a woman, she didn’t dare to directly agree, and after chatting with Wei Changtian for a bit, she lowered her head and quickly walked out of the room.

“Hey? Sister Suoyue, why’s your face so red?”

Ying’er immediately curiously approached, her face full of curiosity.

“I, I…”

Li Suoyue was a bit embarrassed to speak, but she felt that this matter would eventually be exposed, so she stammered and said.

The clear evening breeze blew the two women’s skirts, and the clothes hanging on the wooden rack also slightly swayed.

Wei Changtian watched this scene from the window, and a thought suddenly occurred to him.

Ying’er and Li Suoyue, one a maid and the other a widow, were perhaps happier than Ning Yuke, the princess.

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