I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 140

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 140

After settling Li Suoyue and Zhang San’s matter, Wei Changtian’s previously somewhat suppressed mood also improved significantly.

I went to check on Ah Chun’s training, but instead, I was asked by the little girl, “Master, what were you doing with the lady in the room last night?” and my old face turned red.

I almost taught the child badly.

“I was practicing dual cultivation.”

Wei Chang Tian tried to brush it off, but Ah Chun had an inquiring mind and asked again, blinking her eyes.

“What is dual cultivation?”

“It’s when a male and female cultivator practice together, which can increase their efficiency.”

“Can I practice with Master too… ah!”

Ah Chun’s “tiger and wolf words” were only halfway spoken when she received a slap on the head, and she immediately covered her head, looking wronged.

“Master, did I say something wrong?”

“You’re not allowed to mention this again! Do you understand?”

“I understand…”

Ah Chun saw the lockstone in Wei Chang Tian’s hand and didn’t dare ask again, instead running off to help prepare dinner.

As she ran away, Wei Chang Tian stood in place, feeling puzzled, and rubbed his nose.

He didn’t know if it was his own misconception, but why did he feel that the people around him, no matter what their original personalities were, would become a bit “unbridled” after spending time with him?

There was Wang Er, Lu Jing Yao, Yang Liu Shi, Liang Qin… and now even Ah Chun was so “lively”?

Was it because he was too easy-going? Was his family education too lenient?

Alas, the values of modern civilization were still at play!


Dinner was a bit saltier than usual.

Today, Li Su Yue was in charge of cooking, and it seemed like she was distracted while cooking, adding two scoops of salt.

Wei Chang Tian didn’t say anything and ate his dinner, then went back to his room to read.

He had already finished reading “Shu State Geographic Records” and was currently researching some other rare books.

“The Examination of the Inner Chamber”, “The Wild History of the Embroidered Bed”, “The Art of Intimacy”, “The Fire-Avoidance Chart”… after meticulous research, Wei Chang Tian felt deeply moved –

it turned out that ancient people knew how to have fun.

Of course, he couldn’t always read these unhealthy books, and it was also necessary to stay informed about “current events” from time to time.

In this era, there was no television or internet, and the way news was spread was different from official and civilian channels.

The official channel was the “Government Gazette”, published monthly, which mainly recorded important events that had occurred recently and was sent from the capital to various state governments, and then distributed layer by layer, with the goal of ensuring the smooth flow of government orders.

As for civilian news media, it was mainly the storytellers in taverns and teahouses, as well as organizations like the “Tianji Building” that specialized in collecting and selling information.

These organizations made a living by collecting and selling information, and sometimes they would create some “rankings” that were quite sensational.

For example, the book Wei Chang Tian was holding was the latest “Daining Black and White Rankings”.

The thin booklet recorded two lists, the White List for chivalrous heroes and the Black List for evil people.

He didn’t know anyone on the White List, not even Xiao Feng’s name.

However, the Black List was different.

Good grief, it was all old acquaintances!

The top spot remained unchanged, his grandfather, Qin Zheng Qiu.

The second spot was also secure, his father, Wei Xian Zhi.

Qin Cai Zhen’s ranking had dropped due to her recent lack of killings, from fifth place to outside the top ten.

Another person who had fallen out of the top ten was the old ancestor, Wei Zhao Hai, who had been in seclusion on the third floor of the Wei Manor’s martial arts hall for a long time.

However, there was also “good news”, which was that after killing Liu Yuan Shan, Wei Chang Tian had successfully made it onto the list for the first time, ranking twenty-seventh!

Good grief, others were “one door, three heroes” or “one door, three officials”, but the Wei family was directly “one door, three evils”.

If you add the few seniors from the Tian Luo Sect who are also on the black list… it’s truly a “family of all evil people”.

Twenty-seven, a bit low, huh…

Wei Chang Tian tilted his head, fixing his gaze on his own profile.

Others had a long list of “evil deeds” following their names, while his was simple, with only one sentence.

【On the 9th of September in the 15th year of Tian Ji, he beheaded the current Prime Minister in the capital city.】

He didn’t know if there would be “heroes of justice” from the Jianghu who would come to avenge him after this list circulated.

If they came, it would be great to kill a few more heroes; his ranking might even rise again.

With a carefree attitude, Wei Chang Tian tossed the booklet aside, took a sip of tea, and suddenly had an idea.

Hmm? Should I create a newspaper?

Technically, it was still slightly lacking, but it wasn’t impossible to achieve.

The newspaper would make money, but more importantly, if it could be widely accepted by the people in the future, wouldn’t that mean he controlled the direction of public opinion?


Wei Chang Tian’s excitement grew as he thought about it, and without hesitation, he wrote a letter to Li Yang.

He detailed the concept and format of the newspaper in his mind and asked Li Yang to create a sample under the name of Chun Shen Bookstore.

“Zhang San!”

After reviewing the letter one last time, he called out to Zhang San, who entered the room.

“Send this letter back to the capital city tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, young master.”

Zhang San took the letter, about to leave, but noticed Wei Chang Tian smiling at him.

“Young master, is there anything else to instruct?”

“No instructions, but I chatted with Li about the two of you before dinner, and she said…”

Wei Chang Tian deliberately dragged out his words, making Zhang San stare with bated breath.

“Y-young master, is Li unwilling?”

“What do you think?”


Zhang San suddenly looked dejected, lowering his head in silence.

Wei Chang Tian thought this was what they called “iron man with a soft heart”? He didn’t tease him anymore, directly saying, “Although she hasn’t explicitly said so, I estimate she’s willing.”


Zhang San’s head jerked up, his face filled with joy: “Y-young master, is what you said true?”

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“Of course it’s true; can I deceive you?”

Wei Chang Tian glanced at him sideways, joking, “Zhang San, you’ve been following me for two or three months now; this is the first time I’ve seen you smile.”

“Letting young master see me smile.”

Zhang San’s expression was slightly embarrassed, but his tone was still excited: “I, Zhang San, a rough man, never dared to think I could marry someone like Li Shi…”

“If not for you, young master, I’d probably still be in the Ministry of Justice’s prison…”

“Stop, no need to say that.”

Wei Chang Tian waved his hand to interrupt Zhang San’s gratitude, smiling, “Since you two have feelings for each other, I think we should just expedite the process and settle the matter.”

“After all, Li Shi is remarrying, and it’s not suitable for a big ceremony; having a simple gathering at home with a few close friends would be enough… what do you think?”

“I’ll follow your lead, young master, but…”

Zhang San hesitated: “Young master, there are many things going on with the Gong Ji Association recently, and I’m afraid this matter might delay your important tasks; shouldn’t we wait a bit longer?”

“No need to wait.”

Wei Changtian shook his head: “Zhang San, in the future, you’ll have a wife and children, and you should spend more time with them. As for the matters of the Communion Society… someone will help you with that.”

Zhang San was taken aback: “Who do you mean, Young Master?”

“You’ve seen him.”

Wei Changtian’s voice was not loud, as if he was answering Zhang San, yet also seemed to be muttering to himself.

“Chu Xianping.”

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